akkindda / cas / six
FULL NAME: lee jisum (이지썸)
(  bird alchemist  that drunk name
the origins of this name is no foreign ground to the members of valiant. knowing that they were going to finally debut, all of them decided to hold a party; the celebration of the year 2013, also the year jisum turned 19, the legal age for drinking. the girls decided to play truth or dare. being the secretive person she is, jisum chose dare over and over. the girls, being the playful, savages they are, dared her to take a drink of alcohol everytime she took a dare. jisum  is the type of drunk to act totally different from the way she actually is. between one of the treasured moments, she actually had the conversation with ella
"im a ing... bird alchemist, you
cannot cage me motherers."

"unless im nicholas cage!!!"
"im a phoenix."
 (  hawk's eye  hence her official persona
used by producers, managers and staff. jisum is often said to have a vigilant mind and set of eyes. she is said to have a good aim too. picking out minor errors in spelling and hearing out tiny but fatal flaws in music, jisum is an expert in pointing out things.

BIRTHDATE: january 19th, 1994 (20y.o'14(21y.o'15)
BIRTHPLACE: busan, south korea
HOMETOWN: busan, south korea
NATIONALITY: south korean

(  native korean  that satoori accent tho
being born and raised in korea, busan, jisum speaks the language perfectly. however, to everyone's shock, the girl speaks with a soothing seoul accent. one of the reasons why jisum speaks in the seoul dialect is because she had problems understanding satoori (ironicly since she was raised in a household of satoori speakers). since young, her mother and teachers started teaching her in the seoul dialect. her accent is also why people often mistaken her as a city girl.
replace with your face claim
FACE CLAIM: yeom haein laboum
BACKUP FACE: kim jiyeon lovelyz
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 162cm & 44kg
APPEARANCE: large, doe eyes, porcelain pale skin and dimpled cheeks – jisum is the epitome of a the ideal korean doll. a flaw that everyone likes to point out is that she has a rather big nose from front view, which is why she likes her side profile and tilts her head to the side while taking pictures. jisum also doesnt have the skinniest or curviest body type, she has your average frame that every ordinary girl has. (shes stronger than she looks) which is why her stylists like to dress her in flare skirts to make her waist seem smaller and her legs, longer. many say that her pretty face is to make up for her unexceptional body.

during valiant's debut, jisum went through three different 'hair-color' changes. the first one was this light pink, almost a peachy color. she has had this hair color since the group filmed their debut teaser, so her black roots were growing out. however, after her manager had a word with her about fans comparing her and her younger brother's infamous 'cherryblossom hair', jisum decided to dye it blond mid-debut. however because the hair stylists didnt do the best job, she was left with faint streaks of pink left in her hair for the rest of the debut stages until the end of valiant's comeback, where jisum finally had a head of blond hair.

FIRST IMPRESSION: everyone has a different impression of jisum; the most common one is that she a shy, humbled girl that willingly gives the spotlight to the younger members of valiant. most of the time, she has an indifferent expression. a straight line across her lips, eyes unreadable. a serious, yet gentle gaze. there are moments where jisum graces everyone with her simple smile. the corners of , curving into a playful, lopsided smile. other times, jisum looks lost or even confused during certain situations. when she’s behind closed doors, smiling openly when shes alone isnt a rare sight. although seeing how cautious and alert jisum is, not many people catch her in the act.

bystanders see her formal expression as jisum taking her role as the oldest member too seriously, telling her that she should loosen up and enjoy her youth. all jisum usually does is return a polite smile and a shake of her head before explaining that shes perfectly fine the way she is, keeping everyone on task and being the parental support seems like one of her natural talents.

  (  tl;dr  drag for larger image, scroll for fashion sense
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(  heads  the positive
professional, vigilant, rational & calm, relatively friendly, responsible, strong-willed & dutiful
(  tails  the negative 
dry humor, stubborn, unintentionally insensitive, judgmental, secretive, honestly blunt 
PERSONALITY: on the surface, jisum seems like a collected, polite girl with nothing much to say — jisum is viewed by her peers as the model of a perfect, proper lady; strictly disciplined and extremely rational and is usually tasked with keeping the members of valiant under control. she seems strict, distant and even a little cold but jisum isnt as rigid as she appears to be. those close to her know know that there is more to her than her no-nonsense attitude; beneath her professional aura is a kind soul who understands the every difficulty gone through as people. clearly friends and family find comfort in jisum’ vaguely reassuring words. her softer side is usually seen when around people younger. that being said, she isnt prone to public displays of affection, preferring to show her feelings through more subtle ways. jisum seems the personification of “tough love,” demanding excellence from those she respects or considers important — a stern hand and demanding nature tempered with genuine and deep affection.

BACKGROUND: neglected by her parents at a young age because they actually wanted a son, jisum grew up extremely independent and also an angsty teenager. due to their ideals of becoming a singer, jihoon and jisum actually had to runaway to get the chance to audition for pledis at the age of 14 and 16 respectively. as those 5 years started to pass, they were reunited with their parents. currently, they are trying their best to support their children in whatever they do. although jihoon has fallen back into his parents' embrace without hesitation, jisum is still extremely skeptical about them – even addressing them as 'sir' and 'madam'.
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(  little brother  lee jihoon (이지훈19y.o'15idolself-critical, sarcastic, hardworking.
the lee siblings are close, of course. the sarcastic banter between the two is a funny sight to be seen. jisum plays the perfect role as an older sister – reminding him to fold his clothes, brush his teeth and eat up amongst their busy training schedules. while the often times serious woozi turns rather giggly and childish around his older sister. he takes this chance to show off his inner child, tossing sassy remarks at her, expecting her to hit him or roll her eyes at him is enough for him. even so, you could say that jisum is jihoon's emotional support. being his sister, there are countless times she's seen him cry because of how stressed out he is. and like any sister, jisum comforts him. these two make a great team when it comes to practicing their vocals and dance. the two give each other constructive criticism and civilly pointing out the flaws and perfections. 9/10 
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(  his babysitter  choi seungcheol (최승철20y.o'15idolbrave, charming, over bearing.
a dear friend of jihoon's that turned into a dear friend of jisum’s – seungcheol does has his way about the lee siblings. while the girl finds it a little difficult to express her feelings around her younger brother (ironic because he finds so much comfort in her lol), she has no problem around seungcheol. he brings her an odd sense of comfort. the warmth of loved ones and the care between friends. jisum was never sure why she felt so connected to the younger though they were complete opposites but she never presses on the question. there was one point in time that seungcheol actually had a crush on the older female, however he was rejected because she could only see him as a little brother. to jihoon's surprise, the two continued their platonic and care free, almost playful ways. 8/10 
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(  vocal buddies  hawng eunjoo (황은주19y.o'15idoltba.
being known as valiant’s power vocals, ella and jisum have an unlikely friendship; most of it is based off singing and cooking mid night snacks for ella. the younger girl is the only one so far that dares to wake jisum in the middle of the night just to ask her to accompany her to the nearby 24 hour convenient store to get snacks. many people think its a miracle but jisum only allows this because she has seen ella grow in those five years of training side by side – thats another reason for their off screen closeness. if not, on screen ella and jisum are barely on camera at the same time. some even get the impression that the two often argue and jisum is really harsh on her when in actual fact, jisum likes to secretly baby ella as if she was apart of the maknae line. 7/10 
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(  otp of valiant  kang yurim (강유림19y.o'15idolunpretentious, explicit, satirical.
they are the meanie and jicheol of valiant. they are that otp that is stuck my the hip. jisum is openly soft and gentle towards yurim, allowing her to rest her rest on her lap when shes tired out after practice, going out to grab food for everyone back at the practice room – yurim is like that child that likes to help out her mom (jisum). its rather obvious that the two are close and every fan ships them with a burning passion. both girls like to improve on their skills, dancing and singing together, learning from each other. just like woozi, yurim and jisum have a sarcatic-friendly friendship where the younger wouldnt stop at annoying jisum with that one drunk name that should never be spoken of in front of the cameras. (allured's oc8/10

(  01  oddly, jisum is rather domestic. always cooking up a meal for the younger girls, folding their clothes freshly out of the dryer and making their beds. though she isnt much of a cleaner towards the floor and toilet, leaving that to the maknae line. 
(  02  jisum is often associated with seventeen in several ways. being shipped with seventeen’s seungcheol and seungkwan, seeing how close they are ever since debut. singing a 'midsummer nights dream’ with the hiphop unit and briefly being featured in project 17 as jihoon's older sister. due to the company's need for lee jihoon and lee jisum to not be associated together, they have asked for them not to speak of each othe rduring interviews. however, fans and the media do pick up on the small hints and moments jisum and seventeen give to them, keep the shipping and assumptions rather alive to the company's dismay.
(  03  when asked what animal jisum is, all the members often say a wolverine. the animal has all the talents of its weasel buddies into one, a vocal cord of a grizzly bear and the attitude that only belongs to an animal ten times its size. which is definitely jisum’s persona, talent and personality wise. if not, some just say hawk or an eagle.
 (  04  just like her little brother, jisum has never had a boyfriend. her love life has cease to ever exist, though there are trainees (including seventeen) that have tried to hit on jisum and who have failed miserably. jihoon likes to tell her that she probably falls for her future buddy and jisum smacks the back of his head ‘professionally’. 
 (  05  as much as jisum is a workaholic, she has other hobbies such as anime and manga. one anime she has devoted all her cash to is fullmetal alchemist (both 03 and brotherhood). she has almost all the mangas and dvds. all of them are kept in a medium sized box underneat her sofa-bed, not wanting to take up any more room of their dorm. the drunk bird alchemist joke comes from this anime too, although there is no such thing as a bird alchemist in the anime at all. 
 (  06  you know how seungcheol sleeps shirtless? well jisum sleep in her underwear, with only an oversized shirt to cover her up until mid thigh. because of the initial, uneven amount of members valiant has, being the oldest, jisum offered herself to sleep on the couch. ever since predebut, you can find the girl sleeping soundly across the television set.
 (  07  things jisum openly enjoys: hot lemon tea with a tablespoon of honey, books, boy group dances (the master of them tbh) and weirdly enough, hip hop and sensual genres of dance and song.
 (  08  things jisum openly hates: the girls of valiant not singing crazily to their favorite songs (because that would mean something is really wrong) and seafood of any sort. 

(  habits  a short list of jisum's habits
jisum has an odd habit of being formal towards everyone, even her peers. if she ever met super junior or girls generation, she'd greet them as 'sir' and 'madam'. she is very protective and defensive of herself (?); if she feels an arm snaking around her waist, she wont hesitate to slap you, especially if youre a compete stranger. for someone who can throw a punch that can nearly break a grown man's nose, jisum accidentally cuts herself extremely often. jisum wakes up the earliest and puts it upon herself to wake everyone else up, including preparing their breakfasts and placing the makenae line's uniforms neatly on the couch.
STAGE PERSONA: valiant's hawk's eye  (there are times where shes called valiant's mother/father)
17 STUDENT: seungkwan (two years; their relationship is that of jisum and ella's) she didnt mentor any other members for a long time apart from the occational practises together, however its clear that jisum is undeniably the valiant member closest to seventten as a whole.
PERSONAL FANCLUB NAME: hawks (unoriginal but jisum couldnt think of anything else)
POSITION: lead vocalist, lead dancer (main rapper, dancer)
VOCAL TWIN: choi yuna gfriend
 cho hyeryeong sololist
DANCE TWIN: yoo yeonju oh my girl
 park sunyoung f(x)
STAGE PERFORMANCEalthough jisum is rather indifferent on and off camera, leaving more screen time to her fellow band mates. she has a way of stealing the show on stage. its said that jisum seems the happiest when shes on stage – singing causes her smile to shine brighter, energetic dance moves compliment her classy, charismatic demeanor. many say that jisum gives off this positive attitude when performing. the stage is truly where jisum shines the most.
TRAINING EXPERIENCE: it started off a little ruff for jisum since she was under the false impression that training under a small company would be less stressful compared to the big three. couple week in and she was proven wrong with her dance instructor requesting that she bought her own cd player to use during dance practices. after falling into the typical, daily routine of training, training and more training; surprisingly, jihoon and jisum got to spend more time together. more time stuffing black bean noodles into their small mouths and time spent with seungcheol, a trainee who was friends with jihoon. the three of them were known for how intensely they trained side by side. being a girl never stopped jisum from practicing along side the boys. heck, she was chosen to dance with them during those practices witch consisted of both genders (rarely happens but a lot of drama stirs from those dance and vocal training sessions).

after a year of training, jisum was placed in a training program called ‘pre-school girls’, which would eventually become after school’s sister group. instead, this project was pushed back for other major programs and fresh new ideas. her third year at pledis was the year she befriends the spunky ella. although they never interacted much outside of the recording studio, ella and jisum grew into an unlikely partnership in vocals. the long wait to debut caused many younger trainees to look up to jisum and the other trainees who have trained for 4 years and more. im which, caused the girl to mentor some members of seventeen and even some of valiant’s current members. it was the two way thing; jisum would give them extra vocal training while they gave her dance lessons. equivalent exchange as some might say.

“just like many others, i participated in pledis auditions and passed. i first heard of pledis from classmates and word on the street was that small companies were easier to get in. and boy were they wrong, seeing how talented and strong everyone is.”
“im not sure if i should feel flattered or lucky. i could be just straight up talented or all my lucky stars have decided to a line perfectly for me to gain such a position in valiant. i guess either way, ive worked for 5 years to be at where i am today.”
“no way was i confident, especially as i got older (younger is better, if youre looking at the chances of a debut). all i could do was set goals to keep improving and getting better at what i was learning and what i could already master.”
“of course i would say seventeen, since i did train along side the boys for all my years in pledis. however i would say that ive grown acquainted with miss raina of after school since she has been my vocal trainer for the past four years.”
“currently i have no aspirations on having any activities outside valiant. i think ive been giving all my focus on valiant that ive never thought of it. however i do hope i wont have to appear on much shows on my own, since im not the most entertaining member of valiant.”
“i’ll be 26 and i hope valiant will be leading a successful career together. i have no doubt that i will still be in the music industry, parting it wont be easy anyways so might as well stay. the only thing i can promise apart from that is that i will have my own pet by then. not sure if it’ll be a dog or a feline though.”
COMMENTS: i had do many probems writing the personality and relationships part; i kid' you not- but i managed to pull through heh. by the way, these are the colors i used through out the application and layout – #ffdee1#f2d5d5#E8C0C9.
SCENE REQS: a scene of valiant in the morning where jisum is literally a mom, getting the maknae line dressed in their uniforms, preparing breakfast and waking everyone up because awwww :-) 
GOOD NIGHT: interpid ladies
(  sapphire  oh boy by red velvet, candy by red velvert
(  AMBER  blacklist by hyuna & le, feedback by kisum, lilcham, jace, bora and adoonga, you and me by kisum & jooyoung, love talk by kisum & hwasa
(  EMERALD  lips by miss a, neverland by gfriend, diamond by f(x)
(  valiant  fantasy; playlist, lips; playlist, drama by nine muses. hurt locker by nine muses


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akkindda #2
things to clear up orz

about her hair: when they debut in 2013, she had pink hair. for about a year, she doesnt
change it and allowed the roots to grow. in 2014, she re-dyes it pink again. filming and
going for photoshoots for the teaser, jisum has pink hair. even during those first few
performances, the girl had her head of cotton candy. however, after her manager had a
words with her about fans comparing her and her younger brother's infamous 'cherryblossom
hair', jisum decided to dye it blond mid-debut. however because the hair stylists didnt
do the best job, she was left with faint streaks of pink left in her hair for the rest
of the debut stages until the end of valiant's comeback, where jisum finally had a head
of blond hair.

position: she would be the lead dancer in the group. she actually rather good and was
even offered the position in emerald. however the other dancers in emerald were much
better and talented compared to jisum and she was obviously a singer so they made her
the lead dancer of the vocal unit; although the group does like to praise her for it.
meanieful #4