タイトロープ : gil minjoon (wip)

Will you laugh for me? 'wink'

[ Name ] : Gil Minjoon
[ Nickname(s)] :
[+] Prince : He has a small following of girls that pretty much stalk him due to his good looks and gentlemanly/flirty behavior. He may be quiet, but quite a few girls (and guys) have a thing for the way he winks or opens doors for people. 
[+] Min-Min : His six year old half-brother calls him this as a term of endearment - it's just easier for him to say really. Plus, Minjoon thinks it's cute. But usually, he doesn't let anyone else shorten his name like that, including his mother... But she usually just calls him Minjoon and rags on him about doing circus work, even if said circus work is putting food on the table.
[Birthday & Age ] : 12/12/94 + 20
[ Hometown ] : Jeollanam-do, South Korea
[ Ethnicity & Nationality ] : Korean + Korean
[ Languages ] :
[+] Korean (fluent)
[+] English (intermediate) : He's picked it up from some of the internationals at Zinnia, as well as the English that he's been taught at school. 
[ Faceclaim & Backup ] : Kim Minseok
[ Appearance & Style ] : A shock of purple hair, followed by the tattoo of the word 'Fate' behind his ear, as well as his preference for darker clothes, are usually the first things that people notice. Especially since the dark clothes make his hair even more noticeable and the tattoo placement is just something that isn't usually seen in conservative Korea, unless you're a tattoo artist a performer like Minseok is. But the hair color and tattoo is something that he enjoys having, only for the fact that he knows that his mother isn't exactly proud of the look, but Byungjoon seems to like it more than enough to compensate. I guess you could say it's teenage - well, young man rebellion on his part to have the crazy hair colors - and he does get crazy with it, especially since he's had green, cherry red, and blue before the purple. (He's thinking of doing teal next.)
While the dark clothes? Well, his mascot outfit is too bright with how bright red it is and he's always had a habit of buying darker clothes compared to anything lighter than gray - which can be a bit too light at times too. But anyway, Minjoon's a rather slim and small guy, standing at 170 cm overall... So finding him can be a bit of a hassle. But that's what his mascot outfit is for, because once you see a red cat with a top hat, you automatically know it's him. Unless you're part of his fanclub since for some odd reason, they don't know he's Mr. Kat or they just have selective memory about it. 
[ Personality ] : 
[+] charming, perceptive, sweet, comical
[ - ] passive-agressive, cautious, cynical, impersonal
Minjoon's seems like an open person with how charming he can be with his winks, relatively kind and somewhat flirty nature, and a willingness to lend a hand and be there for people - always subtly directing a conversation, getting people to talk about things as he's much more of a listener than a talker - people don't really realize that he isn't open at all. Because as much he likes to flirt from time to time or partake in a joke, always trying to make people laugh, especially when he's Mr. Kat, he just has this habit of making people trust him, while also thinking that he's contributed a lot to their conversations, especially when there is laughter involved. But when one actually sits down and thinks about it, not many know who he is.....
They know he likes to joke and be mischievous and despite being relatively quiet at times - he has a soft, soothing voice that you don't expect from someone that is similar to a comedian, he's usually the life of the party and most people just don't realize that they've been had. They don't realize that when they speak, it's not him doing the talking, but them and because they do a lot of it, usually feeling better afterwards - there's something soothing and sweet about him that makes him seem like he's super easy to trust despite being quite mischievous - they forget to ask him how he's doing or they just keep on the topics that don't tell them much more than what movies that he's recently seen or the band that he's been listening to for the past couple of weeks.
And Minjoon does that on purpose (he's perceptive of those around him and he knows what to say and what to do to keep people off his back), because somewhere down the line, he's allowed himself to be more of a shadow than a light fixture. Because at the end of the day, the only time that he's even remotely that is when he's putting on a show and yet, he's always putting on a show for everyone. And while that sounds a bit confusing in the sense that how can he be both at once, it's more or less that he has a facade that he wears around the people that he associates with. Never letting anyone truly in, but making it seem like he's a friendly and kind guy - and he is a nice guy - well, up to a point that is as underneath the laughter, he's quite cynical and cautious about a lot of things in life.
And the only time that he really shows anyone his real self is when he's with kids, because kids don't judge like adults do, because a lot of the trust that he's had for adults - for the older generation has been lost for a long time now. And that's one of the reasons for why he's a bit disrespectful to his mother, doing things like getting tattoos and constantly changing his hair color - he doesn't like it when adults tell him what to do. Even though he bares it for the sake of performing, one of the few things that he really enjoys - And even then, he hasn't realized that a part of him isn't even enjoying what he's doing. But because the joking, the laughter, the pranks, etc... is all second nature to him, he can't really tell that things aren't right and that something is wrong. And that's why his acts aren't as cool anymore, because he's slowly losing that spark that he had for the circus, for life.
Not outright brave enough to actually say something when someone does something wrong, Minjoon's pretty passive-aggressive about things. So when one get on his bad side, one won't necessarily know it until later on - usually in the forms of pranks... Some quite terrible, but then again, most on the receiving end don't really think that it's him. Which again, goes along with the facade that he shows everyone (while also keeping him out of trouble). And the only one that really knows and is shown the real him is his brother. Because hiding his pain and exchanging it for laughter is a better alternative than being completely upset at the world or burdening others with his problems.
So it's pretty safe to say that Minjoon isn't one to ask for help either and is more or less the type of guy that either puts too much effort/hardwork into something (the few things he cares about), possibly meeting little success, or completely giving up, trying to hide such failures. It all depends on what really matters to him and if there is little to gain from trying hard, he's more likely to give up and pretend that it's not a big deal. You can't fail if you haven't tried and all that jazz. While for things he does care about, he'll just continue to be frustrated and dig himself a hole until he actually has to give up on it like he's done everything else or actually ask for help. The latter is barely ever done.
[ History ] :
[ Trivia ] :
[+] Mr. Kat : Minjoon usually screenlights as Mr. Kat, a very specialized clown that doubles as Zinnia's mascot due to the iconic look of the costume that he wears. And while Minjoon is no stranger to wearing makeup instead of donning the cat costume, Minjoon prefers the costume a lot more than the former. Only because doing the latter allows him more interaction with the children since he does a lot more pre-show and interlude stuff and more often than not, kids usually like him much more than adults do. However, there have been a few shows where Mr. Kat is written in them, so he has developed a bit of his fanbase there as well. But for the most part, most remember him as the funny cat that gave out candy and would do crazy things on a tricycle or two. He's never been a lead in a show, but he definitely wouldn't mind being on if he ever got the chance - but as much as he's prideful about his work, he also doesn't think he's ready just yet. But if he was ever asked before being ready, he'd still jump at the chance, even if it meant having to step down a few weeks later if he couldn't bring the results.
[+] Balancing Act : Minjoon may be a clown and is more of a humorous guy that likes to tell jokes/do pranks, especially in his cat suit, but beside that, Minjoon has a lot of talent in being able to balance on a lot of things. Which is something he occasionally puts into his routines, but only enough to make him stand out since the bulk of his performances uses the crowd and silly tricks - clowns/mascots are usually supposed to be funny, so his talents, while quite interesting and something that he can call his own, is a little odd for him to have for what he wants to do. However, being able to stand and balance on anything, even round things or super thin things, can be useful at times, even if he often makes his Mr. Kat counterpart terrible at these things instead for the laughs. Because what's funnier than seeing a mascot do some cool trick, only to comically fail in the end by being over the top about falling and stumbling around. Minjoon wants to make people laugh and he hasn't really done much thinking when it comes to using some of his other gifts.
[ Relationships ] :
[ What is your favorite memory of Zinnia? ] : 
[ Do you believe in the spirits of Gohan and Morag? ] :
[ What do you think is the darkest secret that Zinnia has? ] :
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