Nimbus | ❛ 우리의 이름은 후광! ❜ | Park Sooah


park sooah

-hopefullee • hope • 7


the basics.

name » Park Sooah

nickname(s) » Agi (from her family, baby in Korean, because she's the youngest. It's also a pun on the 'ah' in her name)
                             Happy (from her friends, developed after her sister debuted under the stage name Joy. also a form of friendly insult since 'Happy' is usually reserved as a pet's name)

birthday + AGE » 03/06/98 | (18)
BIRTHPLACE » Seoul, South Korea

hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language » Korean, fluent
                         English, basic

face claim » Sin Bi

backup face claim » Ryu Hyeju


appearance »
She has a scar at the corner of her left eye from a fall when she was a toddler.
She has two lobe piercings on her left ear anad one on her right.

style » Mostly simple with a tinge of girliness. Comfort is her utmost priority so oversized hoodies are her favourite. She also loves pairing crop tops with highwaisted skirts/shorts/jeans and is mostly seen in sneakers or sandals.

Casual — 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 
Practice — 1 . 2 . 3
Formal — 1. 2 . 3

" sarcasm is the body's defence against stupid "

" i like food "


the girl next door.

PLOTLINE » The Comic
Persona » Happy Funny - Sooah is both jovial and comical, hence Happy Funny. It also includes her nickname, which she shared in an early interview.
Position » Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocals

— Singing Twin: N/A
— Rapping Twin (optional): AOA's Jimin
— Dancing Twin: f(x)'s Victoria


personality » 

Sooah is an easy-going and friendly girl. Due to her talkative and friendly nature, she's easy to talk to and even easier to befriend. Quick-witted and a good talker, she's the one to disperse the awkwardness of first meetings and breaks the ice. Sooah generally loves talking about herself, although not in a narcissistic form. She can't stand uncomfortable silences and will try to fill it up with chatter, even if it has to be about herself and her family that her acquaintances know nothing about. Nevertheless, Sooah does appreciate silence from time to time, especially when she's in deep thought. Coupled with her short attention span, Sooah is random and often jumps from topic to topic. As she's both  quick-witted and sharp-tongued, she can effortlessly throw out playful insults  and burns to her friends that often tend to be quite laughable. Sooah is also comical and is not afraid of throwing off her image for the sake of making others laugh. Often the one to be singing exaggeratedly off-key, doing kkab-dances, funny faces and (often failed, which is what makes it funny) voice impressions, Sooah will stop at nothing to generate laughter amongst her friends. Sooah is also a sincere girl and prefers giving handmade gifts to her friends as she feels that it shows how much they mean to her.

Sooah being easy-going tends to be more of a bane than a boon in  her life. Indecisive, Sooah hates it when others place the responsiblity of decision making onto her hands and wll often try to reject it saying "I don't know! You choose!" It becomes rather annoying for her friends, especially if they've been the one making decisions for her. Due to her tendencies to throw playful insults at her friends, Sooah has the tendency for name-calling that might slip out once in a while when talking to people of higher authority. Thus, Sooah can be labelled as rude especially to elders she's closer to as she tends to treat them more like friends instead. Sooah also tends to be rather ignorant and dense about the situation around her. As she loves making others laugh, she is sometimes unable to read the mood of the situation and will carelessly throw out a sensitive joke. She is also the type that believes in "out of sight, out of mind" and likes to shirk her responsiblities for fun and play. Along with that, she can be rather uninformed about current events due to her dislike in keeping up with the news, hence it might be difficult to hold a conversation containing proper substance with her. Lastly, Sooah tends to be stubborn and spoiled. Being the baby of her family, her sister and parents often give in to her wants that resulted in her princess-like nature in adolesence.

trivias »

 green tea latte
— japanese cuisine
— pastel colours
— drawing
— ddeokbokki
— listening to piano transcriptions of kpop songs

— learning dances to latest kpop songs
— making funny faces 

— meeting new people
— things that glow in the dark

— carrots
— any food that's orange (apart from salmon)
— excessive swearing/cussing
— doing housework (especially ironing)
— waking up early
— reading long chunks of text
— carbonated drinks
— running
— stilletos 

— cracking her knuckles
— biting the inside of her cheek (that results in a really weird-looking pouty face)

— doing her nails (or anyone's, really)
— playing handphone games (like disney's tsum tsum)
— watching dance covers on youtube

— loves little twin stars
— her favourite colour is purple
— takes art as a subject
— very particular about colours (this isn't yellow! it's ochre!)
— left-handed
— myopic and wears contact lenses
— her classic funny face is what people label as "angler fish" in which she pulls the corner of her lips down and pushes her lips outwards, opening and closing them like a fish
— very flexible

— has never suffered  any serious physical injuries (like sprains)

— interested in fashion design
— auditioned with freestyle Waacking

— has an instagram and twitter, both @parksooah_



home is where your heart is.

Born as the youngest in the Park household after a tragic miscarriage the year prior, Sooah was what her family called a 'miracle baby' since the  doctors told Mrs. Park that having another child so soon after a miscarriage was unlikely to happen. Thus she was often treated like a princess at home, with her elder sister constantly having to give in to her whims and woes. Needless to say, Sooah has her entire family wrapped around her little finger. 


The Park family is what most would call a perfect family. Both parents aren't workaholics and try to find as much time to spend with their daughters as possible. Because of the nature of their occupation, the family is often able to go on holidays together. This cultivated a close-knit family with two bright and boisterous daughters and caring, understanding parents. Hence, Sooah had a smooth-sailing life since birth but was perhaps a little too sheltered as she has never been exposed to the dark side of humanity - alcoholism, drug abuse, etc. 

As her child, her parents sent both her and her elder sister for ballet classes and later added on contemporary and modern. When she grew older, she was introduced to the world of kpop and street dance by her childhood friend and sister. From there, she started taking interest in street dance whilst still holding on to her roots in ballet, contemporary and modern. With encouragement from her family, she tried various forms of street dance in the form of open classes in studios and has found Waacking to be her favourite. 

Both Sooah and her sister auditioned for SM Entertainment back in 2012 but only her sister had been chosen. Truth be told, Sooah was really bitter and disappointed that day since both she and her sister shared the same dreams of becoming idols and she hoped that she would be able to train alongside her sister and be in the same band. Subsequently, she tried out for various companies like Cube, JYP, BigHit, Jellyfish and finally MCM where she was accepted into. 


— park kyungjoon | high school teacher | 49 | father
— lee yeonjoo | makeup artist | 48 | mother
— park sooyoung | member of red velvet | 20 | sister



lee jinwoo | student | 18 | childhood friends
choi yanghee | student, trainee in MCM | 18 | close friends
— hwang eunbi | member of gfriend | 18 | friends, classmates
— kim yerim | member of red velvet | 17 | acquaintances

yang jaeshi | student| 18 | friends but also rivals that developed from a small misunderstanding and intolerance of each other's personalities and behaviour

Trainee life
As Sooah isn't the most athletic person on the block, she faced many problems when she first started out as a trainee. Back in 2013, she had been accepted into MCM and was initially really excited about her trainee life. However she soon found out how rigourous the training was and paticularly struggled in the area of body conditioning. Even though she did dance, she was not used to the intensive body conditioning the trainees had to constantly go through to achieve  the ideal look. Sooah also constantly missed her family, since the four of them could hardly meet up due to both sisters being trainees. While she kept on a strong front during trainings, she often broke down at night while lying on her bed. 

Sooah's relationship with her fellow trainees were pretty good. Thanks to her comical nature, she was about to ease the unspoken tension of trainees  fighting for debut and got along well with them. However, with the debut of her sister in 2014, some trainees shunned her a little as they felt that Sooah might be given special treatment because of the fact that her sister was an idol as well. Others were also more harsh on her, expecting her to be as good as her sister in terms of singing, which was something she found challenging due to her limited vocal range. She however had great rhythm and a flair for poetry and hence she was trained in rap and dance.


the one and only.

love interest » Han Sanghyuk

backup love interest » Lee Taemin


personality »
Sanghyuk is generally a mischievous and snarky individual that will disregard seniortiy of the people he's closest to. Much like Sooah, he enjoys throwing playful insults at his friends and thinks quick, thus making great comebacks. While he is often treated like a baby in his band, he shows great maturity for his age and tends to be quite philosophical once in a while. Sanghyuk can also be rather sensitive and will take callous comments seriously, especially if it's made through the internet where  the tone of the speaker is hard to detect. He finds difficulty confiding in many and it would take quite a great amount of time before he decides to open up to others. Lastly, Sanghyuk is perceptive and can easily sense the predominant mood of a room and knows how to act accordingly. This gift also helps him read the emotions of others, thus making him a great confidant. 


love story 
Sooah's sister's bandmate, Yeri, is an MC for Show! Music Core alongside VIXX member N. Sooah has long been introduced to the members of Red Velvet ever since they debuted and hence is acquaintances with Yeri. During one of their stages at Show! Music Core, Yeri was chatting with Nimbus at their waiting room and N had come join the party, bringing along Hyuk as the band was also having their comeback. As N had self-invited into an all-girls' room, dragging a reluctant maknae with him, Yeri was quick to poke fun at him for it. "Oppa, are we so pretty that you have to come visit?" Casually, Sooah joined in the fun and when she and Sanghyuk had thrown the same insult at him, "You're desperate aren't you?", they high-fived each other. Throughout the duration that N and Hyuk were in the room, Sooah and Hyuk were taking turns at teasing N and thus they became fast friends. 

Sooah and Sanghyuk's conversations are often whimsical, punctuated with lots of snarky remarks and insults thrown about. At this stage, they're still pretty much on their friendship phase and are unlikely to develop strong romantic feelings for each other. However, they do question themselves on why they like being in each other's presence so much, and because Sooah has never dated before, she gets confused by her own feelings. Sanghyuk is still not yet at the point on opening up about his insecurities and worries, but as time passes, Sooah starts to be able to see through Sanghyuk's mask when he gets hurt deeply by the comments of their fans. 


last words.

comments/suggestions »
I hope it's fine that I chose VIXX's Hyuk as my love interest! If you're not too familiar with him, I don't mind changing (: 
I added one more set of clothes for 'casual' because the last one was too pretty not to include *^*
Good luck with your story and do point out any mistakes for me to rectify! ^~^

scene requests » 
Sooah dancing to Red Velvet's dances on variety shows.
Sanghyuk finding trouble in confessing to Sooah and just goes in straight for a kiss at the corner of her lips, leaving Sooah shocked. Sanghyuk then promptly scurries off leaving Sooah there sending him a flurry of texts questioning his actions.

password » 
SNSD's Way To Go (Nimbus sounds really cheerful to me (: )
Pale Turquoise (#AFEEEE)


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