☀ the princesses' exchange - kingdom of caeria ; Song Kyungmi

  call me   song  kyungmi




hey I just met you > Song Kyungmi
especially for you > 
 Mimi - This is just a shorter version of her name that her family and friends use to call her. Sometimes, it's also the way of their endearment for Kyungmi.
 Cheonnie - A nickname that her younger sisters called her. It was a combination of Cheonsa (Angel; because she can't go against with their parents' orders) & Unnie.
I fell from heaven on > 25/12/1989 (25)
the blood pumping through my veins > Korean

never tongue twisted >
 Korean - Fluent ; This is her native language that they have been using ever since they were young.
 English - Fluent ; Her parents believed that to be able to be globally competitive, one should learn this language. Plus, Kyungmi had always been interested in this language that's why she paid attention to it very well ever since she was young.
 Mandarin - Basic ; Kyungmi had been learning this language for quite a while now.  She thinks that Mandarin is one of the most interesting languages in the world.
isn't she lovely? > Kim Taeyeon
isn't she wonderful? > Song Qian / Victoria Song

beauty is in the eye of the beholder > Kyungmi has three beauty marks on her face. One near her right eye by her cheek, another under her left eye near her nose bridge, and the last one is located at the right side near her lips. She has a birthmark on her right shoulder blade that's small as a ₩50 coin and resembles a shape of a heart.




I know myself like the back of my hand >
 Positive - diligent, intelligent, tolerant, observant
 Negative - passive, insecure, demanding, overcritical
clear as glass >

If the King and Queen would nag at their children, the often phrase they would tell them would be, "Why can't you be like Kyungmi?" The ideal daughter, the perfect princess, the one who can't commit mistakes. At a very young age, this was the mind set Kyungmi's parents taught her. She should be prim and proper as to show the right examples for her younger siblings. Being the eldest, Kyungmi had developed a sense of responsibility and diligence towards everything that she does. She became afraid of committing mistakes and disappointing her parents. Sometimes, her parents would ask her a favor too to help out with the Kingdom and she wouldn't refuse their wishes and she'd do anything just to make them happy. She'd do her responsibilities so that her parents wouldn't be disappointed with her. She also mostly spends her days and nights inside their library and she'd read just about anything there is to know. Alongside studying, this is her way to show her siblings that they need to study as much so that they would be smart individuals and generally, just to know more about their Kingdom as well. Because of this, Kyungmi grew up as a very intelligent young woman. She understands the gravity of a situation and she'd quickly think of a probable solution to every problems she or the Kingdom may face. There are times where her parents would even consult her opinions because they know that she can give them a good response or a smart answer because they know that she's a deep thinker and she always weighs the pros and cons of every actions they make. She would take in consideration the people of their Kingdom first before anything else as she knows that they are their priority. She also had studied enough about their Kingdom for her to be able to contribute to their people and to her parents. 
As much as possible, she'd also teach her younger siblings too with her learnings and she takes good care of them just like what an elder sister should do. With that being said, Kyungmi's a very tolerant person. Even though sometimes she feels like giving up over responsibilities or deviant younger siblings, she'd do her best to be more patient. She would just accept every shortcomings that goes her way because she understands that that's how life is. She knows that with her patience, she'll be able to gain more blessings in the future. Also, she loves her siblings so much that even there are times they would disobey her, she will still show her care for them so that they won't feel alone in this world. She knows the difficulty of having a great responsibility on their hands, that's why she understands her siblings that sometimes wants to go against the King and Queen. Because of this, she likes to watch over them so at least they will still have guidance. Kyungmi then became a better observer. She could tell if something is wrong or misplaced.

Despite being the perfect daughter as she has been depicted, Kyungmi has a lot of flaws that she somehow wishes to improve on. But sometimes, her inner devil would still rule over. Kyungmi's the kind of person who would just accept her fate without even fighting for herself. She will just allow anything to happen without her resisting to it. For example, even if she feels lazy or tired already but when her parents told her to do something, she'd still follow them. Or for example, one of her siblings offended her or tries to argue with her, she will just let him/her be because she doesn't like to have arguments with her siblings. Not knowing that it would be better to talk everything out instead of taking everything in to herself. Kyungmi also has this kind of personality that even though a lot of people praises her for everything she does, she feels empty and lacking. She's honestly insecure because she thinks that she's still not good enough. Sometimes, she envies her siblings who are more carefree than her. They seem happy... And how about her? Is that  all her life could offer her? To follow everything her parents tell her? She's not confident that's why she tends to be stricter with herself and will just follow what her parents told her to do. Even though this young lady may seem like to go with just about anything, Kyungmi is actually a very demanding person. Most especially when it comes to love. She's picky over the young promising men who tries to court her. She always require them to meet her high standards that's why sometimes they would just stop pursuing her. Yes, men love a pretty good chase but if they know that they will not benefit in the end, why would they continue? She's the kind of person who will not feel satisfied immediately with the efforts these young men would do for her. She'd also notice every small things that they do that she didn't like. Hence, Kyungmi's a very overcritical person. She'd be able to find faults easily and would point that out to them. She doesn't do this with her siblings, close friends, or to her parents though. But to the men who tries courting her, ah. Expect that this would be Kyungmi's attitude towards them. Sometimes, her parents think that she's doing it on purpose.

hard as stone >

If it is real that perfect daughters exist, then count Kyungmi in. At a very young age, her parents would always teach her the dos and don’ts around their castle and in their Kingdom. She never opposed to this though because she was the first daughter then and all the pressure of the whole royalty thing had been embedded inside her heart and mind. It was like her childhood was robbed from her because of all the responsibilities that she needed to do. When her younger siblings came into this harsh world, Kyungmi had decided to take care of them because as much as possible, she wanted them to have a normal childhood that she didn’t have. As Kyungmi had grew up to be more of a push over and whatever her siblings want, she gives. In short, she did spoil them too much. But, she expected them to be respectful no matter what and they all had put all her teachings inside their hearts as well. She became more of an introvert kind of person but when it comes to royal gatherings, she would transform into a sophisticated young socialite just so her parents wouldn’t be disappointed in her. Once when she was younger, she had tried to throw some tantrum because she also wanted to be free like other kids but her parents got angry at her too much to the point that they told her that she had failed them and since then, she didn’t want to hear that phrase ever. For some reason, Kyungmi had found herself scared of making mistakes or other people badmouthing her behind her back. She didn’t want to fail the people in their Kingdom and most especially, she didn’t want her parents to feel burdened over her. She’s the eldest after all. She needed to be more mature to be able to serve the Kingdom.

I woke up like this, flawless > 

The moment Kyungmi wakes up, she’d just lay there on her bed and stare up on the ceiling questioning all the gods why they had bestowed another day upon her. She always wakes up at 4:30 am so that she could jog around the palace and do her morning rituals and exercises. By 5:30 am, she’d prepare already for Law school. She had gotten her Bachelor’s degree in International Studies and minored in Economics three years ago and now she is furthering her studies to law as this is her parents’ wishes. Kyungmi originally wanted to study music and arts but her parents told her that nothing will happen to her if she’d study about her “hobbies”. At noon, her classes will be over and she’d go back to their palace and she’d prepare herself for some royalty meetings. She is always present because she needs to be updated with current affairs around the world. After all her duties, she’d check up on her younger siblings maybe have a little chit chat and then she’d proceed to their library, where she had her own office there, and she would spend the rest of the day studying. When she gets tired, she’d go out and walk around their garden or sometimes, she would play their grand piano. If she wants to unwind more, she’ll lock herself up in her bedroom and would start painting. For normal girls, her routine is so boring and could kill just about anyone. But for Kyungmi, this is her guilty pleasures as she’s already used to this kind of routine. Her family will have dinner time early and after that, they’re free again to do whatever they want. And with that, Kyungmi again will read fun books or study once more the classes the next day. At 10:00 pm, she will drift to her dreamland.

optimism enhancers > music, museums and art galleries, sea and anything nautical, books, snow, fruits, turtles, photographs, acrylic paint
pessimism causers > bugs, thunderstorms, medicines, stuffed toys or dolls, people who think they know her, arrogance from others, dust
time well spent > going out for walks in the palace garden, reading books, playing the piano, painting, visiting art museums, watching musical plays
all the little things in between > 
 Kyungmi has a gentle voice and she finds it hard to speak in a very loud voice. (She tries her best though.)
 When she feels annoyed, she scrunches her nose.
 Has a habit of running her fingers through her hair.
 She is a health conscious kind of person.
 She collects hats, paint brushes, and books.
 As royals, they were taught how to play sports. Kyungmi big time.
 Kyungmi loves to sing while playing the piano.
 Never was she involved in a romantic relationship.
 She likes taking care of plants. She has three small potted ones inside her room.
 She has moments where she feels like to just be left alone.
 Kyungmi's a leftie.
 The color she fancies is blue.




through thick and thin >
Hwang Miyoung | 26 | Soul Sisters 1 | Sweet, kind, emotional, stubborn | Law Student | Alive.
Miyoung and Kyungmi met when they were still kids and both entered the same school. Miyoung is not a part of any royal descendants but she's born to a rich family. The two girls became the best of friends ever since they were young and even now, they both took up Law. In contrast with Kyungmi, Miyoung actually wanted to be a lawyer. Kyungmi felt like she was her real self whenever she was with Miyoung and they were pretty inseparable.

Kim Heechul | 32 | Best Guy Friend | Funny, smart, mischievous, sensitive | Businessman | Alive.
Heechul was 6 years Kyungmi's senior but that didn't stop them to become the best of friends. They also met in school alongside Miyoung and the three of them were branded as The Three Musketeers only, they were just intelligent and minus the fighting.

Kwon Yuri | 25 | Soul Sisters 2 | Witty, caring, playful, clingy | Palace Secretary | Alive.
Yuri was the daughter of the Royal Family's secretary. Her father (the secretary) would also bring Yuri in the Palace when he was working so that he could teach his daughter about his work and someday replace him. Because of her constant visit to the Palace, she crossed paths with Kyungmi and eventually they became friends as well. Yuri had entered the same school with Kyungmi and the latter had introduced her to Miyoung and Heechul. They were still The Three Musketeers plus one.




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if you're wrong, I don't want to be right > Choi Siwon
all I ever wanted > Lee Donghae
the adam to my eve > 
 Siwon - 07/04/1989 (26)
 Donghae - 15/10/1989 (26)
bringing back the bacon > (Prince of Sevein)

magnetic attraction > 

When the bad news finally arrived to Kyungmi that she would be sent to the Kingdom of Sevein to be married to one of the Princes there, she felt her world crashed into pieces. She felt that she was still too young to be off and be married. She didn’t want to, honestly. She even told her parents what her views were towards what they wanted to happen but they were persistent for her to be married. So, they bargained with her. They will let her meet with the Prince first and they would spent a day together for her to get to know him. From there, they planned on pushing her to be married to the Prince more since they know that at some point, she’ll be impressed with him. When the d-day had arrived, Kyungmi was walking to the palace doors when she saw two men playing a sword fight and one of them had bumped with her that caused Kyungmi to fall down. She felt irritated but nonetheless kept her calm as she was not in her own Kingdom. The man helped her stand and smirked at her, he even asked if she wanted to play with them. Kyungmi was all like, “Aren’t you supposed to do Palace duties?” And with that, she excused herself from the two and proceeded to the hall where she will meet the Prince. A palace guard had led her there and let her sit on a couch. She waited for a few minutes until the King, himself, went there and greeted her personally. In all honesty, she felt the fatherly nature of the King and for the first time that day, Kyungmi felt a bit happy. The King told her that the Prince will be late because of some errands so they chatted. After a little while more, a palace guard had informed them that the Prince arrived and he entered the hall to meet again the young lady he came across with earlier that time. Kyungmi couldn’t believe that the guy was actually a Prince and she instantly felt turned off. Sure, she did find him attractive but seeing how he acted prior to their meeting, everything about him screamed of trouble. The King introduced them to each other and left them just so they could know more about each other. Siwon, being the dork that he was, didn’t do anything to impress Kyungmi. He just treated her the way how he would treat a young lady but at the same time, he wasn’t afraid to show her his real personality. He toured her around their Kingdom and after, when they sat in the garden, he asked her what her opinions were about the marriage and she told him her honest outlook about it. Siwon laughed and told her that he felt the same about it. Kyungmi felt relieved that she wasn’t alone in this and happier since he shared the same views with her. Later that afternoon, Siwon brought Kyungmi to their greenhouse because he personally took care of the plants there. She saw all the flowers and plants were very well taken care of and he felt happy when he saw how impressed she was with him. “Can we at least be friends then?” He asked and she said yes. He wasn’t that bad after all. But that doesn't mean that she'd actually follow her parents' wishes. After their meeting, Siwon would sometimes go to Caeria to visit Kyungmi and just hang out. They eventually became good friends since then.

you're weird but I like you > 

Siwon is the kind of person who looks really manly and intimidating, but in reality, he was one hell of a dork that exudes more of his charms through this. He is a really kind person even though he kind of looked like arrogant. He would readily help anyone out if he needed to and he’s the kind of Prince who would never think twice on reaching out to the citizens. He is downright intelligent that’s why more women fall head over heels for him but he never paid attention though. Siwon is also an easygoing type. Even though he knows that being a Prince is a great responsibility, he makes sure that he could still relax and have a little bit of fun. He isn’t unruly but he knows a little of rebellion wouldn’t hurt too. He also likes to go on adventures and explore more about the world even though his parents never approved of it. They think that he’s a very immature bachelor so they wanted him to get married as well. Even so, he’s not afraid to commit mistakes as he knows he will learn more every time he does. There are times when Siwon would be stubborn and stick to his beliefs rather than be open-minded to others ideas. He will still believe what he thinks is right and never would he even agree on someone unless he was proven wrong. Because he knows that he is intelligent and ladies wanted to be with him, Siwon could be very arrogant and boastful too. He will brag what he had achieved and he doesn’t care if people will talk ill about him behind his back. Like the hell he cares? Yup, this is the kind of man Kyungmi is actually afraid of.




comments // suggestions // questions ; Hi, authornim! OMG I finally was able to finish this wEEPS ;u; Um, for the love interest part, I'm not quite sure if I did it right (though I'm hoping that I did haha!) I apologize in advanced~ Whew, I really enjoyed filling up this application. I was really inspired, tbh. ^^ It just took me a long time because I wasn't able to go online for a few days~ hahaha anyways! (Sorry for the weird rant) I feel good about this storyline so, I wish you best of luck with your story authornim. Thank you very much! Fighting! <3

scene requests ; None. I hope it's okay? Please and thank you! :)
layout credits to _milkshake @ fallen angel. do not steal.


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