Fiction and Facts

There is a very very big difference in fiction and facts. And authors a lot of the times, mix them up. There are authors who argue that their fanfiction is fiction so they don't have to stay true and factual. 


Like procedures or getting arrested, laws and what people get arrested by, mental health, school teacher procedures and so on. No millitary officer will personally deliever a traumatic patient back to your god damn house. If he did, he would have to do that with everyone else which will make him a very busy person delivering patients to people's houses and just leaving them there without any advice or help contact.


Mental illnesses and health problems are a big issue with fanfic authors. Like they just think that everyone goes into coma and wakes up with no memories or every mental illness person will always think about killing the person next to them in the most gruesome way. Like no. Every mental illness is different as has its own characteristics. 

So here is a ton of information for you lazy writers that always get wrong. I will outline it.

Schizopheria is a psychotic mental illness that makes the patient loose touch of reality. Usually the patient will hear 'voices' in there heads, talk to themselves or supposedly the voices, hallucinate and is delusional. Although the can be talked into killing people by the 'voices', they do not constantly think about killing motherers. Bipolar is also a psychotic mental illness.

ADHD, anxiety disorders (depression), OCD, they are non-psychotic mental illnesses. Yes people, non-psychotic, do not say they are psychotic because they are not. This means they are still in touch with reality and still know where they are, who they are and their surroundings. They do not hallucinate and aren't delusional. So, research about the topic before you write it or else you should poop in your kitchen sink, wash your hands in a toilet bowl, and eat food off a lion's corpse. Becuase that, is what actually happens people, THIS IS MY BLOG, IT IS FICTIONAL SO ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN MOTHERERS.




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Don't mind me but it bugs the crap out of me when I see stories dealing with cancer or bi polar so far off the reality. I've had many people in my family as one of the many whom suffer from cancer: It's not like how it's usually portrayed in fanfics where love is the ultimate cure or dramas. And it's certainly not a 'beautiful' thing either like how even movies portray it the death part of it I mean.

If some authors would just do their research they would be so much more knowledgeable on these topics. Knowledge is a good thing to have after all: If you don't know what you're writing, research it.
Well said author nim
Bipolar disorder is a mood-disorder, not a psychotic disorder. Manic people may experience hallucinations (it's not a given and I honestly don't think hallucinations is a common symptom of manias but I'm not completely sure of that) but so do people suffering with psychotic depression. (Which you listed as a non-psychotic disorder....)
There's a lot of classifications to mental disorders. And I agree - people could be researching deeper when they're writing about mental disorders.