I feel like crying.



[★BREAKING] Taeyeon and Baekhyun are no longer a couple

EXO's Baekhyun and Girls' Generation TaeyeonImage: Baekhyun and Taeyeon's Instagram

According to an exclusive reported by Sports Today, Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon and EXO’s Baekhyun are no longer a couple.

Multiple music officials told the Korean media portal on September 15th, “Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon and EXO’s Baekhyun recently broke off their relationship,” adding that due to their busy schedules and focusing on their work, they had naturally grown apart.

It was further revealed that Taeyeon had attended EXO’s concert in Seoul held back in March in order to see him.

Despite breaking up, it is reported that they both continue to maintain a good sunbae-hoobae (senior-junior) relationship.

Taeyeon and Baekhyun were revealed to be a couple back in June 2014 with a three-year difference in their age, becoming the first couple whose artists were both signed under SM Entertainment. After a year and four months, the two have officially called it quits.

Things have been very hectic for both their respective groups, Girls’ Generations and EXO, as they had comeback albums to promote and release.

In fact, the two recently were spotted with their respective group performing for the DMC Festival on September 5th.

EXO released their 2nd studio album EXODUS in March while Girls’ Generation’s long-awaited comeback with their 5th studio album Lion Heart kick started with PARTY in July.





i mean, why? like, as much as i love baekyeol, baekyeon is just as important and after hear this news, i feel like cyring. tell me what you guys think???



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lalophobia #1
lmao, doubt it was real to begin with. sm still keeping up the four months deal even when it's a break up. timing made is super suspicious, all photos together edited, and if it was real and not a set up to take away from their civil problems within the company at the beginning, it probably ended the second it got out because of the backlash. like, it was a fresh 'four month long relationship' as sm said, and with them being stars, even if it was real, they wouldn't have had time to /be/ close, so breaking it off would've been pretty easy.
After their relationship was announced, it seemed so quiet after that so I assumed a long time ago that they already broke up
kimsfangirl #3
I don't believe them in the first place...
I love TaeNy too much to be honest haha but I respect both sides :)
orphanaccount #5
I didn't even believe they were really a couple in the first place loooool
When I saw all the blog plots about the Baekyeon breaking up, I was, like, I don't know...hollow? LOLOL. Ahhhhh ;(
ohneomo #7
i didnt believe them at the first place...
I thought that they'd broke up a while ago to be honest. I don't really know how to feel about it though.