Hi guys, it's been so long since I made a blog post about something which is not related to graphics right? kekeke~ I apologize for that, it's just part of my hobby and my past time. Annndd, speaking of past time, I did something very-uurgh- edgey this afternoon. I made a shop. Like a a shop. 

Out of boredom, I accidentally- I also don't know how but I just did-  I've clicked this website called fiverr. It was an networking shop we're almost anything and everything creative can be sold. And I would like you to check it (sorry for the shamless advertisment TT^TT) Anyway, I really hope you guys check it out and hopefully-just hopefully-...buy....?

So here's the link: https://www.fiverr.com/just_e123/make-you-your-digital-portrait?display_share=true&arrived_from_share_todo=true

make you your digital portrait

thank you~


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Is it a lens or what dear?