Lee Hye Mi~ Low Queen/The Young Queen~Darkness



Min / MinRin04 / ACTIVITY LEVEL (5)
( ♚ — Hye; ) It's a shorter version of her name. Her sisters call her like that.
( ♚ — Cutie; ) Min Gyu calls her like that.

AGE — 1000+ years old
BIRTHDAY — December 28

BIRTH PLACE — Salem, Oregon, US
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY — Korean-American
♚ — Vampiric Language; ) fluent / She speaks it at home with her sisters.
♚ — English; ) fluent / She was born and raised in the US.
FACE CLAIM — Red Velvet's Irene
Lovelyz's Mijoo
Hye Mi has long dark brown hair. Her height is 167cm and she weights 46kg. Her eyes are a dull blue color. When she is hungry her eyes turns blood red. When she is tired or sick her eyes turns a brown-green color. When she is angry her eyes turns a white color. When she is using her mind control power her eyes turns a light gold color. When she is using her telekinesis powers her eyes turns a pink color.  When her powers are out of control her eyes turns entirely black.

She has a very casual yet chic and girly style 
♚ (+) Protective, Caring, Charming, Persuasive, Honest, Independant  (-) Sassy, Cruel, Evil, Threatening, Flirty, Nosy, y, Rebellious

Hye Mi has a charming personality. When she meets someone for the first time, it's always with a smile on her face. She is really polite and respectful. But don't be deceived by her apparent kindness because she can be really cruel and evil despite her innocent look. She sometimes says the cruelest things but in the sweetest manner possible. She will do everything in her power to have something she wants but she doesn't need to use dirty method to get what she wants because she can persuade anyone, well except her father, to do anything for her. She is honest and always tells what's on her mind without sugarcoating. She has no filter when speaking and because of that sometimes she seems blunt and harsh to people. She thinks that telling the truth to people is the key to have a good relationship. For her relationship are based on trust and honesty. She is very protective over her sisters and friends. She isn't afraid to state her opinions. She is very caring with the person she knows well. She is very independant and doesn't like to be told what to do. She will do what is ask of her but she will do it while complaining. She sometimes can be a litlle rebellious.

When she isn't with her sisters or friends, Hye Mi is a very cold and y person. She looks down on people and especially humans. If her sisters, friends or herself are being threatened, she isn't afraid to kill people in the cruelest ways that existed. She can come up with the most evil plans to make people suffer, especially the ones who have done something against her. She is very nosy. She likes to put her nose in everyone business because she is very curious. She is very sassy and often has the last word in a conversation. No one has ever left her speechless and she will always have a sassy comeback to anything that is being said to her. She is also flirty. When someone flirts with her she will flirt back.
Hye Mi was born in Salem in the United States. She has a free-spirit. As a child, she was always running in the woods or going out at night just to look at the sky. A thing she still does now. When she was 400 years old her parents wanted her to go back to South Korea with them but she wanted to stay in the US because she had all of her friends there, and little her parents knows, her lover was there as well. Her parents let her stay but they asked of her that she let them know how she doing regurlarly which she agreed to. When her parents left she stayed with a vampire clan who lived in Salem. Her best friend, Lyra, was part of that clan as well as her lover, Aiden. Aiden and Hye Mi were madly in love with one another and they planned to spent their immortal life together. 400 years after leaving their daughter in Salem, Hye Mi's parents came unnanounced to see their daughter and they saw her kissing Aiden. They were mad against her, but Hye Mi lied to them explaining that it was nothing serious and that they were just fooling around. Her parents weren't entirely convinced and so they told her to come back with them to South Korea. She didn't have any choice but to agree and so she left with them. But she never broke up with Aiden which her parents are unaware of. She met her older sisters there. She got along well her older sisters. She has a quite good relationship with Eun Soo. Hye Mi doesn't put her nose in her business and Eun Soo doesn't really care about what Hye Mi's doing as long as she do it discreetly. 

She is now living in her parents' castle. She contributes a lot to the clan because she needs to feel useful. She is still in a relationship with Aiden which her parents' are still unaware of. Eun Soo is one of the only person to know that she is still with Aiden. Eun Soo once saw them together and she threatened to  kill Aiden if he hurt Hye Mi but she said to Hye Mi that if she was happy it was all that matters to her. The other persons are her older sisters. She is now engaged to Min Gyu

Peanut Butter
Watching the moon

Walking in the woods
Cold days

Very hot days
Small places
Loud noises

She is OBSESSED with peanut butter. She likes to eat it straight out of the jar.
She has claustrophobia. She doesn't like being in small places because she feels like suffocating.

Her symbol of ruling is a black dahlia.
She has a black cat as a pet: Shadow
She likes drinking blood from the wrist or the neck.
She loves walking in the woods, it has a calming effect on Hye Mi
Powers — 
Being a very old vampire she acquired a lot of powers during her lifetime. She is very powerful but also very dangerous for people and herself :

Enhanced strenght, speed and hearing.
Mind Control.

- Basic and Advanced Level : She masters all of it 
- Earth Manipulation 
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♚ Older Sister / Lee, Eunsoo / 1000+ / Meticulous, Sadistic, Merciless, Caring, Determined
They have a good relationship. They are respectful of each other privacy.
♚ Older- Younger Sisters / TBA, TBA / 1000+ - 800+ / TBA
They have a good relationship and just like any sisters relationship they do fight but they always reconcile.


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♚ Best Friends/'Sisters' / Sanderson, Lyra (FC: Claire Holt) / 1000+ / Funny, Caring, Brutal, Critical, Protective
They met when Hye Mi was living in Salem. They grew up together and act like sisters. Her clan was the one Hye Mi stayed with when her parents left for South Korea. Lyra is also the younger sister of Aiden.


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♚ Secret Lover Sanderson, Aiden (FC: Joseph Morgan) / 1000+ / Calm, Cold, Remorsless, Caring, Protective
They met in Salem. They are still together even after Hye Mi's parents found about them. When Hye Mi's left for South Korea he followed her.  He wants her to run away with him but she is torn between her love for him and her duty to her clan.
( ♚ — Gyu Gyu; ) His brothers call him like that.
( ♚ — Oppa; ) Hye Mi calls him like that.

Min Gyu is a very sweet, nice, kind and caring guy. If you don't know that he is a vampire it's really hard to guess because he acts very much like a human. He is selfless and he doesn't like hurting people unless it's necessary. But that doesn't mean that he isn't violent. When his family is threatened he will do anything to protect them.
They met in the castle hallway. Min Gyu was lost and Hye Mi found him and she first thought that he was a new servant. He introduced himself to her, he said that he was a vampire visiting here with his father and brothers. He asked her if she could show him the ball room because he said to her that his father was waiting there. She went with him an dwhen they entered the room, their fathers said to them: 'Oh it's you two! I'm glad to see that you two already met.'. Hye Mi was confused as to why her father was saying that but he explained: 'You will be marrying each other'. Min Gyu and Hye Mi looked at each other shocked: 'Very funny dad.' 'It's not a joke Hye Mi' 'Oh alright, it never occurred to you that I didn't wanted to get married' 'I couldn't care less about what you want Hye Mi. You are going to marry Min Gyu and that's final.'. Hye Mi was very angry at her father so she took Min Gyu's arms and left the room with him.

They are a very cute and flirty couple. They do a lot of skinship in public. In private, they are more like best friends. Min Gyu knows about Aiden and he told Hye Mi about a young vampire girl whom he was in love with. They undersatend each other. They trust each other blindly and they cover the other when they want to see their real lovers. But as the time goes by they will develop feelings for each other. 
 They get married and they will have a baby.
I hope you'll like my second character ^-^ I'm sorry if there any mistakes, English is not my first language.


 'Cause Darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream'
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