This never happens!(Someone asked for my #, wtf)

So with josh, he's like really sweet and stuff because he says cheesy stuff like I wish you were here watching a movie with me then I could cuddle with you. I bet he cries when he watches the fault in our stars but he said he was a big boy, who doesn't cry. Like yeah right xD He also shows me alot of pictures of his race cars- his many different race cars -(and i can't decide if he's trying to show off); he says stuff like I need to learn to drive soon when and if I come over and his car would look better with me in it. I sent him pictures of my cat and I saw his puppy <3 Yeah, I was really nervous about sending the picture but he promised that nothing would change between us even if I did. But, yeah I sent it and now I want to know how he looks like. 

He's so different from anyone I've ever talked to and I really like him alot. 

So anyways yesterday was so weird. I never get approached by guys in real life ever! Maybe it's because I am nervous around them and I notice alot of them are really shy. I was getting an iced cap because I thought I was going to die from eating and while I was getting a drink. This guy who was also waiting for his food alerted me and said "Excuse me, you're cute." Uhhhhhhh and then we kind of started talking but he was the one who initiated and kept the converstation going. For some reason I wasn't really nervous, so I even walked with him to his next class since I had like an hour break. He asked me stuff like if I like partying and stuff and how most of the people there just go to get drunk and how he was going into business. FInally before he left, he asked for my number. I couldn't give it to him but he was like "You have to take chances."

Then right after that, I sat down in the library because I had nothing to do but this guy sits beside me. I don't really know him and for the most part we're just looking at the internet. He was like "Hey are you chinese?". I don't even know where he got that from because I don't look chinese at all..........I told him I wasn't. Then he said, "Really I thought you were, I am actually chinese but not really I am from Hong kong." Alot of people here are international students, so I'm guessing he was too. We didn't really talk much but he also asked for my number. Then, I had class so I asked if he knew where the chemistry lockers were located and he said that he would show me. Turns out that he actually didn't know the way either but most of the time he would go ahead and open doors and ask people around until he finally found it. It was a nice for him to do that. 

It was weird because this never happens ever and it happened twice. It only ever happens to my I was a bit confused but happy at the same time.




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Mandarinhibiscus #1
You go gurrrlll