7heaven Bay Chae Rin

"A woman that strives to be equal to men lacks ambition. Why want what men have when us women have men."
character name: bay chae rin
nickname(s): Bay (a nickname given to her by friends and family. because she is from france people often struggle with her korean name so they call her Bay)
birthday: April 12, 1996
birthplace: Paris, France
hometown: paris
ethnicity: french + korean
nationality: French
French - Fluent
Korean - Fluent
english - conversational
face claim:baek su min
back up: Kwon Su Jeong
height: 64.9 in 165 cm
weight: 105 in 48 kg
blood type: o
Alana / 8 / English
All about the fabulous me!
appearance: bay is known for her figure and her s line. Her long dark hair has a wave to it and is very soft having never been toughed with harsh chemicals. Bay often wear blue contacts as she has bad eye sight and owns a large array of of colored contacts (blue being her favorite pair gray being next). She is describes as a devious beauty as she is very micheveous while bein very pretty.

style: bays style could be describes as quite y to some due to her love for showing some skin. She LOVEs heels and platform shoes as well as skirts and dresses. Even though she loves tight clothes her airport fashion is deffinetly comfortable yet fashionable. Her hair is usually styled down but she is open to experimentation.

personality: Bay can be quite flirty but is often oblivious to it. She is very friendly and outgoing. she can make friends with anyone with her charming smile. bay is know for her humor and is considered very funny although it can get annoying but she is always serious when need be. She pranks others often and is always trying to keep a ood and happy mood going. when you ask her friends and family to describe her in one word thewould use skinship. Bay is crazy about skinship as she feels it is a way to show she cares.

background: bay was born in paris france on april 12th, 1996. Born with a french mother and a korean father bay grew up learning korean and traveling to visit family in korea. bays life as a child was defrfinetly on the better side having been raised by a family with money. Her father was the ceo of an extremely large clothing company that her mother designed for. both ofher parents worked often but would always make time for their only daughter. You could honestly say that bay was spoiled at a yound age.
As a child she was very happyand creative, bay would draw and paint all the time. AS she grew older that love for art continued but was narrowed down into perfoming and fashion. having the money and the resources to do so bay startedto make her own clothes with the help of her mother. the older she got the better she got a designing.  

during bays 1st year at highschool her parents got a deal with an american comany that required the family to move to america. at the time bay had no experience with theenglish langyage which led her to be homeschool due to her struggles in the american highschool. the isolation of spending all day at ome a lone while her parents were out working started to build up leading bay becoming depressed. there were days when bay felt that she waas a dissapointment to her parents for causing them so much stress with her school issues. bay would barley eat for long periods of time.

A year after the move the collaboration between her parents company and the american company fell apart due to a lare scandal between the  two companies. the american company had a tax fraud scandol that caused both companies to loose a large sum of money. after the scandal bays family mover to seoul to rebuild the company in a booming fashion capital.  in seoul bay was enrolled into an performing arts school and began to make friends again. her depression began to get better due to her new surroundings. While at the performing arts school bay dug up her lost love for permoring and began to talk all sorts of classes from singing to acting to dancing to rapping. She soon became number one in her class and was contacted by a rep for jyp ent. 

bay did not have to audition as the scout had already seen her perform at a exibition for her school. she decided to acecept the offer and offically became a trainee on august 28th, 2013. while training at jyp it became clear to everyone of bays large array of skills and she soon became known as a threat, not just a tripple threat but a general threat because to most she was considered a complete packae.

family: father- bays father is very playful which is where she got her humor from. She was always a daddies girl growing up and always strove to impress him. He is very easy going when it comes to family but with work he was very strict.
mother- bays mother was always a free spirit and very creative. she was the one that always encouraged bay to be herself and paint on the walls even if she wasnt suppost to. 

friends: 2pm- 2pm quickly took bay under there wing and treated her like a little sister. 
narissa- due to bays closeness to 2pm she met narissa who quickly became her bestest friend eva.

others: she does not have a rival yet.

likes- The color cooper
dislikes- any sort of bug
hobbies- fashion
habits- dancing while driving
-always wanted her mothers blonde hair
-has a puppy named swatch
-loves snapbacks
-skinship=life (exspecially with the guy she likes)

Love is in the air!
love interest: Wang Jackson
back up: Mark
birthday: march 28, 1994
personality: honest, outgoing, serious when need be
history: bay and jackson met through bam bam. Bay had been hanging out with narissa when bam bam had come to asker her to hang out. Not wanting to be rude narissa asked you to come along to got7's practice room for a bit. ther bam bam introduced you to jackson who you instantly clicked with. they both spent their time messing around with everyone.
interactions: they stick together. both of them are foreigners that are not orgionally from korea although bay knows more and occationally helps jackson out when she can. skinship is a common sight between the two and they often comfort each other when ever they are upset.
status: besties
The Spotlight
stage name: bay
position: thriple threat
back up: main vocal, lead dance

talking twin: 2NE1's CL
singing twin: sistars Hyorin
dancing twin: 4 minutes hyuna
rapping twin: only add if position contains rap

training year(s): 2 years
pre-debut experiences: none
Curtain Call
comments: here
requests: variety shows
password: milky way


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