♔ JUNG MIRA (정美羅) ♔ ; The Peach

  jung mira。
   mari  marianachos  4/5

— "Jung Choding" / Fans, Team mates, and Friends / With her highly immature personality and low level of brain capacity, everyone around her started calling her choding, because she acts just like an elementary school kid.

— "Bad Example Maknae" / Fans, and Team mates / Unlike the average maknae Mira doesn't want to do what she's told. She's all about screw age, I will do what I want and none of you can tell me what to do. Hence, she was called this, especially most frequently by the leader.

— "Byunra" / Fans / It is the country's secret that Mira's mind is almost as dark as a blackhole. She is open about this and not afraid to show her dirty side, hence, fans call her Byunra because of this personality of hers. She doesn't hate the nickname though.

— "Puppy" / Fans, Team mates, and Friends / She acts highly similar to one, in the terms that both of them are always excited and doesn't need sugar to have a sugar rush. Although she's not loyal like a dog, but the way she jumps around and moves resembles those of a highly energetic 

— "Jung Fairy" / Fans / After appearing in many variety shows, sometimes with bare face, people started calling her Jung Fairy because she looks like a fairy. Even without her wearing any makeup.

— "Jung Kitty" / Team Members / Mira washed her face at night using a cat ear headband that looks like this and she was called Jung Kitty by her group mates because of her headband.

— "Nation's Girl Next Door" / Fans, Team mates, and Friends / With her personality and face, people started calling her this since she started appearing on variety shows. Especially since she makes comments about how "idols are human too" very frequently she seemed so close yet so far away, so she is dubbed this by her fans. 

AGE ♡ in Korean it's 18, international it's 17
BIRTHDAY  December 21st 1995                        

BIRTH PLACE  Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN  Seoul, South Korea                                  

ETHNICITY  Korean     
— korean / fluent / she was born and raised in korea so obviously she is fluent in korean although that's the only thing she could speak in. other than korean especially when visiting she will just use body languages. she could speak korean through and through with hangul although she sometimes can't read hanja because she never pay attention in korean class.
i am good but i am not an angel, i sin but i am not the devil. i am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.  ♡

  mirror, mirror on the wall。
FACE CLAIM  Red Velvet - Joy
— 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery                                                                                      

tumblr_n9lzkuui0a1ti8mn6o1_500.gif    tumblr_n9lzhrMS7r1ti9za0o1_500.gif    tumblr_n9lyodkeTn1rj7jl5o1_500.gif

❝ no one ever told me I was pretty as a little girl. all little girls should be told pretty, even if they aren't 

APPEARANCE Being upfront, Mira was never a looker until up to 16 years of her life. Being frank with you, she was actually quite the ugly girl growing up. She doesn't really mind because she's not completely ugly, but not completely beautiful either. Once, in a class poll where they rank 8 girls in the class, she got 4, which is in an upper middle class, considering the high classes are 1 and 2, the upper middle is 3 and 4, the lower middle is 5 and 6, and the uglies are 7 and 8, meaning Mira doesn't exactly need a Fairy Godmother, but she doesn't completely don't need a Fairy Godmother either. Maybe some little changes here and there would be good. She always tried to make herself prettier though, since she was 12, by using either masks, or anything else but it didn't really helped much because she wasn't a born beauty.

When she was 15, she was motivated in improving her appearance because she doesn't want to end up sad and alone for not dating anyone on her 16th birthday, so she started growing her messily chopped bob, the hair she had been sporting ever since she was practically 3, and she started to pay more attention to her body, not by exercising because she hates exercises, and started to control her portion. Her dance training also helped her remove a little bit of those weights. Since she was young, her body was the thing people compliment her on though. She doesn't have a prominent chest or , but she had quite a defined waist, and a beautiful S-Line though she momentarily lost it in 9th grade after Christmas Break when she ate like hell, and had since then, decided to change her bad habits and started paying more attention to portion control.

Her hair now is black and dip dyed green. Her green color origin was from an online quiz in which was asked what's your lucky color and she got green. Her friends also compliment her on her satanic luck, because she is famous in being right  in answering multiple choices answer when she didn't study. She, herself also believes that green is the color of luck from the clovers of ireland, and she loves the color green too, because it looks fresh. Her hair naturally is straight and curls to the bottom so she curls it a lot, although most of the time she failed because her hair wasn't really meant to hold curls, she never gives up though, so her daily hairstly is mostly just average wavy.

She dances a lot instead of working out, her body isn't rock hard and athletic so it more resembles a marshmallow. She has a defined waist but with flat s and little , but she's proud of her S-Line so she takes care of what she eats, as to not blow up and increased her waist size because she thinks other than her skin it's the proudest thing she has with her body. She is quite tall, standing at 165cm and weighing 50kg, she isn't the thin standard of Korea but she doesn't want to slim down because she's afraid young girls will stop eating just to look like her. She would like to promote healthy beauty. Her B-W-H is 81-60-92 all in cm.

Now, Mira wasn't really the Visual member but she's the Face Of The Group due to her talkative chatty personality in variety shows. Doesn't mean she still lacks in the Visual Department though, although probably she wouldn't be in the top rank, she would probably increase 1-2 in the visual department, to probably from 6/10 to 7.5/10 due to her efforts. She never wanted to be extraordinarily gorgeous though, she just likes taking care of herself, although she's lazy most of the time. This was due to the fact she believes opposites attract and by being not that beautiful, she would attract beautiful people, and plus, she believes strongly that guys who approach her for her looks will very rarely love her for who she is, and when she's no longer young and beautiful so she's just enjoying the now.

She dress in a very comfortable > pretty kind of way, she rarely wears skirt (when she does, it's mini though, because she thinks it's easier to walk in then long ones because she trips a lot) and is almost always seen wearing jeans, and t-shirt with some unique sayings on it. She is a fashion catastrophe of the group because more often than not, she chooses the clothes on top of her wardrobe, and the Fruits Basket's stylist would always cringe seeing her dressing that way.
She gets hot a lot, so she usually wears shorts, and in winter, just jeans and one or two layer, she's so good at dealing with the cold that she could walkout in tank top out in winter and not feel that cold.Other people are usually impressed with this skill of hers, but truth be told, she's so-so with it, she kinda hate it because she loves feeling cold but she just can't.

Practice: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Airport: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Beach: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Summer: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
  but looks aren't everything。
(+) cheerful, bubbly, warm, free-spirited, talkative, friendly, lively, adventurous, determined, strong-willed, perky,
          charismatic, heroic

(o)  blunt, erted, feisty, straight-forward, impulsive, 4d, blank

—  (x) whiney, selfish, vain, dumb, egoistical, flightly, defiant, headstrong, rebellious, short-tempered, forgetful
          stubborn, idealistic


"I will make you come to me!" Before I let you know in the background, I will mention that Mira used to be an ugly duckling. Until she was halfway to 16, she was always considered as the average girl. Not pretty but not ugly, although with her personality it would be kinda ugly, but she wanted more so she avenged and became the way she is now. Her habits from old time still stays though. Such as approaching guys first before they approach her, and always wanting to be the one confessing first. She has an inner tomboy nature that she can't really hide. Despite not being good in sports, Mira actually always wanted to be the guy in the relationship, and isn't shy to speak her mind regarding this matter. She is always very upfront about who she likes and approach them. Although not always the case, when she liked the person for real, because usually, when Mira likes someone for real, she will back down, because she's extremely shy. She was once rejected by a guy, and stopped thinking about dating though, her theme song then was "I Don't Need A Man" and not only that, the guy happened to be an and broadcasted it through the whole school, so everyone knows. Guess karma came back and bit him in the though, because now, his friends kept teasing him about why he rejected Miss Nation Girl Next Door, or Jung Fairy, and he kept regretting it, though Mira's attitude towards it now is oh well, what's done is done since she was never the type to hold grudge for very long. She will remember it until the day she dies but she won't resent you for it.

"If a girl kisses the guy first will she get arrested or what?" Mira is not afraid to completely disregard a rule if it's not to her liking. And she won't be afraid to voice her opinion about it either. Doesn't matter the one who made the rule is 1 day old or 100 decades old, if she doesn't like it, she will fight you on it. In a way it makes her sort of controversial but honestly, she doesn't give two cents on what you think. She lives in a me world where everything she does is the only thing that matters to her. Although this is good because when dealing with antis she has an attitude that goes like "oh, you don't like me? doesn't make me less pretty, eh?" She generally just doesn't give a cent about what other people sees her, or what other people view as good, because if she doesn't think it's good why would it be good? Her mind works in such a way that she disregards everyone's opinion but her own. In a way, she is selfish but on her point of view, whatever, right? As long as it doesn't concern you, or still caused her to be in one piece, you shouldn't care about whatever thing she's doing. She rebels to the leader a lot too, so sometimes you just kinda want to smack her in the head, but what's done is done, for her, All's well that ends well, so if her whatever rebellion caused her to be happy, it's all good because it ends good. Her group member also called her Bad Example Maknae because of this, since their afraid the Mira behaviour will be passed on to future maknaes and caused trouble for future debuted groups, although they named her that as a joke.

"Why are goldfish called goldfish when they're not even gold?" Mira doesn't like paying attention in class. She doesn't like listening to what the teacher says and is literally the queen of dumb dumb in the group. She has a ditzy personality so she even forgets what she's doing sometimes although this doesn't happen often. She procrastinates a lot, she likes doing things in the last minute, and if she thinks something is not important, she won't do it unless she really has to so good luck if you want to tell her to go study when she still has 5 seconds left. Her score isn't the best in academic but not the worst either, she's those kid who  got B everytime whether they study or not. Her 4d-ness is famous within SM building. It's not rare seeing her walking, and suddenly breakdancing and walking like nothing happen. It's infamous as the Mira Syndrome where you suddenly break dances in the middle of the hallway without no cause, nothing, and then back to doing everything like normal. Almost everyone is aware of the Mira syndrome right now. Especially since she debuted and more people know her. Or she could be walking and just suddenly doing a cover dance to maybe Bonamana or Oh!, or maybe even MAMA if she feels like it. Not only that she also sleeps in a pajamas shaped like Pikachu. If she isn't classed as 4d she herself doesn't know of what she would be. She is also known for answering questions in such a way that it doesn't even relate, for example, when Mira was asked "how are you today?" she would be like "yes." or when her members are talking about the comeback she would go ahead and comment on "we need to buy air freshener for our dorm". Her members learned to deal with this slowly though.

"Just because I'm an idol, I won't stop putting ugly pictures of me online!" Even if she debuted Mira isn't shy to act weird and derpy, or basically like the personification of Satan in front of her members. The managers often reprimand her for putting ugly pictures of her on instagram, but then again, she doesn't believe in rules, so the managers are generally pissed at her for this. In fact, when the manager tell her to stop doing stuff like that, she does it even more. The members also tell her to guard her face but she's all like no no nope. Most of her photos and videos in instagram is her doing weird and ugly faces, unlike most female idols, she isn't shy to upload photo of her wearing a mask doing a ghost pose, or a black mask doing a catwoman's pose. She's also very frequently cried during awards giving, which is awkward because she is an ugly crier with making a weird face. She just can't help but being emotional because the member won an award and all, or that the members did this and our hardwork paid off. The leader kept telling her to cover her face when she cries because she looks ugly as hell when she cries but when she cries she just can't handle the flow of tears coming and she usually forgots everything so she's in charge of the group's ugly crying. In fact, the members even keep a video of her crying to watch when they want to laugh at something because it is that bad. When she's drunk, she also asks weird questions such as "why is the color of water blue when it doesn't even have any color?" and if you don't answer her, she will cry, so on top of being an emotional sober, she is also, an emotional drunk.

"Where's my glasses?! Oh, wait, oops, sorry! They're just in the fridge." She is a ditz and more often than not, doesn't pay attention to what she does. This cause a lot of people to be pissed at her if she leaves her belongings all over. She's the hoarder of the dorm too. With her lots and lots of weird toys she found on the streets, she has many collections and it's spreaded all over the dorm. When people see random things with random shapes in random places, she would be the first to blame in those kinds of situation. Especially since she has most items compared to everyone in fruits basket, she would create a huge mess in the group and the leader has to constantly take care of it. Once, she was walking in the middle of the road, and no nothing, she just suddenly tripped and fell, and akwardly, her friends mom saw it, and her friends mom ended up laughing along in the car. That's how much of a clumsy girl Mira is. In fact, when she was a little kid, her mom always told her to stay away from water because she has a tendency to spill it everywhere, and it's true, she did spill it everywhere, and since then her family nicknamed her the enemy of water because she kept knocking on bodies of water wherever she goes. Once, she went with her members on midnight to go to the apartment's pool, and she intended to dip her feet, but clumsily ended up falling, and she caught a cold the next day and missed an important performance. Once too, she was walking with a skirt, and tripped, and damaged her knee quite bad and it caused a bruised, so the makeup artists team always had to spend the longest time with her because of this.

"We'll be friends till we're old and senile, then we'll be new friends!" Mira's known for other than her smile, also her larger than life personality. She easily makes friends with anyone she just met. If within 5 days you're roming with Mira, within the 5 days you would come out as best friends. Although she isn't really the type you'd tell your emotional secrets with, she is always there when you're in the mood for a pick me up laugh. She doesn't like greeting people in the hallways when you meet them, though, unless you want to have a chat. So she herself dislike that aspects of her, but she just can't help it. Although when you want to talk to her she'll always be there. She is also known for being able to talk about any topic. Even when you have nothing in common, she could always approach you, and you will ended up being friends. The reason why is mysterious, something about her just caused her to be able to talk about everything. She is also quite selfish though, because once you make friends with her, she wants everything to go her way, and she very rarely gives chance for you to do what you want to do, though she herself doesn't like this aspect of her personality, she can't help it. Examples of this happening is when she wants to drink bubble tea but you want to drink something else, then she will force you to drink bubble tea with her, pouting, etc. and if you don't budge, she will leave you to get the bubble tea herself. Her friends sometimes called her Mira Gongju-nim because of this princess characteristics of hers.

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." To sum it up, Mira's personality is entertaining to watch, people named her Variety Queen of Fruits Basket because of this. She easily talks to the MC's and warm up quickly. Despite not being the prettiest, she is named the Face Of The Group because of her very frequent appearance in personality shows. Although, above all of that, she isn't the type you would fall in love at first sight with. She herself admits that some males might not like the way she laughs gigantically, or the way she makes fun of herself, so they might not even see her as a girl at all, but since she believed that her life partner should love her for who she is, even if it meant being single for the rest of her life, than so be it. She is famous for fans, to showcase her imperfections in public and telling people that idols are human too, and without 2 hours in the hair and makeup chair, we won't look like this. Or how she makes a complete fool of herself in variety shows by either clumsily tripping over everything, like maybe air. Or how she laughs the loudest, and the way she pulls pranks on her member even if she is the maknae, such as when she pushed the leader to the pool once, as a prank and this was caught on camera. She is well aware that her stage persona doesn't really have that much of a different to her real life persona, and she wanted to keep it that way because she wanted to still be the same Jung Mira who grew up in Seoul, she wanted to still be the same Jung Mira who "doesn't need a man.", because she believes that people should like her for who she is, because she's not going to waste her time acting.

  dig a little deeper。

She was born to a lovely parents, in a tight knit family. As an only child, her personality grew up to be strong. Not that she wanted to hide it though because she believes if one should love, one should love for who the other person is, so she refused to change herself to fit into other people. Her family taught her a lot of things, but mostly of wisdom, she doesn't notice it herself, or maybe she just refuses to show it but her family is really a huge part of who she is now.

Mira was honestly a very normal kid with a very normal life. Except for the fact that she never had a boyfriend until she's 15, and no matter what people tell her, she firmly believes it's because of her face. Her forehead was huge, her hair was short and choppy, her fashion sense is worst than now, she always looks tired, her skin is mega oily and the list goes on. To her, ugly was an understatement and she was very pissed by her D.N.A that makes her like this so one day she went, "I hate all guys who ignored me back then and I'll make them pay" so she did. She started to eat less and lose 5kg, then she grew her hair up to s length (she doesn't dare to do waist length because she's well aware of her careless personality, and hair that long would equal damaged dirty hair because she never takes care of it) and fixed her skin.

She was scouted for SM. When she was auditioned, and she was no spectacular though Lee SooMan felt something with her so when she was walking he approached her. She accepted very quickly though, because she wanted to prove to everyone that Mira can do it.


Ever since she joined a girl group, Mira never really felt lonely because she lived in a dorm with 7 other people, where crowded is an understatement. Good thing they debuted from SM so they never had to felt the lonely days where the apartment is hella cheap, although they do have to room with someone else. Mira's roommate is often pissed at her though . Because her area is mostly dirty, and her wardrobe is all over the place. To put it simply, her dorm looks like this;



Dressing table:

Her daily routine basically consist of practices, or attending shows, or maybe doing some commerical films or MV making or drama shooting, either way, she does her days depending on her schedule. When on breaks though, she loves going shopping through the streets in Korea and just testing out new products asking what people reccommends, maybe sometimes asking if they know Mira of Fruits Basket and their opinion on her though. Although this sometimes doesn't end well because not the whole Korea is her fans, and that sometimes she runs into antis but it's all good because her don't care personality.

In her morning skincare routine, she freshens up her skin using Etude House's Wonder Pore line starting from the Deep Cleansing Foam to the Whipping Foaming Foam Cleanser and followed by her Freshner. If her skin needs extra boost she will use the Modeling Ultra Clear Mask, or the Ultra Clay Pack, then she follows up with a Clearing Emulsion, and then ended with a Balancing Cream, all from Etude's Wonder Pore line, then followed by the Mineral Bottle Facial Mist, also from Etude House.

In her nighttime skincare routine, she relaxes and treats her skin with Etude House's AC Clinic Line, although first she would start with the Real Art Perfect Cleansing Oil from Etude to remove her makeup first, then she will start the AC Clinic Procedure starting from Daily Foam Cleanser and continued with White Trouble Bubble Cleanser, then the Daily Toner, and when she has a break out from tiring day, she will use the Intense Mask, then she will use the Intense Liquid Spot, topped with a Daily Gel Lotion and ended with a Daily Aqua Creme.

Bless the lord she isn't a huge victim of SM's bleaching because if she is, her beauty products would multiple by double. Although now she just uses a L'Oreal Anti Hair Fall Shampoo and Conditioner along with Etude Silk Scarf Hair Mask, and sometimes Etude Silk Scarf Hair Mist. She also is sometimes lazy to wash her hair when nothing good is coming up. Gross, yes, but once she didn't wash her hair for 4 days because she has no set schedule that day. For her bodycare she just showers using Etude House Banana Milk Talk and she uses the Petit Bijou Snow Moisture Lotion.

Due to the length of her routine, just her routine, not yet the other member's routine, adding it all up, and with all the skincare products they used, or their haircare, or their makeup, the sink of the fruits basket dorm bathroom looks like this

with Mira owning 13% of the products, and the rest being ready to be devoured by other girls. Although one of the perks for having many skin type, is that if on a particular day Member A feel oily,  Member A could borrow Member B's mist, or maybe if Member B's skin feels dry, she could ask for a good facial mask from Member A, so everything about it is basically very convenient, regardless of the mess, so they keep it like this.



+ appa from avatar
+ water color paintings
+ glassware    
+ k-dramas
+ anime and mangas
+ fairy tales and disney movies
+ puns
+ action movies
+ comedy and horror comedy movies
+ cosmetology
+ calligraphy
+ travel
+ being outdoor
+ philosophy
+ long conversations


+ details
+ rules
+ being constrained
+ off the wall theories
+ being ignored
+ limitations
+ dull or boring situations
+ being told what to do
+ being alone
+ ghosts and other paranormal stuff
+ scary movies
+ always being reminded of the same thing over and over again
+ over emotional moments
+ crying in public
+ people invading privacy by force


+ sleeping with mouths hung open
+ opening is basically her normal looking face, like this 'o'
+ smiles and giggles alone when she's thinking about something funny
+ lip biting when thinking
+ waking up very early at 5 a.m
+ hogging the blankets at night
+ many turnings while sleeping
+ speaking loudly when she's excited or angry
+ laughing very loudly


+ glass blowing
+ watching animes and reading mangas
+ foreign crafts
+ zip lining
+ exploring surrounding areas


+ being alone   
+ ghosts and paranormal activities (not just the movies)
+ growing up   


+ her name means beautiful net, her mom named her that because she wanted to not just be a regular beauty, but a beauty that would "hook you up" she hated it though, because personally, she thinks she doesn't suit the hanja of mi

+ in a broadcast, she mentioned the reason she was motivated to be an idol was because she was rejected by a guy and wanted to proof him wrong. when asked who she just gave a hint of someone that looks like hangeng-sunbaenim, which is also, in her opinion, the hottest sm member

+ her first love story was ironic, she fell in love with a guy, and the guy hated her, and then the next year, the guy was in love with her, and she hated him. they found out in a reunion recently.

+ she mentioned her first boyfriend was an online friend who she broke up with because he cheated on her

+ in her makeup pouch she have etude precious mineral cushion in pink, tonymoly delight circle lens mascara in clear, etude house sweet recipe all over in strawberry chiffon cake, etude house real art cleansing oil in moist (sample size), etude house wonder pore freshener (sample size), etude house collagen moistfull cream (sample size), and etude house nymph aura volumer (sample size)

+ she also has a dust cut mist from etude house but its huge so it's just in her bag

+ her makeup and skincare routine consist on more amount of items though, it's just that she doesn't inclue them in her makeup pouch because it'll be heavy

+ her makeup pouch looks like

+ the pouch is her favorite because none of her friends use it. most of them just bought the tokyo edition, or the new york, or shanghai, or paris or london. 

+ her bag looks like this

+ the inside of her bag, other than makeup pouch and mist, is wallet, and a phone. she also has a habit of keeping shopping bills, so they pile up sometimes.

+ the way she does her daily makeup is like the igari makeup in which you look kinda hungover because she loves doing blush compared to other forms of makeup

+ her skincare is etude house's wonder pore in the morning because it freshens her up, and her skincare at night is etude house's ac clinic line along with a snail eye cream to prevent wrinkles

+ in the talent section she wrote "can eat salmon sushi forever" and the reason she was accepted was also because of that.

+ she talks a lot in movies. especially spoilers. once when they were watching a movie, out of the blue she says who'll die and her friend slapped her.

+ her favorite food is salmon sushi.

+ she showers using a cat ear headband, and while listening to music. not singing just listening, and when she's in the mood she will dance.

+ she spends 45 minutes in the shower per average.

+ she uses a lot of anti hair fall products because her hair falls a lot compared to the rest of the members. she complains that she'll go bald quick.

+ her hair care product is l'oreal anti hair-fall shampoo and conditioner, and she uses the hair ampoules routinely to prevent her hair from falling.

+ has the most fanboys out of all the fruits basket girls

+ in turn, has the least fangirls

+ already has a fanclub before debut because of her frequent appearances in many mvs

+ her favorite food is salmon sushi

+ her favorite drink is water, just plain water

+ she admires everyone who can do push up clap because she once tried, and almost broke her nose in the process because she's too weak

+ once, she tripped on nothing in the public in front of mblaq's mir and fell on top of him, and this caused a very huge scandal, and fans named them 2mir from mir and mira

+ has a habit of drooling everytime she sees someone hot, she calls it a "attractiveness judging mechanism" so she judge how hot someone is by how much she drools

+ her reaction in haunted house is similar to exo baekhyun with a lot more jumping and crying

+ she flinches easily, when you tap her on the back she would flinch before turning back

+ exo's chanyeol mentioned in an interview, watching horror movies with her is scary because her scream is scarier than the ghosts

+ used to get a lot of hate after kai revealed their relationship status but then a fan who came to her fansign recorded this conversation

fan: "mira, you're all so beautiful!"
mira: "no, you're the beautiful one here!"
fan: "oh but look at you!"
mira: "but remember we spent 2 hours in the hair and makeup chair for this, we look like crap otherwise."

and her fanbase increased after that situation.

+ kpop male idols who openly listed her as their ideal type include infinite l, bts jin, teentop l.joe, and exo kai

+ while kyuhyun of super junior also mentioned his ideal type is a trainee from sm who debuted, but then when he was about to approach her it's mentioned by the news that she's taken. people suspect it's the fruits baskets member, but it's mostly mira because she is taken and there are shots of mira and kyuhyun walking out of sm building together, or entering together

+ she smell like vanilla

+ she love the smell of gasoline 

+ she writes letters from down to up, and a lot of people comment on this although she herself, doesn't even notice she does it

+ she can use chopstick but in a completely new way although it works so she has no comment

+ she cries watching horror movies

+ she loves hugging, and touching people in general, she likes skinship, which is controversial in the k-idol world but again, she doesn't care

+ her favorite song of sm is super junior's bonamana, shinee's ring ding dong, exo's mama, girls generation's oh!, f(x)'s la cha ta and tvxq's mirotic

+ when there's an infinite dorm raid, it was revealed that myungsoo keeps a hugenposter of her in his bedroom

+ when there's an exo dorm raid, it was revealed that they keep a photocard of her in their fridge, complete with a signature
+ learned from kyuhyun that you should do your worst when your sunbaes ask you something so they never ask again and she does that until now

+ she can't cook except for fried rice, which she can't cook the rice

+ she can't play any music

+ she is the worst at games of luck

+ she's literally the worst person to ask to play monopoly because she is merciless when buying lands

+ she also has a bad sleeping posture, she kicks around a lot and hogs the blanket so everyone who rooms with her always requests for a spare blanket

+ is absolutely in love with appa from avatar and once spilled water on someone because they call appa "the bison thing from avatar" getting angry saying "it has a name!"

+ was voted as female idol with most male idol admirers and won number one (voted anonymously) and she was shocked and the members were like "maybe because your aegyo" and she went like this, and she dropped 3 ranks the next voting

+ in an interview, kai mentioned that if he was to dedicate a song to mira from exo, it would be angel and proceeded to blush as the members the whole interview

+ on another interview, infinite's l mentioned that when he was singing with.. he was thinking about someone and sungyeol gave hints that the person is "a girl next door whose beauty is like a fairy" and mira is known for her nickname which is jung fairy, and mira is named "nation's girl next door" so it was obvious

+ there's a very huge fanship wars between myungra (l x mira), hunra (sehun x mira)  and jongra (kai x mira)

+ uses the same sleeping eye mask as infinite's sungyeol 

+ can't sleep with the lights on but uses a sleeping mask

+ due to her wild sleeping poses, the mask is always off when she wakes up. once, it landed at the corner of her bed, so no one dares to share bed with her

+ fans sometimes call her the queen of shade because everytime she was caught in a scandal, she always shaded them on instagram

+ like once, she was caught in a scandal with oh sehun for entering a car together, then, the following day, she posted on instagram, showing 2 apartments with "oh" as nameplate, with the caption "how nice when your neighbour is nice enough to take you home on sunday" to clear the rumours

+ or when she was on fire for "cheating on kai" with "t.o.p" for the same items, and she replied by spamming her instagram with things she bought together with female friends and said "miharem is increasing rapidly!!"

+ she is known to have a complex about her big forehead, especially because when wearing a sheet mask she has a gap in her forehead area and the mask isn't enough

+ mira revealed in an interview that other than kai, she is also a huge fan of u-kiss member shin dongho since she saw him in makbanshi

+ mira is an angry crier

+ when in an interview she was asked "if you broke up with kai, where would you go?" she answered she would like to go to a very loud place to drown out her thoughts and scream everything until she's alright again

+ when she is scared she will scream, and act calm while freaking out inside

+ fans started naming the boys who liked her or have interactions with her as miharem. kai is the leader of the miharem, and infinite's l is the vice-president of the miharem

+ on an online poll, she is voted number one as "idols you want to live next door to" with a landslide result of over 75%
+ on another poll, she is voted number one as "idols you would sacrifice an arm and a leg to marry" among the comments include "i'm sure infinite's l is pressing this button so hard his phone would break." 

+ on a poll of a song you'd dedicate to mira, the winner of the song is infinite's be mine and she laughed and commented that "i'm already yours!" 

+ in an interview, she said the most beautiful member of sm is super junior's hangeng, to which kai playfully smacked her

+ myunghwa moments begin when myungsoo was caught in one of mira's fansigning when they just debuted with him wearing a mask, although fans still spotted him, there's still some denial comments about whether it's him or not, but it was proven when shown that he had her poster in his bedroom

+ when myungsoo was asked who's his favorite sm member he answered jung mira very quickly 

+ myungra once graced the cover of ceci in a photoshoot with a spread in the magazine, with these poses 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 to which netizens replied "what heaven looks like for myungsoo"

+ when in an interview about the photoshoot, a question was asked  if you could change your photoshoot partner to someone who do you want to change it to, myungsoo answered "being with mira is good" and mira answered "this is fine."

+ it's a myungra inside joke that when they see something they like they will add "i will look at it like myungsoo looks at mira" for example "when you see pizza and you look at it the way myungsoo looks at mira" which is like this 

+ on another occassion, mira also graced the cover of ceci but this time with sehun, along with a spread with the poses 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

+ on one of the interview questions it was asked what sehun felt during the photoshoot with mira he replied "i'm very sorry kai-hyung, i love you more than i love this jung choding, i wish she trade places with you so i do shoots with you instead! 
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ "

+ when mira was asked the same questions, what she felt during the photoshoot, she replied with "i wonder when i can do these kinds of photoshoot with kai? why am i stuck with this idiot sehun! 
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ "

+ she is always 100% absolutely positive that kai would look out of this world if he dyed his hair reddish pink

+ she is one of the ambassador's of etude house, along with shinee and sulli, that's why she uses so many etude product, because she's cheap, and etude gave her all of it for free
  star light, star bright。
   BEHIND the fame and glitter...

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❝ relax, breath, trust. nothing gets away that is meant to be yours. 

                         she prefers not to use stage name, so she chose Mira.

POSITION  Maknae, FOTG, Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
BACK UP POSITION  wasssaaapppp

                             means something that isn't real and possible, but in fact isn't, came from the believe that she seems so
                             much like a girl next door, you think she is but she isn't.

FANCLUB COLOR   Turqoise / 33ffcc 

SINGING TWIN  girls day - hyeri
DANCING TWIN  girls generation - yoona 
RAPPING TWIN  girls generation - seohyun 
TALKING TWIN  girls generation - yoona
ACTING TWIN  secret - sunhwa
VARIETY TWIN  girls day - yura

TRAINEE SPAN  5 years since 2007 until 2012

Mira's trainee days was quite good, mostly just because of her face. She wasn't the worst in singing, but not the best either, she excels in dancing although her skills wasn't necessarily enough for her to be a main dancer. After her transformation, her face is really famous amongs the agency and she was dubbed the "Goddess of Trainee Beauties" and officially joined the line-up. Due to her face, she participated in not only one, but eight MV as the main girl, which is a huge thing especially for trainees because it's very rare for a trainee to become an MV Model, let alone the main character. Although, other than her face there is really nothing else to be bragged about. 

Mira doesn't have any trouble coping with the strict environment because even then she still has her carefree attitude going on, and not caring about the rules. She is famous for coming to practice last, but leaving practice first. Her dorm room isn't that neat, but not the cleanest. Mostly it's dirty because she misplaces her stuff. She cleans her dorm once every 2 weeks, and her room mate is also a lazy girl like her so they just don't really pay attention to the environment, and she is glad because she's positive being paired with a motherly type would kill the motherly typed member.

When she was called to the SM Office just after coming back from shooting an MV with Infinite, everyone (excluding her) expected her to be called to debut (Mira just expect another MV appearance), but this time, everyone was right because Lee Soo Man said she's going to be in the sister group of the now girl group called Fruits Basket, a sister group of EXO. Honestly, she was excited, she jumped up and down, and hugged Lee Soo Man. 


- Oct 2009 to April 2010 : A backup dancer in Super Show 2 
- Jul 2010 : Appeared in SuJu - No Other MV
- May 2011 : Appeared in Boyfriend - Boyfriend MV
- Jun 2011 : Appeared in SHINee - Amigo MV
- Jul 2011 : Appeared in SHINee - Juliet MV
- Oct 2011 : Appeared in Boyfriend - Don't Touch My Girl MV
- Nov 2012 : Appeared in ZE:A - Aftermath
-  Nov 2012 : Appeared in Infinite - Be Mine

*Due to the numerous appearance she was known as Miss MV because she debuts in many MV before she debuts officially in a girl band


- LINEID; Mira008
- Twitter Account; @Mira008
- Instagram Account; @Mira008
- Weibo; Mira008
- Cyworld; Mira008
- Wagle; Mira008
- Google+; Mira Jung

*Mini Trivia Time; Mira008 originated from her name, and her love of James Bond, and to her 008 means agent double O 8 after James bond. 00 meaning license to kill at his/her own discretion, she loved the meaning because it gives her the feeling of freedom.


- Fruits Basket Mira and MBLAQ Mir Dating? / False /  This was purely accidental and 100% Mira's fault, hence, she started acting really awkward in front of him, and when asked about him and started stuttering like Luhan in this video from 0:35. They are also really awkward when they meet as Mira and Mir kept bowing to each other for awkward reason. Fans who ship them call them 2mir. She fell like this,without the kiss. SM and J.Tune firmly denies this rumor, to keep Mira's "girl next door" image.

Fruits Basket Mira and EXO Kai Dating / True / Fans spotted Kai waiting for Mira at the botttom of their apartment, and Mira soon went down to meet him. Fans followed them to the Han River and took photograph of the two of them talking in a bench. After an hour, Kai took Mira back home, while cuddling with her on the way to the car. When they reach Mira's apartement, the date ended with a sweet hug. SM confirmed this rumor, saying "Our Kai and Mira had been dating since they were trainees 5 years ago, please watch over them kindly."

Fruits Basket Mira cheating on EXO Kai with Big Bang T.O P? / False / Caused by frequent couple items appearance. Both of them just naturally have the same taste in clothes, and even if they were to wear the same thing, it's purely accidental such as this t-shirt, another t-shirt, pants, another pants, watch, hat, bracelet, sleeping mask, shoes, all of them was because they have the same taste in items. SM refused to deny this to create publicity for Fruits Basket, and YG also refused to deny the rumors for publicity purposes. This was false because Mira doesn't even have his phone number.

Infinite L long time crush on Fruits Basket Mira ? / True / Hawk-eyed fans spotted a huge poster of Mira in one of Infinite's Dorm Raid, along with a signature from Mira herself. This brings a resurfaced photo of L in Mira's fansigning, though still with a mask on. Woolim denied this and SM never addresses this, because this doesn't really bring publication comparing to the T.O.P Scandal, but fans started to ship MyungRa because of this.

Fruits Basket Mira cheating on EXO Kai with his own team mate Sehun? / False / This happened because Mira was seen entering the same car with Sehun, and then entering a hotel together. This was false because Mira and Sehun did nothing but watch a Marathon of High School Musical, and on top of that, Kai was already inside the hotel, he just didn't go with HunRa because he had more free time that day and wanted to nap. 
  never forget。

— father / jung, hwanchul / 50 / an owner of a small it company
Mira and his father are relatively close. Mira studied IT part time so she knows what he's talking about. Her dad is very frequently commented as a cool dad by her friends. Her male friends easily get along well with her dad, and most of them, liked him more than they liked her. It's an inside joke that when they hang out, she should change places with her dad so they could hang out with her instead. Awkward for Mira though because she once saw him in a Music Festival where everyone was wild and she saw her dad with his friends, though she didn't call out to him, because of course, she's sane enough to not call her dad when one is holding out an alcohol bottle. His personality resembles Mira a lot in terms of uncleanliness, so they like blaming in each other on things like "Mira, you didn't clean out the towels again, huh?" which would be replied by "Dad, don't be like that! Maybe it's you! The blue one is your towel!" and from somewhere her mom would say, "There's two towels! One is Mira's and one is yours! Hwanchul!"

— mother / jung, miyoung / 50 / works in a bank
Mira and her mother is practically best friends. Everything Mira knows about her friends, she leaks to her mother so she knew all the deep and dirty secrets of her friends. Not intended to leak secrets, though, but because she just felt the need to tell her mother everything. She knows about her crush, her "bad" teachers, everything you tell Mira, her mother will know. Personality wise, she is the sane and clean one in the family. Borderline mild OCD, she keeps asking Mira and Hwanchul to clean their stuff, but alas, they both have the stubborn DNA so most of the time it's just her cleaning around their house. But she is very bad at cooking though. She's one of those rare snowflakes that can turn nugget, into coal, and proceed to cut off the coal to make it a "presentable nugget". Her cooking is dangerous so no one never really eats it. It's borderline weird because she came from a family where everyone is an excellent cook, so it's a family inside joke that she could "burn" water.


— best friends / son, sooeun / 17 / high-school student
they know each other practically since birth, although more like kindergarten, but they just got close in 8th grade, and they started being super best friends since then. They literally have nothing in common though. Sooeun is those girls who always study hard for exam, and Mira's the type to not even know they have an exam, so their friendship is the literal proof of "opposites attract.". Although Mira's not afraid to say her tastes in guys (because she's such a good girl she ended up liking bad boys, and since Mira is allergic to Bad Boys, even their taste in guys are a miles away). Although somehow, they ended up always coming back to each other. It's weird why, but they never seem to fight for longer than 1 and a half hour, and after the fight, they ended up just laughing about why they fight, so they have a ridiculously good relationship for someone who has nothing in common. In the end, when they are together, they would laugh at nothing, for example, Mira fould find a "food" funny, and she would laugh and Sooeun would laugh, and then they both would laugh together.

— best friends and neighbour / oh, sehun / 17 / member of brother-group, exo
they met each other when Mira was walking around SM building and she was singing Oh! and Sehun thought Mira was calling her saying "oppareul saranghae" and since he thought Mira was pretty, he laughed, and Mira went "Oh? Your last name is Oh!" And she ran to him and shake his hand, and they both started laughing in the middle of the hallway. In fact, he was the one to introduce her to Kai because they are his "two hot friends" and although the first meeting didn't end well, Kai and Mira ended up dating in the end so just as Mira always said, "all's well that ends well". Their interaction is rougly the same with Mira and Sooeun, they have nothing in common, though in the end their personality are both similar, both the devil maknae so they get along pretty well. An incident happen though when both of them were on fire for a scandal when they were taught to get in the same car and enter the same room, although it was later revealed both of them were neighbors. Moreover, the two of them also went to the same school, so the big three ships with Mira is generally MyungRa (L), JongRa (Kai), and HunRa (Sehun)


not-so-secret admirer / kim, myungsoo / 19 member of boy-group infinite
The infinite member had shaded the MyungRa topic for more than one time, in fact, far too much to be counted. Starting from the day they met each other when they're shooting an MV together, he had always been in love with Mira, until now. It was love at first sight for him, and it was honestly, to painfully obvious to hide. Starting from the fact that he has a full large limited edition, signed poster of her on his dorm, or to the fact that Sungyeol shaded him once saying "a girl next door who is as beautiful as a flower", or the ridiculously high amount of fancams of Myungsoo staring at Mira, fans commented that you must be really painfully oblivious to not see the way his face lit up when he sees her, then again, Mira is painfully dumb as rock.

Good for him though, since Kai is painfully oblivious so he doesn't know who in the idol world is trying to get together with his girlfriend, because if he does know, it'll be tough on Myungsoo. Although the biggest official hint he dropped for Mira was him, saying his ideal type is Fruits Basket Mira, and not anything else. He has her phone number though, because they were promoting that one time, and Sungyeol kept teasing him saying how he's a sissy for not calling her even though her number is right there.

Myungsoo loves browsing through the MyungRa tag online, and love reading comments on how people ship him with Mira, and once in a poll, people voted MyungRa for 59.3% and JongRa for 40.7% and it became his phone lockscreen for almost a year until someone nearly saw it, and now his lockscreen is a picture of a fairy, coming from the nickname Jung Fairy
  kim jongin (kai)。
   Lol wasssssssaaaaaaaaaappppppppp

BIRTH DATE  January 14 1994 (18; western and 19; korean)

— Nini / Came from his name, Jongin, turn into Jonginnie, then turn into Nini, it's a cute nickname given to him by his friends and fans

— Jongdalsae / Came from the word skylark in Korean, his fans nicknamed him this

— 84Jongin / Coming from the way Kai doesn't look his age, since he's born in 1994 but he looks like he should be born in 1984 for his mature and y looks

— Kkamjong / Coming from the word Kkam which means black and Jong which is his name, he earned the nickname Kkamjong for his bronzed skin, but who am I kidding, he looks hot with those beautiful perfect skin, am I right or am I right?

"If you have a good outside, people stay with you for a while. If you have a good inside, people stay with you forever." It is widely known that Kai is known for his overly y stage persona, even as far as getting named the 84Jongin, because he looks like he could be born on the 1984 instead of 1994 because of well, his looks. Although deep inside, after you've watched a bunch of EXO shows and started stalking them, you will definitely start to see the Jongin, underneath the Kai. How he is a sweet, genuine, bashful, person, who is literally just born for the stage. With his amazing passion for dancing, and the way his whole body moves when he dance, with facial expressions changed throughout the dances, sometimes smiling, you will honestly start to be aware of the wonderfulness of this boy, both inside and out.

"I've got a thing for genuine people." Kai really can't hide his genuine love for dogs, generally, he just can't hide anything when he genuinely likes it. How he shows his passion for dancing, the way his eyes lit up in Miracles in December MV when he played with his dogs, if those aren't genuine love, I don't know what is. It was even noted that the staff don't know if he's acting or not, because the way his eyes lit up when he sees the puppy just felt so real, and so true.

"The funny thing about introverts, is that once they feel comfortable with you, they can be the funniest most enjoyable people to be around. It's like a secret they feel comfortable sharing with you, except the secret is their personality." You could never even imagine Kai deceiving or manipulating another member. As mentioned by ByunBaek, Kai is the most blunt out of all the members, and he's mostly the one who conveys his hyungs concerns to the rest of the group. He prefers to not bottle it up, and let the world know before the problem turns into an even bigger problem to be dealt with. At a young age, even if his general personality might be immature, deep down inside his heart, he is mature. His genuine passion for dancing, rather than aiming for fame, shows just how much he loves dancing for genuinely dancing. And his shyness in intervies also adds to the genuine charms he shows.

"Stand up for what you believe, even if it means standing alone." Kai is known to stick up for not only himself, but also the rest of EXO members. On one concert when Chen was talking but some fans started yelling Xiumin's name, Jongin stood up for Chen, saying how rude it is. And not only that, even if he's known for his bronze skin, he never sees it as a problem at all, on a fan signing in Thailand in which Chanyeol called him dark-skinned and he replied that a lot of fans here are quite dark-skinned too, and that they are all Kai's family, just reminds the fans that he is a boy with a genuine heart, who doesn't see the problem with himself.

"I hope you always find a reason to smile." To sum it up, he is an ultra-hot dancing machine, who secretly has a bashful, shy, respectful, and innocent personality with the most gorgeous smile.

  • "And so the Lion, fell in love with the Lamb." They have a couple necklace; Mira hold the Lion because she fell in love first, and Kai hold the Lamb
  • "When I look into your eyes, you're trouble maker." SM once almost requested them to do a cover of Troublemaker in one SMTOWN show, but was cancelled due to both of them, saying "it's too much for the fans", but due to SM still insisting, they just did it on a video, without doing it live (although the reason is more like "both of us might get carried away and Jongin might get a hard on in public")
  • "WHAT IS AIR." Mira, by total accident, accidentally screamed this as she fans herself during Kai solo dance session, and it was recorded by a fan, and she was dubbed "fangirl Mira" for this.
  • "I'm sorry I called you a head 5 minutes ago. You're a head but you're my head." Their longest fights went on for about 5 minutes, considering they've been together for more than 2 years, this is an amazing achievement. Their 5 minutes fight, though, was in fact, because Kai took a bite of Mira's burger when she's on period.
  • "When we have the same thing, it's sorta like a proof we are one, right?" Other than the couple necklace, they also have couple wallet, couple bracelet, and couple phonecase. Mira bought the wallet and the bracelet, and Kai brought the phonecase, because he felt like Batman, and he dated Mira so he gave the other half to Mira. Other than that, they also have a teacupwatch, a shirt, another shirtbaghattoweleye maskpants, another pantsshoes, another shoesring, another ringhoodie, another hoodiesweater, another sweater, and a plushie.
  • "We love JongRa because they love us." The fans used to bash both Jongin and Mira a lot, until on the day of their 2nd year anniversary, they both walked in the middle of Seoul, handing out a bunch of roses to everyone walking by, giving compliments and stuff, and soon the fans crowded the area so the roses ran out, but they still gave out compliments to every fans they see, and this went viral online, and in that moment, the hate was no more. Especially at the end when a fan asked them why they do this, Kai answered "Today was supposed to be our happy day, but somewhere, in this world, someone is having a bad day, so I guess rather than just the 2 of us being happy we'll make everyone in Seoul happy." in which Mira added "I hope our sarang sarang power cures you of your bad day sickness!" and shoot hearts at the camera.
  • "Mira is different... from any girl... I've had ever seen." Unlike Mira who's all over the place with her love for Jongin, he is a bit shy in expressing his love, so most of the time he just blushes when the interviewer asked him anything mildly related to Mira.
  • "It's the NaruHina couple again!" Because Mira is born the same day as Naruto, and is a Libra, and Kai is a capricorn, born on the same zodiac as Hinata, fans call them the Naruhina couple. Especially more so, since their relationship is similar to NaruHina with Mira as Naruto and Kai as Hinata.
  • "Call me baby, you know my name girl" Kai's contact number in Mira's phone is Nina which came from Jongin although it's in no way related, but the reason she named him Nina was because she loved the tune to Ed Sheeran's Nina and loved the meaning when one of the english speaking member told her the meaning. While Mira's contact number in Kai's phone is just a simple heart emoji.
  • "Often I think I look ugly, but I gotta admit that at some point I think damn I look good!" Kai's contact information photo in Mira's phone is this pictureand Mira's contact information in Kai's phone is this picture.
  • "On our anniversary, I want you to know how much I enjoyed annoying you and how much I am looking forward to annoying you in the future" JungRa had dated for 5 years without breaking up, their anniversary was set on the Hamburger Day which was May 28.
  soul(mate) searching。

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❝ you are every reason, every hope, every dream i've ever had. 


"Listen to all the words in my mouth, just tomorrow can you hear them all out?" they first met each other when Mira had just joined SM a week ago, and she wasn't really a looker so no one did pay attention to her. She quickly made friends with Sehun though, but that's probably the most interesting thing about her trainee life. He first met Kai when Sehun introduced him to her, and boy they're awkward. Mira genuinely think Kai is a personification of everything hot combined into one, also known as her favorite Black Butler Character, Sebastian. Meanwhile, Kai was naturally an introvert so combined, those two ended up just being quiet while Sehun blabber along. Sehun, being a good friend he is though, noticed the awkwardness lingering in the air and that's when he started to ask three of them to go to a tteokbokki stall on the way home, and walk home together. Thank god somehow the harsh practice freshens Mira up, and somehow she was more talkative now. Even talking to Kai and complaining about her super harsh teacher while pouting and doing mini aegyo. Kai just laughed along.

"And tomorrow I'll tell the person I like we're destined to be!" due to unknown reason, the two slowly become friends, then dancing buddies. They often stayed out late together, sometimes up to midnight just for the sole purpose of dancing together, and Kai also walked home with Mira a lot, sometimes accompanied by Sehun too, but most of the time, it's just the two of them. Just two months after they met, and Kai had felt his heart slowly melting. Mira, on the other hand, had already asked some friends about the possibility of her, being accepted if she asked Kai out, and most of them aren't really encouraging. Most of them goes on about "Date another guy instead! He's out of your league!" or another one like "Kai has many female fans. You have a chance, Mira, you really do, but imagine the people whose hearts you broke, and it won't be just one or two." so she just kept his affections deep inside. Also, since Kai told her he never dated any girls before, she don't know what to do, and being his first was too much of a honor for her so she gave up, so he just bottled everything down. But on the bright side, within the duration of two months, they are already best friends.

"Sorry I know it's sudden and all, but I like you far too long to just stall!." Both of them don't know how it started but their relationship, are obviously turning into romantic ones, like how Mira started to pout when she sees Kai with girls unconsciously, or how Kai statrted glaring at other guys who even glances at Mira's way without even knowing it. Without noticing it, their eyes started to notice each other more and more each time, and no one knew how it started, and neither knew who started it, but on their late nights walks, now, when they're going without Sehun, their hands started to held on to the others, without saying a word, acting like normal. It was never made official by any of them though, both are scared it'll ruin their friendship if they say anything about making it official, and there's a possibility people would both kill Kai and Mira for dating, hence, they just kept quiet about it. Moreover, Kai was experience-less in this field so he doesn't know how he would confess, and Mira is too much of a scaredy cat to risk everything.

"Standing with a giant smile you said I like you too" Despite the last paragraph, Mira was the first to jump the gun and confess her feelings to Kai. She started changing her appearance, learned from her other trainee best friend how to put on makeup and asked her to do her hair, even bought special clothes just for this occassion, she was never the type to read the daily horoscope readings but as long as she succeeded, anything will do. This was one of the days they had different classes period though, so today, she waited for him outside of his classroom. Luck didn't really go her way though, because by then, she accidentally tripped and fell on top of him, and caused him to went so red, but at that time she was so done with everything and just doesn't want to wait anymore to confess though, so she did. He accepted her while stuttering as she just smiled and laughed because she's so happy, but after confessing he told her to get up though, which broke the mood. They went to a hamburger place afterwards, and later found out it's a national hamburger day for USA.


Status: Officially dating since May 2007 (5 years)

"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world there is no love for you like mine." Both of them are known to never glance at anyone but the other. Such as in broadcasting when it's a more appropriate thing to do to glance at the performer, Kai would generally just practice his dance move, because when he says he only has eyes for Mira, he truly only did have eyes for Mira. And even if 2/5 members of each boy group said their ideal type is Mira, she would just laugh it off saying "There are better girls than me!". Although she isn't the main dancer in her group so when there are broadcasting on other performers, she would just nod while smiling, she still always, never fails, to do standing ovation for Kai's performance, whether it's bad, or good, or even not relevance, anything that relates to Kai, she would always stand up, and claps the most. Kai was shy when expressing his affection, unlike Mira who was shameless in telling the whole world she's dating one of the hottest guys in the world also known as Kim Jongin, Kai was more silent about him dating Mira. Being known in the tabloid was enough for him, so when it's Mira's turn to perform, he would just stare at her with this look in his eyes.

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." Technically, both of them have nothing in common. If they're on a date and Kai is feeling Korean Food, Mira would feel like McDonalds. But nothing in the world can really separate them. Their fights are mostly like old married couples, settled always within less than 5 minutes. They both said their souls are the same maybe because of this, because you can never really be away from something you like for too long. Your heart will feel something deep inside that tells you that "this isn't right, hurry and patch it up before you regret everything!" and basically that's all they have inside their hearts everytime their apart. Also, the way their jokes are never understandable by everyone, they could just be talking about pizzas, and laughing about god knows what, so, in a way, they completed each other more or less. The way Kai's introverted nature have the patient to actually deal with Mira's extremely loud mouth who blabber everything continuously. In fact, when they're dating, Kai very rarely speaks up and most of the time it's just Mira ranting on and on and on about everything. He likes it though. In a sense, makes him feel at home, though he doesn't know the specific reason why Mira's rant made him feel like that, most of the time.

"Well you may not be beautiful, but it's not for me to judge. I don't know if you're beautiful because I love you too much." Is what both of them said a lot to the other. It's widely known they are both deemed the looks + personality combo couple, and Kai is the visual of his group, and Mira's the face of the group, of course a lot would be said about their appearance, but none of them never said that "You're beautiful." or "You're handsome." and things like that, they much prefer giving the other compliments like "Your smile is amazing so smile for me", because they don't like the superficialness of the word "beauty." Mira mentioned a lot of times in her interviews that no matter how beautiful she is, there will always be someone who thinks she's ugly, and vice versa, no matter how ugly the world sees you, there will always be someone who sees you as an angle, and that's how Kai feels towards Mira either, because Mira bare-faced, Mira full-makeup, Mira half-makeup, Mira with wrinkles, as long as it's Mira, he will still love her no matter what ever happens to her, same with Mira. Instead of complimenting on the other persons looks, they compliment them on their smiles, most of the time.

"As soon as I saw you, I know an adventure was going to happen." Kai always said this everytime Mira asked him out on a date. Unlike normal girls who would just have a movie and dinner (not that they never have those kinds of dates, those tend to happen when Kai's the one planning but anytime spent with Kai is never a bad moment to Mira so she's not complaining) , Mira always asked him to go on dates at the most ridiculous spots, at the most ridiculous time of the day. Knocking on his dorm 3 a.m in the morning to go to the Han River, and ended with some late night tteokbokki, or 2 a.m going to the basketball court on their apartment to look at the stars together, and just spent moments talking with the other. Or her, knocking in at 12 a.m with a tub of ice cream from god-knows-where, along with a bucket of horror movies, because she felt like it. Of course, Kai was unfazed, while Mira, the girl who asked him in the first place, would be shivering like a Chihuahua in the end, and forced him to stay awake with her until she fell asleep because the ghost from the movie might come and hunt her. Kai loved every single moment though.

"If there anything I'm guilty of, it's loving you too much.." This is most true when it comes to Kai instead of Mira. Mira is known for her Mira Gongju-nim Persona sometimes, so she rarely succum to Jongin's wish. Such as when he wanted to eat burger and Mira wanted to it Gimbap, she would pout and do aegyo until he wanted to eat burger too. She did it numerous times, that in the end, Jongin gave up and just leave the planning to Mira. He in sometimes though, because Mira was never the type to stick to a schedule, like if they plan to meet at 7 pm, she might either be 10 minutes late, or 10 minutes early depending on her mood that day. The way Kai replies to Mira's call and text, was also amazingly quick, s even mentioned that he should wait at least 1 second before answering because that's just borderline creepy sometimes. The latest he didn't reply was about 3 hour because his phone was dead because he forgot to charge it, and he felt so bad he personally came to Fruits Basket dorm, with a pizza in his hand, about to apologize to Mira. She wasn't mad though, instead impressed at his telepathy skills, because she called exactly to ask him to buy Pizza.

"If you love something, let it go, if it comes back, it was always yours. If it didn't, it never was." Kai and Mira never break up for 5 years, and it's a proven fact. Doesn't mean she never asked him to break up, though. She doesn't really demand him to let her go, what she did instead was ask him about why he sticked with her even with all the girls he could've had, if it weren't for her. He had to remind her time and time that he stayed for a reason. This wasn't always a walk in the park for him, though. Probably because Mira's known for her stubbornness and how once she's convinced, she will never even budge. She may say yes, though her heart will always say no. This is also one of the reason Kai avoided talking with girls as much as possible, because Mira is an incredibly possessive girlfriend. When she heard from a friend that Kai was dating Chanyeol's ex girlfriend, she instantly snapchatted him, with a picture of a salmon sushi she was eating, along with a caption, how are you? followed by an empty sushi plate saying lets break up. Good thing he managed just in time to apologize to her and ran to the sushi bar, because if not, their three year relationship would end over snapchat. He learned how to managed this side of hers overtime, though.

"When I'm telling the world I love you, in my midnight confessions, when I say all the things I want to, I love you."  Fruits Basket members knew about their relationship early on. It was on about the time when 2mir incident happen, and Mira laughed and casually went like, "oh that's hella fake, you know? don't you know I'm dating Kai?" and every member was shocked and they went like "Kai who? A childhood friend?" and Mira replied nonchalantly "No, the EXO one, the Kim Jongin, the hella hot dancing king." and the members were all panicking, because they thought she was lying but then she gave them proofs of their chat and the members all went like "If Mira can date Kai, I can date Choi Siwon!" and Mira pouted. After that, some members with boyfriend also confessed about who they're dating. EXO members knew at roughly the same time too, when 2mir was in the news and Kai kept pouting at the screen and a member asked him "what's wrong?" and Kai went "How can I be not mad when my girlfriend is in the news with some other guy that isn't me?" and they all went "Jung Mira??" and Kai was like "Yeah" and that's how EXOBasket knew about the JongRa pair.
"You're the better half of me. You're the only half I need." Almost the same like the first paragraph, both of them give huge commitments in the relationship. Kai is highly known in the entertainment world, to always refuse invitations from pretty actresses, or world class models, even when Mira is not around to watch him, or even when no one is around he would always reject the girls who come and approach him. To him, those are unnecessary as long as he has Mira. On one of their midnight dates, the one when Mira asked him to go to an amusement park that only opens at night, and they rode a merry-go-round, he mentioned that dating Mira is like when you're walking and it suddenly rains so harsh and you stop at a bridge and nothing is painful and everything was, in that moment, peaceful, and when you walked out everything started to hurt, and you know you can't live without the bridge? Mira's the bridge. And too Mira, dating Kai is when you're a roadside flower who no one pays attention too, and there's a typhoon outside, and no one would help you, and suddenly there's someone who, with his one and only umbrella, willing to drench himself just so you don't die that day, Kai's the person. So, both of them, never even dare take the risk to venture if it means losing the other half.


let me surprise y'all ;)
  last call。

Hi there everyone! Good day! Sorry if my app was hella long I got too motivated and when I noticed it became alreadt like this ff i can't im so sorry!  I don't have any last words tbh ; v ; just hope you enjoy reading my app and I hope you all send in your app too! I would love to see you becoming a member of Fruits Basket! :D

If you have any questions you can just hit me up! :)

did you enjoy the kai derp? sorry i can't resist xD


I will surprise you ;)

PASSWORD  done in both trivia and present section o u o


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