ygsmjypfam // mei // 9
NICKNAME: Minnie - A nickname given to her by her family and friends. Maeum - Since she was born on the day of hearts, her friends would sometimes call her with this nickname.
DATE OF BIRTH: 14 February 1993
AGE: 22 years old
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGE: Korean - This is her native language. English - Conversational. Mandarin - Basic (learned this thru books)
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: The Sweetheart
POSITION: Main Vocalist (Main rapper, lead vocalist)
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

POS : Sweet, compassionate, tolerant, friendly, intelligent
NEU : Emotional, unpredictable, dreamy
NEG : Insecure, passive, escapist, moody, forgetful

Whenever people see Minseo, the first thing that could come to their minds would be “Sweet person”. Minseo is a nice young lady who likes to show kindness to everyone.She is naturally understanding of people and as much as possible, she will love them with all her heart. Her eye-smile and smiles in general are always her weapon to everyone as she believes that even that one simple gesture could make someone’s day better. With that being said, Minseo is also a compassionate person. She will always be ready to help others out, most especially her family and friends, and she will not hesitate to attend to their needs first before hers. She is the kind of person who’s willing to take a step back just so others could shine too. Of course she likes it when people recognizes her talents but, she also believes in the saying “Give chance to others”. She is also sensitive to people’s feelings and she will not hesitate to show how much she cares. Minseo is very tolerant as well, she will not get angry at someone just because they’re slow or anything. Instead, she will help this person to stand back up and try again. When they have trainings and some trainees can’t catch up, she will do her best to help them out and she’ll be patient until they can go again. If there are problems that she’ll face, she will not give up on it until this will be solved. Whenever training are becoming hard for her, she’d still do her best. Giving up on anything or anyone is not in her vocabulary. Because she’s a warm-hearted person, it doesn’t take long for Minseo to make new friends. She’d easily accommodate new people she encounters. When she was still a trainee, new comers would instantly become her friends because she likes to take care of them and welcome them in SM Entertainment. She can actually be thrown to any groups of people and she’ll find a way to fit in. Minseo’s also known to be one of the most intelligent girls in the company. She could easily weigh a situation or problem and she’ll think of a probable solution at once. She always thinks before she acts whenever there are trials but with assisting others, there’s no thinking but just helping. Hence, she’s also witty and she can come up easily with funny things that aren’t offensive that’s why new friends would like her in just a short span of time.

There are moments when Minseo’s very emotional. She will show immediately if she feels happy or sad. She’s also the kind of person to cry easily whenever someone touched her heart or the hearts of others. Expect her to cry at once when SUBZER0 wins their first trophy or even after that, even the next after that. It’s really not that hard to make her cry. She also has this time when one of their members is sincerely happy, she’d actually tear up. Minseo’s pretty unpredictable too. Despite her being such a sweet lass, she still has her fair share of crazy and weird moments. People can’t practically think what she’s going to do next because she’s one helluva surprising girl. She can act crazy to cheer someone up or whenever they have bets between the members and she loses, she’d definitely do their dare, sometimes even more than that. If someone caught her staring at nothing in particular, they already know Minseo’s in her own world probably imagining stuff about rainbows and fluffy unicorns. But in reality, she always thinks of her future and what lies ahead for her. She’s quite excited to know if she’d come far or if she’d be able to make it long in the K-pop industry. She sometimes loses herself in her daydreams that whenever she's out of it, co-members will just pinch her on her shoulders to snap out of her reverie.

Despite her almost seemingly perfect image, Minseo is in all honesty a very insecure person. She just won’t show it but she thinks that she’s lacking a lot of abilities. She may be the main vocalist in their group but sometimes she envies others who have more talents and who can do more things than her. She sometimes thinks she isn’t pretty at all while all of her co-members in SUBZER0 are all perfect looking. She can’t help but to envy them at times especially when she reads critics that for a main vocalist, she doesn’t have a strong voice to express more the feelings of the song. Even though she’s an artist, she still have a low self-esteem that she certainly needed to work on. Minseo is also a passive person. She’d rather not argue about anything and she’d just accept harsh words been thrown to her without her even defending herself. She always preferred to have a peaceful life rather than standing for herself. Despite being an intelligent person, she still lacks confidence in herself that’s why she would just allow anything that happens to her without giving a fight. She’s a cowardice to debates and arguments and she dislikes misunderstandings so much. Because of this, she will just try to divert her attention to other things rather than focusing on the problems she will face. Minseo’s a certified escapist. She would rather live in fantasy rather than facing the reality. She’ll read books or listen to music to escape the trials thrown to her. But if it concerns the group, she would do offer her aid. If it’s her own problems, she will just keep mum about it. In relation to this, Minseo’s quite the moody girl. When everything’s fine and happy, she’ll be all smiles and suns. But when suddenly she recalls something bad she had experienced or just anything that will make her to be in a bad mood, then voila. Her bright face will turn into a gloomy one. Whenever on television or just about anything with regards publicity, she will try her best not to show if something tick her off. But whenever she’s just in the four walls of their company, ah, expect her to annoyed or irritated for a while, most especially when she’s really feeling tired. Though this girl could be pretty smart, Minseo is very forgetful. May it be song lyrics or dance steps? Or even if she had brushed her teeth that morning. Some things would usually slip her mind too that's why her co-members are really worried with her. During practices, she would get scolded by their trainers too since there are times she'd forget what's the next lyrics. Sometimes, even choreographies. It had always been like that that’s why some trainees who didn’t make their way to debut yet will feel angry at her because they think she lacks the talent or the star factor.

» Background

On the day of hearts in the year 1993, baby Park Minseo was born into this world. Her father and mother weren’t married and she never knew anything about her father. Growing up, Minseo’s mom was able to provide enough for her and since she was working, Minseo was taken care of her grandmother. They didn’t really came from a well-off family but they belonged to the average social status. Her mother worked as an accountant while her grandmother worked as a piano teacher based at their home. There were times when she asked about her father but they explained to her that her father was working abroad. When she was old enough to understand, that was when they told Minseo the truth that her father had his own family, happily married to another woman. She didn’t feel sad that much though because, for her, having her mother and grandmother beside her was enough already so she never pressed on more information about her father and she never got the chance to meet him but that was totally fine with her already.

At a very young age, Minseo had shown deep interest with music. She would sing and dance along kids shows and she will not be shy in performing in school too. Some of her teachers would even let her sing during school events and because of that, Minseo fell in love more in performing. When she turned 7 years old, her mother let her take voice lessons every summer vacation. She would also be casted in musical plays in their school and she very much enjoyed these activities. Her voice lessons continued until she was 15 years old because she was almost in her high school year and she was able to successfully enter Hanlim Multi-Art School, under Musical Theatre Department, where she could also hone her music skills. Her mother was very proud of her but because of the tuition fee, her mother decided to work abroad to earn more and to provide more for Minseo and her grandmother. Her mom worked in USA in a bank and would often call Minseo every Saturday in SK. In the year 2008, during her freshman year in high school, she had learned that SM Entertainment will be holding auditions and without even consulting her mother, Minseo tried auditioning and luckily, she passed. It almost took her a month to convince her mother about it but after careful consideration, her mother finally allowed her to be a trainee with a condition that she will not fail nor leave her studies as she still needed to graduate high school and also to enter college. At a young age, Minseo managed to learn the importance of time management and she was able to study well while having her trainings. Her grandmother was so proud of her that sometimes, she would even go to SM just to pick up Minseo so she will not go home alone. The girl of course didn’t want that because her grandmother was already 74 years old that time. When she graduated high school, as per recommendation, Minseo entered college in Korea National University of Arts and took up Acting where she could also have a chance to showcase her acting skills and her vocals. She particularly enjoyed musical theatre that was why she pursued acting. She knew she can still practice singing then because most of their plays were musical. One of her downfalls during her college years was when she was in her junior year, her grandmother passed away leaving Minseo alone. She was so devastated then because one of her strengths was her grandmother. Her mother almost wanted to stop working permanently because it was too painful to be away and just so someone can take care of Minseo but she told her mother that she can manage and so her mother continued to strive working so that she could finish her studies. Minseo felt so much pain when her grandmother passed away but she had also made a promise to her grandma that she will continue reaching for her dreams. That was why while grieving, she continued attending trainings and was determined that she will finish what she had started and she will achieve her goals. Minseo started living in a dorm together with other trainees after this.

While being a trainee in SM and at the same time studying, she had a lot of times wherein she wanted to give up already because she had been training in SM for a long time already but never had she ever debuted. She was a candidate to debut with f(X) back in 2009 but some of the trainees said that Minseo can’t since she only had been a trainee for a year then. Sure, she understood that but at the same time she was hurt. She thought she would never debut because it took time for SM to have a new girl group to debut. Minseo thought she will be at least included in Red Velvet but Lee Sooman, himself, talked to her that it wasn’t her time yet so she waited once more. She already graduated college but still remained a trainee and that was when a good news finally reached her. Minseo will finally debut with SUBZER0 and not only that, she was assigned as the Main Vocalist of the group and now she can also use all the dance practices she had during trainings since SUBZER0 were comprised of good dancers. She felt pressured over it but she knew she can do it because of hard work.

» family   

Park Seohee | Mother | 51 | Accountant | Loving, caring, overprotective, strict | Minseo is really close with her mother. She would often confide to her as well especially when Seohee started working in the U.S. their bond even got stronger because Minseo will tell her about anything. The two of them had a rule that Minseo can't even keep a secret from Seohee because they were already far from each other. When Minseo secretly auditioned in SM and when she told Seohee about being accepted, Seohee felt a bit betrayed because Minseo didn't tell her about it. But since she knew her daughter loved music, she finally allowed her. Even when Minseo was busy with trainings, she will make sure to find time for her mother so that they can talk over the phone and catch up.

Han Dasom | Grandmother | 78 (deceased) | Piano Teacher | Supportive, kind, paranoid, oversensitive | Minseo really owes everything for her grandmother because ever since she was a kid, her mother had always been busy with work and Dasom was the one who was always there for her. Minseo treated Dasom like her real mother as well and she often tells Dasom things that Minseo can't open up to her mother. When Minseo's going home from school, she will buy tteokbokki and 2 bowls of jjajangmyeon to share with Dasom. Her grandmother was really supportive with her especially when Minseo successfully made it to SM Entertainment. Minseo  was also inspired by her grandmother's love for music that was why she grew up in love with music as well. When Dasom passed away, Minseo almost felt a part of her died but she continued on because she offers all her success to her grandmother who stayed beside her up until the end. 

» friends  

Park Sunyoung | Best Friend | 22 | Idol - f(X) | Brave, cheerful, demanding | Sunyoung, or also known as Luna, and Minseo had met during
their trainee years in SM Entertainment. They jived easily as both of them were friendly, had the same age and both of them were singers. They were branded in SM as the Park Siblings because they were inseparable and had the same surnames. Luna was one of the reasons why Minseo never quitted because Luna would always encourage Minseo to continue on even though she haven't debuted yet. | When Luna was able to debut in f(X), she encouraged Minseo to not give up because she knew that Lee Sooman must have other plans for Minseo as well. The two of them remained the best of friends despite the busy schedule of Luna. When she's free, she would ask Minseo for them to sneak out and eat street food together like during their trainee days. The two of them also coaches one another when it comes to singing and they never fail to show support for each other. Luna was beyond stoked upon knowing Minseo was going to debut and she even proclaimed that she is their number one fan already.

Lee Taemin | Best Guy Friend 1 | 22 | Idol - SHINee | Generous, hardworking, shy | SHINee had just debuted when Minseo entered SM Entertainment and her number one bias then was Taemin. While Minseo was finding her way to one of the practice rooms, she accidentally bumped into when she didn't see him exiting a room and she was about to enter. Of course, we could guess that Minseo was awestruck upon seeing him but she managed to keep her cool. He then walked with her to the practice room she was supposed to be in and since then they became close. | After that faithful day of meeting him, they had gotten closer because even though they were idols already they still trained and sometimes both of them had the same trainings together. Taemin was also the one to always teach Minseo with her dancing skills and ever since she had improved a lot. Because they also had the same age, it wasn't hard for the two of them to become close. Minseo even confessed that she had a crush on him before but now she thinks of him as her long lost brother and that would be if she still developed that romantic feelings. :)) Taemin could only laugh with that and he just let her think what she wants but nonetheless, he took care of her when she was down and alongside Luna, he also claimed to be the number one fan of SUBZER0 since they were great dancers too.

Do Kyungsoo | Best Guy Friend 2 | 22 | Idol - EXO | Passionate, confident, reserved | Minseo had been a trainee in SM for 2 years already when Kyungsoo became one and since the girl had always been known to being a friendly person, she befriended Kyungsoo at once. She had seen him then, just sitting alone during their break. She knew he was new so she approached him. At first, he was aloof and shy towards her but seeing how crazy and sweet she was, he finally opened up to her and eventually became the closest of friends. | As they were given a chance to become closer, Kyungsoo became her best guy friend as well together with Taemin. Minseo had always think that Kyungsoo was so talented and she would even that he should share his talents with her too. He's also basically one of her source of strengths as he was always there for her to listen to her when she felt sad. Despite Kyungsoo being a bit quiet than Minseo, when he was around her, he would also be very talkative but, he was more of the listener between the two of them. Sometimes, out of nowhere, they would talk about economics or classical music that the others think they were quite weird. But both of them didn't mind, as long as they were having fun together, then they should just carry on. When Kyungsoo debuted in EXO, he became busier but Minseo understood it. Whenever he had the time, he would always treat Minseo out. She would also prepare treats for him like cookies or chocolates that he can bring whenever EXO travels. He also considers himself as a fan of SUBZER0.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes 
  • one: The sea & anything nautical
  • two: Musicals (Film and Theatre)
  • three: Books (Her favorite authors are Mitch Albom, Jennifer Smith, Rainbow Rowell)
  • four: Art galleries and museums
  • five: Winter season & Snow
  • six: Fruits. Her favorites are watermelon and banana.
  • seven: Turtles
  • eight: Hugging & skinship
  • nine: Old films & classical music
  • ten: Horror stuff
» Dislikes 
  • one: Flying cockroaches ;n;
  • two: Amusement park rides
  • three: Stuffed toys
  • four: Chips
  • five: Medicine
  • six: Clowns eek!
  • seven: Anything that's too loud (e.g. pressure cooker, thunder, fireworks)
  • eight: Insensitivity
  • nine: The puddles after the rain because she doesn't like it when it splashes on her feet.
  • ten: Chatting through SNS (She's bad in communicating through SNS haha. She likes talking in person more)
» Fears 
  • one: Fireworks
  • two: Thunderstorm
  • three: Failure
» Hobbies 
  • one: Reading books
  • two: Listening to music
  • three: Wandering around the building during breaks
  • four: Going to the rooftop to have some fresh air when
    she has free time.
  • five: Doing housechores (e.g. cleaning their dorm,
    washing the dishes, do laundry)
» Habits 
  • one: Minseo has this weird habit of poking the ends of her
    hair to her face or on her skin. Sometimes, she would do it
    with anyone too.
  • two: As soon as she sees the people she likes and loves
    during the mornings, Minseo hugs them tightly.
  • three: She starts her morning rituals by waking up at
    5:00am so she could jog by the Han River.
  • four: She has a habit of biting her lower lip when she's in
    deep thoughts or when she's nervous.
» Trivia 
  • one: Minseo owns an Instagram and Twitter accounts with
    the same usernames: @pminseo14 She's more active in 
    Instagram though and seldoms tweet.
  • two: Loves to doodle and draw a lot. She received a cute
    doodle notebook from Luna on her 18th birthday.
  • three: She's a total health freak. She doesn't like chips nor
    sodas. Although, dark chocolates are her favorite. She
    refers to it as "The healthy kind of sin."
  • four: Despite being health conscious, she doesn't mind
    eating tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, pizza, or drinking coffee,
    bubble teas, and fruit shakes.
  • five: She's freaking afraid of dogs and so, her only pets
    are a turtle and a goldfish. Minseo named them Kimchi and
    Yippee. :)))
  • six: Minseo believes in supernatural things and she
    wishes that one day, SUBZER0 could go ghost hunting \:D/
  • seven: A leftie~
  • eight: She collects rucksacks, messenger bags, hats,
    notebooks, and colorful ballpens.
  • nine: Her favorite color is Tiffany Blue.
  • ten: Minseo can't cook AT ALL. If you want to burn your
    kitchen, better call her then. ;u;
  • eleven: She loves plants so much. Minseo owns three small 
    potted plants inside her room in their dorm. She sings to it
    when she feels like being crazy but she talks to them since
    she believes that plants have feelings too.
  • twelve: A big fan of SHINee, EXO, Infinite, BTS, f(X), Red
    Velvet, 2NE1, BoA, T Yoon Mirae, Lim Kim, and IU. In
    Mando-pop, she likes S.H.E. and Fahrenheit.
  • thirteen: She knows how to play piano and guitar. Minseo
    brought her electric keyboard in their dorm and plays
    whenever she misses her grandmother.
  • fourteen: When she's not that busy, she practices
    composing songs because she dreams of one day
    writing for SUBZER0 and the whole SM Town Family.
  • fifteen: Whenever she receives letters or cute notes from
    anyone, Minseo keeps it in a large box so she can read it
    again when she feels sad.
  • sixteen: Her ideal type is Infinite's Kim Sunggyu because
    he's cute, a silly grampa, and a strict leader.
    /wiggles eyebrows/ Reminds you of someone, eh? Hohoho.
  • seventeen: Never had a boyfriend. She got tons of
    crushes though. Also, she focused too much with studies
    and trainings so she never had the chance to "fall in love".
  • eighteen: She likes watching K-Dramas and Taiwanese
  • nineteen: Minseo's ridiculously allergic to marshmallows
    that's why she dislikes these fluffy killers. 
  • twenty: Because she had been a trainee for a long time,
    Minseo had been given a couple of projects:

    - Appeared in f(X)'s MV of Hot Summer, EXO's Music
    Video Drama, SHINee's MV of Married to the Music.
    - Had a cameo in To The Beautiful You and My Lovely Girl.
    - A voice actress in Saving Santa alongside Suho.
    - Sang some OSTs of To The Beautiful You and My Lovely
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
FACECLAIM NAME: Jung Eunji (Apink)
» Backup Faceclaim

FACECLAIM NAME: Park Chorong (Apink)


FASHION PREFERENCE: Minseo loves to dress up with classy, preppy, and sporty clothes. She would go for knitted tops, or loose cotton shirts, and sometimes would go for vintage looks. She loves to wear cottony soft t-shirts and blouses. She seldom wear tank tops or clothes that would reveal much of her arms because she feels conscious about it. She likes long sleeves and also cardigans and hoodies. She's in love with skirts. All kinds. Pencil skirt, flowy skirts, or even the balloon style of skirts; name it. She owns lots. She'd pair it with any of her blouses. She also like dresses that are simple. She collects different kinds of hats but most especially beanies. She'd wear them every time she thinks it suits her clothes for the day. She also like to wear crop shirts and pair it with high-waisted shorts or skinny jeans. Minseo likes to wear shorts as well. May it be denim or not, she still likes it. She's not usually seen wearing shorts and jeans though for she had always preferred skirts and dresses. Although sometimes, she'd wear stockings as well with different colors and designs (under skirts or those cute white shorts) and then pair it with t-shirts or knitted blouses. She just want to dress simply and doesn't like loud accents and such. Any color would do for her although she'd usually go for white, baby pink, powder blue, or even mint. She's not much of a dark-colored clothes fanatic but when it requires, she prefers black and red. Minseo doesn't like going out with just using slippers, so she usually wear sneakers, boots, a pair of Mary Jane's, or even oxfords. But, she collects lots of different colors and designs of sneakers. She just feels so comfortable wearing them. She's not much of a collector of jewelries or accessories. Minseo prefers wristwatches or anklets though. Sometimes, Minseo would clip ribbon on her hair as well but it would just be small.

 what you hear, what you see
when I'm on that stage
singing twin: Jung eunji
dancing twin: JUNG Eunji
rapping twin: im yoona (just in case ^^)
TALKING twin: Bae Suzy
*ACTING twin: jung eunji

what is love

we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE INTEREST: Kim Joonmyeon / Suho
BACKUP: Lee Howon / Hoya
TRIVIA: They always exchange letters or notes that contains words of encouragement for each other.
They were nicknamed as the "Angelic Duo" because of their gentle and kind-hearted personality.
Once, they bought cellphone cases with the same designs but different colors. Suho had a purplish black while Minseo had a sky blue one.

Joonmyeon, or most commonly known as Suho, is a very thoughtful young man. He basically acts as the guardian of his group, EXO. His friends would usually go to him to ask for his advice or for his help because he’s one of the guy who’s really responsible. As much as possible, Suho would heed to all of their concerns so that they won’t sulk anymore. He had always wanted the best for his group and would do anything just to make them happy and contented. Suho is the dedicated type of guy. He felt like his duty is to protect his friends or he mostly regard them as his brothers. . He’s very attentive to their needs that he’s usually teased as the mother of the group. He doesn’t mind, sometimes, to be called that since he’s really reliable and admittedly acts like a momma. Suho is also a tender guy that others would really look up to him for being so polite and well-mannered. They would say that only a few gentlemen can be find in this generation and he’s one of them. He is sensitive to other people’s welfare and would rather put others well-being first before his. Suho was just raised that way plus he knows that being a good person attracts good karma as well. He’s a respectful person as well. He would make a 90-degree bow to anyone he knows is much knowledgeable than him. Also, as much as possible, he’d be considerate of others’ feelings.

Yes, underneath that gentle and handsome face is a strict and scary appa. Being the leader that he is, Suho tends to be really authoritative. He won't stop nagging his friends until they follow him. Although there are times where he gives up and just let them do what they want, after that he'll give them a long lecture that's why they would as omma. He would really try to impose that they should listen to him and would sometimes overwork even himself. Most of the time, EXO boys would rather not listen to him that's why he tends to stresses himself too much but later on just laugh it out. Suho is very strict too. Sometimes they would lead them no choice but to follow but usually they will break the rules to much of Suho's dismay. Sometimes, he would feel pressured because he really had this desire to take care of his brothers so he, most of the time, feels self-conscious if he’s still doing the right thing. This handsome angel can be so frank at times especially when he feels like he had enough already. As the people say, “Even the most patient person has his limits”. This very much applies to him. He really is patient and polite, his brothers can attest to that. But it doesn’t mean that others should test his patience because they might find out something that they do not expect. When angry, Suho can be very illogical and quite frightening. He’d say things he’ll regret later on. That’s why he had always practiced the art of patience. If he’s feels really worn out already, he’d be straightforward, forgetting his courtesy. Oh, he’s very protective most especially when it comes to his friends. When he finds out that they’re troubled or problematic, he tends to be really shielding over them that he would fight the ones who’s causing problems. Suho is a difficult person too. He will not stop nagging until others would do already what he wants to happen. His friends would that he’s crazy whenever he’s being his demanding self. For example, the room is messy. He’d convince the room owner to clean the place up or that person would clean the whole house for a week. It’s always like that. “You don’t want to do it? Do I have to blackmail you?” Yup, Suho would scare them just to let them obey him as well. He won’t stop talking not unless you say yes. That’s how much of a nagger he is.


Suho and Minseo met during her first day of being a trainee as well. It was during their break time then when Suho saw Minseo not eating and was just lying on the floor. So, he approached her and offered if she wanted to have some of his biscuits and Minseo kindly declined since she really didn't eat those. Suho then figured that she must be new because it was his first time seeing her and when she confirmed that it was her first day, he started telling her words of encouragement that Minseo really kept in her heart. Since then, the two of them became close even though Suho was 2 years ahead of her. They treated each like they were of the same age but of course, Minseo never forgot to be polite with him too.

Because both of them had been a trainee under SM Entertainment for quite a while already, they understood each other's frustrations very much. Both had been waiting to debut but both still hadn't. Suho was there to cheer her up and Minseo was there to encourage him as well. When they had their moments of feeling sad or depressed, one of them will be there for the other and they will make a way to brighten them up. It wasn't until EXO debuted that Suho's prayers were granted and Minseo was there for him and supported him during his debut. They were still close, sometimes they would also sneak out to eat together. Other idols and trainees in SM had noticed the closeness of the two but they never mind about it. In all honesty, Minseo had been crushing on Suho the day they became closer and she was just happy with their platonic relationship. She didn't know what he exactly feels but of course, she was also scared to find out. She wasn't the type to be all clingy but when Suho's not around, she would text him a lot and he wouldn't mind because he was like that with her too. Though, he understands that sometimes Minseo doesn't reply on text messages because she had always preferred talking in person. Because of Suho's tight schedule, whenever he won't be able to see Minseo, he will leave her a letter in a practice room and he would send her a message about it. This had been his habit since he knew how Minseo appreciates letters more than any material things. On the other hand, Minseo would always stick post its to his bag or any of his belongings with a simple message like, "Fighting!" because she knew that with simple things, Suho also easily becomes happy. When Suho will be in China and will be gone for days, Minseo will also give him a long letter containing the things he needed to do and shouldn't forget. They find this habit silly and funny but through this, whatever relationship they have just strengthened. Also, Suho will send a video call to Minseo when he knows the girl was at home already and they would just update each other what happened that day. When Minseo was set to debut with SUBZER0, Suho was beyond happy that he actually asked her out for a date. That gesture totally surprised Minseo but then she thought that maybe it was just a friendly one. The two did celebrate secretly at the rooftop of SM Entertainment building. Suho bought tons of fruits and a mini cake since Minseo's kind of health conscious whilst she was assigned to buy bubble teas for the two of them. It really was one of their happiest bondings ever.


As the years passed by, Suho and Minseo's relationship stayed the same. In fact, if there's a word more than 'tightest' then that would be them. Their friendship never ended despite Suho and the whole EXO made it big and 'never was a day without the two of them talking' still continued. Somehow, they knew that their relationship was the "more than friends, less than lovers" type but both wanted more though the two of them didn't know that. Sometimes, Suho will hint on Minseo about his feelings towards her but the girl was kind of oblivious with that. He then decided to wait for Minseo's debut and when she was already stable with idol life, he decided to confess to her about his feelings. In hopes that she feels the same. Aigoo. He just didn't want to consider the idea of her, feeling the same way towards him because she never told him about that too.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Hello, authornim! :) I'd like to apologize because my application turned out a bit longer than I expected ;n; I hope that's okay. :( Sorry as well for the grammatical errors since English isn't my first language. But anyway, I don't know why? But I recently miss all the girl groups story here and for some reason, this story also caught my attention. :) I had fun writing my application. And I hope you don't mind another EXO love interest? ^^ But if you want Hoya for her, then it's also fine with me. :D Park Minseo is now in your hands. Woot woot! Thank you so much! I hope I did this right. Kkkk. Fighting! :D
- SUBZER0 goes for a ghost hunting mission like that from Infinite's Ranking King or EXO's Showtime.
- SUBZER0 goes for a beach vacation! :D
- Have their own TV show like SUBZER0TV~
- Maybe Minseo's going to be casted in WGM with a different boy group member and Suho went all paranoid with it. Hahaha!
Fan Club names: 0NE or C00LEST
Album titles: Arctic, Freezing Point, Gelid, or Centigrade
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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