Why I haven't updated NIYWDOIMWN

So (not) many of you know I have an xiuhan horror/thriller going on called "Not In Your Wildest Dreams Or In My Worst Nightmares" the thing about this is that I haven't updated in a while, almost two month from the promised update. But here is the thing; I have been plagiarized ...again.

And I'm supper pissed off about it first was with "IWTN" and now with this one. But I'm not here to talk about how bad I feel for being plagiarized two times because that just wont work; lets see this from another perspective.

I took action against it and I was recommend to not update it until the issue is resolved. JUST today I had the answer back from the 13 year old girl who had the decency to do this.

What bothers me about this is not her age is the fact that she shamelessly admitted that she plagiarized the story because I take too long to update.

Quote: "I plagiarized it because you take too long to update, like, I mean, if you are going start a story you should at least get your priority first that it's, of course, the fan fiction. You shouldn't leave us hanging and then updating whenever you feel like. It makes you a cheap author, tbh."

If you are underage pr have no responsibility pressing you down your and this bothers you (that an author takes too long to update) remember this things to go by:


-not saying 10-16 teens don't go through problems because we all do this is just responsibility and priority wise.

However things change when you grow older responsibility and priority changes like this:

My priority is not a goddamn fan fiction. It's me sustaining my life as I work my off to reach my ing goal and graduate from COLLEGE with at least a good grades. A fan fiction doesn't bring me any ing income to EAT, PAY THE WATER, PAY THE ELECTRICITY, PAY THE PHONE, PAY MY HOUSING RENT etc.

Then after I kindly explained to her as of why I take long to update she then said;

Quote: "Then you shouldn't update or write becase you won't be able to have time to do this"

As my answer goes like this...

Have you ever heard of stress reliever? I write and read because I NEED AN ESCAPE JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO OF YOUR MOMMY/DADDY ISSUES. Because I enjoy it EVEN when I take long to update. I don't do this to get feature, I DON'T EVEN EXPECT PEOPLE TO READ MY STORIES. So I don't know what are you referring to be cheap for slow updates (when I clearly specified everything in the description with a long note). Just remember slow updates doesn't make me cheap because I'm not the one plagiarizing it.  Also, don't get me wrong I do care about my readers. I do care that readers take into account the effort I put to update any story I write. Some readers even know the struggle of working part-time and studying full-time at the same time and you can tell that they do by the way they comment. And I'm grateful for them.

Is just like here at Puerto Rico we would say people like HER me inchan el ovario izquierdo

If you don't like how long I might take to update just click the 'Unsubscribe' link and thats it. I wont cry or make as scene about this. 


-Ranting of the day

Status: 100% Completed.


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i'm getting frustrated just reading your post lol. the entitlement just boggles my mind like who the hell are you to hold an author's work against THEMSELVES. that person needs to step out their front door and take a big fat whiff of reality, because writers have lives too and they don't owe anyone a goddamn thing. that may be hard for such a young person to understand, but maybe they should put all of that ~effort~ into algebra I instead of being a plagiarizing . seriously, writing an original story is not hard at all. it's fun.

and that's what writing on this site should be. FUN. i can't believe that there are actually people out there who think that, just because they clicked a little 'subscribe' button, that the rights to the story (and the author's freedom) then belongs to them.

wow okay was i too profane? sorry. anyway, best wishes to you and your work/studies/whatever it may be. don't let this deter you from continuing your story! even if it means you'll stop updating on this site...sometimes writing is the only thing that gets me through the day. <3
slow claps. this is amazing.
JKNewsandDavidSo #3
Dafuq is wrong with her? She makes underage people like us look so effing immature EVEN THOUGH SOME OF US (Ex:Me) AREN'T! AHHH IT MAKES ME ENRAGED JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!!
SheWolf94 #4
Dude this pisses me off so bad. I keep getting these comments too - except not as bad. Honestly that is the biggest downside of writing here. These kids dnt know responsibility and they think we are writing machines. Like I work 10 hrs a day people are lucky they get anything from me. Ugh. The audacity of this girl. I hope you went through the right channels to get her banned, this bs is just ridiculous.