❝ e l y s i a n ❞ — bunny kang

pinksweets- / bunny / 5
Full Name  Bunny Kang
Jaehyun / When she was growing up, her parents gave her and her brother Korean names. It's technically the name on her birth certificate.

— Bun-Bun / Her brother calls her Bun-Bun and he's the only one who gets to call her this.

Birthdate  02/28/1996 (19)
Birthplace  Toronto, Canada
Hometown  Toronto, Canada
Ethnicity  Korean
English / Bunny was born and raised in Canada, until she was 14. She's fluent.

Korean She grew up speaking Korean around the house with her parents. Bunny also has been living in Seoul since 2010. She's not entirely fluent, she still doesn't know most slang terms, and her grammar could use some work as well.
t h e   a n g e l   f a c e


Face Claim  Twice's Im Nayeon (gallery)
 Lovelyz's Jung Yein (gallery)

 165 cm
 48 kg
 Bunny is a fairly average sized girl, maybe she could be considered to be on the thin side. She's got a angular face shape, with high cheekbones and an amazing smile to match. She has big round eyes that seems to sparkle when she's happy. Bunny also has really pale skin that some people would want to have. She has an average bust size and her waist is pretty small. People always tell her that her and her older brother look alike, but they never see it themselves. Bunny has naturally black hair but currently it's dyed a slight red-brown color.

 Bunny likes to wear collared shirts, tank tops, high waisted anything, and boots. Things of this nature are usually her go to outfit. Sometimes she also likes to wear baggy sweaters and half jackets that end at her waist. When it comes to make-up, Bunny likes to wear minimal to none. She thinks that's she confident enough without the make up, so most of the time she just puts on a little concealer, eyeliner, and lip balm.

b u t   f a c e   a r e n ' t   j u s t   e v e r y t h i n g

Personality Traits 
[ + ] Creative, Independent, Optimistic
[ o ] Spunky, Observant
[ - ]  Finicky, Dense, Clumsy, Gullible

Elaboration  Bunny likes to be independent, meaning that she doesn't like being tied down and told what to do. She often was the one looking after her siser and the house when her parents weren't home, even though she wasn't the oldest. She also has a way with words, where she knows what to say and when to say it. She speaks confidently and the tone in her words has everyone listening. Bunny is one of the most caring people out there. With her image, Bunny is the outgoing, talkative girl. She's good at socializing and likes making friends. Her attitude about things give off a certain charm that just draws people in. Ever since she was little, Bunny has always been observant. She can always read other people like a book.

Bunny is the type of person who cannot stand staying still. She always has to move and fidget around. Despite her being observant, Bunny can be dense at times, especially when it comes to others feeling and even her own. Whenever she's not dancing, Bunny tends to trip on nothing and run into walls since she's not paying attention. This surprised many people because who would've thought that she's good at dancing, would be so clumsy. Bunny also tends to fall for the smallest things. She's easy to play tricks on since she's so gullible and easy going, so everybody knows she won't get revenge.

 Bunny is the second child of Justin and Brittney Kang. Born on Februrary 28,1996, ever since she was a little baby, Bunny was full of energy and a ball of sunshine. As she grew older, her parents decided to put her in something, so she can use her energy to do something productive. It started off with ballet and piano lessons when she was 6. Then it moved on to the violin and jazz. As she got older and older, Bunny became very good at playing the piano, violin, guitar and ukelele. She could also dance ballet, tap, jazz, and contemperary by the time she was 13. At age 14, her brother and her auditioned to join JYP. her parents were skeptical at first, seeing as Bunny was still a minor, but supported her once she got accepted. [ the rest is in the trainee past section]

Father / Justin Kang / 5 / Justin and Bunny have a very special father daughter relationship. He tends to spoil her a lot and she's daddy's little girl. Even though their parents say they don't have favorites, Justin's is obviously Bunny [ her mom's favorite is her brother so its okay ] Even now, while Justin lives in Tornoto and Bunny is in Seoul, they always make time to text each other and talk.

— Mother / Brittney Kang / 4 / While Brittney is not as close to her daugter as her husband is, they're still pretty close. Brittney is the one Bunny goes to when she needs advice with "girl things" which happens more than you would think.
Older Brother / Brian Kang / 5 / Brian and Bunny are as close as siblings can get. When they were children, they were known as the kids who loved music, along with Brian's friends too. They had originally got accepted into JYP together, but Bunny ended up leaving. When Brian's group, DAY6, had debuted in September 2015, she was so happy for him. She went to their debut concert and everything. No one knows that their siblings yet, but it'll be revealed in due time.
— Friend / Haruka Shun / 3 / Shun and Bunny are the closest people, but they do have their talks sometimes. Bunny sees her as her "deep conversation" friend and she finds it really easy to talk to her. Normally, Bunny just says random things, but when she's talking to Shun, it becomes deep and emotional.

a n g e l ' s   s p o t l i g h t
Stage Name  Jaehyun / She thought that she should use her Korean name as a stage name so she feels, in a way, more connected to her Korean roots.
 The Hyperactive Maknae
 Maknae, Vocalist, Dancer, Rapper
Backup  Visual, Lead Vocal

 Im Nayeon (Kim Yerin [ Yeri ])
Rap  Bae Joohyun [ Irene ] ( Moon Byul Yi [ Moonbyul ])
Dance  Im Nayeon (Kim Seulgi)
Talk  Im Nayeon (Kim Yerin [ Yeri ])
t h e   h a r d   t i m e s
Trainee Years  Five Years
Trainee Background 
 Bunny began training in 2010, after being accepted under JYP along with her brother and his friend. For a year, she trained along side other JYP trainees. After a year under the company, she decided that being under a big company was not for her and quit being a trainee. She lived with her grandparents for a few monhs, all while trying to find a compant suited for her. That's when she was street scouted by Jellyfish. She researched them and decided that they were the company for her. She trained under Jellyfish for three and a half years, doing her best and actually doing well. She had to study her off as well, since she was still a minor. She had only just graduated in 2014 from the Seoul School of Performing Arts. 

• 2014  / Cameo is Got7's Girls Girls Girls
• 2015  / Cameo is Miss A's Only You
 2015 / scandals / true or false
t h e   k i n g   o f   t h e   h e a r t
Love Interest • Oh Sehun / Sehun
 Hong Jisoo / Joshua

 Sehun is a complete god on stage. He's known for his surprisingly large and his notable lisp. Onstage, he's the maknae who knows how to make girls swoon from iness and aegyo. He has a seemingly cold gaze and a devilish smirk to go with it. Offstage, Sehun is the quiet maknae who loves to mess around with his hyungs. He's full of charisma and cuteness. For being a younger member, Sehun is actually mature once you get to know him. He's kind and protective, and basically a big teddy bear.

 Hunnie  / Bunny calls him Hunnie because she thinks it's cute. Plus its a play on words because it sounds like the englsh word "honey"

The First Meet 
 Sehun and Bunny met backstage at a New Years show, where both EXO and Elysian were performing. Plus EXO and VIXX are known to be friends, so when Hyuk and Ken saw their junior talking to Sehun, they decided to play match maker.
The Interactions 
 Most of the time, they just text and talk on the phone. With EXO's super busy schedules, they don't have time to hang out in person, but they make the best of it. Bunny tends to act a bit shy around Sehun, just because she can't help it. Sehun on the other hand is the cheesiest person ever. He says bad pick-up lines and what not, which makes Bunny blush and everyone around them cringe.
The Relationship 
 Strangers up until the first meeting, then they become friends/crushes.

The Ending 
 Bunny would confess to him on Valentine's Day, by giving him chocolates. Everyone thinks it's super cute, because she acts like a high schooler with her first love, which it kinda is. Bunny then proceeds to be super embaressed and ignore Sehun until White Day, when he returns her feelings.

Couple Trivias 
— He treats her like a queen.

— They like to act like dorks together.
— Everyone knows that Brian likes to intimdate Sehun for dating his sister.
— They eventually come out to the public, around Sehun's birthday.
a l l   a b o u t   y o u
◆ Dancing : She often expresses her emotions when she dances. Lately, she's been trying out hula dancing.
◆ Tutu-esqe dresses : Bunny is in love with dress that have poofy skirts. She feels like a princess whenever she wears one. 
◆ Organization : Being the person she is, Bunny has to make everything pretty and pristine. All that she does and is involved in has to be up to her standards of organization.
◆ Rainy days : Rainy days are peaceful to her. Bunny likes to listen to the pitter-patter of the rain while curled up in a blanket with a book, listening to her favorite classical music.
◆ Sweets : Bunny can devour anything sweet. She has such a gigantic sweet tooth that she carries candy in her pocket for whenever she needs sugar

◆ Confined spaces : She can't spend an extensive amount of time in small spaces. She can last a short elevator ride, but even then Bunny's holding her breath the entire time.
◆ Blood and gore : Her older brothers always used to freak Bunny out by watching movies. The fear has followed her even into her young adult years.
◆ Open water : When she was little, she was at the beach with her brother and cousins. She was swimming, when a large wave took her out into open water. Her older cousin had to swim out and get her.
◆ The color green : The color reminds her of vomit, and that's never good.
◆ Intense heat : She's just so used to the cold. Bunny also tends to get sick easily when it's hot. She's not too sure why.

◆ Shaking her leg
◆ Tapping her fingers
◆ Biting her nails
◆ Chewing on her hair
◆ Pouting when she doesn't get what she wants

◆ Dancing
◆ Doodling on any paper she finds
◆ Updating her social media
◆ Watching Disney movies

◆ Blood
◆ Heights
◆ Elevators
◆ Scary movies/stories

◆ Her favorite Disney movie is Tangled.
◆ Her favorite sunbae is EXO's Lay
◆ Her favorite K--Pop group in general is 2PM
◆ She cries easily
◆ She tends to curse in English, but most people don't hear her.
◆ When she can't sleep, she'll call her brother.
◆ She's really flexible
◆ She wakes up the latest
◆ Has an obession with popcorn
◆ She has an Instagram account and Twitter under the name @BunnyHunny
◆ She can hit whistle notes
◆ She gets really light headed around blood
◆ Her iPhone 6s is her life

t i l l   t h e   e n d
Any Comments  nope

Scene Suggestion 
 not at the moment



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