mated's time traveler ◎ Kim Micha (Sunny)

kim micha (sunny)。
rye  smile_for_roo  8.8
— Sunny / It came from her blonde hair and her bright smile, people rather liked it back where she was from. She thanks her engineered genetics quite often for that. Pretty much everyone calls her this, including herself when introductions are made.
— Kim-Cha / It derived from the Korean food kimchi, which is pretty spicy and Sunny can be fairly "spicy" and acquired a very strong liking for the side dish when eating in 2015.

AGE  19
BIRTHDAY  03/27/1996* -- this was altered to fit the time frame she was in.

BIRTH PLACE  Eastern Seas Empire, Korean Province
HOMETOWN  Seoul, South Korea

— Korean / fluent / Mother tongue, although pronouncation and things are named differently than they were in her time...
— ESL (Eastern Seas Language) / fluent / It's a mixture of several different Asian languages and is taught as a universial language within the Empire, but the provinces usually teach the language that the people have usually spoken.
— English / conversational / Taught within schools, especially since it's become a dimplomatic language in the future, also she's 'travelled' a lot as they say when in 2015.
time is relative and is always changing. never think something's set in stone.
imperfection is beauty。
people will stare, make it worth their while...
FACE CLAIM  Moonbyul of Mamamoo
APPEARANCE  At 168 cm and a good 48 kg, Sunny's a pretty healthy girl. She definitely has curves, and she likes them a lot. Thanks to engineering genetics, most of her features were picked to compliment her overall look, which means she's pretty good looking. She has single lidded eyes, which are an unusual choice but they were modified to fit her cute eye smile, which is by far her favorite feature. She has blonde hair naturally, and really enjoys styling it with bangs and keeping it relatively long and wavy/curly. She also has a beauty mark under her right eye.

STYLE  She loves nail art and keeping her nails pretty (it's seen as a waste of time when you have time to do such things in the future, but she enjoys it.) and she also likes colorful clothes, usually sticking with stripes as a top design and bright contrasting bottom. She learns to like skinny jeans and loose sweaters as she accustoms herself to the 21st century fashion. It's very in in the future to wear tighter, shorter clothing, so covering up a lot confuses her, but then she discovers jeans and most importantly, brightly colored leggings. She likes those very very much, and the girls let her wear them because they're much better than the basically club wear she'd usually want to walk around in normally.
looks catch the eye。
but personality captures the heart...
— The Time Traveler. While to most people at school, Sunny is that happy go lucky senior that came back from America and just needs to readjust to the culture shock, her pack knows the truth. Sunny is from the year 2121, far into the future and needs a lot more help than just adjusting to the culture. She's the silly, ditsy one of the group, usually asking about some sort of common place thing that she's never seen before. 

— ( + ) Open Minded, Generous, Honest, Intelligent
— ( - ) Absent minded, Oblivious, Dependent, Vain

To put it simply, Sunny has little to no judgement when it comes to your personal life choices. She knows she makes questionable choices as well, so she thinks that she's not in any place to judge or put down another simply because she doesn't understand their thinking and life. If you needed the shirt off her back and all the cash she had, Sunny would give it to you. She doesn't hesitate to help others, she knows how it is to feel completely lost and alone and wants to make sure that no one else ever feels that way. Another thing is that she doesn't lie.... like, it's not in her DNA. Literally. She can not tell a lie no matter how much she'd rather, so if you ever want to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, Sunny is the one to go to. Even though she's usually percieved as "sunny" and ditzy, Sunny is very intelligent and knows a lot that others don't. She understands thought processes and people on not only a scientific level, but as a personal level as well. It's the one thing that wasn't engineered about her, and her brain is something she greatly treasures and it hurts her deeply when others don't realize she's not just a confused little time traveller.

As smart and adorable that she is, the girl tends to space out more than she should, making her quite oblivious and missing a lot of obvious comments and words directed at her. She also doesn't tend to realize that sometimes the timing and setting isn't exactly the best place to yell out, "But why is the ground hard, it is not that hard in the future" when she trips. She is also pretty oblivious to mating and romantic advances from others, so good luck to the poor soul who finds her as his mate.Since she really has no idea how this time works, she depends a LOT on her friends and pack. While they realize why she has to ask, they do get irritated when she continues to ask questions and act clueless, especially since they know she's smarter than that. All that being said, Sunny is... extremely vain. She knows she's pretty, and doesn't hesitate to bring it up when she can. While it's great to be confident in your looks, and it's totally common where she's from, not everyone here really understands that and she can get kind of extensive.
dig a little deeper。
i live for me and no one else
Too Young to be Tied Down . In the year 2102 on the date of March 27th, Kim Micha was 'born'. By born, they mean genentically engineered. In the future, while it's normal for people to still give birth, it's seen as better off and safer for your child to be engineered, so you can have the perfect child. Micha's family was no different, perferring to ensure their child was attractive and would grow up well enough to recieve a match at a younger age. As she grew up, she did become just as beautiful as planned and was sent to very structured, scientific based schooling along with her sibling, preparing them for the matching process that was to happen on their 18th birthday and for their lives beyond living in their complex with their family. The matching process was basically a super computer analyzing your entire being, from your extensive family history to your schooling to your genetics and personal preferences to find a perfect match within the United Nations database that existed somewhere in the world. Your process began at 18, and your data would cycle up until your 29th year, and you would then be labelled as 'Unmatched', which wasn't a bad thing, but it was rather hard seeing as most people were matching by their 20th year. To Sunny, this was natural, not unusual at all. However, when she recieved the silver lined envelope giving her the name of her newfound mate not even six months later, she panicked. She didn't want to be tied down yet, she was only 18! It was too soon. So she ran away. It seems childish and immature, especially to something that she was supposed to view as normal... But she couldn't stand the thought of being so young, and then being married and expecting to start a family... She just wasn't ready.

This is Dennis. He may just look like a Box, but he's so much more . So how did Sunny end up all the way back in 2015? Funny story actually. She just sort of... Stumbled upon this lab and happened to pick the shiny silver box that didn't look like nothing much to sleep in for the night. It didn't look like much, but it was fairly warm on the inside, and it as cold outside so she holed herself up for a winter's nap, only to wake up to beeping and pleasant humming noises, stumbling out of the box to not find the abandoned lab, but next to streets and buildings that definitely weren't familiair to her. She looked at the box more closely, finding the inscription, "Take your time, D-32215." She didn't know what that meant, and didn't want to call this box just a box, so she named it Dennis and now it's her time travelling box and she might not know exactly how it works, but she surely wants to figure it out. She went exploring in this time frame, finding herself in the year of 2046, so quite a while back. It was far enough, roughly 25 years before the matching system was put into place, so Sunny went about looking for someplace to stay. Where she had landed was "Slab City" in America, as she found out from a friendly enough man on the street. (She didn't know what America was at the time, but now she knows that it was apart of CIS, or the Canadamerican Intergrated States back where she was from) She went exploring more and happened upon a very upset girl, who she soon found out to be called "Do Hyojin". 
Hyojin was very upset. Her brother was gone, never to be heard from again, and Sunny's positive disposition was just overwhelming and she wanted her to go away. 
Sunny mentioned that she should could come along, after all, she didn't want to be around when the system was put in place, even if it would be 25 years down the line, because soon DNA check coding would become a thing and then the system, when she was born, would have an error and not be suitable, evitably causing her original DNA to be altered, and after that who knew what would happen to her as she was? So she offered Hyojin to come along, after all, she couldn't tell the girl to face her problems like a strong girl when she herself was also running away from her problems.
Hyojin was doubtful at first, but when Sunny showed her Dennis, Hyojin started to believe a little bit more. 
"When should we travel? Far back enough to never be around when the DNA check coding and the Match system comes into play, but how far is far enough..." Sunny wondered aloud, pursing her lips and looking into Dennis' mechanics. She wants to make sure that they don't end up going back forward. 
"...1992." Hyojin said quietly, gaining Sunny's attention.
The blonde perked up, "Hm? When?"
"1992. It's far back and I can make sure we blend in just fine. Just make sure we end up in America." Hyojin mumurred, and got into Dennis. 
"...If you say so!" She chirped, punching in "1992" and what she thinks were the coordinates for America. But like I said before, she had no idea what America was, so she ended up punching in the coordinates to Seoul, South Korea in 2015. How did she manage that? Well, she didn't really know how to work Dennis to start with, but hey, there was a gold star for trying. 

So this is the beginning . And so they ended up in Seoul, South Korea in 2015. Hyojin was able to tell they were in South Korea the minute she got out of the time machine, much to her dismay. Sunny refused to try again, saying that Dennis had travelled a lot in one go, and she didn't want to break him and accidentally hurt either of them. They were basically standing there arguing until the pack came by and helped them out. 

POWERS  A TIME MACHINE AKA Dennis and a pretty brain, pretty much an excellent package if I do say so myself.

+ Dennis actually comes up a lot in conversation at school. Classmates think he's just a funny friend over in America, while her pack just sort of sits there and wills her to shut up before it becomes obvious that Dennis is a time machine or not human.
+ Sunny has aquired the necessary means to dress up like Minseok, as seen here . It freaks them out a little by just how much they look alike. (( side note, if you haven't watched Mamamoo's Um Ah Oh Yeh, you should because it's hilarious and it made me question if Moonbyul and Xiumin were actually related, lol. ))
+ Sunny loves kimchi and spicy food. Like, she'll eat kimchi by itself, and she'll eat things like jalepenos and spicy noodles wihtout batting an eyelash. 
+ She might look ditzy, but she's always really good at school and acing her tests. She's just... lacking common sense, for a lack of a better word.
+ Her favorite color is pink. 
+ If you call her Korean name, "Micha", it'll actually take her a while to respond and register that yes, that's also one of her names. She's just very used to going by Sunny.
+ When directly asked about her time in America, she tends to ramble and not make much sense until the person asking just sort of walks away, confused and wondering why bacon and test tubes were used in the same story, and why did it seem to make sense?
+ She will constantly ask questions. She's been compared to Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and she does have a weird, ever growing collection of small, "old world" things that are really just ordinary and not at all special. "Look at this, isn't it neat!! .... What is it??"
+ Sunny is a fabulous dancer, as seen here . She partakes in after school dancing, finding that it's the one thing she'll never need to ask or feel like she's ever out of place. 
never forget。
some great-great times ten male relative or other kim, minseok / age / protective, smart, disicplined.
While nothing's confirmed for sure, just looking at the two should be enough to confirm that they're related distantly. Sunny likes calling him "grandpa", and he's very huffy about it, but he finds himself fond of the younger girl and letting her get away with it. People at school think they're twins. Sunny jokes about getting a wig and dressing up as Minseok and really freaking everyone out, and it's been greatly considered for a time, so it wouldn't be surprising if it actually happened.

the shapeshifter / ? / ? / ?
The shapeshifter and Sunny are real good pals. They're always having a joke or goofing off, finding comfort in the other. Sunny likes to think that the shapeshifter doesn't mind that Sunny doesn't know a lot about the time she's in, and is willing to work with her and tell her what things are -- sometimes not correctly at first jsut for the giggle.
We are friends, right?? / Do Hyojin / 18 / see app ^^
Hyojin and Sunny are time travelers in for the long haul, and while Sunny appreciates that she had a companion, Hyojin tends to always ask if they can try for 1992 again, however, Sunny is really... really happy in 2015. She doesn't know if Hyojin really sees her as a friend, or if Hyojin just wants Dennis for herself and leave her.

the match / yoon, jeonghan / 20 / unknown
Sunny never met the man she was supposed to be matched with, but she knew he was handsome and known to be angel-like. She feels bad for abandoning him, but at the end of the day, she  chose her happiness, and hopes he did the same. After seeing how the past works, she firmly believes that you should only marry when you're in love. It's a foreign concept and she doesn't know what that feels like, but it's out there somewhere for her, right?
kim jongdae。
oh sehun, park chanyeol, byun baekhyun
— Mr. Puppy / He reminded Sunny of a puppy, and since she didn't know his name immediately after they met, she called him this. He thinks it's cute, but she refuses to call him that anymore unless it's a special occasion.
— My Smile / He really thinks is cute too, and whenever he smiles like the way Sunny likes, she gets very happy and tells him that she's glad that she has that smile.
— Honeymate 
/ Jongdae tries, he really does, to be cute. He thought this was a clever, and easy way to ease Sunny into the idea that she's his mate. So far, Sunny just thinks it's weird but appreciates the effort. 

— mischevious, energetic, charming, evasive, manipulative, over acheiver

Kim Jongdae is a class clown if you've ever seen one. He's always laughing and finding ways to make others laugh. He's not afraid to make a fool of himself (or others, if the occasion rises) to get someone to laugh. This boy has energy for himself and half of his pack and then some to spare. He's always wanting to do something, ready for anything and likes going out and doing active thigns most of the time. The reason you don't see Jongdae getting flogged down by his leader or by teachers is simple: the boy can give you a smile and sweet talk his way out of his problems... mostly. He easily makes friends with this, and he can sometimes make enemies because of this as well.

He doesn't like answering questions straightforwardly, due to his usual ways of getting out of trouble. If you ask him a yes or no question, it's likely his answer will be "maybe" or some other wordy answer you won't be able to make sense of. Because of his charm, he's easily able to convince people to do as he says, which sometimes is not a good thing. He thinks it's for a laugh and it can end up deeply hurting the other and he won't even realize it. Jongdae in life, is an over acheiver. He likes to be the best at what he does, and keeps working at it until he gets it. However, it can be obnoxious when it comes to his more... playful nature and more so when it comes to his wolf one.

SUMMARY  Jongdae's just a funny guy all around. He likes to laugh, he likes to make others laugh, and he just wants to live his life. He likes practical jokes (even has a book on them and different types of them), meat, making others smile, and being around others, being a natural extrovert. He's not too fond of the academic life, but tries anyways since he's supposed to. He also doesn't like people who can't take a joke. And I'm not talking about some people who get upset because they don't understand, or they've had a bad day. He hates people who are super serious, judgemental kind of people who don't know how to have fun. As for Mating, he's... not too into it, to be honest. He wants a choice, but Mating doesn't really sound like he has one. So he's hopes that this process, whatever it's like, lets him choose instead of forcing him with someone he knows he'll never love. He'd love his Mate to be a prankster like him, or someone who enjoyed pranks, and is pretty, petite, and someone he can spoil. He's like a gentleman when he comes to his Mate -- he wants her to know that she's loved and that he'll be loved just as much in return.
laugh, love and live! life's supposed to be fun.
soul(mate) searching。
FIRST MEETING  A prank gone wrong at school. Jongdae thought that she was Minseok, and ended up dropping the board erasers on her. She looked just about to cry, not understanding what a prank was, so he hopped off his stool in a rush and smacked himself a couple of times with the eraser, smiling brightly. "See, now we match! It'll be a new trend, I'll bet on it!" (The girls had to later explain that putting chalk dust on her uniform wasn't acceptable and he was joking afterwards)

RELATIONSHIP  To people who don't know them, Sunny and Jongdae are just really close friends who like to joke with each other. To their friends, their pack, they know much better. Jongdae started treating Sunny more as a lady and even toned down the pranks on her, ensuring that no one else did them to her as well. He basically, for lack of a better word, became whipped and was totally wrapped around Sunny's finger. The boys really do for it, and even though he'll deny it until he runs out of air, the unmistakable blush on his cheeks tell you otherwise.
The whole "Mating" thing for Jongdae does exist, but when Jongdae realized that Sunny was his, he sort of... didn't know what to do. She had no clue what love was, how could he possibly explain the concept of mating to her then? He hasn't exactly... told her that they're basically stuck together. He's lowkey-highkey hoping that her pack tells her first. He doesn't want to her to be upset or, a big fear of his, disappointed that she's sort of stuck with him, or that he'll never love anyone or be able to function without her by him.
Sunny, on the other hand, doesn't really know what love is, or dating, or even the concept of free will of chosing your lover. So when her chest starts to swell and her mind fuzzy when she sees Jongdae, she thinks he's making her sick and tries to avoid him. When explaining her symptoms to her fellow pack members, they gave her a bit of a hard time, but explained what love was. This really confused Sunny. While she liked the idea of love and chosing someone, and firmly believed in it, she didn't actually believe it would happen to her, if that made sense. She didn't know what to do with it, so she just kind of ... avoided it, pretending like it didn't exist. But that doesn't always work to your favor.

CONCLUSION  Well, Jongdae likes Sunny, and Sunny recongizes that she likes Jongdae but refuses to admit it. This results in a chasing game that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. That is, until Sunny notices something very simple yet revolutionary: Jongdae smiled differently around her. It wasn't the same playful grin he wore around his friends, nor the triumphant one he had when a joke was pulled off successfully. It was special and filled with an emotion she couldn't quite register, but she really, really liked that smile. She wanted to see it all the time.
Jongdae blinked and smiled, "Hey?"
"Smile only at me like that."
"Like how?"
"Like how you just did. I like that one, it's mine now."
"Does this mean I'm yours now?"
"If that means that smile is just meant for me, then yes."
So, even though Sunny doesn't completely understand the meaning yet, Jongdae's smile certainly got her part of the way there, and with him helping, I would say she's not far off from having that same smile for him too.
last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS  tHIS IS SO UNIQUE AND INTERESTING!! Also time travelling and developing future earth? I'll take it. I also know that a collab was supposed to happen between me and Viola, but I haven't heard from her and the deadline, it is so near, so there are parts that involve her character that are valid if she finishes, and if not, you can ignore them I guess?? ;u;

SCENE SUGGESTIONS  I want Dennis always referred to as Dennis, and if someone within the pack calls him a box or device, Sunny gets very offended.
Something about Sunny/Jeonghan??? Because pls???
Also shenanigans with Sunny and Minseok looking exactly the same... And giving poor Jongdae a headache instead of the other way around for once lol.

PASSWORD  supernatural (it just... matches the idea of her character, I think?? This song was like, on repeat while creating her to make sure she was upbeat and cute ;;; )


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