Fans in denial

as the title states this post is about fans in denial     Let me get this straight I'm going to point out some flaws ( or many ) of ur favorite oppas so if u can't take it please leave now and dun give give me the crap that he didn't do this or that okay... So I was going through the plastic surgery meter website and srsly the person who makes those post obviously knows his or her stuff. I am just going to state an example. I read the post about infinite Hoya and I really couldn't stand the comments so here I am ranting about it... Guys u do know that neither puberty or make up can make one's nose which was originally curved out to being curved in right... Go and check out Hoya plastic surgery meter if u dun understand me and no I'm not a hater of infinite nor am I those kind who says this idol did plastic surgery for every change in the face. I don't think infinite L did plastic surgery because I know the eyelid can change. If u check out infinite L plastic surgery meter u will know what I mean. I myself experienced that change for my plastic surgery. The next topic I am on involves Exo so those over protective Exo-Ls please kindly off. To be honest I dun think any Exo members are talented. Yes they can sing and dance but not to the extent which they can be called talented I have a certain dislike towards Exo members and that is they don't work as hard as some other kpop boy band group but yet they are more famous than them. I find it too unfair. And other than chanyeol  Luhan and kris I dun see why people are crazy over Exo's visual like honestly I DUN GET IT. Okay next group will be VIXX more specifically leo as I said overprotective fans... off.  (No one is left) okay tbh leo is the idol which I dislike most. Reason being his fans. Like girl what the heck do u want. U scold N when he keeps bothering leo and scold N for not bothering leo LIKE WTF IS YOUR LOGIC. When n doesn't  bother leo. Leo fans: N stop being a camera . When N bothers leo. Leo fans: N stop pestering leo can't u see he is annoyed. Let me get this straight. If N doesn't bother leo LEO WILL NOT FKING HAVE SCREEN TIME AND ONCE LEO JUST FKING SMILES EVERY FAN IS FREAKING OUT TMABD THE COMMENT SECTION IS SOLELY JUST ABOUT LEO. I am frustrated because VIXX ISNT JUST ABOUT LEO FOR SAKE. And it pisses me off that N puts in so much effort and gets hate while leo literally does nth and gets all the love. It's just unfair alright. Back to denial fans. Guys... Leo is not some magical being. His nose bridge can't just suddenly heighten that much. Even with puberty. And the pre debut pictures are fking after puberty so dun give me that crap. If u truly like an idol, please embrace their flaws too and not deny them. And yeah u just see me hating fandoms now. The fandom I love the most? ARMY  my fellow armys' let me hug u now <3 byebye to anyone I offended sorry not sorry




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Exo can't sing to the point of being called talented? Really? Find me even one person that can sing as good as any single member of that band. Can you sing that well? (before you say yes, please be prepared to prove it with audio)
I can sing well, but I can't sing as well as the members of Exo. Not that well, not that reliably, not that publicly, and certainly not that often. And that, to me, is the textbook definition of "talent." Being able to do something that the average person can't do
I think often when someone doesn't like a band's songs they think that means the band is not talented. No, it just means you dont like that band's songs. But it in no way takes away what those people can do
And what Exo can do? That's amazing. I've seen it over and over. Amazing.
I don't really care about the plastic surgery, I don't really see it as flaws either, but - Leo having crazy fans (let's be honest here, ok?) is not really a flaw of his personally - nor is EXO being "untalented" really a flaw of theirs.
I agree with you on some points, not all, but some. I just found the "embrace their flaws" slightly weird when hardly none of what you're talking about is flaws in particular. o___o'
I wish they wouldnt change but they do although often I think it's the company's fault. The world isnt fair we just have to live with that. There are different reasons for fans liking a group there's nothing to be done about it. I mean leaving the fanclub bcz the idol dates?