bae 。yoo sera

Yoo sera
birth name yoo sera 유세라
— momna : short for mom and noona, since she acts like one. usually used by the members and jungkook.
— milky : for her being flat-chested, founded and used by the one and only narae.
birthdate 31.12.1995  ( december 31, 1995 )
birthplace & hometown Seoul, south korea
ethnicity korean
nationality korean
—  ( korean / fluent ) born and raised in the country.
—  ( english / advanced ) her mother taught her since she was just a little kid and forced her to talk in the house with english, and sera grew used to it.
—  ( mandarin / conversational ) took mandarin lessons since she was in middle school, continued through company trainings. 
faceclaim april's somin
backup fc gfriend's sinb
height & weight 48kg & 163cm
appearance with thick black hair and plump red lips, slightly showing similar looks with goo hara, sera is a mature and pretty girl. usually, bae's stylist would change her hair into dark brown to fit a cuter concept. 
a day out, airport or some free weeks, sera usually wears easy to use clothes. she's not the type to think about fashion. sometimes seen in an oversized shirt and shorts, or long sleeves and long pants. wearing anything she's comfortable to dance in, that's her main goal every single day. 

+ bright, affectionate, encouraging, hopeful, fair
- overly-concerned, indecisive, cowardly, oblivious, clumsy
bright, but overly-concerned as expected from the mood maker of the group, despite being one of the oldest in the group, sera is the brightest girl next door you'll ever meet. she goes by the lame motto of "bright smile, bright day ahead!" which she wouldn't mind shouting loud in the middle of a crowd. obviously something her members are embarrassed about. nonetheless, sera's the kind of girl that would keep your smile wide with any way she could possibly think of. and then there's this thing called overly-concerned about mostly, everything. this follows the saying of "the brightest person are the saddest". while sera isn't exactly sad, its just that she has lots of worries that she keeps to herself, which sometimes can be seen through her facial expression or even actions. the members' health, tight schedules, fans, haters, sasaengs, those things can easily enter and occupy not more than 90% of sera's mind. though she tries her best to not show it to anyone else, its hard for her to do so, resulting to her habit of locking herself inside her room whenever she's on her bad side.
— lets do it agai- wait does your leg hurt???  
no sera, what are you sayin-
     shush lets take an hour break instead!
affectionate, but indecisive friends, families, sera loves everyone around her, thus making her want to do everything she can to please them. she listens to everyone's problems, send them lots of text messages, buy them lots of (useless) things and lots of other stuff. people often mistook her as an obsessive girlfriend towards her lover but its really just her friends or family that she keeps thinking about. she's a lovable girl who would do anything for her loved ones. anything. right, one of sera's weekness is being indecisive about almost every single thing in the world. okay that's a bit too much but you get my point. she would have trouble choosing between two simple things, for example white or yellow shirt, to tie her hair up or to let it down, run with a mask to the shop or to use the big and obvious van. sera often argues with herself inside her mind, or even speak it up. 
— what a cute horse doll, i bet hoseok'll like it!!
     um wait...
     or will he like the t-shirt more..?

encouraging, but cowardly honestly, the example explains it all. if anyone needs an extra boost of confidence or even reassurance, sera's the girl to go to. she'll probably take out her portable pom poms and start doing all kinds of cheers for you, loudly of course. but well, those positive things comes with a consequence. despite having so many confidence for everyone else, sera isn't really the type of girl who has high self esteem. she doesn't enjoy taking challenges or risks, except when it comes to dancing only. she'd back away for any kinds of new, seem-to-be-dangerous, seen-by-everyone things. her little mind is probably filled with 'what ifs' and a bunch of excuses as to why she shouldn't do the things. also, even though she's full of encouragements, dont expect her to be nice to you if you're lazy. especially not when it comes to dancing. she's extra strict about practicing the dances, since she is the main dancer.
— you can do it, i know you can! 
     *finally does the thing* why dont you go try it?
i... i dont think i can... *flies away*

hopeful, but oblivious the girl with high hopes who squealed at jhope's line "because i'm full of hope". sera looks forward to everything she's going to do with her members, especially for example, their debut. even when she wasn't the best trainee, she had a huge hope that she will debut and she will be better. when her first boyfriend dumped her on highschool (ooh such cliche) she still had hopes that they'll get back together. the poor girl didn't want to accept the fact that the guy is a jerk. whoops. but being hopeful, she is actually bae's personal hope keeper who'll save everyone with her positive scenarios. having that all being said, as you can see, sera's mind is actually a pretty complicated mind. worries, thoughts, it makes herself easily spaced out in lots of occasions. being hopeful, really hopeful, has its own negativity. she sometimes gets too hopeful to the point that she kind of makes everything possible. her scenarios becomes even more, abstract and not realistic. this happens usually when sera's overly stressed, and her members would have to calm her down when she reaches this state. sera is someone who doesn't notice her surrounding fast, and that makes her someone who's always clueless. 
— don't worry there's always next time
     maybe we'll get extra fries next time
 or maybe we'll get a free kisum poster as well!!


fair, but clumsy being one of the oldest, sera's priority is to treat her members equally, no matter what the circumstances are. if she was too pass by a cute store with cute accesories, she'd by one for each of the members with the exact same amount and price. she also gives each of them equal treatments, even for herself. she's never the self-centered type, she prefers thinking that she's everyone else, which leads to her being unconfident most of the time. her messy side, you can say that she is not an organized person nope not at all. sera forgets about things easily, her phone, pen, headpiece, earphones, and every small things. she can also forget wether she had give a cookie to the maknae or not, ending up to her giving the maknae two cookies. sera is also someone who cant memorize people's faces quickly and is someone who gets twisted about it alot. it took her awhile to memorize her sunbae's faces and names even. including taehyung and jungkook, she couldn't see any difference between them at first.
— maknae, here's a cookie!
thanks unnie!
     middle kid, here's a cookie!
     thanks unnie!
     maknae, do you want some cookie?
y yes please unnie..?
— thoughtful parents saved her. sera doesn't come from a dance-based family, or even anything close to music. her father is a 50 year-old businessman, while her mother is a 48 year-old psycologist. there it is, a smart combination of husband and wife, produced a prepared only-daughter of the family. little sera, lets say a 6 year-old sera, had 4 extra lessons on different fields. drawing lesson, piano lesson, swimming lesson, and finally dancing lesson. those lessons were based on the two lovers' observation of their daughter. seeing her doodling all over the wall (which most of toddlers normally do), sticking to the piano like a glue, giggling every time she's in the bath tub, and wiggling every part of her body everytime a song plays. long story short, 12 year-old sera only had 3 lessons left, and then 2, and then 1. she only truly liked dancing, which she started with ballet and continued until hip-hop and jazz. sera practically danced to every genres of dance existing in this world, and she loves it. growing the urge to debut as an idol, sera auditioned and got accepted in bighit at the age of 15.
— elementary school, junior high, and high school, sera had been the 'ok' student for years. she had generous numbers of friends (and fans, just kidding) and she passed the whole years of school without causing any rucus. 
this special someone, is her cousin. being the only child, sera always wondered what it'll feel like to have younger or older siblings, resulting to her parents continuously bringing her to meet her younger-by-3-years male cousin. yoo jino, a cute baby-faced boy who would always act like a tsundere to sera but she never minded. she'd blow bubbles, help him pee, feed him cookies, etc. sera loved him so much, sometimes she forgot that they're only cousins. as they grew older, he did too. he's now standing taller than his noona, sometimes with a girlfriend in hand as well. though growing up, jino still cares for his noona and would continously remind her that "she's growing old and she needs to find a boyfriend soon" much to sera's annoyance.
likes you, ducklings, chocolate cakes, cookies, big pillows, warm blankets, huge beds, heart signs, one-shot mangas, rappers, dancers.
dislikes dirty socks, big eyes, 
hobbies doodling manga, imitating unpretty rapstar's casts, morning runs everyday, regular gym exercises, staying overnight in the practice room, dancing to a goofy version of bae's songs.
habits singing with her earphones on, spacing out (mostly when she's tired), burst into dancing mode even on the streets if there's a song she knows, laughing hard with closed (without her hand covering it), poking other people's butts, hair flipping to her favorite songs, sleeping with her eyes half opened, locks herself inside her room if she's in a really bad mood. 
is actually a fast learner in her piano class but still drops out because she doesn't like it that much.
she didn't know she had potential in singing until she was trained in bighit.
likes to be called noona.
a huge huge fan of unpretty rapstar, especially kisum.
has over twenty posters of bangtan hung on her room wall.
sushi, she loves sushi.
comfortable with any kinds of skinships, especially with the members.
her favorite disney cartoon is donald duck. she really likes his voice. 
looks up to hyoyeon and really wants to become like hyoyeon in terms of dancing flawlessly.
likes to roam around the park, she said its because she's finding inner peace. thanks to kungfu panda.
sera and jino did a duet performance once in their school, surprise, jino is also really good at dancing.
has never been outside the country even once.
also took english and tutorings from her beloved parents.
has a girl crush on goo hara, and no its not just because people think they look alike.
hates horror and thriller movies with all her heart.
her phone is her husband, dont touch him.
will automatically puke at the sight of freshly cut tomatoes, nu uh gross.
pink, pink, and pink. heaven is pink land for sera.
can easily grasp on language studies, but other subjects, not so much.


relations :
< family >

— ( Oh jino ) younger cousin | 17 | performing arts high | the lame but reliable cousin everyone would love to have, and yes sera is indeed proud of him. they bicker a lot, sometimes like a married couple even. the only thing jino is interested except for dancing is lame jokes. he loves those things. he was in the same dance school as sera and the two were usually paired together for duet performances. jino often stays in her house for a night or two since its closer to their dance school. 

jijino : noona are you a computer keyboard?
sera : um what. . . .
jijino : 'cause you're my type
sera : omg does my dongsaeng finally likes me < 3 < 3
jijino : . . . noona thats a joke
sera : oh. ok. 😿
jijino : did you srsly think i was serious lmfao

— ( yoo sejun ) father | 50 | business ceo | a person full of calculations and the one behind his daughter's success in dancing. he's someone sera'd never try lie to, since he'd find out about it in a second. people who walks past him can clearly see how strict and protective he is to his daughter, but thats the way sejun expresses his love. though for sera, its fine but also quite embarassing.

daddy : sera why aren't you home yet?
daddy : sera reply now or else
daddy : sera where are you?!
sera : dad i texted you already
sera : that i was going to watch a movie
daddy : oh.....
daddy what movie?
— ( yoo hwara ) mother | 48 | psychologist | loving her husband and daughter is her main priority, but sometimes she just puts too much (salt) love on the meatballs. a sweet mom everyone would love to have, but also someone so careless that could mistook the laundry as trash and throw it away to the bin.

sera :  mom, where did you put notebook?
momma : inside the blue backpack
sera : . . . which blue backpack?
momma : the one in the room jino usually use
sera : mom
sera : mom thats jino's bag oH MY GOD

< friends >

— ( lee narae ) best friend | 20 | fashion blogger | met through piano classes since the both of them were only six years old, the two grew inseparable. they still talk and have late night video calls til now. she's a blunt and sassy friend that no one would imagine as the sweet sera's friend, but nevertheless the two matched each other with their own flaws. 

raerae : wanna go shopping together this week?
raerae : oh wait
raerae : i forgot that you're debuting soon lololol
sera : babe
sera : why ; ;
— ( jeon jungkook ) fave dongsaeng  | 18 | idol, bts | the two met in the company, along with hoseok. both of them eventually got closer. they trained together while jungkook was still a trainee, usually dancing. jungkook's the kind of kid who'd always ask if he's good enough, which sera wouldn't get tired of answering. they'd bully each other once in awhile and sera will always see him as a little kid. 
sera : guess what!!!!
jkook : finally realize hoseok hyung is more than just a horse?
sera : not that omg i
sera : hoseok isn't a horse..
jkook : he's a v hot horse for you noona
sera : staph kook staph
— ( choi seungcheol ) close friend | 20 | idol, seventeen | basically, friends that feels the same burden of being one of the oldest in the group. they met in a music show while promoting and switched numbers because they're in the same liner.
cheollie : sera
cheollie : i thought i saw a girl in my dorm
sera : annddd?
cheollie : it was junghan
sera : oh my god 
sera : what even : ' )
< others >
— ( goo hara ) girl crush | 24 | idol, kara | if only sera really knows hara, this part wouldn't be so angsty. sera's basically a huge fan of hara, that's that.

stage name
— u-say
— bulletproof
— vocalist, main dancer
backup position
— triple threat, danger plotline 
talent twin
— kown yuri, snsd ( heo youngji, kara )
speaking twin
— bae irene, red velvet ( choi yoojin, clc )
training duration 
— five years ( 2010 - present )
predebut works 
— appeared in bangtan's mv, war of hormone.
social networking accs 
— twitter : @yoosayra_
— instagram : @yousay.ra
— weibo : @serayoo
love interest jung hoseok < idol, bts >
backup love interest choi seungcheol < idol, seventeen >
relationship status friends
caring, friendly, easy-going, enthusiastic, confident.
impatient, lazy, eccentric, wacky, obnoxious.

— drag him to some crowded place and by 15 minutes hoseok will be laughing with some stranger. as a youngster, he is one of the trainees who has the most friends, friends that he really cares about. hoseok loves his friends, so much that he doesn't stand seeing them feel down. he comes off a bit harsh often, though on the inside he just wanted to make them feel better. others might think that hoseok is annoyed at them, but he really isn't. he is someone that wouldn't sleep at night if he knows someone is still hurt, may it be because of himself or even nothing related to him.
— hoseok welcomes everyone that goes to him for advices and even a shoulder to cry on, and will try his best to make everything better. he would encourage them and tell them that everything is okay until they calmed down, and then proceed to giving suggestions. though people who bable round and round without giving hoseok a chance to speak, that he can't stand of. his main goal is to help others but if they don't give him a chance, then might as well shoo them off. he is rather impatient and may not be the best person to be told to wait for longer than thirty minutes so they could wash their face first. nu uh.
— low self-esteem is what hoseok can't tolerate. being confident himself, he knows that everyone has the right to be proud of themselves. he is a guy who enjoys encouraging people surround him, and that's just another positive side of his endless-flowing confidence. with that, the negative side of his confidence is that he sometimes comes off a bit too confident, earning side eyes from people. 
— being loud and funny is one of hoseok's primary needs. there is no day existing without the guy throwing off lame jokes or dancing weirdly. though he has all the energy to joke around, he has a lot of excuses to stay back in the dorm and, well, relax. you can't get him to take you some drinks from the fridge even when he's just an inch away from it. a lazy , as sera likes to call him. 

first meeting 
— 2010, sera joined bighit and started her training. since she got in through her dancing abilities, she was normally seen in the dance studio and practicing more of her dance. she didn't have any friends in the company as she just joined recently alone. in a late friday night, trainees hoseok and jungkook were just going to start practicing
when sera walked into the room with the clueless face she always wear. panicked, she quickly apologized and went back outside when hoseok held her. that's where the three started to get along and since then they practice together regularly. hoseok and jungkook were sera's first friends inside the company. the two guys would often teach sera rap as well, but she always ended up getting her tongue tangled, earning laughs from the two.
— hoseok and sera, knowing that the two had similar personalities, they became the company's sweetheart. sera was the first one to like hoseok in a different way. she was attracted to how gentle he was, and how his lame jokes are really funny (she's the only one that finds them amusing). it actually turned out that hoseok was in the same dance school as sera, but in a different class. finding out about this, the two chatted more and more, mostly about the coaches in the school, the dances they taught and everything else about dancing. it wasn't until one day that hoseok started liking the younger girl even more. they were practicing normally, but for some reasons hoseok couldn't take his eyes of sera who was dancing to her own choreography (which turned out a bit too y). at this point, the two had mutual feelings for each other, and hoseok got the hint already that sera liked him back. the problem was, the obviously oblivious girl that is yours truly, sera. she liked him so much but she didnt know if hoseok liked her or not, thus they stayed as friends, even until hoseok debuted.

— a very common thing for these two to do is skinship. hugs, holding hands, arms around the waist, piggy back rides, anything. since there aren't really anything to tease about the two, they usually prefer joking or chatting with each other. laughing couple would suit them the best. the both always share lame jokes together which no one else would find funny, 
— something unique about the both of them is, anyone walking passed them would get the expression of them as wacky. but when you watch the two practice dancing, they change 360 degrees. hoseok and sera's serious mode, which little jungkook is always afraid of. they would give to-the-point opinions which won't ever stop until the dance is perfect.

future relationship dating publicly, i leave the process to you < 3

what will you do if you debut under bae? it has always been my dream to debut as an idol, and just by being accepted and trained in the company is something i'm really grateful about. [chuckles] debuting to me, means everything. its a way for me to make my company, parents and friends proud, and to give them back what they've given for me. i'm going to do my best. it's a responsibility and a promise i'm making if i debut under bae. oh my god i sound so serious im sorry hahahaha. but honestly, i'm willing to do anything, i'll practice overnight even, i dont mind. i'm going to work my off for bae and make everyone proud. teehee.
comments omg i finally finished this??? i hope you like my app and my baby sera huhuhu. if you have any questions about her just ask okie!! i might missed a few things, but i just really hope you'll like her kya.
 — sonamoo's cushion, clc's like, lovelyz, gfriend, snsd's party
 — weekly idol, running man, their own variety show like bangtan bomb!! 
password lemon head
finder / daz / 8 (currently on hiatus until the 20th)
credit. juengdo


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elegantly #1
omg i just saw this
i really hate dsp for putting her nose under the knife ugh
Hello, you applied for my story Bae. My reviews are closed and don't worry you're still in! The only thing is I didn't get to give you a review. Don't worry! I'll still judge your character and fairly also. Thank you for choosing Bae! -Celena