Magic is Here!!!

I got my album!!!

It arrived yesterday, but I wasn't home to sign for it :(

I had to pick it up at the post office today.

Bad cover aside, I love it!! The songs are AMAZING! and the photobook is nice.

I got Eunhyuk's card...,

Since I knew I never get Heechul, I bought his card. It also arrived today ;)

I have 12 Heechul photocards now :D

Also, I made Korean Fire Chicken for dinner :)

It was yummy!!


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silveryolive #1
Oh great!! I want to get hyuk card too....but just like u, he never come to me directly...always need to trade with my friends. :3. Even in D&E album, I always get hae card...lucky jewel ever. :P
congrats!!! Ah.. so there's a photo book inside?! like pages of their photos?
I got heechul carda con mine. To bad that u bought it I wanted to exchange with you if didn't get his card XD. I actually like the cover is not the bad it look better in person. The blue is beautiful. I'm fallowing your step I'm building my Suju collection ^_^ and is so worth it.