My Chapter Titles - Part 2

Before I get started I should explain for the random reader that stummbled in here, that this is a post about r my ongoing fanfic It's merMAN!  and all I'm doing is saying where my seemingly random chapter titles are coming from since each one is taken from a different movie  and in some way fits the chapter.  If the part 2 in the blog title didn't already make it obvious this is the second post I am makeing of this sort and this one -Where the titles for my fic come from - is the first.

So once again let's get started with the list no one asked for! :D


CH.7 - Sticks and Stones

Pirates of the Caribbean.   We start off this chapter with one of the characters being injured but he also get's called a by his friend as a joke.  I dropped the love cause no one in my story is british...or an old timey pirate.

CH.8 - Words Are Useless!

The Incredibles.  Edna Mode was the best part of that movie and as we have two characters being cornered and forced to explain there actions in this scene I was super happy I could use a quote from her.


CH.9 - This is getting serious.

Clue.  Seriously one of the best movies ever, and while I couldn't find an exact gif I will give you this one instead:

They later found a 3rd dead person and that's when the butler says "Three dead bodies? This is getting serious."   In my story this line makes since as it is revealed that the local police are trying to find one of the characters that the rest of the group have been collectively hideing.  And also this kind of explosive sitution happens at the main house.

CH.10 - I Don't Bargain.

The Fugitive.  Let it be forever known that actor Tommy Lee Jones not only will risk your life by takeing a headshot at the man holding a gun to your head, but that when you are later half in shock and about to cry from the stress of nearly dieing and you ask him "So you were okay if I died? Why didn't you try to bargain with him?"  He will have only ONE crule response.

In my story this had to do with negotiations between two guys about how one is going to go ask questions of the person they are hideing.  One is adament it is a bad idea the other refuses to back down since he needs answers

CH.11 - Are you watching closely?

The Prestige.  Not gonna lie, I own this movie but haven't watched it...but I hear it's good.  Also this line was in the trailer for it and get's repeated a couple of times in it.   

As for how it works for the chapter a mysterios stranger shows up in town looking for his un-named friend and it is up to our bumbling group to figure out if he is talking about the person they are hideing and if so, is he a really a friend?


CH.12 - Unbelievable Evasion!

Murder on the Orient Express.  I chose this line because I have been WAITING to use this line forever.  Our friend in hideing get's asked some tough questions and gives back a lot of lies in return.  Most of them not even that good.

 I love this movie even if it is old, whoever gave it an oscar good on you sir!  I don't think there is a more perfect mystery story, and anyone watching it for the first time will never be able to guess who the murder is, despite almost all the clues being shown to you. It's to old to find a gif for it but see if you can spot a "young" Sean Connery in this movie still!  (super bonus: the original norman bates actor is there too.)


CH.13 - Are mermaids not sweet?

Peter Pan.  I'm sad this director hasn't done much else because this movie looked fantastic.  And was very true to the original book.


Uh...Okay if you've gotten this far and don't know my story it is about a merMAN and this title was chosen for a scene perfect is it, right?! lol

Anyway's if you read my story thank you so much for giving me support, it really means a lot to me, and if you don't well....I hope you enjoyed the pretty pictures. XD.


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