「Cupid's Best Helper」LOVE ME RIGHT // Jo, Nari

jo, nari

Manduri - her friends call her this because she eats a lot and when she eats she practically stuff her face and looks like a dumpling. her family also called her this ever since she claimed her favorite food is dumpling, put one next to her face and her dad commented "nari, why are you so vain, your favorite food looks just like you."

blackhole - she eats a lot and never exercise but never gain any weight, thus her friends called her a blackhole because of this talent of her. 

puppy - everyone says she acts like one. especially in a relationship. when she showers you with love, she showers you with love. the nickname is ironic since she is afraid of dogs.

Gongju - she likes to ask people to do stuff for her, and is most of the time, commented as a selfish girl, but since she is selfish, she doesn't care, hence, people call her princess when she's in this mode

birthday december 01 1996
age 18
birth place seoul, south korea
hometown seoul, south korea
OCCUPATION freelancer
PROFANITIES on a scale of north korea to good ol' usa? definitely usa.
Face claim Davichi - Kang Min Kyung
back-up face GIRLS DAY - BANG MINAH
in a nutshell

(+) cheerful, positive-thinking, bubbly, warm

(O) blunt, erted, feisty, talkative, impulsive

(-) whiney, selfish, vain, dumb

 "well, you're definitely crazy, but so what? everyone is. who cares?" - she is warm, friendly, and non-judgemental, so naturally she has many people gravitating to her. not only that but also her talent in being able to talk to anyone about anything also makes her one of the popular ones in her group of friends although she's not part of the kingka because she's not about that life.

 "i consider every day we don't die, a success." - one of her talent is positive-thinking. although this is also a weakness, in a way. she sees everything in a bright light. "oh i failed my test? so what? do i need a career in education? life never happens the way you imagine it will." is mostly what she says when something bad happens to her.

 "you tell me when i'm ready to go. i was born ready. yes." - she is bubbly and cheerful. she has high amount of energy (although not necessarily used for sports because, god, who does that?) and most of it is wasted on because she never shuts up, even when you tell her too, it's like, she can't shut up, like there's a spell or something.

 "It feels like i'm a chihuahua, you know? when they get excited they shake and pee?." - she is funny. she makes a lot of jokes and most of them are not even meant to be a joke, that's why she is funny. her jokes are mostly about her life stories and random comments about everyday things that aren't even supposed to be funny, but her voice and everything just makes it so laughable.


 "there is no 'u' in awesome but there is a 'me'." - she is definitely an egoistical person. a bit conceited, she thinks she is funny and adorable and that's how everyone else should see her. her world is me!me!mE! and she definitely want it to stay that way. she loves it when everyone's full attention is on her.

 "Look in the mirror. i see a strong, confident, beautiful, young lady. oh look. you're here too." - she is selfish, she is vain. although not born a royalty, she sure doesn't know how to not act like one. earning her the gongju nickname from her friends, she is selfish. her world centers mostly around herself. as long as you die and she survives, it's fine with her what happens to you. she doesn't care. it's not a likeable trait but since she is vain, honestly, she has no intention of fixing it.

 "hand me those albino broccolis" - not only vain, she is also not the brightest girl in town. she's not proud of it, but she doesn't really try to increase her grades because it's a waste of time. she lives in the now. who cares about tomorrow? she doesn't like studying, and thus, her grades is not something to be proud of.


TO kai
- "you know, before you came here, i like, peed like, every 3 seconds and i think everyone in the cafe thinks i have diarrhea."

- "im sorry i fell it was an accident... jesus , god poured a galloon of hotness when he made you... i mean, im sorry that was, also, an accident."

- "it's weird how you can't think of someone as much as you want and they have no idea. oh . did i just told you that? wait, i didn't mention i thought about you did i? wait did i just did? damn."

- "shalt i compare thee to a summer's day? hot as balls."

- "when you confessed to me i'm like damn i did something good in my previous life."

- "you know, our first time was supposed to be romantic with candles and but then i'm like jongin, get jongin me and i started laughing and he ended up not losing his ity that night, but hey, at least it's funny at that time."

To sehun;

- "Do i look like a ?" "uh huh." "Shut up."

- "I'm not a , i went to church 3 days ago!"

- "i love you like batman wish his parents haven't died."

- "here comes the baddest es in town!"

- "HOW COME your looks better than mine?"

- "Sehun... he broke up with me.. i feel heartbrok- wait, that guy who was walking did you see him? he's hot! can you step away for a second i want to look single."

- "Once i came to her house, and she opens the door with her towel and i asked her if she's ready to go clubbing and she's like wait a second and started shaving her legs, totally , and i went, somebody whack this girl in the head real good."

To e.x.o other people;

- "Kim jongdae if you get that damn chicken even just one centimetre closer you will jongingdie today."

- "joonmyeon, can you pass me one of those ramyeon (chuckles) myeon... (started laughing by herself)"

- "suhoe don't do it! oh my god." 

- "park chanyeol can you help me park chanyeol my car?"

- "tao, do you have some taoel?"

- "Sehun, if you don't give me the money i will sehunt you down!"

- "baekhyun, it's nice to see you backhyun"

- "i dreamed about yifan last night, it was yi fantastic"

TO Taemin

- "our relationship is 50% about us buying pizza and 50% about and we need jesus"

- "you know, we can't do this forever right? you're like the sea and i'm like the sky, we're both blue but we're separated by what the you call that? thingy thing between sky and sea? air? urgh whatever. but you get it, right?"

- "you and your study book."

- "are you studying math while making out with me?"

- "i wish we could screenshot real life." "you mean a camera." "oh, yeah."

- "do we have a netflix for books?" "a library, you mean?" "exactly."




- "do you want his sleeping pics? i'll sell it to you for 2 million won!"

- "don't we all wish he's shirtless everytime he's with dogs?"


- "but , it was 99 cents!"

- "my last ex? oh he changes his mind like a psycho but the was good so i was like, i'll keep you around, then."

- "things i like... food and ?"

- "shut up and buy me pizza"

- "being young and beautiful is not a crime, you know?"

- "i'm a big girl, if i want to sleep with him, i will."

- "everyone is not supposed to be the same."

- "you know what? i shouldn't be allowed to make decisions anymore."

- "i think i got it, but just in case, tell me again the whole thing. i wasn't listening."

- "i ordered pizza and also chinese food because i dont know what to choose."

- "whatever i choose, is cool, because i am cool."

- "i feel like i wanna murder someone. i also want pretzel."

- "well at least i had my underwear on."

- "it could be worse. a woman could've cut off your and throw it out of the window from a moving car."

- "i don't really cook much, i just plan on getting by my looks"

- "is it possible to be in love with 25 people all at once?"

- "I'm having a me party. a party. by myself."

- "oh my god i need help."

- "what could be more important than maybe something to eat?"

- "You know, sometimes i think i'm so romantic i felt like marrying myself."

- "you're only in trouble if you get caught."

- "we dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy whaddya say?"

- "and please, god, send me someone to make out with."

- "i never know what to buy for valentines day. it's so hard choosing things for yourself."

- "i don't want to leave my house unless it's to get food."

- "i'm glad he's single cause i'm going to climb that like a tree."

- "You know what? i'll just try... not to die."


+ she likes eating spicy foods
+ her priorities in life is actually food, before anything else

+ her favorite movie genre is action, comedy, and mystery

+ has a fear of dogs, and chickens

+ doesn't like ghost to an extreme

+ someone called her an enigma because she is pure contradiction

+ claims that her spirit animal would definitely be a dolphin

+ her favorite food is ootoro sushi

+ favorite season is winter

+ her talents is impersonating people

+ she doesn't like it when people blame her

+ She laughs when others cry

+ she eats anything

+ wants to be a food critique

+ claims that if all else fails, she could still marry someone good

+ her favorite disney princess is anna

+ her grades is passing, and by passing, it really is passing like, if the passing mark is 60 she would get 60.1

+ she has many dark cringe-y history

+ she once fought with a girl about whose s is bigger

+ she once sent a guy roses for valentine and got rejected and now despise that guy with her life

+ the proudest thing that happened to her in her life, was being called pretty by the hottest guy in a school full of hot guys

+ her type of guy is guys with a gap moe (like a cold guy who's nice to animal)

+ she doesn't plan on taking college

+ claims that she's going to get lost before she finds herself, and now she is in the phase of trying to find herself by getting lost

+ she has the worst score in sport

+ once, while walking with an ex, she tripped, and fell, and it became the reason they broke up

+ her favorite sport is basketball, she just likes watching it though

+ once she was wearing her contact lens, and felt something missing so she put on a glasses, and her mother nearly brought her to a doctor

+ once, when the light went off, she was panicking and bumped into a wall

+ she tried the push up clap thing once but failed and nearly broke her nose

+ complains that since she's an o negative blood type, if she dies, it's hard to safe her because there's only 7% of her blood type in the world

+ complains that mcdonalds should exterminate the morning menu because the mcmuffin line

+ she plans to make the most of her life

+ is really protective of her earphones

+ girls in her family all has flowers in their name (her mother is chrysanthemum, she is lily, and her little sister is a rose)

+ her phone is an old broken iphone 4 and kai has asked her if she wanted him to buy her an iphone 6 but she refused because she claims that whatever her phone is, she will never uses them

+ once, a guy texted her and she didn't reply for 6 months, and when she did she replied "sorry i just woke up."

+ her skin is one thing she's proud of because it's just so beautiful. due to her genes, it's so clear, and due to the amount of time she spent with her skin, it became smooth and bright. although people don't compliment her on it, she loves her skin

+ her body, on the other hand, is what people compliment her on. although she doesn't have that much of a s (32c) or an (even some people said her is sharp) but she has a very well defined s-line, and she's not that tall but her legs is long, so many compliment her on it. she never works out though 

+ she has 3 exes her whole life, if one-night-stands doesn't count

+ her favorite song is "ring my bell" because it suits her situation with kai

+ nari sleeps , or, if not, with those underwear you tied in the edge into a ribbon or something plus a t-shirt, because underwears leave an ugly mark when you wake up

+ she at doing eyeliner so she never does that

+ in her makeup pouch she have eglips volume bb cushion foundation, tonymoly delight circle lens mascara in clear, etude house sweet recipe all over in strawberry mousse cake, etude house real art cleansing oil (sample size), etude house wonder pore freshener (sample size), etude house collagen moistfull cream (sample size), and etude house nymph aura volumer (sample size)

+ she also has a soothing aloe vera mist from nature republic but its huge so it's just in her bag

+ her makeup and skincare routine consist on more amount of items though, it's just that she doesn't inclue them in her makeup pouch because it'll be heavy

+ her makeup pouch looks like

+ her daily makeup is the igari makeup

+ in this video she is said to be a mix of friday and saturday

+ one thing she would never tell kai is the number of people she had slept with (she says it's less than 5 while it's probably more than 50)



father : jo, CHINHAE : 54 : 

Her dad is more than one time, mentioned as a cool dad by her friends. her friends (especially male friends) loved her dad so much, and love to hang out with him, sometimes, more than they even like to hang out with her, it's a joke among her friends that sometimes she should trade place with her dad. in a nutshell.

mother : jo, gukwa : 52 

her mom is a strict mom, but a cool mom like her dad. although she is more protective, she has mostly fun side to her. she has a book collection of nari's past mistakes and fun stories, and promise to give it to the boy she's going to marry and laughed claiming she would approve him if he still loved her after reading all of that because it's very bad. in a nutshell.

older brother : Jo, dabin : 20 : father-daughter relationship, some food stolens

She likes stealing foods from him ever since they were young. they have a close relationship and she asked him everything she wants to ask from a guy's point of view (the innocent ones. the racy ones she goes to hun)in a way, he is more her dad than her dad is, he even feels nostalgic seeing his "baby girl" all grown up. in a nutshell.

YOUNGER SISTER : Jo, JANGMI : 17 : mostly fights, some boyfriend stolens

They fight a lot, since their isn't big, ever since she was young she always teased jangmi around and sometimes, she stole guys from her and she did the same, although they know their limits, they just stole the guys the other ones are on hooking up progress with, not ones in serious relationship. secretly, though, they love each other very much. in a nutshell.

best friend / love consultant : oh, sehun : 21 : making fun of each otheR

HEr relationship with him started when they were practically newborns since they were neighbors and their moms are best friends with each other, they naturally see each other a lot, and maybe because they were kids at almost the same age they're close. due to that, they know each other's dirty secret from long time ago, that's why they're always trying to get on the other's good side, although their friendship is pretty much based on them, consulting the other about love and ual problems. in a nutshell.

best friend : kwon, miyoung : 18 : mother-daughter like relationship

if dabin is in charge of being her dad, she is in change of being her mom. she takes care of her every single thing nari does. nari doesn't do much good for her though, but since they were friends since they were practically in kindergarten they just sorta deal with each other. she used to copy her homework paper a lot. after they graduated high school and she's in college, she sometimes went to her college to see what's good. in a nutshell.

Ex-BOYFRIEND : LEe, TAEMIN : 18 : NARI's ex boyfriend and kai's best friend

he's the ex boyfriend who "changes his mind like a psycho but the was good so i guess she'll keep him around then" as mentioned by nari. they don't really fight a lot, but just simple arguments here and there because "Nari you should study for good grades" "taemin we're young and wild and free!" he's a future-minded person, and wants to work hard to get the best future, the complete opposite of nari, hence they fought a lot.

Their relationship wasn't really made public because she wants to "every hot guy must think i'm single!" and he doesn't want to be known for dating the bad example girl.

He is also extremely best buds with nari's dad, and he was invited often to their house when his dad was just in the mood for fifa playing, so it is very awkward. Deep down he still loves nari so the reason he came a lot is basically to see her and nari's dad knows so he invites him as much as he could.

He is also, kai's best friend, and yes, he had heard kai is dating someone now but he doesn't know it's nari yet. In a nutshell. (but taemin is the girl, and nari is the boy)


 JJANGGU, Monggu, JJangah - 3-5 - poodle and toy poodle

She is afraid of dogs to an extreme. but what's ironic was what made true love blooms within her heart was dogs. one of the things she is most definitely afraid of. 

jjanggu, monggu, and jjangah are all typical dogs with lots of energy and are very hyper, and nari is afraid with things chasing after her so their interaction is very funny because when dogs see people run they want to chase them, and nari naturally runs when she sees dogs so everytime she met them without leash on, it's definitely something to laugh about.

unlike the girls who came to e.x.o cafe bringing pets, she came because she doesn't have any work to do, because she doesn't go to any college and is in the process of finding herself, sehun invited her here and she met monggu, jjangah and jjanggu for the first time.

she is trying slowly to not be afraid of dogs but mostly she climbs into whatever is in front of her when she saw them without leash on.
"everything's uglier up close." "not you."

love interest KIM, JONGIN

{ "IM SORRY I FELL IT WAS AN ACCIDENT... JESUS , GOD POURED A GALLOON OF HOTNESS WHEN HE MADE YOU... I MEAN, IM SORRY THAT WAS, ALSO, AN ACCIDENT, but honestly, god, you're hot." } they met for the first time when she came to e.x.o cafe, because she is bored with nothing to do. sehun didn't told her it was an animal cafe so she came without knowing anything, then, when she opened the door to the animal cafe, 3 poodles began running towards her, she panicked, screamed, and crashed into jongin, falling on top of him.

{ "it's...alright..." } their first meeting was awkward and there's really not much interaction between them. he just knew her as the "girl who would run away when she sees dogs". their second interaction was when she again, got chased by the three poodles and this time, spilled coffee on him.

{ "do you want me to clean that up?" } not going to lie, the reason she came to the e.x.o cafe so much was practically to see him, because well, he's hot. but when she knew girls were following her, she practically gave up until this happened, and then she was 100% determined to get his number and his contact informations.

{ no... no... it's alright! it's just i think my dogs love you more than me! } after she begged to clean his shirt he gave in and both awkwardly went to a dry cleaning, that's when they both started talking to each other and found out they had more in common than they thought, with her talkative nature, he slowly but surely warmed up to her. they ended up staying in the dry cleaning for 12 hours until it closed, because they didn't notice the time passed while they were talking.

{ "my love never comes true, im an unrequeited love repeater!" } when she said this to him, he internally felt angry. although he doesn't know why he turned that way, although very deep down inside he knew it was because he was mad why they didn't treasure her because he definitely would. although he just thought of it as not wanting to see his new friend sad because of past events.

{ "JJanggu, Monggu, jjangah, do you know what it feels like to be in love?" } because in his 21 years of life he never know what it feels like to be in love, he doesn't think of any of the signs as much, so he just, like always shrug it off. although he consulted his dogs about it because why not?

{ "I think i'll put love aside and get myself extremely lost because i really need to find myself fast!" } He doesn't care, and doesn't listen to what she says after she said she'll put love aside, all he know is that he doesn't want her to give up on love because what he does next is totally uncontrollable and purely on his impulse

{ "Don't. why don't you date me?" } the word came out of his mouth faster than he thought, when he stared at her dumbfoundedly, he wanted to facepalm so hard it's not even a joke, although her reply surprised him more...

{ Yeah, sure, why not? }

*cue dogs cheering in the distance*


{ " do you want to butter my muffin?" } out of the two, he is the one with no experience, so he is very awkward with things, and nari's blunt nature isn't really helping him with things but they get by. when they're dating, instead of couple, they look more like two best friends talking about dogs, but deep down it's quite cringe-y because they're just nervous around each other they don't know what to do, but when nari's mouth say something, everything she says is practically a joke so it helped him lighten his mood and brighten the day up, and by the end of the day they are practically inseparable. their life is pretty much nonexistent because even if he's hot, kai is still a so he's scared he'll up but nari's not demanding because she's still focusing on losing herself in something important, even if she doesn't know what to do with her life. but most of the time, the one who had to bare with her is kai because she has this habit of her that goes "i'm going to jeju today to get lost cya" even if he planned something for them that day.

{ yeah, sure, i'd love to! } just as he is oblivious to his own fangirls, he is also just as clueless about nari's old habit, or why within 5 minutes of entering the cafe, she already has a group of friend who loved giggling while glancing at him. he asked sehun on ways to deal with nari though, because well, he's with her since practically birth so he figures if he would ask someone it would be sehun. his questions would make sehun facepalm though. "what food nari likes? i love seeing her eating!" or like "what was she like when she was 3 year 6 months 7 days old?" honestly, he seemed more like a stalker than a normal boyfriend. he loved buying her stuff and he dotes on her more than he should. buying her food, she admits she increased 2 kg since dating him so she's dieting now, but how could she when on all dates they went on all they do is basically doing a food tour.

{are you for real? } on the adventures nari love bringing kai on, he felt really alive. especially on adventures that last more than 1 day. he doesn't know why but even if he doesn't say it, he likes it. yes, it made holes in his wallet, but being born in an upper middle class family with parents who still send him money every month really helped patch the hole up. on their adventures, honestly, nari always had the best idea on spending the night. breaking and entering a building at night, staying overnight in an amusement park in secret, midnight skiing, or even the more toned down ones such as going in a field at night in winter when it's snowing and having a snowball fight. the activities they loved doing other than adventures and spending time with each other, is cooking. nari can't cook for and kai isn't the winner of masterchef but they love trying on new recipes every saturday. it's one of the couple habit they have.

{ yeah, i love muffins, they're like a better cupcake, right? the batter is delicious! } after kai knew about the taemin thing, damn it was awkward for like a month or something yes they still do their weekly cooking thing but it was more quieter because honestly, it's full blown facepalm. especially when one day taemin came, to ask kai if he could borrow some ketchup and nari was there, cooking, and it was one of those moments where she would try to get in kai's pants (second try, actually, failed because of taemin) and she was practically straddling him. it was so quiet and awkward you could hear a pin drop, until she stood up, passed him ketchup, and he left without saying anything. she instantly left too, because obviously.

{ oh, yeah, sure, cupcakes! } within a month though, they were slowly back to normal, after nari was walking on the street, tripped, and fell on the sidewalk, and it did caused her to bleed but when kai was panicking and she started laughing, he started laughing too because nari's laugh is damn contagious, and she said "i tripped because i was too freaking out on the atmosphere and was walking in a catwalk way because i felt like peeing oh god why are we even awkward?" and kai laughed too, and their relationship was better than before within 5 minutes. now, they would sometimes invite taemin over for dinner and laughed and joked around together with him.

                                         *explaining the quote* 

nari, obviously, loved bringing kai on an adventure, especially at night. she would just show up in front of his door and be like "hey, kai, can i borrow your car? i feel like enjoying the night! come join me." and he would sighed and smiled at her antics. on one  of the adventures, she brought him to the peak of a tall building to see the bright lights of seoul. she said

"the buildings are pretty from here, but when you delve down deeper, the interior of the buildings, the people working there, not all of them are as pretty as they seem."

"like the government, you mean?"

"yeah, *laughs*, everything's uglier up close you know?"

"not you."

COMMENTS no password yeyy!! heyyoo my name is mari you can call me just that o u o

your idea is  v cool and i really reallyy love it i hope you like nari because she is derp queen i s2g and i really love romcom im looking forward to the story! > // < 


- kai and nari's first time meeting with her falling on top of him and their laundry dry cleaning xD

- they both went into a haunted house and kai was impressed by the details but nari was like. no. no. no. no. nope.

- kai was sick so nari promised to walk his dogs so she did, but with wearing kai's old football gear in public because it's a responsibility but she's scared

- nari's mom giving kai the "book" at their first time meeting because "nari, you should marry this man."

- dabin freaking out hearing their mom say that and went "you, you should treat her right, all right? she's my princess and ---" started blabbering and nari's just facepalm and kai's just like o . o

- kai's confession to nari

- kai planning a wedding with him and nari in secret 

- nari getting mad because he received more gifts than her on valentines day by a landslide and doesn't want to speak to him so he just send foods to the jo residence as an apology

- kai going with nari for their family dinner, and was freaking out but everyone welcomed him with sparklers and all that and he's like "oh this is where your personality came from, but i like everyone!"

- nari going with kai for his family dinner and because she can't cook she thinks she'll definitely up but kai's mom ended up liking her because of the spirit in her eyes and kai's like "i feel u mom"

- nari bringing kai home for like a few minutes to accompany her change her clothes and when kai entered he saw taemin in the living room with her dad playing fifa and they're boht like "???" (you can feel the awkwardness) 

that's it i guess o u o



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