♡ㅤwe got familyㅤ:ㅤ「 Kang Jaehyun 」

「 강 재현 」
hyun eomma 현 엄마 - ever since starting the show, jaehyun has been trying to get her kid/s to call her "hyun eomma." it took her a while, but once she got close enough to the kid/s, they started to call her it, while call her partner "appa" as well,
jae 재 - it's just the first syllable of her name. only close friends call her "jae."
BIRTHDATE february 28, 1996 + 19 and 20
BIRTHPLACE seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY 100% Korean blood
✘ korean fluent - korean is her first language. she's a born and raised korean, so Jaehyun's fluent.
✘ englsih conversational - all high school students in korea have to take english as a class and she's also learned more once she became a celebrity. she's not the best at english, but jaehyun can hold up a conversation.

FACECLAIM chang seungyeon gallery
BACKUP FACECLAIM im nayeon gallery
APPEARANCE Jaehyun is a fairly average sized girl, maybe she could be considered to be on the thin side. She's got a slightly round face shape, with high cheekbones and an amazing smile to match. She has big round, mono-lidded, eyes that seems to sparkle when she's happy. Jaehyun also has really pale skin that some people would want to have. She has an average bust size and her waist is pretty small. People always tell her that her and her siblings look alike, but they never see it themselves. Jaehyun has naturally black hair but currently it's dyed a slight red-brown color. It also reaches right below her bust, and since its naturally wavy, when she straightens it, it's even longer.
pinksweets- / Bunny / 8 out of 10

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✘ the begining of jaehyun age 0 - 8 born on the 28th of february, 1996, kang jaehyun was the third child of sunghyun and jaeri. As a child, jaehyun was a ball of sunshine and energy. she was always running around, jumping and yelling. even before she could speak cohearent sentences, jaehyun would continuously chatter in baby babble, at least, that was what she was told. as she got older, her parents decided to make use of her energy and placed her in ballet lessons with her older sister and singing and guitar lessons with her older brother, at age 8. and that's when she knew what she wanted to do when she was older. jaehyun fell in love with dancing and music. she had a natural nack for it, being very good at it, even though she was just a child. 

✘ the birth of a new celebrity age 8 - 13  even though she was still very young, jaehyun knew, she just knew, that she wanted to be an entertainer when she was older. now an idol, that's waht she was aiming for. she practiced very hard at her lessons throughout middle school, all while keeping up her grades. it wasn't until 2008, when she was 13, in her last year in middle school, that she got an offer to join jellyfish entertainment. it was her middle school talent show, jaehyun had signed up and worked really hard up until this point and she was performing a cover of SNSD's "into the new world." since she has been playing guitar and singing for five years, jaehyun had arranged the music herself, well her brother helped a bit. jaehyun had done very well, earning herself second place, right after kwon sungjoo, who performed a well choreographed dance. at the time, jellyfish entertainment was only a baby, a mere one year old, so they had been traveling around, looking for good talent. that's how they stumbled upon jaehyun. she was approached after the show by a scout, who told her about the company. her parents being the supportive people they are, told the scout that she would show up for auditions in two weeks time. now, becoming an idol was something jaehyun had wanted for so many years, and to finally have this opportunity, she was happy out of her mind. for two whole weeks, jaehyun spent all her free time practicing for her audition, since she didn't want to mess it all up. She sang magolpy's "flying girl," and did very well at her audition. a week later, jellyfish contacted jaehyun once again and accepted her as a trainee.

✘ training and debutng age 13 - present jaehyun spent her teenage years balancing school and training. for five years, jaehyun put her heart and soul into training. she got close to other trainees as well, including the vixx boys who debuted in 2012. jaehyun, herself, didn't debut until summer of 2014, when she debuted as vixx's first female artist. she was a soloist who wrote most of her own title songs, including her debut song, "shouldn't have" which featured vixx's hyuk. her debut song gained a lot of recognition and she became quite popular. with a few million hits on youtube, jaehyun finally felt like she was living out a dream. currently, jaehyun is working on her next comeback, all while appearing on a few variety shows.
✘ the good jaehyun likes to be independent, meaning that she doesn't like being tied down and told what to do. She often was the one looking after her siblings and the house when her parents weren't home, even though she wasn't the oldest. She also has a way with words, where she knows what to say and when to say it. She speaks confidently and the tone in her words has everyone listening. jaehyun is one of the most caring people out there. With her image, jaehyun is the outgoing, talkative girl. She's good at socializing and likes making friends. Her attitude about things give off a certain charm that just draws people in. Ever since she was little, jaehyun has always been observant. She can always read other people like a book.

 and the bad jaehyun is the type of person who cannot stand staying still. She always has to move and fidget around. Despite her being observant, jaehyun can be dense at times, especially when it comes to others feeling and even her own. Whenever she's not dancing, jaehyun tends to trip on nothing and run into walls since she's not paying attention. This surprised many people because who would've thought that she's good at dancing, would be so clumsy. jaehyun also tends to fall for the smallest things. She's easy to play tricks on since she's so gullible and easy going, so everybody knows she won't get revenge.

Dancing : She often expresses her emotions when she dances. Lately, she's been trying out hula dancing.
Tutu-esqe dresses : jaehyun is in love with dress that have poofy skirts. She feels like a princess whenever she wears one. 
Organization : Being the person she is, jaehyun has to make everything pretty and pristine. All that she does and is involved in has to be up to her standards of organization.
Rainy days : Rainy days are peaceful to her. jaehyun likes to listen to the pitter-patter of the rain while curled up in a blanket with a book, listening to her favorite classical music.
Sweets : jaehyun can devour anything sweet. She has such a gigantic sweet tooth that she carries candy in her pocket for whenever she needs sugar

Confined spaces : She can't spend an extensive amount of time in small spaces. She can last a short elevator ride, but even then jaehyun's holding her breath the entire time.
Blood and gore : Her older brother always used to freak jaehyun out by watching movies. The fear has followed her even into her young adult years.
Open water : When she was little, she was at the beach with her brother and cousins. She was swimming, when a large wave took her out into open water. Her older cousin had to swim out and get her.
The color green : The color reminds her of vomit, and that's never good.
Intense heat : She just likes the cold better. jaehyun also tends to get sick easily when it's hot. She's not too sure why.

✘ Her favorite Disney movie is Tangled.

✘ she's a host of inkigayo since january 2015.
✘ she's really close to the vixx boys.
✘ Her favorite K-Pop group in general is 2PM.
✘ She cries easily.
✘ She tends to curse often, but most people don't hear her.
✘ When she can't sleep, she'll call her one of her siblings.
✘ She's really flexible.
✘ She wakes up the latest.
✘ she Has an obession with popcorn.
✘ She has an Instagram, snapchat, and Twitter under the name @jaethebae.
✘ She can hit whistle notes.
✘ She gets really light headed around blood.
✘ Her iPhone 6s is her life.

✘ her and her siblings are known to be the talented kangs around their neighborhood.
[ hover over blue circles for face claims ]

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✘ kang sunghyun50electrician
jaehyun and her father aren't particularly close, as jaehyun would say that she's closer to her mother. still, her father loves her very much, even spoiling her every so often, since she is the youngest child. he watches over her like any father would. her father is also very supportive of jaehyun being an idol. they try to talk every day, but sometimes their schedules don't match.

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✘ kang jaeri47high school principal
jaehyun and her mother are as close as they could be. her mother is always the one she goes to for help with anything, school, money, boys, you name it. jaehyun always says that her mother gives the best advice, and most of the time, she does. jaehyun is constantly texting her mother, since jaehyun tends to get into sticky situations quite often.

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✘ kang jihyunㅤ25ㅤdance instructor
jihyun is the eldest of the kang siblings, therefore, she always watches over her younger siblings, keeping them out of trouble and covering for them when they need it. when it comes to jihyun and jaehyun, they're like best friends more than sisters. when they both have time, the kang sisters tend to go shopping and have brunch together, sometimes sungmin tags along, but most of the time it's just jihyun and jaehyun gossipping and helping each other out with boy problems.

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✘ kang sungmin23composer
some might say that sungmin and jaehyun are like partners in crime. when they were little, they loved to play pranks on their parents and older sister, even now, they'll sometimes team-up to come up with a whole elaborate plan that'll fool anyone. as jaehyun's older brother, sungmin will fight, and he means it literally, any guy who comes near his precious little sister. a lot of his friends, and some of jaehyun's, compares him to a dragon locking a princess up in a tower.

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✘ bae joohyun24idol in red velvet
irene and jaehyun met when red velvet came to inkigayo and they introduced themselves backstage. the two girls actually got along well, eventually becoming good friends. they usually text each other and send weird selfies. some might think that they've been friends forever by the way the talk, but in reality it's only been almost a year.
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✘ im hyunjoo18model
hyunjoo and jaehyun became aquainted with each other during a photoshoot the both of them were participating in. the two of them were doing a pairs shot, when jaehyun kept cracking jokes, causing the both of them to laugh. after that photoshoot the two of them became quite close.

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✘ han sanghyuk23idol in vixx
hyuk has been there for jaehyun since he joined the company. enough though she hadn't known him as long as the other vixx boys, she still felt the closest to him, due to their ages being near each other. jaehyun trusts him a lot and sees hyuk as another older brother. they often talk and everything and love to joke around the company building.

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✘ kwon seuri19university student
seuri and jaehyun have been friends since they were in diapers. they grew up together, since their parents were best friends, and naturally became good friends themselves. nowadays, they don't see each other often, with their conflictin schedules and everything, but still make time for each other once a month for their monthly best friend movie night with minhyuk as well.

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✘ song minhyuk19university student
minhyuk and jaehyun had originally met in dance class when they were 8. the two of them were partnered up, jaehyun, being the girl she is, tried befriending minhyuk. it took a few classes, but soon enough minhyuk opened up to jaehyun as well. throughout their childhood it was always minhyuk, jaehyun, and seuri. now, as young adults, they don't have enough oppotunities to spend togther, but they still hang out once a month.

[ writing in blue is for the back-up ]
BIRTHDATE April 12, 1994 NOVEMBER 27, 1992
AGE 21 + 22 22 + 24
RELATIONSHIP PERSONA the pretty boy and independent princess the perfect pair
✘ hunnie oppa


Sehun is the boy who always has that sort of stoic look on his face. He looks in a way intimidating at first glance. Even as menacing as he looks, Sehun still manages to pull people in with his charming smile and pretty face. When he talks to people he barely knows, he'll act charismatic and sweet. He be polite and friendly, just an over all likable person. Just from his looks, most people wouldn't think that Sehun is as mature as he really is. To be honest, he's probably more mature than most people in EXO, but as the maknae he keeps up a immature and playful image. As you get into a different layer of his personality, you can see a side of him that most people see, though it has a different layer to it when he's not in the public eye. Sehun can be cute, like a child in a way. He's got that part of him that makes many girls spoil him, which kinda got to his head. He can compete for being spoiled with Jaehyun, because the two of them combined would clean out someone's wallet. Around the people he trusts the most, Sehun can be a melodramatic, sarcastic boy who gets on some people's nerves with his attitude. He tends to over-exaggerate things and then when people ask if he's telling the truth, he'll give them this look, and say the sassiest, most sarcastic thing ever. 

Happy. That's what most people would call Park Chanyeol. No matter what, as long as he's been alive, Chanyeol has always smiled. He's the type of person to always look on the bright side, to always see a positive side of things. No one has ever seen him anything but happy. Chanyeol likes making friends, as it is an easy thing for him to do. Usually he's always surrounded by people, conversing with them and making them laugh. Chanyeol likes being around people and making them pleased. Underneath his happy facade, when he finally let's his walls down, is a man who has troubles and insecurities, just like everyone else. Chanyeol, though, likes to keep his feelings to himself. If her were to tell someone about how he feels, Chanyeol would presume that he's just being a burden to him, so he tends to stay to himself. What no one realizes is that Chanyeol is extremely clingy. When he meets someone he knows will be best to keep by his side, he'll become attached to them at the hip, always hanging out with them and the such. He also likes to over-exaGgerate, a lot. Telling stories is his thing, no one really minds, or notices really, if he strETCHES  the truth a little.

SEHUN AND JAEHYUN have been friends for a little over a year, since they met backstage at a music show back in 2014. sehun, along with the rest of exo, introduced themselves to her, since she's acquainted with vixx, and exo was too. sehun and jaehyun had gotten along quite well and have been talking and hanging out since. some could say that jaehyun as a huge small crush on sehun. she's been her exo bias since they had debuted in 2012, when she was still a trainee. so, jaehyun tends to try and act more cutesy and flirty around him, but it's so subtle, [because jaehyun so much at flirting] that it goes right over sehun's head and he doesn't really notice. as for sehun's feelings, jaehyun has no clue because sehun likes to keep his feelings to himself.
when they learned they would be doing this show together, they were happy is was with someone they were friends with, well jaehyun was happy because she could pretend to have a child with the man of her dreams sehun. before, they only talked on the phone, through text, and the occasional meet-up, but now, they would be living together and raising a child. once they show is in full swing, most people are surprised that sehun and jaehyun aren't dating, due to how much like a actual married couple they are, minus the skinship. jaehyun tends to do most of the work when it comes to household things and the kid/s, but sehun helps out sometimes. as they show progresses, so does their relationship and their feelings. [i left the ending a bit vague, maybe they end up together or not, i'll let you decide, if that's okay. ]

the perfect pair met over a year ago, in 2014. they met backstage at a music show and they were aquainted, but didn't hit it off as well as sehun and jaehyun did. they've only talked a few times, contacting each other every few weeks or so, but that was it. jaehyun was a bit too awkward around chanyeol, she didn't know why, usually she was super energtic, but around him, she felt shy. the same went for chanyeol, he felt super awkward around her too. 
when the were paired up for the tv show, they were relieved that it was someone they at least were aquainted with. for a while, they were known as the awkward couple. they were always cautious and shy around each other that someone could cut the tension between them with a knife. it was that bad. but after two weeks or so, they got comfortable being around each other, they got to know one another more and soon enough they knew each other like the back of their hand. they fell into the swing of things quite well and found out how well the complimented one another. they were soon dubbed the perfect pair, after finding out they can work with each other like a well-oiled machine. romantic feelings never developed between the two of them, and more-so they became best friends.

✘ sehun and jaehyun act like actual parents on the show, surprising many that a "couple" so young could be so good at what they're doing.
✘ fans call them the "hyunhun" couple.
✘ jaehyun mainly does all the cooking and cleaning and such, taking the mother role very seriously. sehun tries to help but she always kicks him out, wanting to do it all herself.
✘ sehun has met jaehyun's siblings when she left she skype on while she went to the restroom and he passed by. they gave him the talk a "stern talking to" which was aired and jaehyun proceeded to complain to them.
✘ jaehyun forces sehun to take millions of selfies with the children and she's always posting stuff on social media about them and the kids. 
✘ they've almost been caught in a dating scandal before, when they were having a coffee date get-together, but the rumors quickly dispirsed once other members of exo joined them.
✘ jaehyun steals clothes from sehun's wardrobe.
✘ they go on a first official date with their kid/s.

✘ chanyeol and jaehyun will sing duets around their home, much to the enjoyment of their kid/s.
✘ they show skinship sometimes. chanyeol might wrap an arm around her shoulder while she's cooking or jaehyun will rest her head on his shoulder.
✘ fans actually support them in being a couple, since a lot want the perfect pair to be cannon.
✘ jaehyun looks super tiny when standing next to him.
✘ chanyeol helps her write music sometimes, and might even feature on her next album.

[ writing in blue is for the back-up ]
BIRTHDATE March 11, 2013 march 15, 2013
AGE 2 + 3 2 + 3
✘ ash / ashie
 child "CHILD, PLEASE"

 DOuble seo
 little babies "come 'ere my little babies"

TAEOH is a ball of energy. he absolutely loves to run around and play games. taeoh can pull a bunch of aegyo and what not, so he's super cute he yells quite often, but it's so adorable no one really minds. though sometimes, he tends to be a bit selfish, never really sharing, food especially. his parents are working on it, but it's a work in progress. taeoh also tends to be a bit stubborn and scared when he first meets people, but then once he gets close to them, he turns into an energetic chatterbox. he's at the age most people would call the terrible twos, but he's growing out of it, into the troublesome threes that is. he's becoming a bit distructive and can cause a mess, but a little scolding and he's good.

seoeun and seojun have their own little traits that make them their own. lately seojun has become quite the talker, and he can pull cute faces on command. seoeun is a little bratty and cries from time to time, but he's still as cute as his brother. together, the two of them are an adorable set of twins that no one can resist.

taeoh and jaehyun hit it off very well at the start. taeoh is, like he usually is with strangers, a bit scared and stubborn to talk to her. but jaehyun has learned from watching his show that she needed to appeal to his interest, specifically superheros, and quickly gains his trust. surpirsingly, jaehyun is able to calm him down very quickly and she gushes over him like her own child. taeoh was nervous and scared at first, being in a new enviornment away from his family, but jaehyun, with sehun's help, got him to adapt and learn to love his fake family. during their time togther, jaehyun is able to teach taeoh not to be so selfish and she's very paitent with him, so they ge along very well. sometimes sehun feels left out, so jaehyun always tells taeoh tor run to his "handsome appa" and give him a big kiss.

with the twins, seojun and jaehyun are a pair, while sehun and seoeun are the other pair. this is basically them playing favorites, but really, they love both of them the same, they just get along better. it was really hard to get the twins to adjust to their new home, seeing as the two of them are so attached to their father, but, with a lot of paitence and coaxing, the twins are soon comfortable with sehun and jaehyun that they can calm down and sleep at night. 

✘ taeoh favors jaehyun over sehun.
✘ since taeoh knows jongin, sehun's bandmate, sehun will facetime with jongin just so taeoh can see one of his favorite hyungs.
✘ taeoh always ask for sehun and jaehyun to buy him things, usually he pulls a cute face and jaehyun will give in.
✘ for the first few weeks, taeoh cannot fall asleep if he isn't curled up inbetween jaehyun and sehun.
✘ jaehyun usually will sing to him when taeoh feels anxious and scared.

✘ seojun likes jaehyun and seoeun likes sehun.
✘ they like to mess around after they are cleaned up and will run around the place until sehun and jaehyun catch them.
✘ jaehyun often tries to make simple foods with the twins, like kimbap.
✘ seojun sleeps on sehun's right side and seoeun sleeps on jaehyun's left side, each different pair cuddling with each other.
if you do choose chanyeol to end up being her partner in the show, i suggest still having sehun as a love interest. maybe it would work out, but maybe not. 
maybe adding in parts where the different couples and their kids go out to a trip to jeju or something so all the kids can have fun!
i hope you like jaehyun! please do tell me if there's anything i should change.

PASSWORD hyunhun


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