It's up! :D

The poster is done! :D It's so beautiful ;___; <33333

Thank you SKID_11 (Ahjussi & Chicken Graphic Shop)~ <3


This is a new story I have started~ :D I don't think I need to specifically mention who it's dedicated to... the poster and tag would tell everyone that it's for Val, right? ;)

Please support~ ^^ <333 (the poster links to the story~)

The first chapter should be up very soon - sometime between now and the next few days~ x)


P.S. Sorry if it's taking me ages to reply to wallposts! :( It's so hard to find enough time on a computer, and I'm trying to do more writing lately, because I'm just too slow at updating >.< I haven't forgotten, and I will reply very soon~ ^^ <3


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predictator #1
Oh~~~ it's so pretty!! :O
This is magnificent <3
VioletButterflyDemon #3
Nice! ^^
Oh my god it's beautiful ;_; Maria is so amazing. And Sweetie, you are the best <3 I LOVE YOU <3