Writing Survey!

'Describe your comfort zone—a “typical you” fic.

Angst and Supernatural

I love writing those two genres! Sadness is GREAT to write...OOPS. Who said that=).


Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?

A space ship story! It would be interesting to try<3.


Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole?

M-PREG! Or "You" stories...They're just not for me. Sorry!


How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?

I have a few, but ONE is REALLY bugging me and telling me to write it, but I will wait until I have the time. Back off, story idea lol!

It's a Seventeen fantasy story, dealing with unique powers...I won't give away any more;).


Share one of your strengths.

Angst. I'm pretty comfortable with that genre=). 


Share one of your weaknesses.

TYPOS! Getting down ideas on the computer as I see them in my head. Sometimes they just don't come out right.


Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.

Chasing a Memory

Kris took a deep breath, smelling each candle as if his life depended on it. His life did depend on it. If he didn’t get Baekhyun back, he didn’t have a reason to continue living. 

He smelt many different scents, from pumpkin to lavender to other scents that he didn’t recognize. There were even fruity scents, like cherry and pomegranate. However, he wasn’t coming across anything that took him back to Baekhyun.  

Walking to the thirteenth candle, he was becoming to become doubtful, so he sat down on a dark red couch that was morbidly the same shade as blood. Closing his eyes, he took in all the scents that wafted through his nostrils. He still hadn’t smelled anything that took him back to Baekhyun’s scent, and he was becoming sleepy from all of the scents. 

Standing to his feet, he glanced at his watch. The time had flown by, the better part of the last hour spent sitting on the couch, trying to recognize Baekhyun, and also trying to stay awake. He wondered if the sleepy feeling was part of the charm, or if it was simply the candles. 

Sighing, he continued to smell the candles again, walking to each one and concentrating on them. There were several candles that reminded him of certain things about Baekhyun, like his energy, his vigor for life, and his passion. However, none of them felt like Baekhyun, himself. 

Pausing, he noticed there were only three candles left. One of them just had to be the right one. He now had fifteen minutes, so time was running out. Taking another deep breath, he breathed out completely, so he would only smell the scent of the next candle. It smelled like orange and also like chocolate, which reminded him of Baekhyun’s love of mixing ice cream flavors. He smiled, remembering the last time they had gone for ice cream. He had been distant, and hadn’t realized that it could have been the last time he had seen his lover. 

Walking to the next candle, he didn’t notice anything special about it. It was bland, smelling very similar to dirt. It was most definitely not Baekhyun. He looked at the last one, knowing that it had to be Baekhyun, because the others hadn’t worked. He only had five minutes left now. 

Sighing again, he was feeling disheartened as he walked to the last candle, smelling it with a deep whiff. The scent of the candle was so terrible, with a hint of blood. The smell caused him to become dizzy, and it brought tears to his eyes as he sank to the ground. All he could see was blood and loss. He had lost Baekhyun, and now he didn’t have the time to regain him. Closing his eyes, he felt a calm feeling come over him and he saw the dark, hawk-like eyes that he now recognized as Tao’s in his head. 

Opening his eyes quickly, he felt reenergized. There had to be another candle. Looking around the room, he caught a scent that caused such longing that it hurt his heart, as if someone was squeezing the life out of him.

Walking to the back of the room, he saw a candle that was shining from the dark shadows of the walls around it. He bent over and smelt the candle, only to be overcome with grief and sadness, mixed with longing and happiness. He felt all the anger from losing Baekhyun, but also all the happiness he had shared with the beautiful young man.

 Feeling dizzy again, he began to lose consciousness. Before he out, he felt a gentle breeze and saw all of the candles go dark. The last thing he saw in his head was a clock moving backward from 9:35… 


A/N: I'm proud of that part, because it was a scene where Kris was at his darkest point and he was really feeling the loss of Baekhyun. It took a lot of thought to get it down right, and I was satisfied with it, in the end:). 


Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.

Ellister's Legacy#2: The Storms

The weeks passed quietly, Seyong working on his potions and finding that they worked quite effectively. He was happy with the one that turned his invisible, and he finally approached Gunwoo with them.


“Um, I was trying to help, and I made these potions…” Biting his lower lip nervously, he handed his precious potions to Gunwoo. The other man frowned, taking them. 


“You should have told us first, Seyong, but thank you. They may work,” Gunwoo replied, studying the bottles.


Seyong grinned at him. “They do work. I already tried them out. The invisibility one is awesome!”


Gunwoo frowned again. “That’s good, but you shouldn’t have tried them out without telling us first.” Seyong’s smile disappeared, which made Gunwoo feel bad. “Thank you, Seyong. I appreciate your efforts to help.”


Seyong nodded, smiling again. “Of course. I figure that if I can’t do anything else to help, than potions may be useful. I don’t know…” He shrugged, still looking excited and nervous. 


Gunwoo picked up the potions, smiling when he saw that Seyong had labeled the potions. Though he was a bit irritated with Seyong for making the potions without telling anyone, he knew that they would be useful to them all. “I appreciate your efforts. You know, you’re not completely useless, just because you don’t have any physical powers. We need your dreams and visions.”


It was Seyong’s turn to frown now. “I know,” he replied quietly. “It’s just hard to see that stuff sometimes. The death…”


Gunwoo sighed, touching him lightly on the arm. “I’m sorry you have to see all of that. Whose deaths have you seen, if you don’t mind me asking?”


Seyong took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He should have known someone would ask that sometime soon. He shook his head. “A lot of people…and it’s not at the hands of the Matoki or the demons.” Seyong shivered, reliving it all in his mind. “I don’t know what it is that will kill us, if we don’t stop it. Right now, we just need to focus on pulling Youngjae and the Matoki to our side, and try to keep everyone safe. That’s why I created the potions. They may be our best bet, along with the powers that everyone else has. I can just help you guys by telling you .” He shrugged. “I’m sorry.”


Gunwoo stared at him, noticing that he had avoided answering the question about the deaths. “Don’t be sorry, Seyong. You’re invaluable to us, and we need you.”


Seyong’s eyebrow twitched, a sign that he was upset. “Well, at least I know how to fight, also.” He smiled at the second in command. “Thanks, Gunwoo. I need to go do something to take my mind off of this .”


Gunwoo smiled, holding up his pointer finger. “Hold on. I think I may have just the thing to relieve some of your tension.” He left for a moment, coming back with a full water gun. “Go practice on someone.” He grinned at Seyong. “Just not me, or I will kill you.”


Seyong grinned back at him. “Deal! Thank you, hyung…for everything.” 


Gunwoo nodded, glad he had been able to help. “You’re welcome. Go have some fun.”


Seyong grinned at him again, looking mischievous. “See you later, hyung. I’m going to go find a target.” He left without another word, smiling as he noticed Chaejin walking out of the restroom. He waited until he had walked into the living room, then shot his target in the chest. Chaejin jumped in surprise, turning to see who had shot him. Seyong had been smart enough to hide around the corner, so Chaejin never saw him. 


Seyong shot him again, this time in the arm. Chaejin caught him that time, pointing at him. “Hey! Where’d you get that? Not cool!” Chaejin ran in Seyong’s direction, tackling him on the carpet. Seyong was laughing, dropping the gun as he began tickling Chaejin. The younger man was laughing out loud, which was a wonderful sound. 


Chaejin reached for the gun, grabbing it and shooting Seyong several time. “I just killed you, hyung.” He grinned at Seyong, who was watching him carefully. It was nice to see Chaejin lightened up and happy. 


They both looked over when they noticed someone enter the room. Chaejin froze when he noticed that it was Zelo. His boyfriend simply smiled at him. “Don’t stop on my account. You’re having fun.” Zelo walked out, leaving them to their fight.


A/N: I liked the interraction between Seyong and Gunwoo, where Seyong actually shared some of his innermost thoughts and worries. It was a touching moment.


Which fic has been the hardest to write?

Whenever You're in Danger

As much as I enjoyed writing my OC, Darren, but he was SO DIFFICULT!


Which fic has been the easiest to write?

Candy Crush.

It just flowed right out, and I was happy about that<3. 


Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?

It's a hobby, but I am very passionate about it, too<3. 


Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?

Not really...


What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?

Don't over-analyze!


What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?

I haven't really come across any bad writing advice=).


If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?

Ellister's Legacy Series

I think it would make a good movie or mini-series<3.


If you could only write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?

MyungJong! I'm addicted to it...


Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?

I usually write from start to finish, but sometimes I will write scenes that I want to keep in my mind or want to get just right ahead of time. 


Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?

Yes! Outlines are WONDERFUL tools!


Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?

Not really...


Describe your perfect writing conditions.

Quiet, stormy day, where I'm closed in and don't have anything else pressing. Just bundle up and write=). It's perfect<3. 


How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?

Usually only once, to catch all the typos. 


Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style

Ellister's Legacy#1: The Curse

(original part)

The next two weeks passed quickly, with Chaejin hanging out with Zelo. They had found quite a few things to do, and Chaejin surprised himself with how much he enjoyed having Zelo around. They were beginning to get along nicely, and Chaejin had never been around anyone his age. He still didn't like lying to him about his cousin…the demon. He was supposed to gain his trust, and it seemed to be working quite well. 
That afternoon, Ellister called for Chaejin. He wasn't happy about meeting with him. It was never pleasurable. When he walked in, he smiled at Ellister. He noticed that his horns were gone. He looked normal.
“I need you to bring Junhong to me. He wants to meet me, correct?” Ellister smiled at Chaejin, still looking evil in his human form. 
“Okay,” Chaejin had been dreading this day, even though he had also been ready for it for years. He liked Zelo, and didn’t want this to ruin their friendship. “I can go get him right now, if you want me to.” Chaejin didn't want to hear the reply that he knew was coming. 
“I would love that,” Ellister set down his glass, which was filled with a red liquid Chaejin knew to be blood. He didn’t want to know where it had come from. “You have been doing a good job with him, Chaejin. He trusts you now. That is what we need.”
What you need…Chaejin wanted to say what he was thinking, but knew it would not do any good. “He does trust me…and he is curious about meeting his cousin,” Chaejin felt a headache coming on. That was common when he was around Ellister. “I’ll go get him now,” he spoke quietly.
“Good. Thank you, Chaejin,” Ellister laughed. “You are a good actor. That is why you are nice to keep around here.”
“Well, that’s my purpose of being here,” Chaejin glared at him. “That is why you wanted me.”
“Yes,” Ellister finished his glass of blood, setting it down. “Now go. I am eager to meet him.”
Chaejin left in a hurry, finding Zelo. “You wanted to meet your cousin, right? Well, he is home now, so you can meet him.” He hated himself for telling Zelo this. It wasn't easy to lie to him now.
“Great,” Zelo smiled at him. “Are we going now?”
Chaejin smiled back at him, liking how the younger boy looked when he smiled. He seemed so sweet…


(Edited Version)


The next two weeks passed quickly, with Chaejin hanging out with Zelo, trying his best to get to know the younger boy as well as he could. They had found quite a few things to do, and Chaejin surprised himself with how much he enjoyed having Zelo around. It seemed to take some of the pressure off and make living in the mansion more bearable. They were beginning to get along nicely, and Chaejin had never been around anyone his age, so it was exciting to finally have someone to confide in and call a true friend. The longer he knew Zelo, the harder it became to lie to him about his cousin, Evan...the demon. He was supposed to gain his trust, and it seemed to be working quite well. However, it was also beginning to feel like blatant betrayal, and it hurt Chaejin every time he lied to him about the mansion and their purpose of being there. Zelo was completely innocent.
That afternoon, Ellister called for Chaejin, so the young man didn't have a choice in going to the demon's chambers. When he walked in, Chaejin smiled at Ellister tightly. He noticed that his horns were gone, making him appear normal. The thought of it made him sick, and he wanted to kill Ellister then and there, but he knew he would have to wait. This wasn't the right time, but it would be someday. He would get what was coming to him.
“I need you to bring Junhong to me. He wants to meet me, correct?” Ellister smiled at Chaejin, possibly looking even more evil in his human form than in his original form.  
“Okay,” Chaejin replied blankly, having dreaded this day, even after knowing it would happen. He had known for a long time, but didn't have the power to stop it. He had been waiting on Zelo, but now that the taller young was here, he didn't want to betray him. He wouldn't betray him. He finally looked back up at the demon, his resolve buried behind his deceit. “I can go get him right now, if you want me to,” Chaejin replied, not wanting to hear the answer that he knew was coming. 
“I would love that,” Ellister set down his glass, which was filled with a red liquid Chaejin knew to be blood. His stomach lurched as he thought about where it must have come from. Likely some poor, innocent, unsuspecting person, who, just like Zelo, didn't know what a monster Ellister really was. “You have been doing a good job with him, Chaejin. He trusts you now. That is what we need.”
What you need…Chaejin wanted to say what he was thinking, but knew it would not do any good. The thought of his own betrayal was tearing him up inside, but Chaejin also knew that it was way too soon to act. They would have to wait, and Zelo would have to continue to trust him. “He does trust me…and he is curious about meeting his cousin,” Chaejin felt a headache coming on, knowing that it was common when he was around Ellister. The monster had a hold on them both, and he hated it. “I’ll go get him now,” he spoke quietly, standing up and feeling his stomach lurch again. He felt as if he was sacrificing his friend, but he also knew that he would find a solution to this, in the end.
“Good. Thank you, Chaejin,” Ellister laughed, smiling to himself. “You are a good actor. That is why you are nice to keep around here.” 
“Well, that’s my purpose of being here,” Chaejin glared at him, hating him even more than he thought was possible. “That is why you wanted me, after all.” 
“Yes,” Ellister finished his glass of blood, setting it down. Chaejin watched a trail of human blood drip down the outside of the cup, spilling onto the table. It was only a small portion of the blood Ellister had spilled. “Now go. I am eager to meet him.”
Chaejin left in a hurry, glad to be out of the demon's prescence. He found Zelo in one of the sitting rooms, reading. The younger boy smiled at him when he saw him. “You wanted to meet your cousin, right? Well, he is home now, so you'll get that chance.” 
“Great,” Zelo smiled at him. “Are we going now?”
Chaejin smiled back at him, liking how the younger boy looked when he smiled. He seemed so sweet and he didn't deserve the terror Ellister had planned for him...

If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?

The Price of Vanity, because it has a lot of holes. 


Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?



What do you look for in a beta?

I don't need one.


Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?

I have, in the past. 


How do you feel about collaborations?

It can be fun, if all people stick with the story. I prefer to work alone, though. 


Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.


I love her writing style and how she makes me feel like I'm watching a fantasy movie. I also also like that she uses different bands and write several different kinds of stories. 


I really like the characterization in his stories, as they always seem to come alive and it's never unclear about the setting. He also doesn't write from an emotional perspective, and I appreciate that. It's refreshing. 


I love her stories and the bands she uses, as well as the different genres she writes. I always enjoy her characters and the emotion in the stories. She is great at writing angst, especially<3.


If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?

World of Zalthia: Unlikely Treasure, by -Tigress-.  I loved that story, and would love to tell what happened before this story began, and more about Zico's experiences at a child and teen. 


Do you accept prompts?



Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?

I usually try to keep it down to one story, but sometimes I doesn't turn out that way.


How do you feel about ?

It's fun to write, but I prefer to write stories that have more substance to them than . It's nice, if kept to a minimum. 


How do you feel about crack?

It can be fun.


What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con.

Not for me...


Would you ever kill off a canon character?

Um...I think I should go to JAIL for all the murder I have committed, and YES, I killed a VERY important character in one of my stories...


Which is your favorite site to post fics?



Talk about your current WIPs.


This is a fantasy story about a sorcerer who is in love with a fighter. The problem is that Yejun has become afraid of magic, so he's afraid he can't trust Raehyun. He also doesn't return his feelings...In the bigger picture, they are now on a rescue mission, but against darker magic than even the sorcerers have seen.

My Gift is a Curse

Unable to die, Jungkook has lived for a long time, watching everyone he has known die instead. This is both a gift AND a curse, since it means that he can never love without losing...His existence IS pain.

Bound to You

Daehyun's lover is murdered, and all the evidence points to Youngjae. Yongguk curses them both, and they must stay together now. What if he has he own agenda and is using them both?

Underlying Dangers

The sequel the Fire and Ice, this is the rest of the story. Find out what happens to Youngmin and Kwangmin as they become stronger and more capable of handling their powers. They are more determined than ever to take out the Perfecters. After a year of hiding and training, they might have a solid way to lead to their victory. The Perfecters have real reasons to fear the power of Fire and Ice.


Talk about a review that made your day.

I liked the one I got from a friend of mine, and she really encouraged me on that story<3. 


Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?

I did get one once, and it was discouraging at first, but I got over it. When I realized that she simply didn't like the band, I just let it go. 


Write an alternative ending to a fic of yours  (or just the summary of one).

Fire and Ice

The Perfecters capture the Youngmin and Kwangmin, killing Donghyun and taking them back with them to experiment on and use them for their own wicked purposes. The strongest twins in recent history will be sacrificed and used for the rest of their lives, unable to know their true potential. 

(This is a worse ending than I wrote in the original story)




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First off, you're so right, I wouldn't touch mpreg with a ten-foot pole, either.
As for Unlikely Treasure, you're always welcome to play with any of my stories. ALWAYS.
The snippet that was changed into your current writing style shows SOOO much growth <3 I really like seeing those pieces of this quiz.
And OMG that alternate ending would have miserably. LMAO =D
Very interesting answers! I really appreciate how you're able to keep most of your responses short and concise without going on about the why of your reasoning. haha And it's always intriguing seeing what authors think about their own works so thank you for sharing yours too. ^_^ Likewise for the mention. I'm honored. *bows*

I really enjoyed the makeover for the Ellister's Legacy excerpt. The revised version flows nicely and it has more detailed descriptions that help bring the scene to life. Touche! Though, I was curious why you were proud of the Chasing a Memory scene. You explained it for the Ellister's Legacy one but not the first so yeah. Just curious. ^_^

Otherwise, great read! And you do have a knack for angst. haha