
Tomorrow is my birthday and I am 90% sure my mother forgot to get me a cake :(


UPDATE:  She remembered and sent me a box of brownies and two cakes...(from a baker I don't like).   But she remembered so I am happy!  She is currently in Milan and is going to some other european city tomorrow with my Dad.  I was afraid she would forget due to her schedule being so busy and am really glad she didn't. :D


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Cutiepieee7 #1
Oh don't worry, my parents always forgot about my birthday for no reason but then you said in the other post she was sick and stuff and she had a lot of plans on her mind, maybe she just forgot because of all that stress and birthdays aren't always about cakes, just having her next to you is an enough gift , im sorry if she forgot and I hope she doesn't because you deserve all the best and yeah.. Happy birthday in advance sweetheart! Hope you'll get whatever you wish for because you always give us what we need with your writings! ^.^
Awww baby, don't worry! She'll get you one! :)