♡ 애완 동물 Secret Pet Shop — Seon Yurim ♡

seon yurim 
NAME » seon yurim. 
dumb blonde - that's what her brothers call her whenever they're annoyed at her because of her bleached hair. 
yurimmie - it's an endearing nickname given to her by her friends.
— yurimbarrassing - when she trips or does something embarrassing, her friends tell her this. it's a mix of "you're embarrassing" and her name.
— hamtaro - because of her hamster-like face, her friends call her "hamtaro" sometimes.
BIRTHDAY » 11/23/1993
BIRTHPLACE//hometown » Seoul, SOuth korea // seoul, south korea
residency » seoul, south korea.
ETHNICITY » korean.
korean (fluent) - she was born and raised in korea.
English (basic) - although she was forced to learn this language in school, the only thing she can say is "hallo me yurim seon is name" and her favorite phrase to use - "."

APPEARANCE » yurim is known through her family and friend groups for her plump cheeks and round face that are more pronounced after she eats. they're her most endearing features and often is subject to pinches by everyone around her because her "cheeks are so cute!" besides her hamster cheeks that are oh-so-popular, yurim has an astoundingly petite height of barely 154 cm. many people like to rest their elbows on her head because of her tiny stature, and she's often the one that's lagging behind her group of friends when they're walking because her short legs can't take her any farther than what they can handle. yurim weighs 42 kg, but has thighs that can probably break your neck if she tried hard enough. at first glance from the back, most might think that yurim was white, but that's just because of her bleached blonde hair that is very very bright. she likes having blonde hair and those that say she was born with black hair are lying (just kidding), but yurim has had different shades of blonde ever since she was 15, although all of her features combined makes her look like she's 12 and attempting to be a 18 year old wannabe while failing at it. 

STYLE » yurim's style can be described as "comfy, yet chic." she's a hoodie monster and practically wears them all the time in the winter, along with puffy sweaters that look a little too big on her. she likes wearing basic patterns or plain colored shirts and will often wear either skirts or jeans. her dresses are not considered elegant, but more preppy, which is basically her whole wardrobe summarized in one word, and she tends to sometimes dress like a child, also adding onto that assumption that she's a 12 year old pretending to be an 18 year old, while failing miserably. she doesn't especially like wearing accessories like headbands, sunglasses, or hats, but sometimes will if they look good with her outfits. yurim is crazy about circle lenses, though, and probably has a billion at home. she likes to wear gray, black, or brown ones, but will sometims go crazy with the blue, green, or violet circle lenses. 

EXTRAS » yurim has a flat chest that she's extremely sensitive about and has piercings on both ears. 
who i am~
PERSONALITY TRAITS » (+) outgoing, friendly, emphathetic, fun-loving (-) talkative/loud, stubborn, irresponsible, childish
— yurim is a very outgoing and friendly girl. she's truly one of a kind in that aspect and is so sociable that she can just walk up to a stranger and start conversing with them as if she's known them for years. she is inclusive and loves to talk to everyone, but some people find her annoying that she switches from group to group, talking to people all the time, but she doesn't really mind because she has her homies anyways. yurim is very outgoing and loves hanging out with her friends with every chance that she gets, and her snapchat stories are always of her having fun with her friends and such. she is very fun-loving and is willing to do anything that doesn't involve scary stuff, like haunted houses or watching horror movies. Other than that, she will willingly nod her head to anything, even if they're crazy, like parasailing, or being in a cage, surrounded bu sharks, etc. she is fearless when it comes to everything that doesn't relate to horror, and it's really admirable how she can withstand all of that, honestly. other than her fun and happy disposition, she's also very emphathetic, and all of her friends go to her for advice because she's the realest and often has very good and solid advice to give, even if it may not be the advice her friends are willing to hear. she puts herself in their shoes and tries to understand them, while also looking out for them as well. yurim doesn't seem like the type, but the advice she offers is never wrong, and underneath that positivity that she just absorbs like a plant, she has a lot of knowledge and sense concerning emotions. 
despite her bubbly personality, she tends to be very irresponsible and childish. she doesn't really understand the severity of some things and can act stupidly in certain situations. she is also prone to losing all of her things and often misplaces her stuff, and her catchphrase just has to be "Have you seen my ___?" don't ever give her your stuff if you want to see it again.

— yurim was the youngest daughter of the seon family and was born in seoul. she lived with her parents, her grandmother, and her two older others, seon yushin and seon yukyung, and constantly fought with them as she grew up. because of her parent's dislike for pets, yurim wasn't able to get a dog, or a cat, or a hedgehog, or an invisible fish because "they're noisy and poop too much." her parents were business people, so they were always out and about, on trips and everything, leaving yurim and her brothers with their grandmother, most of the time. their grandmother was practically 100 years old and was the epitome of an evil witch (in yurim's eyes at least), and always forced them to study and punished them if they ever got out of hand. honestly, yurim wished on more than one occasion for her grandmother to be someone else's grandmother, but it was later on that she realized that it was for the betterment of her and her brothers. her grandmother taught her that not everyone was nice and showed her ethics that a reknown businessman would beg for. because of that, it has allowed yurim to pursue her dreams in entrepreneurship, and she's in college, studying it right now, while also working as a part-time slave retail store cashier and sometimes a reluctant bathroom scrubber.

— yurim is horrible with directions, even with a gpa. do not trust her with directions in any circumstances. 

— she loves shopping, not so much paying her bills after she's done shopping though.
— hot boys. 'nuff said. 
— variety shows. yurim can watch that stuff for weeks if she got paid for it. 
— she owns a selfie stick, but it's currently lost under a pile of clothes in her closet. 
— she loves korean barbeque and sushi with a passion. 
— she used to love cats until one scratched her and loved dogs until one bit her. now, she's settling for hedgehogs because they don't scratch and bite - she thinks. 
— truth be told, she is obsessed with horoschopes. it's her dirty pleasure. 
— Although she takes no time in watching her variety shows, it takes her a minimum of three months to finish her dramas.
— she has a strong love for apple products. if you walk into her house, you will probably see her macbook lying on the table and her iphone in her hand. 
— she cannot handle spicy food, despite whatever she may tell you. 
— her favorite meal is fried chicken with beer. 
— yurim eats fruits religiously - though some people gag when they see her eating fruits because "ew, fruits!" 
— she is pretty good at cooking, but she doesn't especially like cooking all too much. it's so much work, she says. 
— her dream is to open her own business someday, preferably a clothing store. 
— she is deathly afraid of bugs and spiders, get that stuff away from her. 
— she thinks babies are cute, but they always cry whenever they see her face. 
— she hates exercise and will probably give you a face if you tell her to go to the gym. 
— yurim is extremely expressive and no one knows if she speaks more with her face or more with her words. 

my pet and me~
NAME // pet name » kim jongdae // hamtaro. (she named him after herself, basically)
plotline »  hedgehog. 
back up plotline » chinchilla. 
— jongdae can be described as a very odd person, when you first meet him. he has no filter with his words, and tends to spout out random things that make no sense, so a lot of people just stare at him questioningly, but he doesn't seem to notice, or he just ignores their odd glances directed towards him. he has a very headstrong personality and is a very confident individual. on more than one occasion, he just jumps to do things carelessly, and honestly isn't afraid of the outcome, whether it be good or bad. however, his strong sense of confidence is what others would call "goals," and it really is amazing and admirable how confident he is. he doesn't waver at other people's criticisms, nor does he get hurt easily by snide comments, and jongdae is overall a very stronghearted character with the sass to boot. although it's a little obvious, he is very sarcastic and sassy, and if you get on his bad side, it'll be a lot of suffering on your part. he is a humorous person when he sasses people, and honestly, the things he says are so bad that most can't even make a comeback to it. 
although he is a confidently sassy person, he tends to be very impulsive and insensitive at times. he is reckless with his decisions and does whatever he wants, without considering the consequences, and it can lead him to trouble, which it has many, many times. also, since he has no filter on that mouth of his, he tends to be very insensitive at times, and can comment on some very personal things that should never be said. even worse, he doesn't even realize that he said something he shouldn't have! despite his plethora of flaws, he does indeed have a good personality to back it up. 
— jongdae was born as the eldest son to a family of 5: his grandmother, mother, father, and two sisters. living in a majorly female household, he has learned the ways of a girl and knows the glare of a girl on her period like the back of his hand. because of the extra knowledge he had about girls and the particularly handsome face that his parents gifted him, it was needless to say that he was slightly popular with the ladies. there were a line of girls waiting for him and although he wasn't a player, he wasn't all too serious with the relationships either. if he wanted to be in one, he was, and if he didn't, he wasn't. in school, he exceled all due to his intelligence, and he was reknown for being the "resident sassypants." those who wanted to live stayed far away from him - or at least that was a rumor that went around the school about him. after he graduated, he got accepted into a prestigious seoul university to study engineering. nothing much changed except for his classes and row of girls (which only increased because college kids are something else), and although jongdae didn't have much interest in them, he still dated them for the experience. shortly after he graduated, though, he had encountered this old lady that asked him for some spare change. now, jongdae wasn't filthy rich, but he wasn't dirt poor either. it was his impulsive mouth speaking, but he retorted, "i have no money sorry. maybe you should get a job." little did he know, that old lady was a witch in disguise, and she was just testing people on their character. furious, she hissed, "do you think you're so mighty? I might as well turn you into a rodent for how small you actually are!" and that's how jongdae turned into a hedgehog. 
— since yurim was so excited to get a hedgehog, after adopting jongdae, she was ecstatic and kept him around her 24/7. if she was doing homework, he would be lying next to her; if she was watching tv, he would be snuggled up on her stomach; if she was sleeping, he would be snoozing under the covers next to her. yurim's love for him was very strong, even from day one, and she literally talked to him about her whole day and everything (jongdae thought it was weird, though, that someone talked to their pets like she did, but shrugged it off because she's the woman that feeds him anyways). jongdae is very tiny, so that means his mobility and strength is very limited, and it's rough for him to watch yurim struggle in opening a water bottle, when all he wants to do is just grab that out of her hands and open it for her. however, as a hedgehog, he tries to provide her with lots of love, after feeling remorseful that he got turned into a hedgehog for his dumb words. although he can't provide her with much, he gives her some tender, lovin' care, and honestly, that's all yurim wants in an animal (but it's not like he can give anything else than tender, lovin' care, though). 
keep talking!
interview »
WHy did you adopt this pet? 
-Because i've wanted a hedgehog since forever, and i've finally got the chance to get one! look at them, aren't they so cute? here, i have a picture on my phone, just look at it! are you looking? oh my god, but you should've seen it when i saw it at the pet store, like, the cute little puppy eyes it gave me was so stressful for me because it was so cute. it just had to be that hedgehog, it just had to be.
How does your pet look like?
-okay i got the picture.
here it is!
what was your rection when you saw your pet as a human?
-that was not the hedgehog i was looking for... but seriously, like when i saw that my precious hedgehog turned into a human, i was so sad. I asked for a hedgehog, not a boy. now, my money's wasted on a faulty hedgehog. i demand my money back! but to be honest, when i dolled him up and put some clothes on him, ooh, that boy is fine. fine. f-i-n-e, fine! he's also mine, so don't touch him.  
how long did it take before your pet turn human?
-it took a few weeks. my hedgehog was acting a little bit laggish, so i took it to the vet, but they said nothing was wrong, so i just took it home and let it nap on my bed like it always does. and then we fast forward to the next day and boom, i'm in bed with a guy that doesn't even have a leaf covering his you-know-whats, and my hedgehog was gone! now it's like living with my brothers all over again.

COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS » lovely story idea :-) stories that involve animals are so cute omg. im lovin' it *says that while i eat mcdonalds* whoops lol. but anyways, i hope you like yurim and ty for reading my app!
— yurim and the girls interacting!

— jongdae making yurim eat spicy ramen and she doesn't like it
— Jongdae cooking kbbq for her, but he ends up burning it so they just go out to eat
— jongdae meeting her brothers, and they don't like him bc they're protective of yurim

PASSWORD » none.


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