First love

I didn't realize it until we broke up, that I have given something so precious to you. You are my first lover, and going out with you was a liberating and happy experience. I wished we could have gone out more, but it would have been harder to let go, and maybe when we broke up our relationship would be beyond repair. Maybe it's good that we only have good memories with each other and not so significant bad memories. What am I going to do, going out with another guy I'll meet in the future, and knowing my time with him wouldn't be as precious as my time with you, I wouldn't feel the same way again. Despite being exposed to ography, I guess I'm still so innocent, and to other guys, so pure. Maybe that's why you liked me in the first place. I know you didn't love me, even when you had strong feelings for me. And I can't say I love you. I don't have the faith that I'll still like you when I'm 18, and I don't have the faith that we were meant for each other. I've heard of stories where an adult dating a minor ends up in a happy marriage, but that's the exception, not the rule. What am I going to do, knowing that we aren't gonna be forever, but a part of me still wishes for it? What if you change after marriage like my dad did, what if I changed, what if we couldn't sustain this. Maybe one day I'll find the one I'm supposed to marry, but it still wouldn't feel as good as I'm with you. Will his chest be as comforting as yours, will his hand be as big and warm as yours? I don't know. It's so nice to think everything will be alright in the future. I only know this is the beginning. 


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