★ Their True Colors ▬ Celebrity Showdown ★

Contact Information
AFF Username:
AFF Acount Link:

Character Information
Idol's Name:
Nicknames {optional | you can provide your own idols' nickname if you want.}:
Weight {kg}:
Orientation {straight guys are recommended, though.}:

About Yourself
Personality {must be long, descriptive, detailed and realistic. be y if necessary. I want those with a bad reputation or something. your idol can be cute, but do not be cutesy overload. atleast 2 or 3 paragraphs.}: 
Family {OCs are welcomed}: 
Family Background {give your background a twist like being tragic or too much drama}:
Likes {must be matched well with your idol's personality}:
Dislikes {same with the 'Likes' section, must be matched well with your personality}:
Some Trivia {you can copy paste it from your idol's profile from Google or just make up a trivia on your own}:

Complicated Love Life
Love Interest {can be a noona or a dongsaeng, just be careful of the . give off your top three.}:
Love Triangle {just put in yes or no.}:
Rivals {any idols you want and also put in your reason of your rivalry with him/her}:
His/Her's Personality {be creative}:
How Did You Meet?:
Any Past Relationships? {OCs are welcomed. you can use ulzzangs too.}: 

The Social Butterfly
Best Friends {max is three. idols, OCs and ulzzangs are welcomed}:
Friends {max is five. same rule with BFFs}:
Enemies {idols are allowed, ulzzangs and OCs too. max is two. include your reason too.}:

Special Corner
Special Requests {anything. (:}: 
Criticism {i'm allowing you to say what you want. don't go overboard, dummy.}:
Message to Me {lol. add me guys. iloveyou if you do.}:
Did I Miss Anything?: 
House Color {Pick one color, if you don't know, read the rules again.}:
Password {go to the rules if you didn't read it.}:


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