PATHCODE FILMS [Jeon (MJ) Chaerin]


madelaine / mj — What she mostly goes by, Madelaine is her middle/English name and most people called her MJ because that's just what Beth called her, so they assumed that she went by that.
ri-ri — It's a cute shortened version of her Korean name, it's mostly used when people are trying to baby her or such. She's on the fence about it, since she's getting to the magical age of 21.
sunshine — Chaerin's smile comes around and some people say it's like sunshine if you see it. Chanyeol uses this as an affectionate term.
boss jeon — Even though she's young, she can get pretty bossy and therefore it's used as a joke around the office. 

birth daTE & Age — 15 / 11 / 1994 + 20
birth place — Yangsan, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea
hometown — Ulsan, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean-American

korean, Fluent — Native lagnuage
english, Fluent — Mother was American, attended to college in America.

blood type — O-

jeon (MJ) chaerin

by smile_for_roo (rye) - 8.5

eyes bright, uptight, just girls

character appearance

face claim — Eunji of Apink ( gallery )
back up — Lizzy of After School ( gallery )

height — 162 cm
weight — 52 kg

Photogenic and blessed with good genes is something that describes Chaerin very accurately when it comes to her appearance. She's had fairly clear skin and a lighter tone to it, with freckles splattering across her face and shoulders when/if she goes into the sun during the summer. Her hair has always been long and wavy, and she prefers it's natural dark brown color with a heavier bang across her forehead. She's tried another color, blonde, like her mother, but it was short lived, and she wonders if she could pull it off again from time to time. The one thing that Chaerin is almost always complimented on is her smile. She has a beautiful smile, but she usually covers it up when she does so as a habit, having had braces for a good four years. Chaerin's eyes are fairly round, with her American genes rounding them out to a more Western shape, but when she smiles her eyes crinkle into those cresents that were her father's trademark as a child as well. While she's average height, she likes to pretend she's taller than she is, saying she's five-five rather than five-four (but she's not fooling anyone, let's be honest especially seeing as who she's friends with). With a healthy appetite, she's at a very healthy weight and isn't looking to lose weight anytime soon.

At sixteen, Chaerin managed to get her nose pierced, and she's quite happy with it. In college, Chaerin went out and got her first (and currently only) tattoo on her wrist, just to remind her that if she believes everything will turn out okay, it will. It's her mother's mantra that she will always tell Chaerin, so when she's on the phone with her she can trace the letters while her mom speaks, and it makes her feel a little closer to home.
For her nose piercing, Chaerin usually wears simple (but classy, as she says) hoops, but if there's a super important meeting and she needs to look a little more professional, she has studs she can switch out:
For her tattoo, it's easily covered up by either long sleeves or a bracelet, so she's never too concious about it in the workplace (especially if other co-workers with visible tattoos):


dressed in black from head to toe

character style

For someone who's seen on set, at meetings, and is basically an assistant to everyone in the office, Chaerin always looks polished and put together. Her fashion sense is fairly feminine, with most of her wardrobe consisting of  skirts or dresses, but she has a weakness for high waisted pants as they look professional and emphasize on her small waist. This doesn't change much outside of work, but she can be seen in a more comfortable sweater and skirt combo. Chaerin likes ankle boots for her look, seeing that they go with everything, but she has a obsession with Converse and owns ten pairs of the brand, wearing them on set or if she really has a lot of errands to run. 


If you hear the hurried steps, rustling papers and see a petite young woman rushing around with Chanyeol, chances are that's Jeon Chaerin on a mission. She's a production assistant, meaning if there's any odd jobs or any little things that need to get done, she's the one to go to. She has everyting organized, from notes from production meetings and important files to things as simple as everyone's lunch order down to the very last detail. She always seems to "know a guy" so if you ever need anything it's more than likely she can get ahold of it for you even on short notice. When she's not bustling around, you can usually find her with Sehun at her desk or on set with Chanyeol, ready to run when called.

inside out

character personality

Positive: Dependable, Resourceful, Polite, Friendly, Compassionate, Organized.
Neutral: Observant, Sassy, Driven, Introverted.
Negative: Overzealous, Strict, Blunt, Easily Irritated, Bossy, Insecure.

At first glance, Chaerin may look like she's too young to be handling what she does everyday, but honestly she's one of the most dependable people you'll ever meet. If you need something done by a certain time, Chaerin is th one to go to. Her paperwork is always on time and her projects when given them are very well done and thorough. She also seems to "know a guy" or "know a place" to get just about anything, but if you ever ask for specifics, she'll usually just smile a bit and say, "I just know." She's usually the one that helps assist Yifan or Joonmyun during meetings because of her polite and friendly and overall professional demeanor if needed. She's hardly ever unintentionally rude, and genuinely likes meeting people and yet knows when to stay out of a conversation and just jot down notes. Chaerin is a fairly friendly person, greeting her coworkers nicely (or as nicely as she can) and always willing to help with whatever she can. She cares deeply about her friends, so even if you call at three in the morning just because you can't get your coffee machine to work, Chaerin will stay up and listen to you, even offering to come over if you really can't get the hang of it. Chaerin also has everything planned and organized, crossing every t and dotting every i. She hardly, if ever, messes up scheduling and putting down times and meetings and important due dates for around the office in her planners (yes, that is a plural right there, there's multiples.) and color codes everything if she can. She likes everything in its place and just knowing that if she's ever in a rush (hardly ever happens, but even she's not perfect), she can find what she needs as quickly as possible and run back off to finish her work.

As someone who's literally all over the workplace, Chaerin sees a lot of things and interactions that a lot of people pass over. She keeps it to herself, but she finds it intriguing how the inner workings and dynamics of the people of Pathcode works. This also makes her a good port for gossip though, and it's a terrible vice of hers, even if she doesn't seem like it, if there's a rumor, or if you want to know if so and so is interested in someone, she's the girl to go to. Being as it may, while Chaerin is polite as can be to higher ups and potential clients, she can have a bit of a bite when it comes to fellow coworkers (looking at you, Byun Baekhyun and Kim Jongdae) and she's not afraid to drop a witty comeback if you prompt her to do so. While she may be young, she's extremely driven and always ready to work, however, this makes her more focused on work than, you know, actually interacting with humans. This being said, Chaerin may hang around more extroverted or loud personalities, btu she herself is most definitely an introvert and after a logn day, it shows. She can get very snappy and her short fuse gets a little bit shorter when she needs alone time. If her earphones are in, it's best not to disturb her (unless you really need her) so she can recharge and face society again.

Chaerin is a fantastic worker and that's great and all, but she's extremely overzealous and tries too hard sometimes to prove that she deserves to be at Pathcode. She doesn't understand that she needs to take it easy and not only talk about work or take extensive, sometimes word for word notes on the production meetings. Chaerin is very strict on herself, sticking to her schedule and hardly ever straying from it. She also doesn't really know how to relax, and is always looking for something to do, not wanting to take a break, which can cause her to overwork herself or even injure herself in the process. The sass and the blunt characteristic goes hand in hand with her short fuse (again, looking at those troublemakers) and can be very dangerous. She can go off fairly easily, even if she's not violent, she can say some hurtful things that shouldn't be said. She's not exceptionally high up on the ladder, but Chaerin likes feeling in control of situations, and she can order people around absentmindedly in the workplace. It can be a little controlling, but Kaya and Joonmyun know how to put her in her place when she gets that way. Even when she's not irritated, Chaerin gives her opinion straight on the rocks, no honey or sugar added, so you'll always know what she thinks if you ask. She may seem like an edgy, overall overbearing person, but Chaerin is extremely insecure at the end of the day. She thinks that she needs to prove that she's worth keeping around, and doesn't want anyone to have any doubts, and that's a really terrible thing to have at a young age. While no one likes feeling like no one wants them around, Chaerin feels like that on more days than not, and it definitely takes a toll and is a reason why she tends to shy away from people or feel so drained and emotionally frazzled after a particularly hectic day of work. 


— likes

music — Any genre, any at all, and you can bet that Chaerin has it on her Ipod. When she needs to recharge or hyperfocus on a project, she slings her earphones over her ears and settles in her desk, not forgetting to leave a note outside warning people that they're in and if they need her to do more than just call for her.
sushi — It was her favorite thing over in college, and she hasn't lost the taste for it yet and has a particularly favorite sushi restaurant that she goes to at least once a week. 
coffee — With her job, she needs a steady intake of caffeine to keep her going, especially on shoots and days where she's going back and forth between the set and the office.
organization — Her desk has to be the most organized of the office (besides Kaya's). She has different planners for the different people she works with, and seperate notebooks for them to ensure that all of their notes and to-do lists aren't mixed up with each other.
gushers —Okay, so they're an American candy, but she tried it in college and now she's addicted to the stuff. In her grandmother's care packages she always manages to get a few boxes and usually ends up stashing them in her desk.
online shopping — Do not give this girl your credit card telling her to go buy clothes for photoshoots. She may be responsible but she's always hoping that something might not fit and she'll end up taking it home. She likes regular shopping as a passtime as well, especially as a stress reliever. 
bubble tea — She blames her best friend for this one, he's always dragging her to get some and she ended up getting addicted to the stuff as well.

— dislikes

jump scares — Especially when she has her earphones in, she once cried at Jongdae's attempt to get her to loosen up by screeching "Psycho" 's theme song while grabbing her shoulders. 
dim lights — While she'll claim she has perfectly fine eyesight, she probably should get them checked out because when you turn the lights down she has to squint really hard to see anything.
"borrowing" — Chaerin will let you borrow something, but she expects that if it can be returned, it will be.
lax behaviour — This gets really intense nearing deadlines and when Yifan's stressed out and scares her th emost, since her desk is sort of near all of the Executive Producers. She's known to go to that person's office/desk and ask if they're almost done frequently for everyone's sake.
storms — While Chaerin was overseas, she had to experience a huge storm for the first time. Ever since then she's not fond of the darkening skies or small rumbles of thunder that lead up to the loud noises that actually terrify her.
leeks — It's just a really odd vegetable, and Chaerin just has not found any kind of food that she likes them in.

— hobbies

singingShe has this funny little habit of singing to herself when she's working, and it's actually kind of adorable. She's not a half bad singer, either.
scrapbooking — Whenever she can get her hands on shots that Yoojin wants to give to her, she uses them to scrapbook. It's a hobby she picked up from her grandmother.
astrology — It might be a little childish, but Chaerin enjoys reading horoscopes or compatibility rates between two people (especially if she's picked up on something going on between them.)
volleyball — She played the sport in high school, and occasionally gets called up by the team to join in in a round or two.

— habits

hide — She hides her smile behind her hands often when she feels it coming, which really is a shame because a lot of people happen to like her smile.
jitters — If Chaerin is tired and/or drunk, she gets the jitters. She gets very fidgety and a little handsy towards certain people. It's best if Sehun just deals with her.

— other facts

one — If she's not busy or has anything due soon after lunch break, she and Sehun usually go and buy bubble tea and take turns buying lunch for the two of them. It's not uncommon to see them eating at her desk if there is something due, however, and Beth being the one to have to drop off the food for them.
two — Her chosen products for work are the iPhone 6 and her Macbook Air. 
three — Unlike some people, she actually respects and admires Joonmyun as a leader and a friend, frequently coming to him for his opinions and ideas, even sometimes advice if she's feeling overwhelmed.
four — Writes her notes in English, she can shorthand things faster to keep up with what they're saying.
Five — She's been so busy focusing on school and such, but she's had one boyfriend, back in college. He broke up with her because she'd rather study or working at her internship than spending time with him.
six — She never likes to show a weak face in front of people, so she tends to hide her emotions and not like it when someone picks up on something changing about her attitude for someone.

once upon a time

character background

Born from two business people in a busy city in the South, Chaerin was always treated like a princess. People would think that this would make her spoiled and bratty, but she was well aware of how hard her parents worked to ensure she could have what she wanted and that wasn't something she took lightly. She knew she had to work hard in order to get anywhere in the world, just like everyone else, after all her parents weren't going to take care of her forever. Her parents encouraged her to do well in school, but also encouraged her to find something she loved to pursue after general schooling. Even though their jobs at their company were demanding, the Jeons made sure that Chaerin knew that they genuinely loved what they were doing and she should find something that she didn't dread to wake up and do in the morning.

Throughout her life, Chaerin had the normal phases of life (that nose piercing wasn't just something she wanted, it was also apart of her "rebellious" phase that most people do end up going through.) but she always held her parents in high respect, being a very polite and well behaved child that a lot of parents envied around the mid to late teens stage. It was also around sixteen that Chaerin discovered what she wanted to do: film. She had seen movies before, sure, and throughly enjoyed them, but then her mother showed her the movie Heaven's Postman. She cried a lot throughout the film, but she told her mom after her tears were dried and the ending credits had faded: "I want to be able to do that. I want to create beautiful things like that, to connect with people through film." So she started her research over where would be the best places to go for film, after all it all depended on her grades, which were decent but she knew how difficult it was to get into liberal arts schools in any country. So she decided to try for K-ARTS and OSU, since her mother also attended the American university for her studies. Upon graduation, she recieved a letter from K-ARTS saying she was waitlisted, and a little later into the summer se recieved an acceptance letter from OSU into their Film program, so the choice was obvious to her. She didn't want to wait to start her education any longer than she had to so now that she had an acceptance letter, it was getting overseas that would be her next challenge.

Her decision to go overseas for her studies worried her parents a little, but with discussion amongst Chaerin's mother's family, she would stay with them during her studies and that made her parents more at ease with letting her go. With all her belongs packed into bags and a plane ticket in hand, she left Korea for the first time in her eighteen years to go abroad for four more years of her life. 

College wasn't hard for her, in fact she liked it all, and she also enjoyed getting to know her mother's family, especially her grandparents, who were probably the more forward thinking older people she's ever met. She never slacked off in her studies, was respectful and never overstepped her boundaries. She met her best friend at school, and they were always seen together as a duo, even promising to move to Seoul together to pursue their individual careers and live together. Graduating with a degree in Film Studies, she set out to find the perfect job for her degree, and ended up where no one was expecting her...

((While some expect some super strict, demanding household that made Chaerin as strict on herself as she is, it's actually quite the opposite. Chaerin just enjoys keeping herself organizing and likes working, a trait that she saw in her parents growing up and decided to implement on her own daily life on her own terms. She hates that people assume she's had a hard life, when she's just always had a logical look on life and wanted to get a head start in ensuring she would be well off. It's not to say that she doesn't need to learn how to relax, because that is definitely a thing that needs to happen.))


but mooooom!
— Jeon Eileen // 49 // Company Translator // Energetic, Intelligent, Compassionate, Mischevious // Eileen absolutely adores... teasing her daughter. Well, she loves her daughter too, but she'll never pass up an opportunity to remind her little girl that she's got many, many embarrassing baby pictures that she'll gladly use to her advantage if she ever meets her friends. Her mom can't help but be really happy that she was the one who helped her daughter find her calling, and continues to encourage whenever they Skype. Eileen is VERY intelligent, like it's nothing to sneeze at. She's a member of the MENSA Society, and is damn proud of it. She's usually the first one to pick up something being off when it comes to her child, so she likes to keep tabs and constant updates on Chaerin. She just wants to make sure that her daughter's taking care of herself, remembering that even though she lives with Beth, both girls can put off their own personal health in favor of their work.

daddy dearest
 — Jeon Beomsoo // 51 // Board of Directors, Head of Advertising // Genuine, Embarrassing, Responsible, High Expectations // Beomsoo is the general type of embarrassing dad, even if he is usually in a three piece business suit more often than not. He adores his daughter very much, and just like his wife, is very happy to see their child pursuing what makes her happy. He's the one that she got most of her organization and bluntness from, because what you see is what you get with Mr. Jeon, and your first impression is put together and respectable. He wanted his daughter to be the same way, and was very proud when she implemented the tools he provided for her and see her develop her own style of organization. 

grandma's cool
— Nancy Gilmore // 67 // Retired Seamstress // Caring, Energetic, Creative, Faithful // Even though she's got some bad eyesight and is a bit slower than she was back in the day, Nancy still has some kick in her and she's got the sass that you definitely see from Chaerin. Nancy was the first to suggest her granddaughter to live with them while at school, eager to meet her grandbaby for the first time since she was eight. Nancy didn't want Chaerin to stay in most nights, encouraging her to go out when she was done, to make friends, and if she wanted, bring them over so she could make them dinner. When Chaerin brought up getting a tattoo, she was all for it and even asked if she needed money for it. Nancy and Chaerin got very close over her college years, and the frequent letters and care packages prove that.

grandpa...? — Michael Gilmore // 70 // Retired Air Force Pilot // Good-Willed, Forgetful, Caring, Strict // As someone from the Army, you'd think big, intimidating, and overly cross, but Grandpop Micheal is literally a teddy bear. He usually bothers Chaerin when he can't find his glasses or his phone, to which they're usually around his neck or in his hand respectfully. He means well, even if he sometimes tried a little to hard to implement rules and enforce curfew, but when he realized that Charein did nothing but obey the rules, he tried to be a bit more lax on her. He genuinely cares about his grandbaby, asking her in his letters if she's going to come visit soon. He's the one who asks if she has a boyfriend ("and one that's a good man, not that no good Bradley? Brian? Bedford?--whatever the hell that one was named.") instead of her grandmother. 



platonic soul mates — Beth Park // 20 // Translator // Cute, Comedic, Well Mannered, Generous // Beth Park would probably ask Chaerin to marry her if they swung that way, and Chaerin would probably say yes. The blonde would probably also give just about anyone the shirt off her back, and Chaerin has to steer her away from being taken advantage of by others. Beth and Chaerin got especially close during college starting off as struggling in Algebra I together, and their friendship just took off from there. They were/are inseperable, even moving back to Seoul together and finding jobs nearby. Opposites attract, as they say, while Chaerin is businesslike and calm; Beth is exceedingly outgoing and funny, always finding a bright side to get Chaerin to laugh. This doesn't mean they don't have fights, after all they live together and can get irritated with certain habits that the other tends to have at home. Chaerin adores the slightly off beat, energetic blonde though, and would do just about anything for her... except one thing. Beth tends to speak in either English or Thai to Chaerin, not wanting anyone to hear the dated rant of "that puppy boy (aka Baekhyun) over there? He's really cute? Is that eyeliner he's wearing? Do you know him?" She's always the first person that Chaerin will go to if there's a problem she thinks she can't fix on her own. Without Beth, she wouldn't have found Pathcode Films in the first place, so she really is thankful for the help that Beth gave her.


partner in crime — Oh Sehun // 20 // Cameraman // Awkward, Clingy, Mature, Driven // Literally these two are always together, so if you see one trailing around the office the other one is usually not far behind. Even back at her and Beth's apartment, chances are he's there already. Sehun's the one to blame for getting Chaerin hooked on bubble tea and whenever she's going out for an errand, he slips in a request for the stuff and she ends up buying him it because he'll whine and make her buy after work if she doesn't. He's very attatched to the fearsome duo, enjoying the clash of personalities Beth and Chaerin bring and sometimes even encouraging their spats when their really amusing. He's closest with Chaerin though and it shows through their intereactions. Sehun and Chaerin genuinely care about each other and like to be close to each other, even if it's sitting in silence and working on something. Since they're both striving for higher positions in the company one day they frequently talk about the future and what they could do together. They also frequently sit in the corner during the chaotic production and company meetings thinking that even though they're the youngest, they're the most mature ones here.


mother duckling — Lee Kaya // 23 // Production Designer // see Kaya's app ^^ // Oh boy oh boy does Chaerin ever admire Lee Kaya. Kaya sort of took the younger kids under her wings, appreciating their dedication and willingness to work and learn on the job. Jongdae likes to tease Kaya and tell her "find your ducklings, they seemed to have gotten lost" to which Kaya is usually not amused, but when she finds them she does ask if they need help with anything. Chaerin also does act as an assistant to Kaya, following her around and taking notes if certain things that needed to be run by either Joonmyun or Yifan, or even someone else in the office if need be. Chaerin is very respectful of the older woman and frequently hisses for others who make fun of her to shut up, because she knows the value of hard work and she knows that Kaya works for her position and doesn't take it lightly. They're a very efficient and knowledge pair when put together, their general meetings when Chaerin's called in most lasting very long since Chaerin is quick to get her instructions and to do list and get it done well before it's due. Chaerin enjoys working with Kaya the most, and won't hesitate to admit it to anyone.

 — Park Chanyeol // 22 // Production Assistant // Cheerful, Friendly, Intelligent, Approachable // Known as "Chaerin's Weak Spot" to her friends, Chaerin just can't bring herself to be mean to her partner as a production assistant... like ever. She says it's because of him being Beth's cousin, and he was the reason she got into Pathcodes in the first place, but everyone knows it's because no one can be mean to Park Chanyeol, because he's a very nice guy. She lowkey really likes working with him, like a lot, because they balance each other out so well. Chanyeol is a natural extrovert, loving interacting with people and when Chaerin's feeling drained, he takes over talking and discussing while she writes the notes of what they need to do. He doesn't mind going out with her for shopping details or lunch runs because she secretly likes having Joonmyun's credit card too, and one of their guilty pleasures is buying a little something sweet before heading back to the office if there's time. Besides Sehun, Chanyeol is her best friend at the office, and it's not unusual for Chanyeol to ask Chaerin if she wants to hang out during the weekend and do something. (The reason you don't see Sehun asking is because he just sort of appears at her house ahurhur he's not that considerate to her, as best friends are.)



gossip buddy — Baek Yoojin // 22 // Director of Photography / Colorist // See Yoojin's app ^^ // While Yoojin and Chaerin are definitely not close, Yoojin and Chaerin do swap gossip whenever they have spare time and when Chaerin's picking up the shots from her. Chaerin enjoys having someone who encourages her little vice and doesn't scold her when she tries to divulge in it. Chaerin occasionally tries to have more conversations with Yoojin, because it's not like she doesn't want to have her as a friend, but Chaerin is just... hard to get along with at first. And Yoojin is just one of those exact opposites of her, happy and cute and sort of unstructured, which is sort of scary for Chaerin. So for now, Chaerin just sticks with her small conversations of gossip that happen and is content with that.

PLEASE STAY SANE. — Kim Joonmyun // 24 // Executive Producer // Kind, Hardworking, Strict, Argumentative // This is the person Chaerin usually takes orders from, occasionally acting as a buffer between some of the crazy crew and him, ensuring that he stays sane for as long as possible. Joonmyun is a bit affectionate and fond of the younger girl, patting her head and thanking her when she does something that he really needed to get done. She finds him oddly comforting and if he or Chanyeol are the ones that bother her while she has her headphones, she's more polite to them than anyone else. If Kaya is considered her Mother Duckling, Joonmyun would be... well definitely not dad, that would be weird to her, but definitely more like a big brother figure. 

please don't hit on my friend. — Byun Baekhyun // 22 // Production Designer // Bubbly, Outgoing, Talkative, Annoying // What Chaerin can not comprehend is why Beth seems to be head over heels for the (in her opinion) annoying Byun Baekhyun. Maybe it's because he's always loud or he always tries to make her late to mess with her that she's not particularly fond of him, but she always tries to time Beth's visits for when Baekhyun is usually busy. Beth claims that one day she'll meet Baekhyun, and Chaerin wants to prolong that day as long as she possibly can. She does not need Baekhyun attempting to worm his way into her life more than necessary.

call me ri-ri one more time... — Kim Jongdae // 22 // Editor // Mischevious, Outgoing, Flirtatious, Comedic // So Jongdae is one step better than Baekhyun, but Chaerin can not stand is when they're in a meeting, which is supposed to be taken seriously, and everytime he mentions her he calls her "Ri-Ri". She's not one to react violently, but there have been times where she's wished that she had a volleyball so she can spike it right into his face. Gently, obviously, he still needs to be able to see so he can edit. Even though Jongin could probably do it just as well... *the temptation is so strong*. All in all, Jongdae is like a annoying uncle who's too close in age that she can't really do anything about because he is technically older and therefore needs to be respected. That doesn't mean she can't daydream about the sceanrio though.

the usually missing third musketeer — Kim Jongin // 20 // Editor // Dedicated, Easygoing, Confident, Hardheaded // Jongin, Sehun, and Chaerin are known as the three musketeers of the office,being born in the same year and all, even though Jongin is usually off glued to his computer for work... so it's usually just the two you see at Chaerin's desk. The other 94 liners usually make Jongin coffee and make sure he eats when he's really focused, and every once in awhile, if you hear a really loud and not usually heard laugh, it's probably from Jongin, who's taken a break, hanging out with Sehun and Chaerin. The two need Sehun there in order to really get along, because although they respect each other, their personalities do tend to clash. However, all three are dedicated and can appreciate that the other two never feel offended for focusing more on work than on the actual conversation.


  • Oregon State University (Film Studies, 2015)

production assistant (assistant director)

— "wishing only takes you part of the way, you've got to work hard to earn your dream."

When Chaerin moved back to South Korea with a Film Studies degree and no major job opportunities, she really had no idea what she was doing. Luckily, Beth had this cousin who was about to start work at a Filming company, so she'd hit him up and see if there were any positions available for a fresh face like Chaerin. Luckily, she scored an interview. Even though she was rather young, she was put together and Yifan and Joonmyun saw the potential in her to do a lot in Pathcodes. She'd say she was nervous, but if she were more honest she'd say she was borderline desperate for this job, being nothing but professional and polished throughout the interview process to prove that she could work at this start up film company. She was hired at the start as a part time intern, earning her place as Production Assistant full time in a matter of months. 

What is your dream for Pathcode Films? And how do you suppose you will be able to contribute in achieving that dream?  — Of course, any one person's dream would be to be the best, scoring awards at prestigeous ceremonies such as the Academy Award or an Emmy even... But for a company like ours, we should focus on putting out the best products possible and getting our ratings up and advertising well. *nods as she thinks* With my position, I sort of just dabble in everything, I'm needed wherever I'm needed and I do my job to the best of my abilities! With all of these talented people working together, I don't doubt that we'll acheive any goal we set for ourselves, don't you think so? *expectant stare*

Do you like your position? Why or why not?  are you aiming for a higher one in the future? — *hides face behind hand, smiling* I do, I really do, a lot. I get to help everyone out, which is really nice when they have deadlines that are due and I can help them keep that deadline. While I do live for structure and scheduling, by being a PA I can learn more about the overall production of a film and figure out what I'd like to aim for from there. Right now, I'm really eyeing that Production Manager spot or even one day an Executive Producer, wouldn't that be something!

If you could switch positions for a day, what would it be? Why? — I'll switch spots with... Joonmyun, I think. Being an Executive Producer is a huge responsibility, but I want to be the one in charge and oversee everything, instead of just running around and helping everything where I can. Not to say I don't love my job, I do, but having a handle on everything and being able to structure everything the way I'd think it work best is a very nice idea indeed... Also, I think that the poor man needs a nice break and a through massage to release his stress.

DO YOU think pathcode films could go a long way? — With hard work, there's really no limit to what a company like ours can do. *smiles thinking about it* I have absolute confidence in our abilities and while it might take time, we can get there.

DO YOU get along well with everyone? — Well I'd like to think that-- *hears Baekhyun and Jongdae snicker in the background* *sighs* I certainly try to be pleasant with everyone, but some I just have to limit my interaction with due to ...personal conflicts, I suppose it the most polite way of saying it.

Previous Work ExperienceS

  • Camera Operator — NBC —  (0212 - 1212) — Grimm (TV Show)
  • Production Assistant — Independent Film —  (0612-0313) — Redwood Highway

huang zitao 

— park chanyeol, oh sehun


Positive: Hardworking, Collected, Friendly, Charming
Neutral: Shy, Clingy, Opportunitistic
Negative: Childish, Mischevious, Easily Jealous, Argumentative

The statement "Don't Judge a Book By its Cover" is the perfect sentence to describe Huang Zitao. While he's tall, intimidating looking, and fairly quiet most days, he really is a sweetheart. He's only quiet on set because, well, the mics pick up a lot of noise, so the less noise he makes while doing his job, the better. Zitao sincerely loves working and will do odd jobs and bits around the office if anyone needs him to. He hardly ever complains about being handed work, so when he does find something to do he's very happy about it and will immediately get to work. On the job, he's very collected and keeps a straight face usually, concentrated on the task at hand. He hardly ever loses his cool over something malfunctioning, rather finding it more efficient to just find the problem and fix it without the fuss over ruining the take. Mistakes happen, and he's accepted that as apart of life. Once you actually approach him, he's very nice and polite and all around a good person, genuinely wanting to make friends and talk to more people at the office. He's never one to pass up an opportunity to make a friend, however he might go the roundabout way to acheive it as of his introverted tendencies that will be explained later on. As you get to know him, you'll note that even though it doesn't match his appearance, he's got this sort of charm that makes you want to stick around, even if he can sometimes be a brat.

The thing is, as much as he loves talking to people, Tao is very shy and introverted, so if you'd like to get to know him, you're going to have to make the first move. He hates feeling like a bother so he tends to wait for someone to tell him it's okay to come and talk to them (trust me, even Baekhyun and Jongdae had to coax him out of that shell of his). However, if you seem to know someone he knows, he'll approach the mutual friend and see if maybe you can be introduced that way so he doesn't have to try and find an awkward ice breaker to start talking to you. But once you convince him, he might be a little clingy and overbearing. He doesn't mean to be, but he just really likes his friends and wants them to know that he likes them. He likes the reassurance of physical affection and sometimes forgets that other people like to make boundaries about that in the beginning of a relationship. If someone's hungry or thristy and can't leave their desk, Zitao will gladly run out and get something... inexchange that he gets a snack or coffee out of it (usually coffee). He doesn't see it as taking advantage of people, more as "seizing opportunities when he sees them". He doesn't ever overstep boundaries with this, however, which is a very nice thing.

Zitao, much like Chaerin, is still fairly young, but unlike Chaerin Tao still has a bit of youth left in him, but it can come across as childish and immature at times when he's trying to get your attention. He likes attention and he's really not above whining or pouting a little for someone's if he really wants it. Since he's friends with Byun Baekhyun and Kim Jongdae... just because the kid looks serious doesn't mean he hasn't got a bit of a jokester in him. However, since all three of them still have a childish/immaturity factor to them, they can sometimes take things a little too far and it ends up as a mess. One little known fact is that Tao... is very much easy to get jealous, especially in relationships. He's not overly possessive, per say, but he does like to know that your his and he's yours and there shouldn't be anyone touching you in a nonfriendly way. This also goes for friends and such, especially like above when he wants attention and either someone or something else is recieveing it that's not him. Another thing is that he'll argue with you about the sky being green until his face was blue if that's what he believed was right. He's very stubborn and doesn't like to give in, especially when it's on something that he deems as personal.

history — 
Black Pearl : So the first time Chaerin laid eyes on him, she definitely found the tall Chinese man attractive, but also very intimidating. She definitely did want to know his name, so she went to Chanyeol to find out. Simply put, she was scared of Tao from first sight, too scared to go straight to the source to get it, and Chanyeol found it endearing, to say the least, because earlier that day Tao had shyly approached him asking him what his partner's name was. Why? Because she looked nice enough and since Chanyeol was his friend already... Could he introduce them? But of course, Chanyeol wanted these two to gain the courage and ability to talk to others on their own accord, hoping that one of them would break and ask the other what their name was finally.
It wasn't until Chaerin was struggling with carrying some heavy boxes onto set that Tao had swallowed his nerves and helped her out, quietly asking her name and officially introducing themselves and starting their relationship. 

interactions — 
I've got you (Under my Skin) : When Chaerin found that Tao spent most of his time with the devilish duo of Byun&Kim, she was a little worried that Tao would be the same way as the other two. But she found that Tao was more likely to just siddle up to her and watch her work while whining about wanting attention that she's obviously not going to give him at the moment. The thing that surprised her the most is that when she said that she needed work done, not a distraction, Tao immediately jumped on helping her, surprising Chaerin. Usually when someone ended up hanging around her when she worked people got bored, but he was very content to just helping her out wherever he could, whether it was whether it was running a deadline by Yixing or getting her a coffee from the break room. He ended up embedding himself as a constant in Chaerin's life and it wasn't like she minded having him around. Now and then when all of her own work was done or she had a break on set, she could be seen by Tao every so often, checking in on him and hanging him different things he needed as he helped set up lighting.

Baby Don't Cry :  Their relationship got a little more up close and personal when Chaerin was having a pretty stressful day, deadlines were fast approaching and even though Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were also running around, she couldn't help but feel like a lot was being put on her and to say she was feeling the pressure was the understatement of the century. She was totally drained of all social skills at the moment and just wanted to plug in her headphones and drown out the world for the fifteen minutes that she was able to find in her busy schedule, and she couldn't find them. It turns out that Chanyeol, seeing her stressed, wanted to try and help, but in doing so he misplaced her headphones when trying to write her a note to tell her to relax and drink some water during the small break and didn't put them back. Tao came by to check in and all it took was a small, "Are you okay?" to her and she burst into tears at the thought of having to go back out there with no energy, thinking she was failure. Tao immediately comforted her, telling her it was okay and lending her his soundproof earphones, and then asking for her checklist she had. "Let me take care of some of these, okay? You need more than fifteen minutes." He assured her, heading out before she had a chance to argue. He came back not even ten minutes later to see her basically passed out from exhaustion on her desk, earphones snug over her ears and he couldn't help but think that she looked really pretty when she was relaxed for once. (Not that she didn't always look pretty to him, but that caused his heart to swell ever so little and he immediately shoved it back down as far as he could.)

Mr. Chu :  Chaerin started to see Tao a little bit differently when one day she didn't see an endearing mop of black hair towering over everyone, but an edgy blonde undercut that went a little too well with his look. She hated that it was so vain, but when her heart sped up a bit when he greeted her that morning, she mumbled a reply before hurrying to her desk, feeling her face burn and wondering why she hadn't noticed before. After that, she picked up on the little small things that he did for her, like offering to go get coffee for (or with) her, coming and joining her and Sehun for lunch, or even her and Chanyeol on errands... It was really him just being helpful, but she kinda liked that she could think that it was just for her. She admitted a few days later that she really liked the blonde on him, and he just smiled and said, "I thought you might!" And oh man did that just about do her in. Chaerin was then admiring him from afar, acting like she was back in high school (which she will vehmently deny to this day, but Sehun and Beth with complain all damn day about how bad she was about staring at Tao when he came into the room, even getting distracted from work.) 

Thunder :  Truth be told, Tao went blonde because Baekhyun said it'd give him more confidence, and he wanted to be able to approach people more often, so he went for it. (Also, Beth may or may not have 'accidentally' said something about Chaerin liking blondes, after all... both of her best friends were blonde? She might like a guy with blonde hair, you know...) And he found himself carryign himself a little better, making eye contact more often with people, and it made him feel really good about himself. People even complimented him on his newfound confidence and look, and that really made him feel good. One day, he noticed that Chaerin hadn't taken her usual coffee break because of a meeting that ran a little late, so he brought her her favorite, black coffee with two creams, no sugar to her desk so she could have it when she got out. When she saw the cup on her desk and Tao with it, she lit up and let out a huge smile. "Thanks so much Tao, you're the best!" She had set, taking the cup gratefully and Tao tensed up at the tingles that shot down his spine when their fingers brushed, and the way he wanted nothing more than to see that smile of hers every day. He might be shy, but he definitely tried to pursue her from then on, in his own little way. But she always seemed a little far away from her, never quite picking up on the subtle skinship he initiated, or the looks he had from afar towards her. He just never seemed to be able to catch her attention like he wanted (or that he was aware of).

BuBiBu :  So Chaerin likes Tao, Tao likes Chaerin. Including Miss Jeon. That's right, it's not the typical, "oh no, he couldn't like me!" At first, sure it was, but Chaerin is observant and picks up on little changes in a person's behavior towards other people, including herself. When she caught Tao staring at her more than once when an emotion akin to what she felt like was her own when she stared at him, and when he starting "subtlely" (hey, points for trying) doing skinship like casually putting a hand on the small of her back when walking on a particularily crowded street, or allowing her to grab and lean on his arm when she was tired from errands, she wasn't passing those off as just him being friendly. Actually, she was a little more than pleased about the whole situation and decided to play along, admiring Tao really trying his best to flirt with her. Chaerin really didn't want to just flat out tell him that she liked him, so she went and starting leaving anonymous notes about things she liked about him -- starting from number 68, saying when it gets down to one she'll tell him in person, with cute things like "you enjoy helping others even though you're shy, it's so nice of you" and "you're very important to this team, please keep being you" and things along these lines. Thus started the Secret Note admirer countdown in the office, everyone waiting to see if Tao really caught on or if Chaerin would have to wait all 68 days to tell him. (Seriously if you listen to every cute Apink song about falling in love literally those are basically what Chaerin writes in her notes because she's a closet hopeless romantic and she's a dork when it comes to Tao please help the child).

XOXO :  When Tao first got the notes, he was very flushed and embarrassed, because one, he had an admirer, and that would make anyone exceedingly nervous and giddy, but he was also concerned because, well, if it wasn't Chaerin, what would he say? And it wasn't like Kaya where it was a certain color pinned on them, and that was their color. Everyone used all differently colored sticky notes, excluding pink, so it really could have been from anyone. He caught on the numbers fairly quick though, discovering it was a countdown, and reasoned that when the number reached zero or one they'd reveal themselves, either through a note or in person. He was very nervous, but he appreciated the time and care that the person put into their notes. He found himself looking forward to finding a sticky note either stuck where they'd know he'd find it (near the lighting equipment when on set, in the break room where his favorite food was, a few times there were even given to him by his coworkers who were sighing and saying "I'm just the messenger" and walking away). As it got closer to the halfway mark, he decided to leave a note back asking for clues about who the person was. Surprisingly, they agreed to reveal every fact about who they were, if he wrote a reason for liking the person he liked. Even more flustered, especially when having to think about all the reasons that he liked the young female PA, he supposed it wouldn't hurt, after all, it was completely anonymous, and the admirer swore that these were private and wouldn't be shared with anyone but themselves. So Tao would leave a note about Chaerin wherever he found the note of the day, things like "she's cute when she's concentrating and you have to really try to get her attention, even though it can get annoying" and "she's always willing to do her job and do it well" and "i love her smile the most. i wish she'd do it all the time." As the numbers continued to dwindle, the notes between the two got a little more in depth and more hinting about who the anonymous person was, until number two which said, "when you lent me your headphones and told me not to cry that day. i will always, always remember that." And.. well, if that was obvious no one knew what was.

All For You :  The day after Tao recieved that last note, he was expecting Chaerin to immediately come to him, but he should've known that work comes first, always with her. It hurt a little bit, but he understood that in her position that she couldn't just drop everything and run into his embrace (even though he was kinda hoping for that). So he tried being as patient as he could, waiting for break time so he could go see her. During break, he found her in the coffee room and he just got really excited and sort just... kissed her in the middle of the office. She didn't really hestitate to kiss him back. It cost her a mug and the perfect coffee and cream mixture, but she had someone who was more than happy to bring her her favorite coffee to make up for it. But work is work, and even though you can see Tao steal a kiss or a smile here and there, he still respects her dedication to her work (he's got his own job too and sometimes they reallt don't have time for each other as a couple during the week), but Sehun complains about Tao now being over at the apartment as much as he is now and Beth is just giddy about the whole thing.

((I'd apologize but I just wanted a really cute love story and so... it happened???))



last comment — cAN YOU TELL I LIKE WRITING OH MY GOD. Anyways, movies and EXO and literally all the good things in life are wrapped up into this fic, I fell in love with Kaya and Yoojin, they're adorable and wonderful characters like w ow ;u; So here's Chaerin/MJ... I hope you like her and I'm willing to make any adjustments you think are needed~ Thank you for creating this applyfic!!

scene requests —
// Some tidbits from the Secret Admirer time oh my god I starting writing it and wanted it all
// Byun&Kim fun with Chaerin (aka Chaerin's true patience test)
// The Office Games (boys vs. girls) and whoever loses has to do some sort of punishment as directed by the girls
//Something Christmas-y I beg of you with snow and all things happy
//Maybe something with making Chaerin sing because honestly I'd love to see how much of the gaping and awestruck Tao gets bc cliche af and adorableness. I am literally a tree sapling.

password — Tim Burton (side note, my favorite film of his is Big Fish oAo) ((also i'm a er for christmas time is it acceptable to start celebrating yet))



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