Thoughts on 'Sassy, Go Go' eps 9 and 10

so, i'll start with the least important stuff irst: the love triangle. no idea how it will end. no idea how i want it to end. but i can see whoever doesn't get the girl being very hurt for a while before doing the friends thing with her.

and now onto the important thing: Soo Ah.

well, Soo Ah did it. she finally hit rock bottom. after everything she's done, she finally came to the realization that she's been doing horrible things. it kind of.......reminds me of Locus in Red vs Blue. he only realized that what he was doing was wrong after everything had fallen apart. to took everything, all his plans, falling to ruin for him to realize that "orders" is no excuse to do the crap he did.

well, Soo Ah just realized that her mother's little "just follow the plan i've set up" talk is crap.

............ya know, if Soo Ah is Locus, then her mother is Felix. unrepentant and just kind of a douche. she likes having control over others (just like Felix). she just doesn't care who gets hurt (just like Felix).

and just like the relationship between Locus and Felix, the relationship Soo Ah has with her mother is about as unhealthy as they come.

also, the students just kind of....welcomeing her back into the fold, deciding to let the past go 'cuz she clearly regrets it and becuase we all up sometimes, wanting her to something the Blood Gulch crew would do (like they did with Wash, even atfter he 'killed' Donut) hahaha so much RvB referance ik, ik. can't help when dots my mind connects.

i almost have mixed feelings about Dong Jae going with her for all her 'last day alive' stuff, but then......he's always kind of been like this, hasn't he? he's always realized that she's the type to burn the world just to please her mother, even when it kills her heart. even when she knows deep inside that it's wrong. he kind of......was always there trying to push her to realize sooner that what she does is wrong, no matter how many times she tries to assure herself that it's fine.

i get why Soo Ah tried end it, too. she honestly saw no way out. she honestly thought everyone hated her, that she's burned every bridge and used up every second chance. she really thought death was the only way to fix things, to end this whole......mess. becuase her mother wouldn't change, would keep pushing her to do things she didn't want to do in the name of the future 'they' want.

but i will say this: walking in front of a car as a way of ending your life? very selfish. that person behind the wheel has to deal with that, has to deal with knowing that they drove the car that ended the life of another. doesn't matter that the life that was ended wanted to die.

other thoughts: Dong Jae can touch people!!!!! yay!!!!!!!! .....also, i should have thought of better wording.

um.....the principal standing up to Soo Ah's mom was.......that was a thing. i'm very mixed feels on that. on the one hand, someone called the witch out on her crap. on the other.........this is the principal. after everything she's already done......this moment of.....growing a spine(?) is a bit oddly placed. .....but then she's back to worthless only a few minutes later with the whole 'transfer Soo Ah' thing and the 'how to end the cheerleading club' thing. at least when her second in command teacher has a moment's not too oddly placed 'cuz i've always got the feel from him that he just goes along with what she orders' cuz....... be scary. and she throws at him!!! a lot!!!!!

oh!! that, um, study helper lady? i like her the past few episodes. she.....she seems to actually, really care about Soo Ah. it's like.....she gets that Soo Ah needs this whole thing to stop and that her mom isn't gonna let the train to hell end until someone dies. that's why she handed her the phone when the other kids started sending her those messages to come back.


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I myself felt that the whole thing was too fake and overly saccharine. I mean the entire gang at baekho did not give two s about soo ah pre-suicide attempt but after she attempted? Best buddies for life oh no why did i do that completely reasonabl,e thing i did at one point.

Also I am kind of sick of the whole "use suicide to redeem a character" schtick. I felt that Sooah working hard to regain the trust and friendship of Baekho would have been a much more compelling and realistic story than what we got. I completely agree on how selfish her method of suicide was though, im sure the writers chose that method because they wanted to be different from the whole rooftop suicide trope.
AnnPark #2
I agree with almost everything you said. I don't really care about the love triangle, it makes no sense as to why they added it to the story, there was enough drama without it. I will never like Sooah. She has finally figured out that her mother and almost everyone around her has been using her to try and make themselves look better but that doesn't give her the right to threaten people and actually physically hurt them. Dongjae has always been super blunt with everyone but especially so with Sooah which was what she has always needed so it would make sense that she wants to spend her 'last day' with someone she can trust and wants her to be happy. My feelins for Sooah go for the principal and her mother. They are both evil people who only want Sooah for her test scores and not her as a person which is worse than anything Sooah has done.