Nanowrimo '15

Even though I will have very little time to write for the next few weeks because of my university and job schedule, I want to join Nano with y novel Control to finally finish it this year! Only five chapters are missing and since I am writing it in my mother tongue right now it should be easier anyways. Who is also joining?

PS: I joined a Chinese course at Uni this year and will share my progress on line, if anyone wants to study together with me, just add me there^-^

And I got my next pay from work and ordered amazing glasses from Ray Ban*^*


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Gwentree #1
I hope you win something! It's always fun to read everything that gets submitted, but I never have time to write anything myself. Enjoy finishing your story~
I'm hopefully joining as well :D I started planning out my novel for it (hadn't started on it yet I only have one scene written but it's just a silly thing) and I have faith in myself haha. I never tried anything like this before tho.