
So it’s supposed to be my birthday weekend. But I’m stuck here on a Sunday morning. I can’t sleep. Even though my body is tarried. My mind won’t let me sleep. 

I don’t know how this started. I was so happy on the 18th, on my real birthday. Than suddenly I felt bad. like I don’t know. I feel like I failed my big brother.

  You see, I used to cut myself before, I got in a really big depression and that was the only way the pain would loosen. I used to inflict on myself. And I almost did it today, or should I say yesterday. Since its already Sunday. 

My big brother told me not to cut myself anymore, He made me promise myself that I will not. But than I almost did. I broke the promise I made to him.

But losing my big brother made me depressed. He left me here in the world, out at sea it feels. 

When he died it felt like I lost part of myself. It felt that I wasn’t hole. And people in my family expected me to just move on fast. They didn’t help me at all. All they did was infect me more. I’m in the sea of my tears and all they do is just sit there thinking time would fix it. When it doesn’t always work out that way. 

They are wrong when they still think that it will just pass. His my Gege for heavens sakes. But they still don’t get it. None of them are helping. And I’m to scared to tell my dad. 

Like would he be scared, look at me differently if he found out his daughter isn’t exactly happy all the time, would he look at me disgusted. I cut myself time before. But I always cover it. 

I don’t know.. If this is something you would really read since it’s so depressing. But I just needed to get something off my chest. I feel lost though. Like I lost my way.. And that I drowned already. I don’t know what to do. I feel scared though. 


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It is okay to write it here but it is also okay to talk about this with other people.
You should talk with someone about it because that will make you feel better. You have this "problem" and you want to fight it.
Go for it, talk with your parents and if you do some research you will see that there are many people that have depressions and cut themselves.

Your dad will always love you and helo you just go for it. Your life is something beautiful and important and you should be happy so take your time to heal, talk to others about it and remember you are not alone!
Oh, poor sweetheart. <3
I can't believe your father would look wrong on you for not being happy 24/7, no one is. Sadness and happiness co-exist.
People deal with grief in different ways and it's absolutely understandable that you aren't over the loss of your brother yet. Sometimes people never get over the death of a beloved, they just learn to live with it.
Sorry I don't have a lot of advice, but jut know that I think of you.
Happy birthday too. I'm sure your brother is proud of you for trying hard not to give in to cutting. <3