▾ nowplaying_deulxnet : henry j. harris

the wallflower of deulxnet.
DESCRIPTION henry is a small wallflower that rarely gets the chance to outshine anyone. at first glance, there is nothing outstanding about him. apart from his height and english name, many find no reason to speak of or speak to him. however its not like the boy is actually boring. heck, being friends with henry is enriching. some just dont know how to appreciate him, many dont even try.
FULL NAME  henry jane harris (often styled and written as henry j. harris)
▾ jane : there are literally no perks to having a feminine middle name and henry only found this out at the start of his new high school in korea. one the first day of schoo, he intriduced himself as 'henry jane harris'. ever since, many have called him 'jane' or even girl for his short height. he really dislikes this name, but he always has seungcheol to defend him or stop him from commiting muder to those who've addressed him as such.
▾ cute, sweetie, kitten : or any cheesy pet name you can think of. seungcheol often addresses henry this out of affection and fondness towards the boy. often times henry just winces at the name, says 'thats gay as .' and seungcheol just likes to respond with 'well im bi as so.' or 'but its the truth!'

BIRTHDAY 8 october 1997
AGE 18
▾ native british english : born and raised in london, england, its expected of henry to fully understand the language – he even speaks with a british accent.
▾ conversational korean : its no suprise that his korean mother would have taught him korean as he grew up. however he has issues with writing hangul; often mistaking letters and with others.
YEAR/GRADE second year
ETHNICITY british-korean
FACE CLAIM lee jihoon
BACKUP FC min yoongi
APPEARANCE unlike his natural gentle gaze and careful hands. henry usually wears an expressionless face and gives out blank stares when hes in school.  the closes thing to a smile is an awkward grin. his ivory skin, pale from avoiding sunlight and canine teeth that almost look like fangs – many use to joke about how he looks like a vampire when he was residing in the united kingdom. plump, pink lips from instinctively biting his lower lip, henry does a great job at screwing up his soft lips.

getting it from his father, he was actually born with blond hair and only dyed it black when he first came to korea. knowing it would be an odd sight to see a fifteen year old korean kid, blond for no apparent reason. his locks are soft to the touch, always using his fingers to push his fringe away from his eyes. when hes happy and giggling, his smile is similar to a cheshire cat's. rosy round dimpled cheeks, lips forming into a lopsided smile with eyes turning into crescents; a grinning henry is an amazing sight to be seen. he stands at a rather short height of 164cm; his shoulder arent broad to make him look bigger and has a tiny body frame. his small stature makes him look like a middle schooler, compared to his actual age. however henry weighs 54kg of soft muscle. no distinct abs or biceps but he is strong. most of the muscle comes from being on his old school's track team. none of it seem to be lost even after joining band once he transferred to korea.
STRUCTURE 164cm & 54kg
STYLE during school hours, henry looks like those prepy kids you see in movies. tie a little too tight, pants a little too long; he looks like a middle schooler accidentally wore his older brother’s uniform. miraculously, henry’s blazer and shirt manage to fit well on his small frame. the only significant thing about henry’s dressing is his navy blue coat, a large coat that covers half way up henry’s thighs with his usual 'cute- sweater paws'. a piece of clothing he seems to wear all the time, especially when hes walking back home or to and fro from certain buildings of his high school.

honestly, henry has a rather senseless way of dressing. either wearing a grey puller over to a wedding or a suit to a casual dinner – hes always under dressed or over dresses. there are days where he wears baggy, comfy jeans with an over sized hoodie, mismatched socks and old, worn out white converse lows. there are also days where henry slips into some black skinny jeans, paired with a white button down and a black blazer. fancy shoes and a matching tie; he turns into something painfully dashing. how this henry usually comes out when his parents or seungcheol picks out outfits for him. if not, he prefers to hide behind large pieces of clothing and comfort items. his odd dress code somehow works in the end, being complimenting for his ‘high end style’ or just being over shadowed by the man in the bright yellow suit; henry manages to pull off whatever clothing he manages to put on.
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▾ positive : sincere, sympathetic, easygoing, insightful, open minded, altruistic, devoted,  instinctive, reasonable
▾ negative : private, inpatient,  complex, inexpressive, perfectionist, stubborn, argumentative, sensitive, moody
(if you dont fully understand henry's personality, be sure to request for paragraphs! i will try to get it up as soon as possible! or just look up infj types. though his personality does really depend on his general mood)
the silent counselor
once you've decided to look past henry's blank gaze and see the hint of a spark in his eyes, he becomes a rather different picture. he has a strong respect towards himself – to henry, nothing beats good beliefs and the right values. he may come off as an introvert nut his mind is far from quiet. being a perfectionist. henry tends to find many trouble and flaws in certain things. however instead of speaking of it. he tends to write or keep silent of it. hes an attentive listener, yet again he has so much to say, he just doesnt know how to say it without sounding like an idiot. because henry initially appear so gentle and reserved, he may surprise others with his intensity when one of his values is threatened or called into question. his calm exterior belies the complexity of their inner worlds. he is a rare infj personality type.
▾ london, uk : 15 years
▾ areuma, seoul, sk : 3 years & current
life back in london was great. henry led a posh life; having a large house and branded clothing. there was never pressure given to him, unless you count living up to his parents’ greatness one. this expensive life was given to him by them. henry’s father being a part of the fashion industry and his mother being a business women – he got the easy life. his parents rarely get the chance to spend time with their boy, like any other famous parents would. however when they finally did have time together, it would be a blast. henry always looked forward to their little family adventures; no diamonds or cash but traveling and teaching their son to appreciate the simple things in life. though he was raised in a household filled with maids to help him irons his uniform and cook his meals, his parents never forgot to instill values in their boy. through this, henry grew up as a humble boy who spoke only when he deemed necessary. in school, henry was a rather quiet student. although seemingly attentive, his mind wanders. textbooks and worksheets filled with music notes and lyrics. his heart always lied with the beautiful melodies humanity could make, harmony created by the most practical things. that was when he started getting in the synthesizer. henry first started off with a keyboard before advancing to the complicated software. unlike his usual state of mind, he felt so connected and contented with himself when he played music. that was when he knew he had to do something about this passion and devotion of his; however it was difficult to find someone who could teach him. his parents were rich but that didnt mean they could fulfill all their son’s wishes. this led henry to teach himself, slowly but surely.

when henry turned fifteen, his parents decided to move to korea, his mother’s birthplace. they moved into a large flat, furniture and all. however about half a year into their stay, henry’s parents had to move back to london for work. leaving their names for the flat and henry’s aunt as his guardian, they left for home. henry has a strage relationship with his aunt. he has only seen her in pictures, however he does get monthly texts from her informing him on his expenses at the flat. that was all they said to her, ending their conversations after henry sends a ‘thank you.’ living in a flat designed for at least five people was difficult. especially for henry since he started ranting to himself after his parents’ leave. that was when he decided to put the flat up for rental. a few weeks later, henry was met with a new roommate – a boy from daegu who was newly transferred to another school in his second last year of it. choi seungcheol is his name, two years older, entering college and majoring in photography; hes a great roommate who tends to hit on henry most of the time. however its not like hes complaining, often returning the playful banter to his new found friend.
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HER SIDE  seunhwa, refer to elegantly's app #doubletrouble

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MORE THAN FRIENDS choi seungcheol, refer below #ishipit
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ROCKET & GROOT yoo bumshik, second year at ryungsan high #brotp
they are a rather odd pair of friends – physically and mentally. you would think that henry would surround himself with the shorter bunch to seem taller but nope; hes friends with a tall head who apparently always asks to be carried by the smaller. their dynamics are rather interesting, seeing that the two are polar opposites. bumshik is extremely affectionate when it comes to henry, constantly placing his arm on the shorter's head as an arm rest or even leaning on henry, expecting him to be strong enough to withstand a pillar like himself; which henry does rather well. however there are times where henry finds reasons to get mad at the younger, but yet again, bumshik's genuine kindness dulls the annoying parts of him. its certain that although henry seems a little rough with the taller, he does hold a special place in his heart.

▾ band : henry was on the track team back in london and is currently in band. henry joined band when he first moved to korea, thinking that he would find interest in the vast instruments to learn. however, he soon found that he has no passion or drive for the clarinet or the school's band. often times, henry skips meetings and lessons. because of this, his instructors would tell him that the synthesizer is a useless instrument and hes wasting his time learning. it was only this year that he was threatened to be kicked out if he didnt attend for one more lesson. this is one of the reasons why he wants to join deulxnet – its a much better catch since he can play something he loves and maybe through deulxnet, he can prove to his instructor that his talent for the synthesizer isnt useless.
▾ old habits never die : he tilts his head towards the left when he smiles, unintentionally sighs a lot, has this insecure, nervous laugh and lietrally can’t compliment someone without being awkward. when under presure and stress, henry falls ill when emotionally unstable. a high fever and a cold is like a mood swing to a period to him.
▾ im punk rock, i do what i want : he is addicted to punk rock and indie bands. most of the music he listens to are angsty, heartbreaking english bands with the occasional sweet love songs. henry despises pop and refuses to listen to anything on the radio because all you ever listen to on korean radios are cutesy korean pop, which he cant stand.
▾ enthusiasm : he is so enthusiastic and excited about the weirdest things like pigeons, small pebbles, random weeds grown in a circle of flowers, tea and not coffee, old trees and tumblr memes. these are the few things that can actually make henry giggle like a school girl. many dont understand why he sees beauty in such odd objects, but henry doesnt mind being judged as he takes pictures of overgrown plants and white pigeons.
▾ cute little piece of  : henry hates being called cute or adorable because of his height and small size. however there are exceptions...
▾ o captain, my captain : his favourite movie by far is 1989's dead poets society. not only does he watch it every saturday for a good cry, henry also recites the lines of each character. yes, he has their dislouges memorized and softly reads along with the actors. most of the time, seungcheol watch es it with him although he doesnt understand english. henry is also a big fan of robin williams' works and cried buckets when he heard of his death.
▾ bed hair : every morning, henry pulls himself out of bed and wraps himself in his comforter. dragging it around the house along with his small feet because he claims it calms him down when hes in his often seen 'grumpy, morning state'.  there are two sides to a tired henry. the violent and the adorable. the violent being the one that will tear you into pieces if you interupt his precious rest and the adorable being the henry that nuzzles against your arm, mumbling sweet nothings under his breath. many usually never see the latter, only on one person has though.
▾ ranting : he rambles a lot because he doesnt voice out his ideas and rants on the spot. most of the time he writes paragrapghs on the certain topic for a clearer explanation as his thoughts are scattered – much like argumentative essasys. it can be about how ty the korean education system is to him or even kids littering.  he has a lot of in his iphone's notes app. from inspirational to total crap. henry talks about the most irrelevant things to buy time for himself to sort out his thoughts. 'do you know how my grandfather is?' 'no...?' 'neither do i but thats not the point-'
▾ korean name : it wouldve been hanse, 한세, but henry doesnt like the sound of it. anyways, its not even his offical name, just something his korean relatives like to address him by.
▾ class performance : he doesnt really pay attention in class, scribbleing music notes and lyrics all over his textbook and worksheets. henry is easily distracted and prone to boredom, even someone walking past could cause him to loose focus. hes rather self critical when it comes to music. henry always works day and night on a verse or medley till its perfect. blessing in disguise since you can expect the best from him.
▾ gift giving : when he feels like he doesnt appreciate someone enough, he tends to shower them in gifts and money. its a natural instinct of henry’s to assume everyone is materialistic and gifts can be the perfect form of apology. often times his friends find it weird that henry starts giving him presents, this is an obvious sign that he doesnt feel like hes doing enough.
▾ love is love : bi, straight, gay – henry doesnt have a certain uality nor is he attracted to a certain gender. so you could say that he is bi. however, he does make a lot of comments on how seungcheol affection towards him is gay, but he only jokes like this when he knows their both speaking in a joking matter. if not, henry is well aware that the talk about uality is a conversative topic in kroea. ‘i fall in love with people’ romanticist; henry loves the thought of love. however he has never liked someone nor has he ever known anyone who liked him. henry is just too scared of hurting because of love, about pouring yourself to someone and giving them your most vulnerable parts. and he is oblivious to his roommate's two years of crushing on him, though hes aware that they are more than friends.
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INSTRUMENT synthesizer, clarinet
BACKUP INST bass guitarist
▾ synthesizer : henry has been playing the synthesizer since he turned ten. self taught from the very first day, he gets criticized for his lack of skill. however many do praise him for his natural talent in the instrument from being self taught. he has ever tried to get an instructor, however its so difficult to find someone to help him brush up on his skill so he settled on being self taught. henry is rather experienced and advanced in the technology - even having a little studio in his flat dedicated to the synthesizer. he is able to play on both different types of the synthesizer. through this newly found passion in music, henry has learnt how to play the keyboard; not the piano because the keys are too big for his small hands and tiny fingers.
▾ clarinet : he doesnt have much talent or passion in the instrument and only plays it because band doesnt have a spot for synthesizers. honestly henry rather hates the instrument and doesnt attend any band meetings, which is why his position in band is threatened.
▾ bass guitarist : as a young child, henry had always been interested in guitars and string instruments. his parents wanted their son to be musically inclined so they didnt hesitate to sign him up for weekly classes. ever since the age of twelve, henry has been actively playing the guitar, doing his own re arranging of songs and cords. only being interested in the bass guitar at the age of sixteen. inexperienced with the instrument, henry admits to requiring a lot more exposure before he can be any closer to being a successful guitarist.
VOCAL CLAIM woozi, if not wonpil

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LOVE INTEREST choi seungcheol
BACKUPS kwon soonyoung, park jimin, none at all
BIRTHDAY 8 august 1995 & 20
▾ positive : charming, protective, determined, affectionate, reliable, brave, mischievous, curious, observant
▾ negative : over-bearing, talkative, competitive, self-critical, show-off, prideful, shameless, lame, impulsive
(this seungcheol is pretty much the same seungcheol in real life and in fanfics so thats a clear explanation, i hope.)
the natural leader
meet captain obvious who is friendly to the point he flirts with almost all of his friends. basically seungcheol is like a puppy, a golden retriever. protective, playful and boyish – he is dramatic, dorky, playful and the dream boy. he'd get angry when his friends are hurt. seungcheol is someone who has to be number one, competitive and a self-critical, sometimes seungcheol does strain himself too much. what he doesnt realize is that he is still a young boy that still has a lot of learn, so he pushes himself to his breaking point. this is why he likes being praised, complimented by others; he takes others opinons very seriously, even more serious than his own opinion. seungcheol is shameless to the point where he sends winks at you from across the street and prideful to the point he gets pissed when someone hurts his confidence. contradicting but his personality is a work in progress.

FIRST MEETING the two first spoke on the phone, including the occasional email when it came to the filling up of actual documents needed for the rental. that was two years ago, when henry was an even smaller child and seungcheol was still a high schooler. they only officially met at a cafe once they settled everything about the rental of one of the rooms in henry’s great big flat. which is rather stupid of him since seungcheol could have turned out to be a creepy and henry would have literally invited him into his house for a stay for approximately any time he wanted as long as he paid up. lucky for him, seungcheol wasnt a erted . they met at a cafe, ten in the morning. coffee and tea was shared and stories were heard - the universe seemed to be on seungcheol’s side as he continued to speak of how stupid calculus was to a kid who barely paid attention during his math lessons. all henry did was listen, well mostly. oddly enough, he enjoyed digesting the weird stories that took place in seungcheol’s old school. they were polar opposites, from seungcheol’s odd obsession towards cute kpop to henry’s liking for tea instead of coffee. however they complimented each other well, ever since the first day.
THEIR STORY the day seungcheol arrived through the doors of henry's flat was the day that life started to get more interesting. suddenly there were things to look forward too, his loneliness was immediately washed away by this literal piece of sunshine. there was never awkward moment between the two boys since they compliment each other so well; when henry feels uncomfortable, seungcheol easily brings the cheerful mood back up a notch with a laugh or a joke. the elder could bring henry into a blushing mess by pressing a wet kiss on his forehead because he was being too moody that particular day. he just has a way with the smaller. henry often seeks comfort in him while seungcheol likes to and find the younger's little quirks. if you asked the taller, he would definitely say that he fell for henry ever since the first day, which isnt a lie - seungcheol was attracted to the young boy even then. however he only fell deep in love as time gradually passed by. the more days he spent with henry, the more reasons he found to like him. they're extremely fond of each other and seungcheol is the one that isn't ashamed to show it. as said above, he kisses henry's forehead for the 'lols' and hugs him for no apparent reason. strangely enough, henry finds these actions a sign of affection. although oblivious to the elder's growing feelings, he knows that they werent friends. they could never be friends. friends didnt cuddle next to each other as the other cries over a movie scene. friends didnt flirt with each other and cover it up as 'playful banter'. if seungcheol and henry were friends, they would have crossed the platonic friendship line long time ago.
a special relationship between two extremely ordinary people; after two years of playing around with each other's feelings, seungcheol and henry finally realized that they had to clear things up. they couldnt go too long with sending the other cheeky winks and secretly making his favorite coffee even if he, himself, hates the beverage. that was when henry confronted seungcheol about the situation. the two got into a phase of ignoring each other, not because they hated each other, but because they were both looking for answers. it was a rather dark week of not talking to each other as they lived under the same roof. in the end, it was seungcheol who took the guts to speak to henry. though he didnt really speak and actually rambled in a way only henry would. he spoke of how much and long he has loved henry, seriously one of the most rushed yet romantically genuine confessions of the century. henry didnt know how to respond, instead answering seungcheol with a kiss. messy, teeth clashing; but it felt awfully right. after finally getting together, they became the typical short grump and the gentle giant. seungcheol being the one who would ask to sleep together and continued his flirty ways towards his boyfriend. whereas henry spent most of his days blushing from embarrassment and passing a snarky comment to avoid falling into seungcheol's lame trap of jokes and cheesy pick up lines.
significant moments in their story
▾ 'its like, you want to be alone but sometimes it gets too lonely... you get my drift?' henry looked over at his new roommate, who was oddly staring at him with endearing, smiling eyes. 'nope, but as long as you enjoy my company, im good.'
'i am terribly bored.' he said with a soft sigh. the taller fell next to him on the couch, a mischievous smirk hanging on his lips. 'how does kissing sound?' the younger scoffed loudly, giving him a dangerous look. 'as if you even dare.' seungcheol turned to him, cheekily raising a brow. 'the problem is,' he said as he leaned in towards the smaller, 'if i kissed you, i dont think i’ll be able to stop.'
▾ confusion was written all over the youngers face, brows knitted together as he spoke, 'friends dont hang out like we do. friends dont hug like we do. friends dont show affection like we do. heck, friends dont watch tv like we do,' the taller looked right into his eyes, waiting for a continuation of his sentence. 'so what are we?' henry's voice broke at the end of the sentence. seungcheol paused for a moment, eyes wandering to the floor as he allowed the information to sink in before responding, 'we can be anything you want us to be,' another pregnant pause. 'so what do you want us go be?'
▾ 'i still love you. god damnmit ive ‘still loved you’ for the past two years.' the elder looked tired, as if he was begging for an end, a conclusion. henry's gazed travelled upwards, proping himself up by placing him hands on his shoulders. 'then kiss me, idiot.'

STATUS way more than friends, but less than lovers
ENDING lovers because this is what seol would want

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'it was the talk of the town for about a week before the news decided to die down; that was when i decided to try out.' henry nodded as he spoke, his voice surprisingly and convincingly confident. maybe with the lack of hype, i might have a greater chance of being chosen, he wanted to add on to his sentence, however he thought the first was enough.
the smaller looked dazed when the question was promoted. geez, why is an interview required for a position in a band, his mind spoke. soon enough, henry composed himself and answered. 'not specifically a 'band' band but i suppose i have had thoughts about being in one.'
henry let out a deep sigh. out of all types of questions, there just had to be one about socializing with others. out of insint, he gave his eyes a slight roll as his own voice spoke in his head. 'actually no. i dont have the wide circle of friends so i apologise.' once henry spoke, he mentally cursed himself for apologizing because there was simply nothing to be sorry for.
he was hesitant about answering the way he did, it felt too personal, exposing his awkward self. but henry went with it. 'im actually not too sure. i just hope i will get along with fellow bandmates...'
his mind was screaming, how the should i know? okay im leaving. of couse, henry couldnt actally say that. 'maybe deulxnet is to prove something to someone?' just like i am, he added quietly under his breath.
his fingers brushed his hair our of his eyes, looking at the owner of the voice that spoke. 'im not sure, but lets keep our heads up and hope that the band sounds nice together first before thinking of anything else.' henry said, the most truthful sentence he has said throughout this entire interview.

COMMENTS whatever henry wears is whatever woozi ears; literally go on tumblr and type 'woozi' and see what outifts pops up lol! and im not sure why do i have so much trvia for henry, please dont ask. btw i have so much to add (like a freaking blog and a playlis???) i also have to edit my spelling because i did all of this on mobile orz. i hope you enjoy my flower sons alrght- updated: i finally got the blog done! none of them are my pictures. playlists or gifs – all credits go to their original creators! dearyhenry
▾ gigs : seungcheol skipping night classes to attend the band's gigs. henry finds out and is super pissed like n0, you dont skip class for me no.
▾ i am evil im sorry : the band arguing and on the verge of breaking up but someone brings them all back together? preferably ashton.
▾ cuddly couples : henry sees his bandmates with their significant other and he starts cringing and ranting to himself under his breath. and then suprise – seungcheol pops out of nowhere and twirls him around like theyre in some disney film; yes, henry does point out that the older is acting like he just came out of a cheesy disney movie.


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