Graphic shop suggestion

Hellllllllo 안녕하세요 beautiful people ^-^

It's been a long time since I updated my blog. Exam was over so now I have moreeeee time to update my stories (YAY!)

lol that's not what my main point was.

I'm actually looking for a graphic shop because my poster for 'Timeless Love' got removed(?) I don't know. I tried searching for it at the graphic shop I requested before and my poster has the same url, like 'The image is not available' and the shop got revamped and 'Timeless Story' is poster-less right now lol.

Since there are TOOOOONS of graphic shops at AFF, it's hard to find one when you have to subscribe, review the posters and unsubscribe if it doesn't match your taste well.

So, any suggestions of a good graphic shop? Your suggestions are highly appreciated ^^


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You can request in my shop if you want :)
But of course, subscribing is still a must and I won't update the posters in awhile because of my upcoming exams.
I've told my requesters that I will start doing posters after my exams which is around 1st of December but they can reserve a spot first.
You can check out my shop if you want but it's okay if my posters are not to your liking :D