50 Questions Tag

1. Were you named after anybody?

yeah, an indian princess's best friend (Thank god I wasn't named after the indian princess! Her name was so weird!)


2. When was the last time you cried?
Can't remember exactly, but probably teared up after I watched/read something... or sneezed


3. Do you like your handwriting?
Well, I can change my handwriting how I like, really, so...

But recently I found out what my natural handwriting's like, when I wrote my dream down as soon as I woke - messy and spindly but not too thin at the same time, still looks a bit like it did from my grade 4 days, yet... yeah I like it!


4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
CHICKEN!!! 치긴 내 스타일이다~


5. Do you have kids?
Eww no, why should I?


6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Imma agree with Tran and say I'd go to the extent of dating myself


7. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
Do i?


8. Do you still have your tonsils? 
What are tonsils?


9. Would you bungee jump?
Fear of heights >.<


10. What is your favorite cereal?
Nestle Cereal - green gram~ ("mung panchi") I know it's baby food- do I look like I care?! NO! It's yummy!


11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Dont see why I should if I can kick em off


12. Do you think you are pretty strong? 
Yeah, deceptively like Xiumin


13. What is your favorite ice cream?
Blueberry from Rio's!!


14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
I don't particularly notice the existance of other human beings


15. Red or Pink?
Red. Coz pink is too... poofy. It's like choose Mai or Ty Lee! 


16. What is the least favorite thing about yourself? 
uhhh...?? Nothing I can think up atm?


17. Who do you miss the most? 
Nero!! >_< Well, I'm moving on.... I still miiiissss yoooouuuu my dear mad little spratty crazy singing dog!!!


18. What is the nutrition or fitness strategy that you need to work on the most?
The heck does that even mean?


19. What color shoes are you wearing?
*stares at my bare feet*

Downt nawbody wear shoes in bed, man!


20. What was the last thing you ate?
My dinner: Rice, dhal, mushroom curry (YEHET!) And the yummiest chicken that only my mum can make like that!


21. What are you listening to right now?
My mum on the phone downstairs? Not really listening, more hearing


22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?


23. Favorite smells?
I've got quite a few- (not including mouthwatering food-smells)

x The smell of the mosquito mat, when the heat is on and the liquid burns: Reminds me of "backyard Monsters" um... a city building game I was totally into. I played it late into the night, and the laptop was permanantly in the hall that time, so I needed the mosquito mat to save me and keep me alive.

x The smell of the lampshade... a fused out smell- It reminds me of childhood, but I can't place my finger on it

x The smell of fire. I just love. Not anything burning, But the smell when the gunpowder on a matchstick bursts into flames. Irony = I can never light a match. Candle wax is awesome to play with too

...i'll think up more later


24. Whow was the last person you ever talked to on the phone? 
My mum. I couldn't hear her, so I had to put her on loud speaker, and I was in office


25. Mountain hideaway or beach house?


26. Favorite sports to watch?

But does anime count? *stares with hopeful eyes*

Kuroko no Basket... (not watched any others mate)


27. Hair color?


28. Eye color? 


29. Do you wear contacts?


30. Favorite food?


31. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, duh! I'm all about fluff!


32. Last movie you watched?
Uhhh... same as before. Antique Bakery. Ask what I watched last, without limiting it to movies, next time!!


33. What color is the shirt that you are wearing?
Pink -.- It's not a shirt -.- It's my nighty -.-


34. Summer or winter?

How can I choose when I've tasted neither?!


35. Hugs or kisses?


36. Favorite dessert?
You cruel!


37. Strength training or cardio?


38. Computer or Television? 
Computer!! DUH! 


39. What book are you reading right now?
N...uthing? I borrowed a heap, but... *sigh* busy :(


40. What is on your mousepad?

Laptop, bro. Laptop touchpad mouse thingy. No mouse, No mouse pad.


42. Favorite sound? 


43. Rolling stones or Beatles?
Dunno either. But like Tran I prefer BackStreet Boys.


44. What is the farthest you've been from home?

While we were gone, a Tsunami alert hit the country, and we came back to a flooded house. Like... literally all the mud had washed from the road, beneath the doors and.... flooded the floors about an inch or two. We live down a dirt lane, so that's a lot of mud.

Oh, and some animal had died in there too. And stunk up the house. NOT my favourite smell. And even worse, to cover it up, they lit incence sticks. Ever since, I've HATED that smell coz it just reminds me of the sickly sweetness of rotting meat and othe sickly sweet sents like .


45. Do you have a special talent?
Yes, I have many.


46. Where were you born?
In a government hospital where evil nurses apparently kidnapped me from my mum and didn't let her see me. My mum learnt her lesson, and my lucky sister was born in a better hospital


47. Where are you living right now?
Same place I've been livin my whole life


48. What color is your house?
Halls are peachy orange, Dining room a yellower shade, Kitchen, green, the bathrooms are two different shades of blue, Parent's bedroom is a blue/purple, and our room's pink and purple (it's not the gross shades of pink and purple, trust me). What have I missed? Oh- corridors are off white, like my mum's study. That's it. 

I went to buy the paints so I can remember a few names:

"Apple white" it was greeny off white, "easter egg" was a marshmallow-y purple... that's all I can remember, actually ^-^"



49. What color is your car?
A...weird color. Like you can't decide if it's khaki, goma green, dull greeny gray-ey brown or... what?!


50. Do you like answering 50 Questions?
I dunno why I'm even doing this. I wasn't even tagged -.-



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Me gusto :D
Ahhahaha, I agree with you mate on most of these.
I've never saw you blog..but now..
Ika know about it.