So yesterday....was the longest day ever. Work was really boring and slow so I ended up just sitting there on a chair. Not that no customer's came in but it was just really slow for a Monday and I was a bit surprised. Because usually Monday's are busy and unpredictable.Well....Monday was unpredictable all right.

Can I just say that the last hour before I closed the store was just really long? Did I mention really really long? I swear the minutes would not tick away!

I did everything I could to get the night paperwork ready and was ready for a last minute customer to walk in (because lately there has been a lot of those and it drives me up the wall!) but no one came in. NOT A SOUL. Which it kind of scared me and I was really tensed up but I was also glad.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent about how it was a really long day yesterday. I even felt like yesterday when I was at target was long and slow.

Maybe time wanted to stop. Just like when I sometimes want time to stop just to enjoy the happy moments of life. But yesterday was not the best time to throw that in there.


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i know how u feel D; except that it happens to me at sch
WHICH is waaaaaaay worse since i have to focus ,memorize ,answer AND write.....or sleep ^^"
besides whats ur job anyway?
I hate those last minute customers too! :D
But it's freaky that no one came, that happens like.. never :DD
Wow, that's just weird. Ate you the only one to close up and lock everything? No one is there with you?