I nearly cried today over a piece of aluminium 

So I had my laptop for a good 4 years now and I think the end of it's life is coming soon cos the fridge it has given me like a billion problems and warnings lately but today it literally gave me a panic attack! I was trying to get some work done cos I haven't done any and school starts next week and then I realised I was low batt but my charger was plugged in and I was like hella confused and then I realised that there must've been some blu tac stuck INSIDE the charging thingy cos this small part of my laptop broke off hence making the charging point not stay plugged it when I charged it so i stuck some on the side. Anyway I spent like a good 10 mins cleaning it out, but when i plugged it in it still wouldn't charge and I started getting pretty annoyed since I need to finish my paper and this was delaying me by a lot. Finally got it to work again but then....


And I was like WHAT THE FREAKING HELL?!! And started freaking out completely as i frantically unplugged everything, before the smoke would trigger the smoke alarm and then my bro came in and was like "Dude! Why does it smell like smoke in here?!" and I explained, but while I was explaining he plugged the stupid thing back and before I could say "NO!" the thing started smoking up even more again and yup... IT TRIGGERED THE SMOKE ALARM *desk slams* My mom rushed in and started panicking and stuff then she got super mad at me since she couldn't shut the damn alarm off and our neighbours from next door were banging on our door going "ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?! DO YOU NEED ANYTHING?!"

And right then and there I wanted to scream that I needed a new laptop and it would be just great if they got me one.

But Nope. 

We managed to shut off the alarm but now my laptop is like dead along with my paper and everything and GAWD IS IT SO ANNOYING and cos my bro kept singing 'THIS LAPTOP IS ON FIREEEEEEEE!~ THIS LAPTOP IS ON FIREEEEE"

I swear i'll throw that boy into a lake -_-

So now u guys know if I don't update and stuff, the reasons are all here and I'll have to wait till december until I can get a new one to replace the stupid thing. (i'm on my phone btw)

Hope you guys have a great day or a day better than mine cos seriousyyyy


i've said it all...




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peachywink #1
If it still works at all you should start backing up all your stuff to an online cloud if it isn't already. I don't normally like to use clouds, as they're not as secure as people like to pretend they are. But the worst thing I ever had happen to me, computer wise, was one of my previous laptops had it's hard drive break. In case you weren't really sure what a hard drive did, it is the thing that stores ALL the information on your computer. This includes the computers operating systems (windows, or whatever the hell macs run on), as well as all of your data (music, word documents, pictures, ect.) and when it breaks you loose everything and it just becomes a nice piece of scrap metal.