(  永世 )  EON / Song Ha Eun。


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Song Ha Eun


+ BIRTH NAME Song Haeun ( 송하은)


- Cat lover (She loves cats)
- Eunnie (Her parents like to call her that)


+ BIRTH DATE 11th March 1994






- Korean (Fluent) - Native speaker
- Japanese (Conversational) - She learned when she started to became trainee in the company




+ FACECLAIM Irene - Red Velvet




+ HEIGHT & WEIGHT  162 cm / 45 kg






vanessa_90 / Nessa / 8 / 10



"Leave me alone. I just want to have fun."


Positive: Mature l Independent l Diligent l Cheerful
Negative: Insecure l Stubborn l Vulnerable l Envious

Haeun used to be a cheerful girl who always very energetic. She is mature and independent. She hates to depend on others. She likes to do everything herself, her own way.  She was kind of stubborn on rejecting anyone who willing to offer a help. Although she is young, she gives off the mature aura, rarely showing a childish side of her. Unlike some members in her group, she doesn't bring trouble to the group. She takes care of her dongsaengs like a unnie. She is very over protective of her members, like they are her sisters. Sunah was  a only child. She craved for a sister to be with. She always protect them from being harm and hurt. 


Haeun took pride of bring a trainee as she works very hard in order to debut. She often gets mistakes easily on her singing and dancing; always get scolding by the staff the most. She work twice as hard as any trainees in the company, often stay up late till midnight by herself in the practice, brushing up on her singing and dancing. She never doubts herself in her capability and never complaint about how hard the training is and continued to push herself. She pushed herself too hard that she often hurt herself during practices or getting a sore throat when she sings too much. The reason oh her working hard as she is always insecure about her looks, singing and dancing. She always places herself last in visual ranking among the pretty girls. She kinds of shrug it off when people compliment on her pretty face. Within her heart, she knew they say that only to make her happy but the reality that they think she is ugly. ​



Haeun was born on March 11, 1994 as the only child of Song Seyong and Kim Minhee. Her arrival had brought joy to the family and she was raised like a precious princess. As a child, she rarely gets scolding by her parents as they treated her like a treasure. She got a simple and loving life, living with her parents at Seoul. Her parents owned a bakery at the street of gangnam. From young, Haeun had only one dream and that was to stand on stage to perform. She had been dreaming this for ages. She often thought this only wishful thinking. She always stared at TV sadly, watching idol performing on stage in fun. Her father knew about it and began secretly saving money. He enrolled Heun to enter singing and dancing academy when Haeun's celebrate her 10th birthday. Haeun was surprised at first but knowing her father used his hardworking money for her fees made her feeling sad. Without failing her father, she practices hard to make her father proud. After two years of training in the academy, her instructor recommended Haeun to take part in CS Entertainment audition. She agreed. With the help of her instructor, she entered the audition and makes it in with her first try. She was overjoyed and breaks the news to her instructor as well as her parents. They were happy for Haeun as she is finally one step ahead of fulfilling her dream.

Haeun began her trainee's life by practicing hard. It was fate was not on her side as she started being criticized on her singing and dancing for showing no improvement. The training was getting harder and harder as the days went on. The first thing came into her mind that she might become one of them if she did not work enough. Haeun thought of quitting as she watched a few trainees before her left the company due to hardship of the training. But she refused to give up. She did not want to see her father's disappointed face and not wanting to waste his hard work on spending so much money on her. So she continued to work hard and began to improve. She stays at the practice room to brush up until late midnight then she went back to her dorm. Haeun was once a possible candidate to be debuted along with a few other trainees but got eliminated. She watched most trainees who came in before her or even after her debuted except her. She was the only one who had been in the company for more than 5 years. She often gets hate comments from other trainees and the instructors were harsh to her, treated her badly than anyone.

Being a trainee for more than 5 years with showing no improvement and a nobody to people had caused a huge traumatic change for her. She did not remembers how long she had been in the company and how many times her contract was being renewed. The world came crushing her down like nothing and she began to lose her sanity. She started to distance away from people and skipped a few training lessons. She slept later than anyone and stopped having a proper meal. At night, she would go to club and loosen herself in alcohol most of the time. No one questioned about her whereabouts of being disappeared for hours as she knew they didn’t care about her. Her existence was nothing but a worthless. Her depression got worsen that she started question herself if she is worthy to continue her dream.  Her life continued miserable, she started to stop trusting anyone other than her parents. Her parents did not know about her depression and thought their daughter was doing fine. 



Song Seyong | Father | 50 | owns an Italian restaurant | Caring, protective, kind, funny, outgoing l He is known as a family man who loves his family very much.  He cares and protects them, not wanting any harm to his loves ones. To Haeun, he is her hero. Without him, she won't become what she is right now.  For her past 21 years, he had been kind and supportive of her, treats her as his little princess. 

Kim Minhee | Mother | 48 | owns an Italian restaurant | Independent, dominant, hardworking, caring, polite l she is an independent and hardworking mum who had total control of the household. She cares for her family. She is being well known for politeness within the neighborhood. She greeted nicely at people never yell at anyone. 

Park Chanyeol | Friend but not really close | 23 | Idol - EXO | Trustworthy, cheerful, sociable, caring l Haeun and Chanyeol were childhood friends from young. Chanyeol was very caring towards to Haeun. He is the friend who willing to offer Haeun a  shoulder to cry on.  

Jeon Haeran | Fellow members | 20 | Idol - EON | Talkative, thick-skinned, demanding, spoiled l Haeran is someone who is talkative and thick-skinned. She is very demanding about everything and got no shame at all. Haeun is afraid of staying too close with Haeran as she won't know what is the meaning of leaving someone alone. Haeran always does the humiliating things which Haeun doesn't like.

- Go clubbing
- Drink alcohol
- Color black
- Listening to music
- Cats
- Being lazy
- Romance stories
- Mushroom
- Lair and Cheater
- Being order around
- Being disturb when sleeping
- Clowns
- Going to park and feeds stray cats
- Go clubbing and drinking
- Sleeping if got free time
Play with cats wherever she sees them
- Sleep in very late at night and wake up late
- Talking gibberish when drunk 
- Allergic to mushroom
- She is a cat lover. She smile whenever she saw cats. 
- She got ear piercing on both ears
- She is black belt in Taekwondo
​- She can dance hip-hop, jazz and modern dance
- She is flexible
- She had a teddy bear on her bed that Chanyeol gave her when they were young
She has a strong heart and don't scared easily. She keeps her face expressionless. (That why she loves horror movies so much)
- She hates people being too close to her liking
- She got trust issue (She don't trust people easy) 
- She get drunk when after her tenth drink
- She spills out every whatever words that had been keeping inside of her when she drunk. 


- Instagram @ Euni_94
​- Twitter @ Euni_94







"If you need a shoulder lean on, come to me. I'll make you forget"


+ LOVE INTEREST Park Chanyeol - EXO







Chanyeol is a cheerful and funny guy in his group, consider a mood maker of the group, bring laughter to everyone. Happy Virus is his name. He is super energetic non-stop for 24/7. Whenever anyone down, he will tried his best to cheer them up, even his jokes sound stupid. He hated seeing people being upset. He has a reversal charm, his cute and fluffy image coexist with his chic and arrogant image. He is cute and fluffy when he does fan service for his fans. He loves to show his puppy look towards his fans and s (when he tries to get something from s or in front of someone he likes). He is chic and arrogant when he is on stage showing his low tone rap, making many fans go crazy. 

Chanyeol is confident about himself. He can plays many instruments such as guitar, bass, drums, piano and many more. He loves to compete with each other in his group. Sometimes his confidence can gets him into awkward situation He place himself as the visual or the face of the group, which most of s disagree. He doesn't care what others say, but he still believes he is the one. Chanyeol seems to act comfy around girls and makes jokes with them. He sometimes would engage a little skinship with them. He may look like a play boy but he is a very romantic person. He loves to plan surprise events for someone he likes, like bring out her to a date, writes songs, sending flowers and etc. He is they type of boyfriend that every girls want. 


Haeun and Chanyeol were childhood friends from young. They were next dooe neighbours. They always hang out with each other most of the time, sharing secrets with each other and seek comfort when one of them are upset. They were cheerful with each other. sadly, Haeun and her parents had to move due to some reason. Chanyeol could not bare to see Haeun leave and when on the day of Haeun's leaving, Chanyeol gave Haeun a teddy bear as a goodbye gift. They lost contact with each other afterwards.
After so many years had past, Haeun and Chanyeol met again at an unusual place, a club. Chanyeol and s were celebrating their ' Call Me Baby' comeback win at the club. When Chanyeol came out from the washroom, he bumped onto someone. The person seemed like to have drunk as she had a hard time of walking. Chanyeol wanted to apologized but when he saw the person's face, he immediately recognized that it was Haeun, his long lost childhood friend. He hardly recognized as Haeun had changed a lot since they separate. Chanyeol was defintely happy to see again. On other hand, Haeun did not seem too happy to see Chanyeol as she broke down in front of him and talked gibberish about her life being . Chanyeol was stunned b Haeun's out burst and wonder what had happen to her.
Later, Chanyeol noticed that Haeun visit the club frequently and always drown herself with alcoholic drinks.. When she drunk, she would talked gibberish. This is not the Haeun he knew from years ago. The old Haeun were very cheerful and sweet. Chanyeol decided to took care of haun like how he treated her when he was young. On other hand, Haeun would ignore Chanyeol and told him off by leaving her alone even though Chanyeol kept coming back. Chanyeol willing to offer Haeun a shoulder to lean on  and  brought her back to her dorm when Haeun was too drunk to walk home herself. 




+ FUTURE RELATIONSHIP STATUS Haeun finally notices Chanyeol's true feeling towrds her is real after Chanyeol stays by her side and never leave her just like what all people did to her. Even though Haeun told Chanyeol to stop caring about her and leave her alone, he still always comes back for her with his usual smile. Haeun decided to give Chanyeol a change and maybe date him. 














+ TALENT TWIN Seulgi - Red Velvet        ( Wendy Red Velvet)


+ SPEAKING TWIN Irene - Red Velvet








+ COMMENTS I finally finish the app. I think my code got mess up so the app look  kind of different. I don't know how to fix it. 


- When Chanyeol carries Haeun on his back when Haeun was drunk. She is talking gibberish again. She unintentionally confessing to Chanyeol that she likes him a lot, making Chanyeol feels happy.
- The Light by The Ark 


+ PASSWORD is there one? I don't think so. 





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