ㅤ❝ㅤHow was your day, Sunyoung?

Layni17. Tsuki . 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
Lee Sunyoung
FULL NAME Lee, Sunyoung
• Sunny + It's just a small play off of her name, nothing special + Her best friend
• Pumpkin + It was just really cute, so it was decided she was Pumpkin + Jonghyun, her long-lost childhood friend who shows up again shortly after Sergeant leaves.

DOB + AGE 12 • 17 • 1990 (24)
BIRTHPLACEBusan, South Korea
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea
• Korean + Fluent, native language
• Japanese + Fluent, her fiance was has Japanese and taught her
FACE CLAIM Lee Sungkyung
OTHER Sunyoung's hair is currently blonde, but pretty soon she's going to dye it back to orange-ish brown. She has C-cup breats that she constantly complains that they get in the way. Her skin is also quite tan for a Korean, and she was a small scar on the left side of her bottom lip from then she was alearning how to wak and continually tripped, cutting her lip on her teeth.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 172 cm & 52 kg (to be explain in background)
• Despite her money issues, Sunyoung is all for exprensive clothing, but cheap clothing is good too- So long as it looks good. When she was a teenager, she was highly into fashionb, and she actually still wears a lot of her clothing from back then. From cute blouses to old classic band tee's, the only constant in her fashion is her beat up sneakers unless she's working. When she has a hangover, though, she's always in her signature sweats.


(+) Easy-going,intuitive, generous, organized, independant
(=) Emotional, somewhat sentimental
(-) Reckless, self-centered, depressed, agressive, stuck in the past
• Sunyoung is very easy-going, and thinks that people should be able to do what they want in life. Sunyoung simply doesn't find a reason that people can't be what or who they want, so she suggests that everyone take a chill pill. Seriously, this girl is the most laid-back you'll find. Sunyoung is intuitive, so she always knows when something is wrong with someone. Maternal insticts? She's got them. Natural instincts? The best. This girl has the best gut feeling you've ever known. Sunyoung is generous as hell, so despite her lack of money, she gives most of her tips to the homeless, or to the single monthers'/fathers'/really stuggling families in her apartment building that she knows of.
• Even though she struggled because of it, she can't help it. Sunyoung is very organized, and knows exactly where everything. Despite her bad habits, she seems to be very well-kept. This girl is seriously organized, it's pretty crazy. She's also very independant, though, so if you manage to be friends with her (Unlikely, I know) don't expect her to come running to you at every adversary that comes her way- Sunyoung highly prefers that she be on her own, and thrives that way, of course, that's not saying that she doesn't need anyone to cry to, of course.

• Sunyoung is highly emotional- The little things makes her cry, and she can change her mood in an instant depending on the words spoken to her. Random acts of kindness can make her burst into tears at any moment she remembers them- It's endearing to those who love her. Her slight sentimentality stems from these emotions, as she can't even bear to throw away a card she got from a boy in her first year of school as it holds too much meaning. She has all of her daughter's baby clothes still packed up and ready to be worn, though by now she would be three. Sunyoung can't bear to rid herself of the engagement ring her fiance gave her, even if he abondonded her.
• This girl is seriously stuck in the past. She can't get over the finace that left and took her daughter away, she can't let go of her family claiming she's a disgrace, she can't let go of all of the things that hurt. Sunyoung is hurting herself, she knows, but she can't stop. She's pushed herself into depression, she simply can't rid herself of these feelings. Though she hides them, they're still there. Sunyoung is very agressive when it comes down to it, always hiding these things with her anger. She doesn't hit people, but she'll get in your face and push you. She's reckless, so she doesn't think of the consquences of her actions- Ever. She's self-centered, and always looks out for number one, even if she's not to happy who that person is any more.

• Lee Sunyoung was born to an upper-middle class family with an older brother and older sister, making her the youngest of three. Her parents were very strict about her education, but so long as she did well in school, she was allowed to partake in any extracurricular activites she wanted to. One of those things was dancing. One day, when she was eight, she was caught dancing in the gym long after school had ended by a boy just a few months older than her- Kim Jonghyun. He was totally in awe from her perfromance, and begged her to show him again. She bashfully agreed when Jonghyun offered to sing in return- After all, he was quite well known for his voice, even at that young age. They both performed, and Jonghyun was able to convince her to meet him there every day after school so they could pratice and get honest opinions. Jonghyun and Sunyoung quickly became close- They shared dreams, secrets, nothing was kept from each other. They became the absolute best of friends, and even started taking foreign language classes together. They were inseperable.
• Everything was nice and well in Sunyoung's life until, just a week after her sixteenth birthday, Jonghyun admitted he was moving to America. They had gone out to lucn together on a cool, overcast Saturday when he broke the truth. Within the years between their meeting and untill then, Sunyoung had learned about his dream of music, and how his parents simply wouldn't accept that. She always thought he would fight until he said that fateful day he was moving to where he could finish high school a year early and move onto law school immedaiately- In California. He said it was going to be mid-way through January, but Sunyoung cried her heart out at that moment. Her very best friend, hwo had been with her for years, was leaving. She spent Christmas with him that year, and her family let her, knowing just how important Jonghyun was. It was filled with smiles, luaghter, and tears.Watching his house being packed up over his last four days in South Korea was like ripping her heart into small pieces- Each item carried, out, each memory carelessly packed into a box was what killed Sunyoung the most.
• On Jonghyun's last day, after his whole house was packed up, he kissed Sunyoung on the cheek and promised her he would be back one day. She locked herself in her room that whole week, refusing to go to school for two. Jonghyun kept in contact, and he convinced Sunyoung to go back to school once her sister told him. But once she went back, she started to stick aroud the druggies and the bullies, never really being one of them, but staying to them as a form of protection. Sunyoung and Jonghyun's mutual, older friend, Iseul, did her best to take care of Sunyoung, as she promised, but was absolutely shocked when Sunyoung handed her money when she was eighteen and said, "Buy me some cigarettes." As Iseul was legally allowed to, Sunyoung requested this from her. The older obviously refused, but that didn't stop Sunyoung from getting any. This was the start of her smoking problem, and drinking was followed by the time she was seventeen. Still, Sunyoung was able to keep it a seret from her family, and was able to convince her non-druggie/bully friends to keep it a secret, and was able to pretend to Jonghyun that everything was fine- But it really wasn't, not at all.
• One day, Iseul couldn't hold it in anymore, and told her husband- Sunyoung's older brother. It caused a huge family fight, and Sunyoung couldn't even bother getting mad at Iseul. She was told if she didn't stop these awful habits, she would no longer be a part of the family. She didn't stop, and by the time she was nineteen, this girl was living all on her own, all but disowned by her family. After this, she moved to Pinacheo for the cheap living. She couldn't afford a phone or internet, and dropped contact with Jonghyun competely. She became even more absobed in her addictions, and began working as a waitress, book store clerk, and much more just to pay rent, much less for food. There, she met the man of her dreams- Tsukiyama Hyeon, a poor college student who was attractive and charming. They became very close, and he could visit her at each of her work places. She hid her bad habits well from him, but because of her lack of money for food, paired with all of her drinking and smoking, she lost a lot of weight, and by tweny one, this girl was definitely underweight.When Hyeon noticed, he helped her clean up her act, and Sunyoung was as clean as she had ever been. They became engaged within a year of knowing each other.

• She was able to get a job as an assistant animator at a small cartoon company, despite her lack of college and professional animating- She would draw people on the street for money, and the CEO happened to walk by, see her, an ask for a portrait. He gave her his card, and thus she got the job. Now that she was making money, both Sunyoung and Hyeon lived much better, moving into a nicer apartment together. Imagine their joy when they found out they were expecting a little girl. She was born with th name Tsukiyama Lee Hye Su. They were such a happy family, so it came as a shock to Sunyoung when she woke up one morning withHye Su and Hyeon gone, a small letter with the words "We're leaving." with Hyeon's engagement ring left on top of it. They went to court for custody, but once Sunyoung's old habits were brought to the table, Hyeon was given all custody rights, and Sunyoung was left with no visitation grants. Hyeon and Hye Su moved to Japan, and Sunyoung fell right back into the old routine of drinking and smoking. A year ago, Sunyoung lost her job as an animator and was stuck working at the nighclub as a waitress. She barely gets by, and basically lives at Sgt. Pepper's because of free wifi and cheap food.

• Older sister - Lee Hana (26) - Stay-at-home mother - Maternal, cheerful, easily annoyed, busy - Hana and Sunyoung only meet once ayear, and that's for Hana's and Haneul's birthday (They're twins). They all usually go out to eat, and Sunyoung hates it, but they do it to check up on their mess of a baby sister. Hana really wants to help Sunyoung, but the girl simply won't let her, and it hurts.

• Older brother - Lee Haneul (26) - Accountant - Athletic, resilient, sneaky, blunt - Haneul has good intentions, but his words and accusations come much too strong for Sunyoung. It's painful to see Sunyoung like this, but he knows that only she can change it. He sometimes sends her checks to help her get by.

• Best friend and sister-in-law - Kyung Iseul (26) - None - Caring, warm, easily upset, stubborn - Iseul does all that she can to care for Sunyoung. She knows the girl she loves is still in there, and depserately wants her back. Iseul often helps pay her bills, and meets with her once a week at Sgt. Pepper's to see how she's doing,

• Good friend and coworker - Kim Areum (22) - Waitress at night club - Reckless, dramatic, confident. loyal - Areum, like Sunyoung, is reckless. Though she doesn't drink, she smokes three cigarettes a day- Nothing compared to Sunyoung, but still enough that they could bond through that and the creeps at work. Areum really cares for the older, but let's her habits slide since she's not to innocent either.

• Ex-fiance and father of her child - Tsukiyama Hyeon (25) - Vice president of Japanese entertainment company - Easy-going, playful, coldhearted, sneaky - Despite their former love, there's no place for the other in their hearts any longer. Hyeon is nothing but a to Sunyoung, and though they haven't met since that day in court, make no mistake he's not done with her.

• Daughter - Tsukiyama Lee Hye Su (3) - None - Cute, playful, whiny - Hye Su and Sunyoung haven't met in years- She doesn't even remember her mother in the slightest, and never wonders about her either. Sunyoung, on the other hand, can't go a day without thinking about her precious daughter.
• Drawing- She has a talent for it was well, so it's something she seriously enjoys
• Children, ever since she was a teen she liked them- Even moreso after she had Hye Su
• The morning sun, it's really pretty, especiallly when it bathes everything in a light, dusty pink
• Ice ceam sundaes, they taste really good and have been her favorite dessert since she was young
• Brownies, especially when they're still warm, with melted chocolate chips and reall rich dark chocolate
• The color blue, it's her favorite

• Those who glare at her as she drinks or smokes- They can get over themselves
• Her job, it seriously , especially with all the creeps
• Her apartment, it's so ty and she's pretty sure there's mold in the bathroom
• Parks, they remind her of when she and Jonghyun would always hang out after school and talk about life
• Wooden pencils, she likes mechanical unless she's drawing

• Biting her lip when nervous
• Tugging and playing with any empty lobe piercings she may or may not have (Depending on how many earring she put in) when upset or embarassed
• Developing a random cough when she gets mad (It probably has to do with the way she yells)
• Blushing when furious

• Drawing, as previously metioned she loves doing it, and a lot of the time at Sgt. Pepper's, she draws the people she sees
• Horseback riding- Well, it was when she could afford it. She loves horses so it was always fun for her
• Old PC gaming, she has a whole bunch of old Nancy Drew and Sims games. Her sister gave her an older laptop two years ago, so she plays on that

• Never seeing Hye Su again, it would break her
• Snakes, she literally bursts into tears at the sight of them
• Not being remembered- If she suddenly disappeared off the face of the Earth, no one remembering her would ruin her.

• When she was ten, she and Jonghyun fell down a hill together. She broke her right arm and Jonghyun broke his left leg.
• After she broke her right arm, Sunyoung learned how to write with her left hand as well, and is now ambidexterous
• She looks up to models for their beauty
• Sunyoung adores cats, but Minnie, the cat her fiance got her when they were together, went missing two years ago.
• She loves to make pancakes, she used to make them really early in the morning and bring them to her family members in bed.
• After she started staying at Jonhyun's place, she would do that for him, too.
• She often goes to a grocery store near Sgt. Pepper's where a kind ahjumma someties gives her food for free.
• She had a crush on her female classmate, Kim Sooyun, when she was in her second year of school.
• Sunyoung likes to wake up early.
• When she does wake up early, she eats a breakfast bar, goes for a jog, smokes, and takes a shower. If she wants, she cooks breakfast, but she usually goes to Sgt. Pepper's.
• Her shift is usually from ten to two in the morning on weekdays. Weekends it's nine to four, in which case she doesn't bother sleeping and goes to Sgt. Pepper's until she deems it light enough to go home safely.
• She hasn't talked to her parents in four years, and doesn;t plan to.
• Sunyoung still missed Jonghyun. It's natural, though, when they were so close for so long.

WHY DO YOU FREQUENT SGT.PEPPER'S? — "Sgt. Pepper's is where I basically live half my life, so yeah. It's nothing special, but free wi-fi and a way out of my ty apartment is always good. I guess there's okay-ish food. The only downside is no smoking," Sunyoung rolled her eyes at the mere thought of it.
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT SERGEANT & JUDE? — "Sergeant is pretty nice to me, despite that I often try to break his rule about smoking and drink myself half-to-death every week. I'm actually better drunk than I am sober, though, so I guess he doesn't mind. Sometimes he'll let me stay the night if I get too drunk since he doesn't trust me to get home safe, and he doesn't know my address. Jude and I get along well, since he reminds me of the cat my fiance bought me when I got pregnant," She smiled, taking a drag of her cigarrette before putting it out after seeing the looks she was getting with a major eyeroll, "I know all the places Jude likes to me scratched, and all of his off-limit areas. He's quite cute."
WHAT ARE THE BEST THINGS IN YOUR LIFE? — "Alcohol and smoking," She answered with zero hesitation, "They help me loosen up, forget everything, you know? Don't give me that look, you haven't been through what I have. If I was any less of a person, I probably wouldn't even be here right now. So those are the things that I have right now, and they're the best I got."
WHAT ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH RIGHT NOW? — "Everything," She sighed heavily, "My fiance abandoned me three years ago and took our three-month-old daughter with him, and I lost all custody of her, my family basically ostracized me because of my drinking and smoking "problems," my apartment is ty and I lost my job last year as an animator, so now I'm stuck as a waitress at a night club so there are s everywhere. What about that sounds easy to you?"
WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN 10 YEARS TIME? — "With my daughter, living in a good house with someone who actually loves me," She said this bitterly, knowing it was but a useless, petty dream, "I wouldn't even have to work because my husband would make enogh money, but also work from home. I'd be done with smoking and drinking, I'd have two kittens and a puppy, and people wouldn't hate me. What a stupid dream, huh?"
• (+) Creative, warm, supportive, (=) emotional, romantic (-) short-tempered, restrained, critical. Jonghyun is a very romantic person- He's that total romantic who loves midnight walks on the beach, candle-lit dinner dates, etc. He's also quite emotional, so the little things makes him cry. He's unfortunately a bit of a tortured (?) soul, as he's very restrained- his parents simply refuse to follow his dream of music, intead forcing him to be studying as a businessman. He has quite the short temper, though, and will snap at anyone who's not a stranger. He tends to be critical, though, and often takes things at face-value. Jonghyun points out the little and the big things wrong with people, no problem. Despite these bad and neutral things, though, he's highly creative- Hence his love for music and talent at writing it. Unlike his parents, Jonghyun is very supportive of his friends, so even if he always points out those bad things, he takes care of and supports their bad parts and dreams. He's very warm- Like a mug of hot chocolate on a snowy day. Jonghyun honestly cares about what you have to say, and you know it. His warmness is an aura about him.
(You already read their first meeting, so I'll write out their meetng when Jonghyun returns to Korea.)
• Imagine Sunyoung's surprise, after years and years of an absolutely ty life that she somehow sees the best friend who moved to America years ago (That she last saw looking like this) is in their hometown (and now looks like this). She called out to him, litereally screaming, and Jonghyun turned around in confusion. Sunyoung and Jonghyun stared for a few moments, unable to quite comprehend. Despite all of the aging and difference in Sunyoung, Jonghyun recognized her (Even though he was shokced at how she went from this to this) and procedded to hug the life out of her. For her part, she started sobbings (As expected) and they stayed there for a good ten minutes. Jonghyun had started crying in that time as well, and before he could say anything she grabbed him and marched right to Sgt. Pepper's, even though it had closed. She didn't want him to see her apartment.
• Jonghyun and Sunyoung are filled with skinship Despite their many years of separation, they're able to act like they did back when they were teengers. They cuddle, hug, kiss on the cheek, talk about the supidest - It's kind of amazing. They seem a bit more awkward though, barely noticeble though. They both know it's because they've aged and change- But that seously doesn't stop the skinship she sickly sweet and horribly rude words they've exchanged since they met. When Jonghyun sings a self-composed song for her that he wanted an opinion on, she went straight back to the old routine of dancing for him. The other Lonely Hearts members find it either really gross or really sweet, and tease them.
FINAL WORDSThank you so much for this opporunity! Sorry for the disgustingly long background, but it was all neccessary info. I'm sure you see now why I'm thinking she's over-the-top, yet unfortunately I did end up basing it off of my aunt's life- I just decided to delete her revious history and started again. Of course, my aunt lived in America and her best friend moved to Germany, but whatever. I hope you liked Sunyoung!
• Sunyoung tries to smoke in front of the other Lonely Hearts, and someone gets really, really mad.
• Jonghyun finds out about her alcoholism and smoking problem, but only hugs her and lets her cry it all out.
• Jonghyun confessed to Sunyoung in front of the other members of Lonely Hearts.
• Sunyoung gets really close with the youngest, and spoils her to no end.
• Sunyoung's ex comes back with their daughter. Jonghyun gets severely protective and Sunyoung demands custody of Hye Su.
• When Jonghyun returns, he teaches Sunyoung English.
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