Families in twitter

First, my tita gets a twitter. But I made my account after she made one, which is like before I became a Kpop fan. Then she complains how I overreact in twitter and I can't voice out what I want because it feels like I have limitations. And my mom apparently also has twitter, but I don't follow her. I pretend I don't know she has one. Then earlier I tweeted about my mom and FT Island and like she was angry when she chatted with me, telling me I should delete it and I did. 


It's just too much restriction and limitations. Good thing they don't know tumblr or AFF because these are the only places I can vent out without having to think about the things I can't say because my family follows me. But I'm not that active in tumblr anymore because I get addictive, which is bad because I need to have high grades for this sem so I can have my debut/own laptop/trip to Korea (whatever they want).


I just hate all this restrictions and limitations. It's like I want to make another account, but that's just to much hassle, messaging and mentioning all my kpop friends to follow my other account. T.T But if only I could, then iI would.


I just feel like crying because I feel trapped and here I am, being unable to express myself because I have to think that my tita(aunt) and mom are gonna see my tweets. 


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aww poor you unnieee^^
unnie make a new twitter and if you do follow me pwease @@KimJoanne13
mine, my sister dont even care what I post because she's a fangirl too.

but it will be the end of the world if my mom makes a twitter acc.
you better make a new twitter acount though
you better make a new twitter acount though
i feel what you feel.. great that they dont know about aff
OMO! BLOCK THEM! lol xDDD haha!
I know! I really don't like it when my mom would limit and restrict me. It's not like it will do anything harmful to me.