Why do I hate myself so much?

Why am I not pretty?
Why am I not super smart?
Why do I feel so insecure?
Why am I so afraid of what’s to come?
Why am I so scared to disappoint people I love?
Why do I want to be someone else so bad?

Why can’t I be genuinely happy?
Why is it so hard for me to love myself?
Why do I hate people so much?
Why am I so unmotivated to live?
Why am I such a hypocrite?
Why can’t someone save me?

Why am I me?

Anxiety's killing me. I'm so stressed. I'm not happy with my course and the fact that I've dealt with it for 3 years for the sake of my parents and their sacrifices kills me. I hate that i believe I'm not good enough.

All the the thoughts of killing myself seems so satisfying, but remembering the 17 years of laughs, struggles and growth, my resolve crumbles.

Remembering all those happy moments when me and my parents hadsuch fun times makes me rethink my crave for self-harm.

But all these s being thrown at me is so much to bear and giving up is number one in my option.

I feel so stupid. For having not-so-good grades (unlike what I wanted), for choosing the wrong course, for being unconfident, for wasting my talents. 

I hate myself so much.

I hate that I keep experiencing these drastic mood swings. I hate that I have bipolar. I just ing hate everything.

I did not post this for attention but I feel like no one would want to listen to me and my worthless rants. Stupid right? This is the only way I could release all these without exploding and ending myself.


Please let me be happy. Genuinely happy.


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ThisIsNotWolf #1
You have something many suicidal people don't and that is the ability to reason and look back at the happy moments. That is ing precious right there, and that's a great jump start. Even better yet, do something that makes you happy and build more happy memories, make them stronger than your impulse.

Like I said, one thing at a time. If you're thrown things you can't solve at once, sit down, relax think which one is the easiest and begin from there. Once you're done with the easy ones you will have enough motivation to crush the other ones, that's how it works.

Having average grades do not define who you are. Grades and School never had a good system and they never measure your wit. You didn't choose the wrong course on purpose, you just do not know what you want. As for the confidence and talent thing: You're never too late to start. Write down in a list things you can do good, well or fantastically and exploit those talents. Share the talent with people.

It is OK to be angry and sad but do not dwell on it, it'll only hurt you. Your emotions are valid, you are valid and you need to know that. Stop criticizing yourself right now, and look how far you've gotten. You're alive and you're here. If you don't know if you should do something, just do it because then you'll have the experience. Wake up every day and think of something fun and fulfilling to do, it'll brighten up your morning.
Keep letting your feelings go and write them down, put them to paper and let go. No one is listening at home, but people everywhere are reading. You are NOT alone.

You can be happy, just work your way up.
ThisIsNotWolf #2
You are pretty.
You are smart in your own way.
It's OK to be insecure at times.
You need to stop thinking ahead and just be present.
If you disappoint the people you love then so be it, just know you tried your best.
You want to be someone else because you do not feel good with yourself, and that has to change.

You can be genuinely happy but it's a long process.
It's hard to love yourself when you're surrounded by negative energy and people that constantly keep on your toes with everything you do and say. Here's a tip: Ignore the ones that don't help and keep close the ones that bring the best out of you.
Hating people that harm you is normal, especially when they have something you don't or something you want.
Unmotivated to live, that's an easy one. Simply because you are NOT living your life, but someone else is.
FYI: being a hypocrite is inevitable for people, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it ever, but do acknowledge you can make mistakes.

Nobody can actually save you, but yourself solely. You have the power to save yourself, so do it.

Anxiety, bipolar disorder, stress, those things are only obstacles that we have to jump or carry on our shoulders but don't get ing ahead of yourself. You have to crawl one step at a time. Even if it's little, it's a step. But remember that Anxiety and any other disorders only make you a stronger person. Get treatment for Anxiety, Bipolar disorder and anything else you have, assuming you haven't already. Talk to someone who knows what you're going through--I don't but people out there have blogs about it and people who overcome it can really help your case.

Stop being who you are not RIGHT THIS SECOND, and be who you want to be. People are living through you and that's making them happy--but they want more. What's a girl to do? Simple. Cut strings.