Turning 20~

Turning 20~

Another birthday has come and gone and I'm finally out 
of my teenage years. I'd hoped this year would have been different in terms of what happens at home, my parents always argue around my birthday. I believe it has something to do with the fact that my dad's birthday is the day before. Anyhow, I didn't let that bother me and although I had lectures, it turned out pretty good. 

In reflection, I thought I'd tell you (and myself) 20 things I've learned from my last 20 years:
1. ALWAYS trust your instincts. I cannot stress how crucial this one is. If it doesn't feel right, or your gut tells you that the person/event is gonna turn out wrong (or right) please don't ignore the feeling. 
2. Don't change yourself and what you believe in for anyone. It will backfire on you. I speak from personal experience. 
3. Stay hydrated. This is a strange one to mention but lots of people forget to drink water during the day. 
4. It's okay to still see the good in people who've hurt you. This one can be challenged depending on the person... but for those who still love people who've screwed them over, it's okay. People will hurt us, will leave us and you will miss them and love them despite that. You simply have a big heart, just don't let yourself be taken advantage of. 
5. Be passionate and enthusiastic about the things you love. Whether it is, reading three books in a day and blogging or studying or playing sports, if it lights a fire in your heart, do it and be passionate about doing it. 
6. If you're doing something, do it well the first time. It saves you having to go back to do it again.
7. Always leave your loved ones on a good note, because you never know what may happen while you're away from them.
8. Don't be hard on yourself. We are our biggest critics and sometimes enemies. Try to be easier on yourself. 
9. You don't need everyone's approval for what you want to pursue. For me, this is particularly my father (although right now I am on a path he set for me but not entirely) some people will never give you their approval and that's completely okay. 
10. Make people laugh and laugh at yourself. People remember the way you make them feel, so make them laugh. They'll smile the next time they see you. which kinda leads me to the second point...
11. Stay positive. It's hard to consistently stay positive especially when faced with dire situations but try. Sleep on it. It's never as bad as it seems in the moment.
12. Listen to music. There will always be a song that can soothe the way you feel and drown out the demons in your head. For me, it's hard rock. (or if you don't like music, find your escape from your mind)
13. Appreciate your mother. (if applicable .-.) She does a lot for you and whenn you start shouldering some of what she did for you, you often wonder how she does it all for you and your two siblings. Mothers are amazing people and deserve your utmost  respect and love. They're not perfect but they do try their best. 
14. I read this one somewhere and when I applied it to my life, I saw a lot of channge. Talk to people older than you. adults seem to have it sorted out and together but they don't. Learn from them, observe how they handle situations, how they interact with other people and try to apply it when faced with a similar situation. 
15. Try new things. You'd either like it or not. Both ways you gain experience. 
16. Take care of your skin. Trust me, the moment you decide to stop for a few days, you regret it. (well I do)
17. Break ups with friends hurt a whole lot more than with a lover. It's probably worse when it was both. 
18. Wake up early and watch the sunrise. It gives me such a peaceful feeling. You can always go to sleep after. 
19. Be kind to people and talk to the person who's sitting alone. You make interesting friends that  way. 
20. Pray. It doesn't matter who you pray to. Just pray. Or something simmilar. It brings a sense of peace and contentment.


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zharliza215 #1
happy belated birthday...20 things you learnt for 20 years...you can adapt with the world...well done..
GEoRuth #2
Well,HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! Like the 20 things you wrote.
Happy 20th birthday for you!!!
I hope this year will bring you happiness and always.
Stay healthy and don't forget to take care of yourself!
And i hope you will find an awesome friends or bf/gf XD
Oh and i hope your parent will always stay healthy too so your family will always have each other! :)
Thanks for always working hard on your fanfics!
Thanks for being a great, an awesome, a cool yet funny author!

P.S. Thanks for the advices. I appreciate it so much. :).
happy birthday unnie! ❤️
Happy birthday!! And your tips are so helpful and true, especially the 8th one made me realise how much of an enemy I am to my own self D;

P/s: we have the same birthday :P, unless time difference come along and your birthday is actually the 19th then...
Hiyomi #6
I'm 16!! :)