boys be hired
twin_magic • PARURU
nicknames / aliases •
— jiae jr. : her parents; she hasn't actually heard them call this to her face, but seohyun has overheard them referring to her as this when have people over at their house
— little miss wallflower : kyungah, fellow employees and various customers; all the people who work at the teddy bear cafe have a nickname and this is seohyun's
— sharphyun : minseok; his cheeky nickname for her that comes from both her resting facial expression and her blunt words when she eventually does speak up
— buttercup : her sister; powerpuff girls reference explained in the trivia section
birthdate & age • 29/12/1997 & 17 years old
birthplace • seongnam, gyeonggi-do, south korea
hometown • seongnam, gyeonggi-do, south korea
ethnicity • korean
nationality • korean
occupation • barista at teddy bear cafe
languages •
— korean : fluent; native language
— english : basic; learns simple greetings and phrases from tourists that visit the cafe she works at

face claim • taeyeon of girls' generation
backup • ryu sera
appearance •
— although her looks can often scream "still looking for an answer", when it comes to her appearance, ha seohyun knows exactly what she's doing.
— since entering her latter half of adolescence, her natural raven locks have been traded in for a favoured platinum blonde shade, and her figure has grown out of the stick figure it was stuck with for years on end. sure she doesn't have honey thighs like uee or toned female abs like yuka tano, but it is evident that she has meat on her bones and loves every second of it. she is also a victim of appearing taller than reality allows her to be thanks to a torso that triumphs her legs in length.
— the most major talking point when it comes to her facial features are her eyes. some find them welcoming whilst others identify them with the word 'endearing' but they are captivating nonetheless. her nose and lips are thin compared to the rest of her face but according to a free face reading she received from a customer one day, they tell more of a story that what meets the eye.
— all of this paired with a pale & smooth complexion that is often mistaken for being the work of caked makeup and skin treatments ( spoiler alert: it isn't ), people wonder how the seventeen year old is actually seventeen and not twelve nor twenty-four. nonetheless it is an appearance ha seohyun is proud to possess and wouldn't trade in, even if she was offered the looks of the highest-paid supermodel in the world.
other •
— seohyun stands at an appropriate 163cm and weighs in at a healthy 51 kilograms.
— on her upper thigh she graces a small burn scar from when she spilt hot coffee on herself earlier in the year. she also has a small birthmark on her right shoulderblade that she would like to cover up with a tattoo one day as it just looks "out of place up there".
— her makeup style is rather light ( bb cream with concealer, a light application of eyeliner, natural eyeshadow and lip gloss a shade darker than her own ), with most of her work being focused on putting her eyebrows into a simple straight shape rather popular within the korean entertainment industry. she isn't one to follow trends, but this is one that she felt suited her face and thus refuses any other eyebrow shape.
fashion sense •
— ha seohyun's style is probably a large reason why her looks often scream what they do as it is a mixture of both adolescence and young adulthood.
— in the adolescence department is her preference towards the exposure of skin ( not in a provocative way either ) that has become quite popular amongst teenagers around the world. she is often spotted walking around in a pair of shorts that reach the middle of her thighs if lucky. and a singlet or short-sleeved shirt.
— where the young adulthood section comes along is her preference in high heel boots that make up for her leg exposure and a variety of jackets that make people often wonder if she is older than she is or if she raided her older sister's wardrobe ( spoiler: she didn't ).
— seohyun isn't sure where this style of hers came from as she is often surrounded by females going for more feminine clothing and tones but she likes it and so she tags along with whatever her mind reaches out towards in the fashion department.
don't mistake me saving my breath for being an introvert


short description • 
— there is one thing that ha seohyun would like to clarify, and that would be that she is not an introvert. she is a taciturn ambivert that prefers to beat to the rhythm of her own drum and not be pressured into something that she does not appreciate. she will step outside her comfortable personality box when she herself decides to do so, so words directing her towards what she should be in life ( most notably in her parents case, she has to be her older sister jiae ) are unwanted and having to make decisions on the spot are not favoured at all. she is her own person and won't let words and opinions knock her down on the outside, no matter how much they knock her down on the inside.
personality • articulate, frank, rational, scrupulous, stoic, stubborn, taciturn
— "i speak when i want to, thank you very much" : the most common thing people tend to notice as soon as they meet ha seohyun is that aside from what her occupation requires of her, she rarely says another word. as she will actually be willing to explain to you with a sigh and a stock sentence, she is not an introvert. about seventy-five percent of the time, she just does not believe that she would "waste" her breath saying things that "will just float in the air" as if she hadn't said anything at all. but that twenty-five percent when she does open and say something of major relevance? her words are delivered in a manner that one would not expect from her. sure, she is as sharp-tongued as people would expect, but even past that she speaks in a very educated and rather confident manner ( and also speaks much more than one initially would believe she ever would ). most of this probably comes from the little facts that she learns through self-commenced research and not from her previous school days, but it's a charm of hers that you don't know was a charm until she actually bothers to waste her breath talking to you.
— "i'll tell you in the morning" : seohyun rarely makes important decisions on a whim and puts thought into anything that requires one of these to be made. often her biggest decisions have been accompanied by a night or two of research followed by a period of thinking over everything she knows before settling on an outome. it probably does make her slower at doing certain tasks, but at least she knows what she is getting herself involved in beforehand instead of just diving into a situation blindfolded. thanks to the research that takes over at least one night a week, she has adjusted her eyes to focus on the details of a situation before considering an overall picture. put a contract in front of her and she'll be the person that reads every single word without speaking one. kyungah often says that she would make a great lawyer, to which seohyun always replies with, "all i'm good at is keeping my head above water."
— "you won't bring me down" : even though she has the habit of researching into the pros and cons of a decision, if she is forced into doing something she doesn't want to do, she will do it with a simple nod of her head and a possible light smile. she won't bother talking back because not only does she see it as a sign of disrespect towards elders ( even if she is strangling their necks in her mind ) but she also sees it as a sign of weakness. seohyun despises being considered weak in another person's eyes. through this viewpoint of hers ( as well as the lack of actual affect shown towards her from her parents' ) over the years she has developed a rather indifferent public complex for herself.

— "do you know how i know who i am? because i am who i am" : don't try and ever convince her to try and change anything about the person she has transformed into over the years of constantly being told she is nothing compared to her older sister jiae, as she will give you the cold shoulder and lock you out of her bedroom. if anybody will make ha seohyun change anything about her life, it's ha seohyun, and nobody else will make her do this otherwise. most of this hatred towards people telling her who she is meant to be comes from a very simple place close to home - or in fact, in her home. and if you have good feelings towards seohyun, you don't want her to have quite harsh feelings towards you by even telling her to change the slightest thing about herself.
background •
— long story short, seohyun was not a planned birth. her parents were never interested in having another child, but when kwon haeun found herself pregnant at her monthly check-up with the doctor, she could never bring herself to abort the child. thus, ha seohyun was born as the second ( and final ) daughter of a ceo's assistant and a local accountant and her upbringing was anything but a breeze.
— her family's financial situation was better than average and they lived in one of the more "established" areas of seongnam that showcased their current financial status. however this had absolutely no effect on how seohyun was brought up during her childhood. as the unplanned child of the ha family, haeun was quick to begin her efforts of crafting seohyun into the planned daughter of the family, jiae, by showcasing each parent in a different light - haeun being the direct and rather outspoken mother and ha jaerim being the indirect and comforting father - as soon as seohyun began attending kindergarten.
— seohyun wasn't one that easily fell into their "trap" and once she started elementary school, she immediately started showing her distaste towards her parents attempts to shape her into her older sister. she often locked herself away in her room, refused to eat dinner on some nights, and every once in a while would run off to their family friends' house in a different district, staying there until haeun eventually came along and dragged her back home. nonetheless they continued trying and their attempts got to a point where it tore a large hole between the ha family and their family friends, separating the two families into almost stranger status.
— because she had gotten so used to closing herself off from the world or only associating herself with one set of people, she wasn't the most favoured student in school and often pointed out how much she disliked being there. so by the time she reached the end of middle school, seohyun declared her plans to become a school dropout and start her working years early. of course her parents were immediately against this decision, but it was jiae's persuasion that reluctantly convinced them that hey, "maybe it will make our lives easier," and so she entered the work force in early 2013, working at moon kyungah's teddy bear cafe.
— this is where their atempts became much more harsh and forceful than before because now seohyun had more free time and they had more opportunities to take up her free time. they enrolled her into many mini courses that would try and shape her to become a more outgoing and friendly person to the world, but these often ended with her being sent home or her being dragged home after running away. slowly as she creeps closer and closer to complete adulthood, her patience with her parents is becoming thinner and thinner. so she turned towards the internet for tips on how to develop new habits ( or in her case, come out of her shell ), and the rest is in her interview with
lifestyle • 
— since her mother brought her home a few days after her birth, seohyun has been living with her parents and older sister in a two-storey house in a more "established" area of seongnam, gyeonggi-do. her room was originally located beside jiae's on the first floor but from the age of ten she has established a room in their basement as her own. overall the household remains in a very clean and organised manner, with everything having its place to be and time to be showcased. lately seohyun has been spending a lot more of her time at kyungah's studio apartment on the seventh floor in an average apartment compex nearer to the heart of seongnam. despite the size she finds the area more "homely" than her actual home.
— from tuesday to friday she works twelve hour days ( ten if you exclude the two one-hour breaks she is rostered onto ) at the teddy bear cafe, located closer to her own home than kyungah's apartment. usually her days at the cafe start at 9am and end at 9pm. although this has only been in place since she began being a barista at the beginning of 2014 ( as she was only allowed to work eight-hour days as a cleaner until she turned sixteen ) she appreciates the experience she gets from working there and is on good terms with all other employees, especially the owner and sole employer, kyungah. on weekends and mondays she isn't rostered on but will volunteer if numbers are low or help open and close up at the beginning and end of the day. when she isn't busy working, seohyun still loves leaving home early in the morning and not returning until late at night so she can avoid her parents' attention. sometimes she just walks around the park across the road from the teddy bear cafe with her hands in her pockets, whilst other times she might just lounge around at the library and read a book online. if she has absolutely nothing else to do, and numbers are full at the cafe, she'll even call up a friend and ask if they want to do anything in town. anything that gets her out of the ha house is good enough for her.
relationships •
— kwon haeun ( 1966 & ceo's assistant & kim haneul )
in seohyun's mental list of people she would shoot out of a cannon if someone donated her one is her rather direct mother, kwon haeun, and she honestly couldn't see the list any other way.
it has been very evident since seohyun was a toddler that she wasn't ever going to be looked at by her mother as anything other than her subject in "operation: jiae jr" and haeun would very easily agree with that statement. however she will clarify that she doesn't hold any hatred towards her second daughter - if she hated seohyun she would've given her up for adoption the first chance she had - but has disappointment that she isn't turning into the person that she wishes she would. haeun is the person that pressures her into things that she doesn't want to do, which helped build up seohyun's need to keep a straight face and research about activities she is put into when haeun forced her to work at one of haeun's work functions at only nine years of age. seohyun in future years has come to understand her mother's feelings towards her, and that she only wanted jiaes for children, but it hasn't changed the relationship between them one single bit.

"can you please do something with your life, seohyun?"
"i still don't know how you get customers with someone looking like you do."

— ha jaerim ( 1967 & accountant & park sihoo )
in her earlier days seohyun thought that her father was the better of her two parents, but when she finally reached an age to see past his facaded words she came to realise that he was probably worse.
jaerim was always the parent that seemed interested in what his youngest daughter was doing in her life. he would sit down with her after he returned home from work and ask about her opinion on things, if she had anything in mind for the future, and anything along the lines of that. but seohyun began seeing exactly what he was trying to do once she reached middle school - i think the term used for this is "emotional manipulation". jaerim began making his plans clear with her by asking questions and giving advice that were very obviously meant to direct her in the direction that jiae was going in instead of what direction she wanted to go in. seohyun often hears that he is the one that instigates the parents' conversations towards their "jiae jr." which has found him alongside his wife at the top of her list of people she would shoot out of a cannon if someone donated one to her.

"so...have any plans for the future yet?"
"you're quite observant, darling. ever thought of going into psychology?"

— ha jiae ( 1994 & psychology major & yoon bomi )
with all the constant comparisons from their parents, you would think that seohyun would hold the epitome of hatreds towards her oldest ( and only ) sister, ha jiae.
however the reality is the complete opposite, and seohyun has nothing but love to give to her as she is the only family member that is "on her side". jiae has always been there for her younger sister since the day seohyun was born, and seventeen years later nothing has changed. she is still the caring and lovable sis' that gives her an ear, shoulder and her knowledge to help out, but at the same time is probably her most prominent bodyguard. And by bodyguard, we mean the person that speaks out against their narrow-minded parents whenever they always even give the slightest of hints towards seohyun that she should "try and be more like our jiae". just like seohyun, jiae doesn't understand at all why they always try and push her into becoming somebody that she very obviously isn't; this is the only time she will ever go against their words and help seohyun make herself more like who she is - ha seohyun.

"seohyun is her own person, so can you two please stop telling her that she needs to be me to succeed?"
"you know i will always care about you, buttercup. and don't you ever forget it!"

— moon kyungah ( 1989 & teddy bear cafe owner & jeon hyosung )
having known the daughter of her parents' closest friends since her early childhood, seohyun has always found kyungah her true saving grace, and one of the only people in the world that actually gives her the time of day.
although kyungah and seohyun were at different ends of the spectrum, the two got along better than anybody expected, even to the point where seohyun preferred to spend more time around at the moon household than at her own home. when the ha and moon families grew further apart during seohyun's middle school days kyungah remained the one person in the world that she considered a "true mother figure" in her life. she was constantly supportive of any decision she ever made, and unlike her father, actually gave advice that was applicable to her life and not jiae's. when seohyun announced her plans to not attend high school kyungah was the first to congratulate her on the new life path and gave her the safety net seohyun needed to land on. every day brings the rather-talkative kyungah and the rather-reticent seohyun closer together through kyungah's teddy bear cafe, and seohyun is always grateful.

"so here i am with open arms and i can't sing but hopefully you get where i'm trying to get at."
"she's a snickers and i'm cotton candy, but put us together and you have a sweet wonderland."

— kim seulki ( 1997 & high school student & jeon boram )
if you had to identify one of the three reasons why seohyun even bothered getting up in the morning and going to school, kim seulki would be it ( past all the legal and parental obligations, of course ).
seohyun was a notable loner during her earliest school days, and would be the one person who sat in the corner and kept their thoughts and hands to themselves. well that was until third grade when a new girl joined her twenty-seven-person classroom, and gravitated her way towards seohyun because everybody else was too much for her to handle. this happened to be seulki, with a choppy bowl haircut and rather circular glasses. days passed by and seulki had managed to fit herself inside seohyun's bubble - something that only kyungah and jiae had been able to do - which signalled that their friendship was definitely something to be noted in ha seohyun's history books. the two remained side-by-side throughout the rest of elementary and middle school until seohyun dropped school from her future life where they were finally torn from one another. the two still remain good friends, and seulki often visits the teddy bear cafe after cram school, but their friendship is nothing compared to their school days.

"how was school, you ask? well, as per usual, everybody deserves to die a slow and painful death."
"maybe i should cut school out of my life as well. it seems to be doing you well."

— koh minseok ( 1993 & literature major & lee junghwan )
aside from seulki, all of seohyun's friendships come from people her immediate family members have been close with. unfortunately, one of those people is koh minseok - somebody that if she had the choice, would never have met in the first place.
she would just like to clarify that even though she says that, she does not have a burning distaste for minseok ( she actually has a large space in her heart for the lad ) but there are just some things that he does around her that makes her want to break her stoic facade, get her hands, wrap them around his neck and choke him until he goes unconscious - and it is very hard to make her want to do this. why? towards everybody minseok is a very flirtatious person, but when it comes to seohyun, it's taken to an entirely new level of flirty. he takes every opportunity to commence skinship, teases her with a cheey smile, and has even taken his chance to peck her all over her face, including on her lips. seohyun would try and fight back but realises that there is no point because even if she kicked him in his self-beloved pocket rocket, he will come back for more. and plus, she secretly loves the attention she receives from minseok. at least somebody bothers with fully acknowledging her presence in the world.

"come here sharphyun and give your buddy minseok a hug."
"hey i'm only creepy if people find me creepy. i mean, i don't find myself creepy, and my relationship with myself is fine."
trivia •
— during her childhood seohyun would ( rather reluctantly ) join jiae and minseok whenever they pretended to be the powerpuff girls. there are two reasons why she did this: one - she was the easiest person to call when they needed their third member, and two - jiae never wanted her to feel like she was left on her own. jiae would be blossom aka "the smart one", minseok would be bubbles aka "the cute one" and seohyun would be buttercup aka "the spicy one". to this day jiae still calls her buttercup even if years have passed since they last portrayed the cartoon network trio.
— although she doesn't have any dating experience ( and honestly never expected herself to have any ) seohyun has had her fair share of kisses. unfortunately ( in her opinion anyway ) all of these kisses have been from minseok who often does so to rather than anything else. seohyun has never appreciated it.
— her preferred way to pass the time is by reading a good book, and during her breaks it is very easy to see her sitting on one of the benches at the park with her eyes glued to her latest indulgence. she often reads those recommended to her by acclaimed blogs on naver and has built up a collection of both paperbacks and ebooks.
— seohyun's browser homepage is naver, which is also her favourite website.
— her favourite place to visit is seoul, but the only times she has visited the capital city outside of a school excursion is with minseok. their preferred time to go there is near the end of each month when a small flea market is held, which also comes with an amazing variety of different food pochas that pop up with their favourite foods.
— seohyun loves both her coffee and her meat.

— contrary to popular belief, her favourite colours are pastels.
— she is a casual fan of infinite and owns the repackaged version of their season 2 album, be back. this album, alongside tvxq's fourth korean album mirotic and s.e.s' sea & eugene & shoo, are the only music albums that she owns.
as soon as love hijacks that station i won't hesitate to turn that radio off

how did you find out about 
— "after some research about related topics, i decided to spend one of my nights scrolling through various dating websites before coming to my own realisation that i really could not put my trust in something that seemed so...creepy. in defeat i went back to the naver homepage and what do you know? here i am, scrolling through a website that allows girls to hire a 'boyfriend' for specified amounts of time."
what is your main purpose of hiring a fake boyfriend 
— "my main purpose? to stop my parents from constantly comparing me to my older sister, jiae. if there was a competition to find the walking definition of the perfect daughter, jiae would be a definite shoe-in for the finals. she's academically strong, she's a natural beauty, she's friendly and always lends a helping hand. and then...there's me. ha seohyun, the girl who has a bubble that she doesn't like people trying to pop.
"their comparisons were bad when i was younger but once i told them that i had no interest in going on to high school, they became more prominent than ever with their words. 'when are you gonna leave that cafe and do something like jiae?' 'look at your sister, succeeding in life. you could be like that too...if you tried.' and my personal favourite, 'sometimes i wonder how you can live with yourself when jiae is moving along whilst you're stuck in quicksand.' usually i can go through each day just ignoring my parents' words but within the past year it has gotten to a point where i just want them to shut their mouths and move to the carribean so they can never see me again.
"so, i decided that i would make some sort of effort to make them think of me as something other than a nuisance. and this is what i meant by doing some researc about related topics. i went on naver to see how to create a new habit, which for me would be coming out of my shell, and one prominent point that i found was that the prominent presence of a new person in your life can often prompt a change within oneself.
hiring a fake boyfriend would hopefully help me out with bursting my bubble and becoming more outgoing. and hopefully they could also stop my parents from comparing me to my sister, even if it's just for a second. i really just want them to think of me as their second daughter, seohyun, and not their wanted jiae jr."
what is your ideal type of boyfriend 
 "to be completely honest, if i didn't associate myself with people whose ideal types changed with the presence of a new attractive male, i would not have the slightest idea about what my own personal ideal type is. but since i haven't decided to get a new crop of friends, i have built up a simple idea as to what type of boyfriend i would find ideal. the most notable thing for me, apart from being actually attracted to me ( and vice versa ), is that they have to be able to see me as anything but a problem. i know that many see me as a wallflower that becomes somewhat of a nuisance whenever i choose to open my mouth to speak, so a boyfriend that does not mind that about me has definitely got a chance to win my heart. they could be the reason why mirrors crack whenever he walks past them or the most beautiful person to grace the face of the earth, but if the attraction isn't there and he thinks that i'm a bit of a problem, then houston, we definitely have a problem"
how long do you need to hire this fake boyfriend •
— "another thing i discovered in my naver research is that it takes a minimal of twenty-one days for a new habit to form. since my sister is currently majoring in psychology, i asked her why this is and she qouted that 'it requires a minimum of about 21 days for an old habit to dissolve and a new one to jell' so i came to a conclusion with this. i would need to hire a fake boyfriend for a definite two months to hopefully see any results in my personality. the first month would be there to test out the twenty-one day theory that i found out about, whilst the second month would either solidify a new habit or act as my safety net. if things don't work out by then, maybe i just wasn't cut out for being like jiae and i'll move in with kyungah or something."
do you think you'll fall in love with your fake boyfriend •
— "not if i can help it."
have you dated before 
— "i haven't even considered dating before this."
if no, please tell us what you think your dating style is like 
— "unless they can completely knit me into a brand new person when i'm around them, i will probably be a lot like i am right now. what is the word that they use to describe the type of person i would be? is it submissive? i think they would call me the submissive one in the relationship; the one who is kissed instead of giving kisses, the one who is asked on dates instead of making them, the one who would much rather follow than lead. i'm not the type of person that would lead unless i did my research on relationships too."
what is your ideal type of date 
— "my ideal type of date is probably one that does not feel like i'm on a date, but does not feel like i'm with just a friend either. somewhere that i'm quite comfortable being, such as the park across the road from where i work, would be the ideal location. even if we were just sitting there, talking about the world and everything around us, i would be content."
would you kiss on the first date or nah 
— "i would never instigate a kiss on the first date, and if he tries to, he can get the boat."
are you the type to celebrate the 12 korean couple holidays 
— "i will admit that it does feel a bit lonely when you're the only single person surrounded by couples, but i have never seen the obsession with these holidays, if you can even call them that. even black day i refuse to take part in, no matter how much kyungah wants me to. i don't want to be reminded over and over again that being single is apparently a problem in my life."


backup(s) • lee chan, kwon soonyoung
birthdate • 16/01/1998 & 17 years old
occupation • student
personality • caring, enthusiastic, entertaining, outspoken, sociable, soft-hearted
— "the best quality mc boo"it is uncommon to hear people say that boo seunggwan was born to be an entertainer, and when you see him in action you know exactly why that is. the mere seventeen-year-old is known to be very loud and ethusiastic, often becoming the life of the party and the centre of attention. he is also very sociable, being able to approach and strike a conversation with even the most reserved of people. his notable extroversion can be seen as obnoxious at times but he doesn't mean to be like that. he just wants to make every time a good time.
— "height? visual level"but behind seunggwan's cheerful persona is a teenager with more love for his mother than the world allows him to bear, and a soft heart that may make him rather sensitive and vulnerable at times. he cares for those around him, knowing what to say and what not to say and how to make them feel comfortable with a smile on their face. although he is a spotlight stealer, he can try and get some involved in the scenario and others a helping hand. he is very mature and aware for his youth, something that you wouldn't expect from someone constantly bringing the streamers and party poppers wherever he goes, and not only makes a great friend but would also be a perfect boyfriend.
love story • 
— approximately a fortnight after writing up her contract with the service, seohyun receives an email informing her of the meeting place between her and her "boyfriend". this place just so happens to be the teddy bear cafe where she is currently employed, but on a day that she isn't rostered on to work. kyungah is aware of why she is silently hanging around the cafe, and whilst she passes from customer to customer gives the younger a few tips on how to make a great first impression ( even though seohyun probably won't take them to heart, as per usual ). when a male in a simple sweater and jeans enters the cafe around midday, that is the first time that seohyun meets her "boyfriend" seunggwan.
— their first date is quite simple; a lunch on the house thanks to kyungah allows them to talk and get to know one another better ( they are together for two months, after all ) and a walk through the park across the road. during these times, seunggwan understands why seohyun looked for the service in the first place: she really tends to be stuck in her own bubble.
— the times that they get to meet with one another, normally beginning at seohyun's place of employment, seunggwan tries his best to try and pop the bubble that seems to restrict seohyun. with a lot of work, and even running out of a novel series of compliments in the process, something starts to happen that may show that his efforts are not going to waste. but within himself, another problem arises. he is becoming attached to her.
— [ a/n: the rest of their love story isn't a tale i could give justice to, and after all, i don't think it truly is mine to tell ]
miscellaneous • 
— despite being a "boyfriend" at, seungkwan is actually inexperienced when it comes to actual relationships as many people who hire him never want to go any further with their "relationship" and end their ties with him as soon as their time with him expires. thankfully for him, seohyun is also inexperienced in the world of relationships, so their time together can really give them both some lessons in an area they both lack experience in.
— balancing his academics, personal source of income and priorities of those around him all seem like a handful for seunggwan, who is only seventeen years of age, but somehow he finds a way to do so with the same amount of energy and attention given to everything. that would probably explain why he still manages to do well at school even though he has many other activities occupying his time outside of his education.
comments • sorry if some of the sections drag on for way longer than they should and i will try and shorten them if you see fit.
questions • not at the moment at least XD
scene suggestions •
— jiae discovers that seungkwan is actually her "hired" boyfriend and is strongly against it. a possible tear between the once-close ha sisters?
— kyungah thinks that maybe she should hire a fake boyfriend for herself
— someone ( maybe minseok or haeun ) starts noticing the changes in seohyun's personality and asks her about it. she at this point doesn't notice it herself.

password • chicken


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