Thank you! ^^

It's just been this weekend since I released Pop Quiz: What happened to us?, and I am overwhelmed by the amount of love and support the story has been receiving since I've put it up. :> I made this because I felt like My teacher taught me how to love isn't enough. :p That story is very close to me, along with Love Has No Limits because of personal reasons. It's because of those I met a lot of people and I've realized that I really do have a talent in writing, because I used to think my works back then . But no one would read my works back then, unlike now. I get some help from others too in order to improve myself.


Anyway, I just want to say thank you and I love everyone who subscribed and commented (or not). SARANGHAE! ^^ I shall now spam you with these photos from our princes~ :D


Introducing, our favorite teacher/boyfriend~








 And what is a spam without his wonderful body? :>



And now, to our favorite best friend and the other one who wish was your other boyfriend~











And a bonus of their abs... Well, Kyuhyun's are edited, but who cares! XD



Hope you enjoyed it! ^^ 

P. S.  My next update will be on Friday because I have to focus on school work. If not, then by Monday or Tuesday. I'll be out on the weekends. I'll be in some rural area to do my NSTP exposure~ T.T Hope I can survive~ XD


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I love how all of the fish's were corny ones - while Kyu's were all snark.
LMAO. I still think Sungmin's abs were the best in Miinah. ;_; <3333
OHMGEE. I'm currently reviewing for my Periodic Exams for tomorrow. Stressed and all. Then I saw this. Wow, what an angel you are. =))
<33333 Hae spam:)

I'll be wAiting for your update:)
how i hate nstp.. Urghh.. Im glad im done with it.. Lol.
ChubbyChibi #6
*loves the donghae spam~
ChubbyChibi #7
Oh, and photos are not mine!