Get to know me tag (65 questions)


  1. -What is your name?

  2. On AFF, Andy. In real life, N/A

  3. -What are your nicknames?

  4. A few related to my name, butterbean, buddha belly, squeakers, sissypoo. ahjunnie, and a few inappropriate names xD
  5. -When is your birthday?

  6. March 29th, 1994. I am 21 years old.

  7. -Where were you born?

  8. Phoenix Arizona

  9. -What is your star sign?

  10. Aries

  11. -What is your occupation?

  12. Student

  13. -What colour is your hair?

  14. At the moment, it's brown.

  15. -What was the last thing you bought?

  16. Gas for my car

  17. -How long is your hair?

  18. Barely touching shoulder

  19. -What colour are your eyes?

  20. Blue

  21. -What's your best feature?

  22. I would say eyes since thats what I get complimented on most.

  23. -Do you have braces?

  24. I had them when I was 12

  25. -Do you have any piercings?

  26. I have 6. Three ear piercings on each side and soon to be more~

  27. -Do you have any tattoos?

  28. Yes. A small black kitten behind my left ear and soon to be more~

  29. -Do you have any pets?

  30. Yes. A cat and dog.

  31. -Are you left handed or right handed?

  32. Right handed.

  33. -Mac or PC?

  34. PC

  35. -iOS or Android?

  36. Android

  37. -Dogs or cats?

  38. Cats

  39. -Who is your bestfriend?

  40. Her name is Jasmine.

  41. -What was your first award?

  42. I think a reading award when I was in 2nd grade. I'm not very scholarly LOL

  43. -What is your favourite sport?

  44. I LOOOOVE watching UFC when I have time. I do like football and soccer. 

  45. -When was your first real holiday?

  46. Um... well since I am born in March.... I would say Halloween?

  47. -What was the last concert you went to?

  48. Kcon2014

  49. -Whats your favourite movie?

  50. Oh gosh. It's a tie between Ninja Assassin (The hubby Rain is in it) and Coraline!

  51. -What's your favourite TV Show?

  52. I don't watch TV, but I will count Running Man as a TV show since its a TV show in Korea.

  53. -What's your favourite colour?

  54. PURPLE

  55. -What's your favourite song?

  56. I honestly can't choose. I have favorite songs from different artists, but I can't choose a #1

  57. -What's your favourite restaurant?

  58. It's a Korean cafe near my house called 'Cafe Ga Hyang'

  59. -What's your favourite shop?

  60. My little emo heart will never let go of Hot Topic and Spencers.

  61. -What's your favourite book?

  62. Oh man. Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.

  63. -What's your favourite magazine?

  64. Playboy. LOL. JK. I dont read magazines.

  65. -What's your favourite pair of shoes?

  66. I don't know their name, but here is a picture 

  67. -What's your favourite season?

  68. Spring because it's the time of year where my birthday is right around the corner. Also, the weather in Arizona is perfect. Its not too hot and its not too cold. I can still wear a sweater without sweating ^^

  69. -What's your favourite quote?

  70. "Believe in your dream no matter how far away it is, one day you will hold it in your hand" -Di 'Moon' Zhang

  71. -How are you currently feeling?

  72. I am extremely exhausted. I had to do a lot of manual labor during the day and then pass out candy to the trick or treaters. Tomorrow, I have a sushi and study date with a college friend since exams are coming up ;A;

  73. -Who was the last person you messaged?

  74. My cousin

  75. -Are you single or taken?

  76. Still single

  77. -What are you currently eating?

  78. Nothing.

  79. -What are you currently listening to?

  80. One okay rock

  81. -What are you currently thinking about?

  82. My mind is literally in a cluster at the moment.

  83. -What are you currently watching?

  84. I am watching an One Okay Rock MV.

  85. -What are you currently wearing?


    A really raggity old shirt that I sleep in because its long and comfy and jeans that I havent taken off yet.

  87. -Do you want children one day?

  88. At this point, no.
  89. -Do you want to be married one day?

  90. Yes and No. I am very conflicted on that question.

  91. -Where do you want to live?

  92. I want to live everywhere. I would like to live in California though.

  93. -Do you believe in god?

  94. No.

  95. -Do you believe in miracles?

  96. No

  97. -Do you believe in love at first sight?

  98. Yes. Its happen to me before.

  99. -Do you believe in ghosts?

  100. Yes. I've written about it on a previous blog before.

  101. -Do you believe in Aliens?

  102. I still have doubts, but since I believe in ghosts, I dont see why not.

  103. -Do you believe in Soul mates?

  104. No

  105. -Do you believe in Heaven or hell?

  106. No, but I do say that I will go to hell when I say ed up to my friends xD

  107. -Do you believe in kissing on the first date?

  108. Yeah.

  109. -Do you believe in yourself?

  110. Depends on the situation.

  111. -Do you sing in the shower?

  112. No because I don't want to break a mirror.

  113. -When did you last laugh and what was it at?

  114. About two hours ago and it was at my mom. She changed into these new pj's and then showed me and I recorded her on Snapchat and I couldn't stop laughing because she looked like she rolled around in tin foil. 

  115. -Where was the last place you traveled?

  116. Like out of state or where'd I go when I left the house?

  117. Out of state; Cali

  118. House: I went next door to my aunts.

  119. -Would you go skydiving?

  120. Depends how drunk you get me. Im scared of heights.

  121. -If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

  122. Asia. Korea, Japan, China, Phillipines, Malasyia (Sorry if I spelled that wrong), Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand.

  123. -If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?

  124. I would travel, pay for college, bills, and put the rest away to collect interest in my bank.

  125. -Can you whistle?

  126. Yup

  127. -Can you speak another language?

  128. I can't speak anything other than English fluently. I can speak Korean, Vietnamese, and French conversationally 

  129. -What's most important in your life?

  130. It's to complete all my goals in life so I don't have any regrets. I want to make sure that when I get old that I dont think back and go, "I wish I followed through with that and didnt chicken out".

  131. -Have you ever had surgery?

  132. Only wisdom teeth surgery.


 Holy cow. I apologize for how long that was. xD If you stuck around to read all that boring then congrats LOL. I tag whom ever wants to do this. 


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Whoah!! Cool place! "Phoenix Arizona"! :D
koreankimchibaby #2
Hahhahahahahaha xD
Im impressed, u know how to speak many languages??? Daebakkk....