the second rejection

It was my second semester in college and after the confession he gave last time. I haven't been much in contact with him. I mean, who would. It's so embarrassing talking to him. But sometimes we'd see each other, but that's like, once a week.

And I don't have much of a feeling for him afterwards, and I had a feeling he's not into me anymore.


During the finals, I have problems with my classmates. I was just joking with them, but they took it seriously, and if that's not just the only problem, they have this bad habit of spreading it amogest them. Since they're so anti with me. IDK either why. You know the concept, "Haters will hate". But I was always this loner and always hung out with one of the college cook. She's kind and always fed me when I don't have spare change and stuff.

By that time, I'd see him pass by and he'd offer me a smile. It's nice to see him offering smiles, if only my classmate is not so envious. They spread rumors that I'm a two-timer and what-so-ever. I came to hate seeing him, cause I don't want them to spread rumors anymore. So I ignore him most of the time.

One night, he texted me and ask how was my day, how was finals going. I didn't know why but I told him that I don't like him hanging out with me.

He said;

"When you're the smartest person in the room, then maybe you're in the wrong room"

Means, if you feel like you don't belong there, then maybe it's not YOU that is the problem, it's THE PERSON in the room, and he said I should just ignore them,

He comforted me often afterwards.


Almost one week before semester break. I had the courage to ask him about his confession. I ask him,

"That was some courage you had, but that was the past, you must have gotten over me right? But I still had that love letter you gave! I can use it as a threat to your future wife one day, HAHA"

Then he replied.

"Of course not, I never stopped loving you since"



I need to reject him again?!


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I agree with @sekaii, just stay as friends since he seems much sweeter than the other 'friends'
hey maybe one day you will develop feelings for him but then he might have moved on.
as of right now, you'd be better off as friends. it seems like the group you hang out with isn't so good. this sounds a lot like the drama I've dealt with in highschool and not so much college, but make new friends. I know it's hard to make new friends but you are better off with people who appreciate you and not talk behind your back.