When your story becomes your child

Ive recently become very attatched to my ChanBaek story and I even started to cry as i wrote the angst today. It hurt to see my characters go through that EVEN THOUGH I WAS ONE THE WRITING THE SITUATION. Has that happened to anyone else? 

I wrote about 7k words today on it and im so terrified my computer is going to lose it ive had to save it all as a draft on tumblr just in cae anything happens. if i lost of those 7k words i wrote today, i think my heart would break. 

But a huge thank you to all of you on my friends list who are reading that story: "My Dog is my WHAT!?" Im working very hard on it and it's the first story i've felt myself WANTING to complete. Thank you for all your comments of love. It does my heart good. 


-Mari. <3


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Honestly if you're writing something that makes you as a writer cry, that's a great thing. That means you probably have something strong in your writing. I once read that if you want to make your readers cry, the only way to do that would be to make yourself cry/write about something that would make you cry.
I have a story I'm currently writing too and when I was planning it out I started getting choked up at the end and tense and tears started to form and I hadn't even realized that I was feeling that way.
Idk man that's just some powerful going on there.
Yeah, I know that feel. Except it's not the story but the characters. My story 'Psycho' gives me that feeling. Kai and Taemin in that story are my sons. Not that I cry when I do stuff to them because it's a crime as so stuff is bound to happen, lol. But I don't feel like I write their story, they write it. And if people ask about stuff I don't know, I will tell them that I will ask Kai/Taemin about it. Because yeah, they speak to me on a whole other level. They're my children, my sons and I love them very much. So no, you are not alone in becoming attached to a story you are writing yourself.