Last Hope (BAP fic, click to subscribe!)

With the great help of my even greater muse I finally got a plot for the bap fic that's still number 2 in the votings and wrote the description just now~



I lost my husband two months ago. He was the sweetest and kindest being on earth. I was lucky to have been married to him. My beautiful Zelo ... He did not run away or whatever you may think right now. He was taken from me, violently. The worst of all this was: His corpse has never been found. The only traces of this horrible act have been hints of a fight and lots of blood. Too much blood for him to still be alive, said the police. There were no traces of the bastard that did that to him, the police was totally clueless and was investigating in all directions, yet into none that was helpful. 

It all happened while I was on a longer business trip in the States. I will tell you something in private, it's only between me and you, okay? 

Okay, so ... I know, it might sound strange but I am completely sane, I swear! I can feel my husband around me. As if he is still alive and calling for me, that he misses me and wants to be with me.



Click Here if you want to read the first chapter (will be up by the weeend or next week). If anyone wants to make a poster for me, I would be very happy! The protagonists are Himchan, Yongguk and Zelo!


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