School's started again..

Hi guys, this is just a really quick blog :D School has started once more and to be honest after 2! days I'm sick again. I have no idea what the heck I've done (other than waiting for the train outside but I was wearing my bear-eared sweater which is absolutely cute AND thick - so... I'm a bit upset at myself lol. I know that I ALWAYS get sick but this is getting kinda obnoxious. It's nothing too bad just coughing and feeling a bit feverish and all that. And well, today was a 'fun' day.

So imagine tiny little me (okay, I'm not tiny but whatever, 161 cms is not THAT short I guess) having my first class (of my new minor which is editing, yay :3). It means having to wake at seven thirty, going to the train station by eight fourty or so, and arriving just at ten. So I went there, found the classroom (THIRD FLOOR OTL) and stood there with the others..

for twenty minutes.

Finally hope came in the form of a man, we thought he was the teacher. Someone told me what class we were waiting for, he was like 'oh, that's not mine but... the teacher isn't in today'. 

My next class was at three, so I kindasorta came in so early for nothing. Yay. To make it all better there is a teacher I have to hunt down (because of thisoneclassifailed last semester), and I tried finding her but when I went to her office, she wasn't there. Gonna write to her but idk what to write lol. It's like, I'm torn between mentioning what I want and not, cause because of my fail, she is NOT teaching me this semester. Wouldn't it be kinda random to get a mail from a kid you don't teach lol. 

Anyway, back to my day... I went to the classroom by like two, sat down, started browsing my phone and all that. It was weird cause no one was there but I was like 'meh, they still have an hour'. I should have realized that I was silly cause I ended up at the wrong part of school, room 102 instead of -102. I feel so stupid lol. I was a bit late but the class consisted of introductions, so..yea, I'm safe. We also have a new Korean teacher and I actually understand what she teaches us which is definitely an improvement xD 

I have a longish day tomorrow, meaning that I may not eb able to do anything once more. I am planning to write soon (or at least finish some requests) but my brain is all mushy and I already took an afternoon nap like a few hours ago (after I got home lol, slept till like seven xD I will hopefully get out of this cold soon and be able to handle everything again. 

Plus, I have Fridays off, so~ yea, 3-day-weekend it is. That's like the only good thing in my new schedule. (it means more time for some extra studying, I decided to actually try this year (lol) and other stuff lol. No book-writing tho, I feel like losing the stuff on my books had managed to make me disconnect me from them. Like... it wasn't a lot but it was relevant. Random little things :/ (and I also have to write a 100-page thing or I have to invite out my friend for an expensive as restaurant cause I lost a bet, so... idk how I'll manage that xD) 

Okay, depressing stuff over, I gonna go, cuddle up in my bed, maybe hug a stuffed animal (developed this habit in the USA, idk why but I was never like this when I was younger) and watch Markiplier or Pewdiepie.

If anyone knows a fanfic that is SHORT, FLUFFY, AND , and too cute to handle, feel free to share it with me. I need some fluff in my life.

random fact: I write angst and tragedy easily, but I prefer reading fluff. oh well xD

Bye for now~


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You have it easy :( I have to wake up at 5:30, catch the bus at 6:30, get to school by 7:45, eat breakfast before then because I somehow always miss it, climb up to my 3rd floor classroom, then go up and down the stairs the rest of the day for my other classes. Anyways, I hope you feel better and it's awesome that you have a Korean teacher
Crazychild10111 #2
At least you don't have to wake up at 6AM every morning to catch the bus at 6:30 to get to school which starts at 7:20 AM. Most people actually wake up earlier than 6AM because, unlike me, they actually care about how their hair looks. Meanwhile, I just comb my hair... Can't do much with really curly/frizzy hair. :/ It's pretty bad that school starts that early because it's bad for the developing mind and a teen going through puberty. I wonder when you have to wake up when you had to go to elementary and middle school. But I wish you a good day tomorrow and hope you feel better. x'D