Please Vote!

I am pretty busy with my job and uni and private life lately but since I can't give up on writing because I love it so much I decided to focus on three Fanfics only until the end of this year (I hope to finish them by then too which is like impossible because there are only around 6 weeks left xD). So you guys will choose the three fanfics I will focus on the most. (I will still focus on Lamia Lupus and my two remaining one shots that are online no matter how the votes will be so it will be 4 fanfics and two one shots~)

You guys can vote until Friday Midnight German time and at the weekend I will focus on the chapters of the fanfics you voted for (though on Sunday I will be at a sushi restaurant and before that at a friend's, might not be able to finish them before next weekend)











As always, you can ask me anything anytime, request anything, just pm me or message me on my sns~


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JiYuKuo #1
Good luck author nim(*^o^*)(*^o^*)