boys be hired
finder • daz
7 out of 10
ahn kyura
nicknames / aliases •
— midget : due to her being short, used mostly by kangjun and her school friends.
ice queen : based on her love for ice and her personality at work, used by her workmates and family. also later jihoon.
birthdate & age • 22.08.1996 ( august 22, 1996 )
birthplace • seoul, south korea
hometown • seoul, south korea
ethnicity • korean
nationality • korean
occupation • graphic designer, college student
languages •
— korean ( fluent ) : self explanatory
— english ( semi-fluent ) : she paid close attention at school since language is her favorite subject after arts.

face claim • im nayeon, twice
backup • jeon somin, april
appearance •
— standing in 156 cm, she's someone that is used to being called short. though she still hates it tbh. her hair is dyed dark brown ever since she went to college. she prefers to keep her hair in a ponytail, with the excuse of it not getting on her way. the only thing that stood out from her visual is the two rabbit teeth she has. other than that, kyura loooks like a normal girl and she actually is.
other • n/a
fashion sense •
— kyura basically where's anything thats comfortable. baggy shirts and sweaters, tanktops, short pants, short jeans anything. though she rarely wears any kinds of long trousers since she thinks it makes her look even shorter. 
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  +   i'm one hell of a positive person, now shush tall person
short description 
AHN KYURA?? small but fierce, dumb but certain. bursting with confidence, you won't get to see a girl like her twice in your life. a designer for small music events who would do anything to produce perfect designs. expecting people around her to work without any mistake, she's a demanding perfectionist that you wouldn't want to mess around with. but you know what they say, every girl has their own soft side. kyura, with heart once left hanging by a lifetime friend, aims to give herself another chance to just lay back and enjoy what people called 'love'. this girl isn't really that bad, she read lots of romance novels throughout her teen days, but what does novels do to a close-minded person? she might be strong as steel at work, but she's as clueless as a duckling without it's mom when it comes to her own love life. all she needs is someone who is able to distract her from work, and teach her all the things she needs to know about the little thing called relationship.
+ honest, determined, independent, confident
= blunt, strict, reserved, assertive
-  judgemental, perfectionist, close-minded, short-tempered
  at work :
 IT LACKS SOMETHING, TRY MAKING IT AGAIN  with both hands in the air, kyura isn't someone who's afraid to voice out her opinions and thoughts. its not about being loud, kyura voices out herself in a calm, but deadly manner. she might come off as a bit cold and rude, well she is a little rude, but it's just her judgements taking the best of her. kyura basically judges everything and everyone that doesnt match her standards. being honest 24/7, kyura is a straight-to-the-point person which actually helps a lot at work. she's not a huge fan of sugar-coating or going around in circles, especially not when a times new roman font is spotted on one of the printed posters. a loose mouth, demanding little person is what describes kyura best inside her work clothings. she speaks out everything that passes through her mind without thinking twice, which she doesn't bother doing. but despite all that, kyura is a workmate who wouldn't hesitate to help anyone who needs her. preferring someone who tells her they're confused and asks for help, rather than the ones who kept silent but ruins everything. kyura really is a perfectionist you'd be scared of at times. 

 YOU KNOW WHAT, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS  never, ever tell kyura what to do or question what she is doing. she's a tiny, but heavy bundle of confidence. she could burst out with a crazy idea seconds after just waking up, and then go back to sleep. kyura is very sure of her actions, which made her think that she's the best compared to everyone else. she loves to think that she's the only 'smart one' and others are the 'dumb ones' rather than the oposite (which lets you guys to add character developments yay). having no heart if someone makes a mistake with the rundowns, she wouldn't hesitate to put the blame on them right away. if anyone complains to her about her attitude, then the quote above will be heard right away. i'm not asking you to like me is what she loves to say with a sarcastic grin plastered on her face.

 outside work :
 LATER, MAYBE LATER THAN LATER  putting work above everything else, kyura believes that if she proves herself well, she could do anything she wants. but while she's very persistent in working, kyura is not really an enthusiastic person when it comes to having fun. also part of the reason why she doesnt have many friends is because talking and chatting for a long time bothers her. she's the kind of girl who goes by the motto "talk less, do more" and is very persistent about it. she's also the type who doesn't listen to suggestions and ends up 'swaying her own way'. kyura is never the socialable type, even since middle school. she could only grasp on a few bestfriends, but thankfully, real ones. this is basically the reason why kyumi keeps on bugging kyura to take a break and get a boyfriend, resulting to her finding out about

  AM I DOING IT RIGHT...?  even though she is very certain of the things she do and the things she wants, sometimes kyura just doesn't know how. but despite not knowing how, its either she gives up right away or acts like she can do it. her acts are the result of not wanting anymore extra attention from anyone else, and giving the image that she's weak. a lot of times kyura would doubt herself wether she could do something or if she's capable enough, but every time that thought shows up, she'll have her confidence supply ready to give her a big boost. 
 Just Like A Christmas Day  on a cold night, a bright hospital room, laying on the corner of it were unboxed gifts and on a small bed was a newborn baby. a wonderful blessing is what the ahn family always describe that night. the day after the oldest daughter's birthday was when she received a baby sister. the forever small ahn kyura, born on the twenty second august, whom her family treasures so much. 
well maybe a bit too much.
"kyumi! take your sister to the park!"
" kyumi, cut your sister's veggies!"
"kyumi go help kyura finish her homework"
"she's too small, kyumi go with her"

- and on and and on it goes. the small kid, vulnerable and fragile is what her family sees her. as a youngster, there is no day when kyura can ride her bike on her own, or finish her homeworks herself.  as time flies, she grew irritated. having her parents and older sister baby-ing her 24/7 isn't what she wants to live with. her rolemodels aren't princesses like sleeping beauty, but warriors like mulan. she wanted to do things herself, that thought started spinning in her mind ever since she turned ten. though she tried to push her family away, they still wouldn't listen. 

 Home Is Where The Heart Is ?   the situation at home makes kyura chooses a quiet way for herself. she spent her days working hard at school to prove everyone that she's as good as her sister. she participated in lots of events and such without minding about her social life. well okay maybe she does mind just a bit. ever since she was a little kid, her parents' bestfriends' son, named seo kangjun always came to her house to play. the two grew up together, studied at the same school for years until they separated for college. kyura couldn't lie, of course she had a few interest for him, and for some time kangjun didn't seem to mind about it. but the day came when kangjun decided to make it clear.
" why cant you two just date ugh"
"we know each other to well to even try dating hahaha"
" o- of course! friends forever right?"

right? kyura couldn't do anything except to just play along inside the friendzone. in fact, when that happened she started qeustioning wether she knows anything about liking someone or not. thats when her sister and her sister's boyfriend came into the frame. thankfully, her oh-so-perfect older sister, ahn kyumi, doesn't really mind having to take care of her younger ever since she was a baby. so when kyumi heard her sister's story, she was very eager to help. but oh what can she do when both of their personalities are similar. close-minded siblings who are clueless about their own feelings, even sometimes the older wondered how she got a boyfriend. kyumi's boyfriend, however, was a huge huge help. oh taehyun, a year older than kyumi, two years older than kyura. he taught kyura the hints boys drops if they're interested in a girl, how boys act, what boys like etc. they even did a simulation of a first date which kyura followed very awkwardly. in the end, kyumi suggested kyura to hire a fake boyfriend from, which one of her friend used to prank her, so that kyura could learn the 'how to's directly. taehyun agreed to his girlfriend's idea. kyura was against it at first, but as the couple kept on pushing her to do so, she did.
— still living with her whole batch of family isn't holding kyura back from going to college and working part-time. she's currently studying at kyunghee university, taking the visual information design major. besides college, she is also working as the main designer for posters and merchs in a community consisting of her past high school friends. together, they hold monthly music events around seoul. 
— monday to friday, january to december, kyura wlll always have work to do, if not, something from her bucket list to finish. yes, she has a long long list of things she wants to do before she dies, and some of them she belives can come true if she works hard. therefore, even her holidays are filled with working and moving around. she's not someone who can sleep more than 7 hours unless she worked more than 12 hours. a lot of people might question her, saying that she shouldn't work too hard. but kyura will always just shrug them off and keep on doing what she feels like she needs to do. she's confident on making her own decisions, not needing any other opinions outside her own is her one objective. being independent gives her the feeling of being able to live without relying on anyone else, and that's part of the reason she insists on working part-time.  
— unless it's urgent, going shopping or hanging out with her family and friends isn't something usual in kyura's schedule. unlike most of girls in her age, kyura prefers to do things on her own. if not inside, then a good walk on the park with a novel on her hand would please her enough. she loves spending quality time with herself, believing that it takes less energy and time comparing to going out with other people. people often calls her the girl inside her own wonderland, knowing how anti-social she can be at times. 
< family >
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 — ( ahn kyumi )   older sister | 22 | band vocalist, college student | a much more laid back and fun version of kyura. she's someone who basically don't mind being asked to doing things. that's why when her bossy parents told her to take really good care of her sister, she obeyed. but when her sister asked her to stop, she also obeyed, shrugging it off. the sisters are really close with each other and are like typical sisters in the world. if kyura is daddy's girl, then kyumi is definitely mommy's girl. they have each other's back (and front) 24/7. 
fc : goo hara
MI-NNIE : i'm setting you up on a date~
KYURA : unnie whY!!
MI-NNIE : why not its not like you have someone anyway
KYURA : i have work :((
MI-NNIE : you can't marry work..
KYURA : watch me

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 — ( ahn baekwoo )   father | 50 | fine artist | a very easygoing man who loves both his daughters as well as his wife very very much. though he rarely shows affection, when he does it will either be a marvelous painting of the family or cute little carved sculptures for each of them. baekwoo's life had been dedicated for art, he even said to everyone that art is his life, and without it he's nothing. that's why, when kyura decided to follow a similar path, he encouraged her 100%. 
DADWOO : how's your art project?
DADWOO : you're not making another andy warhol right. . 
KYURA : i . . guess??
DADWOO : kyura you gotta step up your game
KYURA : but andy warhol is amazing : ((
DADWOO : just try to do something different okay sweetheart 
KYURA : alright dad < 3

 — ( ahn nara )  mother | 48 | part-time vocal teacher, housewife |  loving her husband and daughters is her main priority, but sometimes she just puts too much (salt) love on the meatballs. a sweet mom everyone would love to have, but also someone so careless that could mistook the laundry as trash and throw it away to the bin. you can say that kyumi got her talents from her mother, and even if you dont say it, nara will keep reminding you about it. 
KYURA : mom where did you put my notebook?
MOMMA : inside the pink bag
KYURA : . . . which pink bag?
MOMMA : the one in kyumi's room
KYURA : mom
KYURA : mom that's kyumi's bag oh my god

< others >

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— ( oh taehyun )  "older brother" | 24 | band drummer, college student | the lame but reliable like-brother everyone would love to have, and yes kyura is indeed proud of him. they bicker a lot, sometimes like a married couple even. taehyun to both kyumi and kyura is a cheesy-as- guy who wouldn't stop throwing off lame jokes. but nevertheless, he's an amazing guy who even the ahn parents loved already as their own child.
fc : park minwoo
KYURA : oppa
DRUM-OPPA : funny jokes, or boy tips?
KYURA : ...none of them??
KYURA : fyi your jokes aren't funny

DRUM-OPPA : then sorry i can't help you
DRUM-OPPA : thank you for using swaghyun's service

KYURA : .... 
KYURA : why are you so lame...


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— ( seo kangjun )  friend | 22 | actor, singer | someone who had been stuck with kyura until they separated in college. kangjun is a reliable, but sometimes confusing friend kyura would describe. through his school years, he had always been the cool guy at school, which sometimes made kyura wonder how on earth the two are actually friends. though with that, eversince they seperated they hadn't talk much, especially after kangjun became busier as an actor. these days, they only texted each other once in awhile.

JUNNIE : hey midget
JUNNIE : i miss you

KYURA : shut up giant
JUNNIE : aren't you going to say you miss me too?
KYURA : sure why not
KYURA : i ing miss you idiot you havent text me for like 2 months

JUNNIE : now theeere's the midget

[♡] she has the habit of eating ice whenever she's bored or stressed, resulting to her being called ice queen.
[♡] has a small fridge inside her room to keep lots of supplies of ice cubes.
[♡] sleeps with her eyes half open no matter what the situation is.
[♡] her favorite food is korean beef, give her that and she'll be extra loving to you.
[♡] hates tomatoes and broccolis with all her heart.
[♡] loves making pop art designs and her favorite artist is andy warhol.
[♡] a huge fan of lots of rappers, including san e, bobby and song minho.
[♡] doesn't really believe in ghosts but still gets scared by watching horror movies.
[♡] she's allergic to peanuts, sadly.
[♡] donald duck is her best friend for life, and she loves imitating him.
[♡] she can't cook.
[♡] a huge fan of bts, and a huge shipper of vhope and vkook. her bias is hoseok.
[♡] is not a fan of aegyo, nope.
[♡] hates people talking about height.
[♡] loves bananas and papayas, she would live with only those if she could.
[♡] was in love with snow white the princess when she was little because of her cute hair.
[♡] took self defense martial arts lessons since she was a kid.
[♡] prefers her hair medium-length but lately had grown fond of long hair.
[♡] fishes are friends, not food. she has a pet goldfish and sees fishes as her own besties.
[♡] used to be addicted with magic tricks, she learnt a few when she was young.
[♡] has lots and lots of plushies of different cute characters.
[♡] loves the color yellow because it reminds her of ducklings.
[♡] she has an instagram account with the username @kyu96.ra

how did you find out about 
— "my sister told me about your website" kyura laughs awkwardly. "I don't really know how she found out about but i can make sure that she's not a customer- or maybe she was. . . i'll check on that later for sure"
what is your main purpose of hiring a fake boyfriend 
she lets out a deep sigh before biting her lip gently. "i'm clueless when it comes to love, and considering that they're supposed to be boyfriends i'm assuming that the guy i'll be hiring has lots of experiences" kyura claps her hands together. "i'm hoping that he can teach me what lovers do as a couple, before going to find a real boyfriend myself" she pauses. "and since my sister doesn't think i can get a date, i want to show them i can and surprise them!!"
what is your ideal type of boyfriend 
 "obviously someone better than my sister's boyfriend" she laughs slightly. "just kidding, i guess i'm fine with any kind of guy as long as he could help me relax and stay still from working too much - and someone who's not too tall that makes me look like an elf beside him" 
how long do you need to hire this fake boyfriend •
— "i don't think it'll take more than a month" the girl nods her head slowly. "i only need a few experiences so it probably won't take too long"
do you think you'll fall in love with your fake boyfriend •
the girl coughs, taking a gulp of water. "yes?? maybe?? i don't even know what love is like omg"
have you dated before 
— "nope . . . "
if no, please tell us what you think your dating style is like 
— kyura tugs her hair behind her ears. "i think i might be the relaxed type- since i know how annoying things could get if your surroundings are clingy" she laughs warmly before continuing. "i guess i'm not that sure but i'll probably just go with the flow, i dont like the idea of being too pushy or too laid back- this is complicated iM SORRY"
what is your ideal type of date 
— "somewhere comfy and relaxing- not anywhere near a huge crowd" she smiles. "it would be amazing if we could just  lay down, share our hobbies and tell funny stories to each other, i think that way couples can take time and get to know each other more"
would you kiss on the first date or nah 
kyura gasps dramatically before shaking her head. "first date? of course not!"
are you the type to celebrate the 12 korean couple holidays 
— "there are 12 couple holidays - that's the first time i've ever heard about it but if i could celebrate some of them it would be fun!!"
LEE JIHOON ( 이지훈 )
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backup(s) • lee chan, yoon jeonghan
birthdate • 22.11.1996 ( november 22, 1996 )
occupation • singer and songwriter ( he uploads his videos on youtube ), college student
personality •
+ easygoing, smart, caring, open-minded.
- blunt, lazy, possessive, unpredictable.

 THAT'S FINE, BUT I PREFER IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND  easygoing, but rather stubborn. jihoon is a guy who claims that he always just go with the flow. well actually he does, most of the times. he's someone who doesn't take simple things to his heart (except anything that connects with his height, that is). unlike kyura, jihoon takes critiques and advices better when it comes to music. he knows that he isn't the best, so he's there to learn. despite all that, one thing he has in common with kyura is the bluntness that surrounds him. jihoon is very honest about his own opinions which he doesn't think would hurt anyone. he doesn't realize it, but sometimes his casual self does offend some people. but even with that being said, jihoon is someone who wouldn't sleep at night if he knows someone is hurt, wether it was because of him or someone else. he's a caring bundle of candy towards the people he loves at times, which he is somehow embarrassed of. a tsundere as his friends used to call him. 
 YEAH DO IT I'LL JUST WATCH FROM HERE  if you go on a date with him and stumble upon a few people playing basketball or something, jihoon would just stay on the sidelines and watch you join them. he's more of a watcher, enjoying the sight of the one he loves having fun rather than doing it himself. well actually, sometimes he's just too lazy to move. he'd rather stay and chill in a cafe while watching people, couples, kids, passing by on the rode. 

love story •  

it wasn't long after taehyun gave up teaching kyura when her sister showed up with her ipad. she had a website opened on safari, it says. while the couple argued with the maknae, kyura finally gave up and agreed to give it a try. the two sisters spent a whole hour just scrolling forth and back on the available-to-be-hired boys profiles when they finally settled on the shortest one. yes, shortest. after registering herself and finalizing the payment, kyura couldn't sleep at all due to her being extremely nervous.
after receiving an email, it was decided that the two will meet in a cafe near kyura's college. unfortunately, kyura lost track of time at the d-day and ended up being late by exactly twenty eight minutes. a pink-haired guy was already sitted on one of the table inside the cafe, his drink half empty, his sleepy eyes meeting her sorry ones. but after a deep sigh, jihoon told her "its alright" and the two started talking, kyura explained her reason of hiring a boyfriend and jihoon carefully listening and taking notes of how a thin shade of red keeps on showing through the girl's face.
"am i not allowed to?" "it's embarassing!" but you're pretty. jihoon had to keep his mouth shut from saying the next sentence. he couldn't help but notice how inexperienced kyura is, and how very impatient she could get. but when the two went on a double date with taehyun and kyumi, it was kyura's turn to adore jihoon. the three musically talented teens chatted the whole evening, leaving kyura to stare and listen with a blank expression. but even with that, it made kyura realized how enthusiastic jihoon can be when it comes to the things he loves. and she couldn't lie but to agree that she might have a little bit of interest towards the guy.
a few weeks passed, and it was obvious that kyura was progressing well. she knew how to impress a guy, how to find out what a guy wants, how to treat a guy she likes. or were those actions work only with jihoon? while jihoon tried to stay in his zone, doing his job by only being her "personal relationship trainer", he couldn't help but notice the changes as well. it slapped the both of them in the face the morning after the two accidentally fell asleep together. huddled up on the couch. in the lee's living room. scoldings, lectures, everything happened in one morning, but no confession was heard.

after that morning, both decided to stop meeting each other. it wasn't like they had any choice, kyura was grounded for a whole week. and a whole week was enough for jihoon to collect himself (and write a song) to express how blant his life was before the girl came and add all kinds of feelings to it. exactly after a week, the pink-haired showed up in front of her door, a guitar in hand and a bag of ice cubes beside him. long story short, she accepted him and a kiss was placed on the girl's forehead. 

+) i tried to not be too detailed since it's going to be your story teehee but if there's something missing in this section please do tell me and i'll explain!!

miscellaneous • 
 MY BACKHROUND?  an only kid who spent a lot of time with his family. jihoon's childhood was occupied by toys, games, cakes, gifts and many more. but different than kyura, his parents aren't that overreacting and so he didn't mind them that much. he still lives with them, though he's trying to be more independent by taking part-time jobs himself.
 MUSIC IS MY LOVER  when he's bored, he writes a song. when he's happy, he sings a song. when he's sad, he listens to a song. when the birds chirp in the morning, he'll listen. when the rain pours, he closes his eyes and listen. jihoon spent his life using his ears and lips to the fullest, and that's what he does to keep himself alive, until he realized he's a bit lonely to the point he joined
 AM NOT CUTE  judging by his (few) past customers, they all mistook jihoon as a cute junior who calls everyone noona. well each of them were a hundred percent wrong. so when it was kyura's turn, he immediately told her he's not the cute type which kyura took note on very carefully.
final words
comments • I FINALLY FINISHED THIS AFTER HALF A MONTH????? im so embarassed byE but hey i hope you love my baby!!! p.s if the hangul letters for the names are wrong please do correct me bcs i dont really know the right one. . . . 
questions • noneee
scene suggestions •
♡ kyura and jihoon going on kyura's dream date
♡ the ahns (ft taehyun) teasing kyura about her love life
♡ just a bit of kangjun being annoying please 
♡ kyura fangirling over bts in front of jihoon
password • chicken!!


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